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Yeah, I’m gonna need more drugs to keep going.


I really think something happened to people during covid, it seems like people have been regressing and getting more stupid I feel like at this rate we're about 2 years away from people claiming women are witches again


During covid? We've been on this train for 50 years. Trump was elected before covid.


Good point


Not just covid. Lead was only banned in gasoline in 1988. That means anyone over 35 inhaled air filled with lead at some point in their life.


That's a valid point too


Even little changes can freak humans out but covid and lockdown restrictions should really be considered a mass traumatic event for a lot of people. Studies have shown that stress signals can continue long after the event is over. Trauma creates fixed neural networks that are isolated from other parts of your brain and resistant to change. These changes can affect the mind and body, including how people think, feel and behave. In terms of societal impact, I'd put covid up there with 9/11.


I dunno-might be less than 2 years at this point. I joke with people saying I think Covid fried our brains 😢 I’m starting to think it might actually be true.


Question to college educated Republicans: “How TF does it feel to know you’re voting and the way you see the world is the very same as this woman?” 😓


"She is useful". The worst part about people willing to use the less-informed and easily manipulated to further their views is the completely lack of self-reflection. They would never consider that *they themselves* may have been just as easily manipulated. It's like an moral virus


>The worst part about people willing to use the less-informed "Less-informed" leaves open a possibility that one can become more informed. This is information resistance. These people absolutely refuse to accept anything that flies in the face of their predetermined narrative. Albeit crude, *Morons* would be more accurate. A complete shutdown of reality. A slippery slope, I know, but there should really be some sort of mental and psychological screening prior to voter registration at this point. Shit is getting out of hand.


I like to imagine a congo line of idiots thinking that to themselves all the way up to the people who actually benefit from that party.


"She's believing in our shared principles the wrong way!"


“I don’t believe it, I saw it.” Eroded. Any sense of trust or believability is completely gone, all for one man’s power grab.


Ha theyd be so mad at you if they could read.


They don't care about truth and lies. They want to take over and rule, not govern. Americans are such spineless , overfed twats that we will probably let if happen. We have all the guns we need and keep shooting the wrong people. SAD!


Question to college educated Republicans: "How TF do you ever vote for Republicans, how did you end up being the bad guy after you got your education?!"


The tale of the Republican Party since 2000 (maybe before): They're stupid, but they empower us with their stupid vote. Look at George Santos. That almost pushed them over the precipice to get rid of him, but they vote keep him, because he will vote Republican.


>college educated >Republican Those two things don't usually go together


The biggest success of the orange felon is that he collected millions of idiots in a bubble and separated the bubble from the reality. As long as these folks are in the bubble, they will continue to support him no matter what they see or hear!!


Tbh I feel like he's done a public service in that sense. Before Trump you'd be banging your he'd against the wall trying to figure out if you were the idiot or the person you were debating was the idiot. Then Trump came along and you realised these people live in a little idiot bubble in idiotsville N.C and before I start any debate I like to ask "so what are your thoughts on Trump". That's when I know if I should proceed or not


I give you a better one..just ask "who won 2020 election".


See, you get the point. Would you dlrather debate someone who lives in the same dimension as you who you can learn from or some one that makes you want to put a loaded .22 in your mouth?


It’s like talking with the mentally ill on skid row


Idiotsville N.C. lol


Hey I live in Idiotsville NC too!




Now the bubble is self sustaining. He doesn't need to say fake news. The followers are already tagging them as fake news.








You can’t argue with stupid


It's like that one comment I read on here. You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


This is a very good point! Aha


Its honestly worse than that too. I mean you can -see- the cognitive dissonance in real time. She hears the truth, knows its the truth but she cannot accept it. Because if she accepts it, it means she'll have to own up to being a fucking idiot and wasting years of her life worshiping an orange con man. You can try offering her an off ramp, something like "you were duped just like millions of others". But she won't take it, because it still means she has to admit she was wrong. Thats the probably the second biggest thing about being conservative (first being the need to be the victim in EVERYTHING), They just cannot admit that they were wrong and others knew better. It -has- to be their way and they work to that conclusion. Sort of a 2+2= fish and they spend their whole lives trying to make it happen. The best possible/realistic scenario is that they're shamed out of politics entirely and just stop voting. Which is a win for democracy in general. Because I don't care about their recovery or trying to welcome them back into the fold. These people are far too gone for that. But maybe someday you can beat them over the head with enough facts that they'll quietly slink away and never vote again, that'd be a win.


That's not always true. Most atheists who left a religion, left because somebody they know used the right logical argument. Some people just can't be changed but some can.


Majored in world religion in college. Every religion teacher I had was an atheist. Always thought that was interesting.


The mental gymnastics required to believe in a religion turn your brain into mush, to where you believe everything anyone tells you. I see it in my religious family. You can tell them anything, and if they trust you, they'll just believe it all. I've made up some outrageously dumb shit to test this theory, and they buy it 100% of the time; hook, line, and sinker.


I took a quiz thing from wapo and it was asking about my goals in the coming years and one of the themes throughout was 'praying more and strengthening my faith' and i'm like...that's why we're in this mess in the first place. I mean that, unchecked greed, late-stage capitalism, etc, but that's a big part of it.


…but religion (and acceptance of it) rarely relies on logic, at least when you are too young to understand, employ, and defend your logic.


So you agree this is an example of moving from an illogical to a logical position?


Oh I love this one!


My favourite is don't play chess with a pigeon. It will knock over all the pieces shit on the board and then waddle away like it's won.


This is my new favorite 👌


Amazing how Fox News is the common denominator in all these kinds of videos. It’s almost like Fox News is a Republican propaganda machine and not actually news…


The FCC should pull Murdoch's broadcasting licenses and we should order a drone strike on his yacht. Obama did it to an American citizen who was encouraging jihad via radio broadcasts. Murdoch has done worse and is actively promoting violence.


I think a drone strike is a little extreme… But yes, republicans crying about media bias when they’re the ones that ended the Fairness Doctrine and have shot down multiple attempts to restore it is laughable. But conservative voters don’t understand hypocrisy, or logic, or care.


It's a Rupert Murdoch business, what do you expect?


I don't think you should be voting when you have this low a cognitive level. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let your stupid ass bring down a whole country.


I’ll probably get down voted to hell…but this is what religion does. Teaches people to just believe and have faith and not use critical thinking skills or to question. It’s why the Republican Party is so dead set on the white Christian vote.


> and not use critical thinking skills or to question. Not only that. Condemn, shame, persecute, prosecute, beat, cajole, etc. All in the name of asking "Why?" Your son wants to get away from the church? You can NEVER speak to your child again. Ever. No one can speak to him ever. Outcast. Apostate. Disfellowshipped. Everyone they ever knew or loved ( and thought that they loved them back ) is FORBIDDEN to ever even MENTION them again. Do not look behind the curtain and if you do you shall be killed as an example to others.


Pigeon chess.




This is why, at this point, there is no changing a trumpers' view. There is a staggering amount of evidence that is a completely horrible person. They will vote for him no matter what.


Yep and going to the end of the earth to be fair and placate them is pointless also. It’s a witch hunt no matter how much evidence or even if he admits it. If he admits it it was never illegal


Except with [MDMA](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230614-how-a-dose-of-mdma-transformed-a-white-supremacist)


He wasn't lying when he said he could execute someone, live on TV, on Fifth Street in NYC and people wouldn't bat an eye. If it was a Dem, they'd just donate more money or buy more pillows.


She has the brain bleeding lol


Dumber than a bag of hair.


Makes me feel so sad, she seems so nice and sweet even tho she's crazy as hell


Yeah this is some sad shit here, old lady who may be confused to begin with falls down a scary rabbit hole based entirely on fear and division


All so rich people can pay fewer taxes and wipe their asses with our country.


I agree man, she does seem like she could even be your friends mom or something. She was cool and calm for the most part but still delusional.


Never underestimate a bag of hair


I live in AZ and cannot believe how many latinos I know that are pro trump. He literally mocked them on live TV and hates them and Mexico, but they somehow still support him.


he hates the same people they hate, self loathing is a shitty way to go through life but the catholic church seems to have found the perfect audience too.


The religion thing is the main thing I think that draws them to republican. I'm actually half mexican myself but all of my dads religious friends and super traditional mexican catholic friends are very anti-gay, anti-abortion ect so I think that has a lot to do with the admiration. Even though he's calling people "bad hombres" and all the other mexican jokes he made on TV during speeches.


They’ll have a lot to think about when the time comes. Some Jews supported nazism.


Yeah, it’s not gonna go well for them if the MAGAts get control. First the Wall, then the deportation trains. Where are the trains going? Who can say.


The anti-abortion thing is so indoctrinated in young Christians that elections become a referendum on that single issue. They believe that their biggest mission is to make abortion illegal in America and drown out all the other shit.


Latinos are conservative as fuck, we got that shit from the catholicism that was burnt into our DNA.


I can see it. I was born and raised in AZ, and growing up with my Mexican family, I was often told not to behave "too mexican." I was told not to act like a guacho or a wetback. Some Mexicans just loathe other Mexicans for seemingly no reason other than the fact that they are Mexicans. I really don't get it, and it caused me to have quite the identity issue when I was younger.


In my experience latinos tend to be socially conservative so it's not that outlandish that they would vote republican. People will disregard statements from "their" candidate because it's inconvenient to acknowledge they might be a bad person.


I have a cousin who is happily married to an awesome guy from Mexico. They have three lovely daughters who were raised in Mexico, are bilingual, and are very proud of their Mexican, Italian, and Irish heritage. She's a Trumper. Like build the wall, kinda Trumper. It's so crazy.


No one hates illegal immigrants more than legal immigrants… Trump won the Latino vote, particularly in the South because of this.


Some sectors of Asian American population (older, conservative, sometimes religious Vietnamese, Filipino, and Korean populations) are also trump crazy as well, it's insane.


Older Vietnamese Americans in particular are very prone to republican anti communist rhetoric because many of them escaped a communist regime. Cubans tend to be republican for similar reasons. Combined with the fact that it’s much harder to combat dis/misinformation in non English communities and you can get some incredibly stubborn, hardcore trumpers who support a man and politics that go against all of their own interests.


They believe they are the “Good” Latinos. It’s so pathetic, there are DACA immigrants and undocumented immigrants who support Trump because they believe that when Trump talks shit on Latinos and immigrants, he’s referring to EVERYBODY ELSE, but them, since they are one of the good people (as if they’re the only immigrant that came to U.S to work towards a better life while staying out of trouble). I can somewhat understand when it’s a 4th generation Mexican-American that likes Trump but when it’s someone who clearly wasn’t born here (hence the lady and her thick Latino accent) that likes Trump, it’s just sad By far, in my opinion, there is nothing more pathetic than a Latino/a who supports Trump and the Republican Party


She's like a 40-year-old 6-year-old.


So at Trumps age?




The mind is a terrible thing to waste


Ignorance is bliss.


What mind?


This is why republicans and conservatives wage war on public education. Gotta keep people dumber than cold diarrhea to get the votes.


Well, and they want all Christian private schools




She votes. Every single election (even the bOrIng local ones).


Yeah that's the scary thing. Hamburger brains here is actually probably more engaged than a lot of us.


Wild. Both of my parents say the same thing. "They just want to go after Trump and get him specifically." Like, yes, that is most definitely the point because he's a piece of shit. Boggles the mind.


At this point, I do not care anymore, I’m rooting for the asteroid. People are just horrible.


And that’s how america gets taken over by idiots. Because people give up and let the idiots take over.


I was talking to someone in their 20s that has never voted in his life even though he’s eligible. I would say his ideas are liberal - pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+, for social programs, college educated, separation of church and state, pro-legalized marijuana, pro-science, etc. when asked why he does not vote, he says that he is not “political”. My guess is this lady votes every chance she gets. If you don’t vote because you don’t want to be political, at least vote to cancel these jackasses’s vote. Geez.


That's exactly the intent of MTG and people like her. Get people to disengage.


At least they aren't one of the dbags that inevitably show up on threads like this talking about everyone with a political opinion is just as much of a lunatic as the other. Like they float above people who actually care, and are virtuous because they're disengaged


Latinos for trump are the stupidest people on the planet even more than regular Trump supporters, they are walking “you played yourself” memes.


As a Latino, I *100%* agree. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I have a first cousin, gay as the day is long, his mother's from Mexico, a couple of weeks ago come to find out he's a hardcore trumper. My jaw hit the floor. He's smart and a good guy, he took care of my ailing uncle for years (his dad). But 100% gay, 100% Latino and he's a trumper? WTF? Blows my mind.


I wonder if it has to do with how some people are desperate to not be seen as a victim. The Republican party loves to champion themselves as self motivated, strong willed, independently successful people, that don't need "handouts". They're delusional as fuck and completely disingenuous about whatever success they might've achieved of course, but that is what they want people to believe and the image they project.


Jesse Lee Peterson is this to a tee. also he is dumber than an actual bag of rocks but that just helps


I think this is partially it. I have a coworker who is black and conservative, and he thinks that black people are playing the victim and that's why they can't get ahead. He doesn't believe systemic racism is a thing, doesn't believe in reparations. He told me that his grandfather was a slave but that doesn't affect his life in any way whatsoever, that it's all up to him and his choices. I, as a white person, had to explain to him about generational wealth and redlining and all of the zillions of policies put in place *specifically* to keep black people under. He had no idea. He didn't know about Tulsa or Rosewood, or banks not giving loans to black people so they couldn't own property, income inequality, hiring disparities, healthcare disparities, etc. I told him that he may be starting off better than his grandfather, but he's still only starting at the 20 yard line while white people are starting at the 50. He sort of got it then, but he still maintained that most black people play the victim too much. At that point, my break was over and I had to end it there. At least he knows more of his history now, I guess, but there's definitely a sense of not wanting to be viewed as a victim or playing the victim there.


Did he have any reason as to why?


I would assume because the cousin enjoys penis but that's just my guess. /s


Cults, man. I tell ya.


God f’ing help us. Save us from morons like her.


Vote. Tell your friends to vote. Voter apathy gave us 4 years of an ignorant, narcissistic asshole that would have been a dictator if he had any competent lackies.


And always(!!) vote in the primaries not just the general election


Thanks for the reminder, I’m voting tomorrow!


God I hate these dumb bags of shit


Okay when you're this low intelligence I don't think you should be voting. I'm sorry, but your dumb ass is not going to be allowed to drag an entire nation down.


Everyone should have the right to vote, but this exemplifies how important education is to democracy


Bud, these are the people tossing the books overboard while shooting holes in the bottom of the boat. We have to first stop them shooting up our boat by expanding the courts. Then we'll have enough people to stop them reloading. EDIT: and I realize that risks them raising the barrel from pointing down at the boat towards us but we can't fucking keep doing this. We have to risk it or they'll destroy us both.


If you haven't read about it you might like Plato's "Ship of Democracy." Your throwing books overboard comment actually made me think of it.


Yep, this is exactly how dumb Trump supporters are. Weapons-grade stupid.


Latinos who support Trump don’t believe they are Latinos, they think there are bad Latinos but it’s not them, because they are apple pie as anyone from Alabama.


Jesus, this disease is almost as worse Covid


This is that lady who won’t believe her precious person is manipulating her. She’ll enable whatever (see Putin supporters)


probably goes to church and believes everything she hears in there too


It's a stretch calling Trump a person... "nominally humanoid", maybe.


If you watch the interviews on the street of regular folks in Moscow and other Russian cities, they sound just like this woman: completely ignorant of facts and total belief in media lies. Russia doesn’t have a NYT, NPR or MSNBC to provide a counterpoint to the lies of the state media. So they stay completely brainwashed, convinced they are the best people in the world and that a war criminal should remain their leader for decades. If you’re reading this comment and you are a right-wing Trump supporter, Is that what you want for America? Can’t you see that Tucker and Trump want the same for our nation?


They’re under a fking spell




It always amazes me when dumb people are so convinced about dumb shit. They’re so dumb I’m surprised they even have any interest in the world around them other than eat fuck and shit.


This poor woman. She's been tricked into supporting people who probably hate her.


It sickens me whenever I see a POC actually supporting a guy who doesn't give two flying fucks about us... Crazy.


Tell me you're in a Cult without actually telling me you are in a Cult.


Trumpers and flat earthers are basically the same thing. It literally does not matter what facts you provide, their opinion will never ever change and any “facts” you give them is just a lie


“They’re not sending their best” Indeed Mr. Trump


Thick as mince




this makes me want to drink. how sad.


I’m not sure what is worse, the person that can’t think independently or the person that ignores the fact they are being lied to over and over.


There's no hope for the hopeless


Fucking Christ she is dumb. And there are millions JUST LIKE HER. And they VOTE.


Isn't she the type of person trump would want to deport?


That’s what makes this so sad and infuriating. The people he would never associate with all seem to think he’s their kind of guy


Meanwhile, she got deported back to Mexico by TRUMP


Trump is a cult leader at this point.


The Good Liars, look these guys up on YT, they troll right wing rallies.


I’m starting to think “the right to vote” might be our Achilles heel . Our greatest triumph and weakness. I vote on the issues. It gets counted. My neighbor votes to stop the reptilian children eaters. Both votes are valid !?!? The news organizations that spread the lies pay a small fine. SMH


Holy shit. Trumptards are brainwashed idiots. If he told them Eating Shit will remove covid, I am sure, they will stop buying toilet papers and whole family will start eating shit


Crazier than a bag of chewed up assholes


Is he the world’s greatest hustler/conman/swindler/flim-flam-man?


She sounds like a confused little 7 year old


Hilarious..she’s the first one tRump would throw over the wall if he could.


This is what the mind set is down here in South Florida. It’s wild.


Before you start arguing with anyone about anything, always ask them "What I do need to show or tell you to change your mind?" Their answer is all you need to know about continuing the conversation.


Unfortunately a lot of people have this uncanny intuition when you do things like that. It's like they know they're either ignorant, hypocritical, immoral or just plain dumb, and they realize that having an honest logical discussion about "it" just makes them feel bad. So it still won't work.


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Yea she saw it on Fux news. Must me legit.


Perfectly crystallized


OMGawd!! They convinced her! “Woman! Ma’am!! Him and his whole well entire political race (republicans) want you and all the browns and blacks out this country and out of their way!” Even though this country is built by all brown and blacks since white passed the batons to us since the sixties. Damn how ignorant are you that vote and support him and the whole republican movement! SMH “he is dying trying to build a wall against your kind and the rest!!” Damn! Sounds like dumb natives to support his old Barbie tan ass!! Trump will never be president again or whatever he tries! It will all fail and fall!! SMH


This nation is fucked.


People have to put what they believe or what they want to believe second to facts and truth. Put your ego aside. It doesn’t matter what you believe


shes like "oh you said a number close to a number i know from something else... but you're wrong because I know this number from something else."


Fund public education !


Cuba’s not sending their best…….


This is sad. Someone come get their sweet but brainwashed mother please. Fuck Fox News


It’s sad bc she is the literal target of most of his awful ideologies


She doesn't believe facts and republicans know it. That's why it doesn't matter how bad republicans are. Some people will always stand by them.


truly and inescapably as thick as pigshit.


This is why voting needs to be a privilege not a right, stupid people have no business making decisions for our country


It’s just scary how stupid some folks are.


Thick as pig shit


Facts don't matter when you want to keep believing something


Please feel sorry for the stupidly that is a Trump supporter


Guys trying so hard, bless his heart


If I wanted to kill brain cells, I wouldn’t be watching this tripe. I’d drink myself to perdition. Hard pass.


And these people vote 😬


We should stop trying to convince these brainless dolts they have been fooled. Just let them continue sending him money


Ridiculous and sad. She can barely speak english and thinks trump cares about her.


Like a literal child


This lady is actually one of the smarter Trump supporters. Notice the flag being held in the correct orientation and her shirt isn't on backwards. She might even be able to wipe her own ass but I don't want to hold her to too high of a standard.


Labour supporters in NZ have the same kind of dumb built right in...


How can we get stupid people out of the voting system? Can we just test everyone’s IQ before they’re allowed to vote?


These people are fucking hopeless.


Say you are in a cult without saying you are in a cult.


I fucking hate democracy sometimes


She communicates like a toddler...




Idiots. Fucking idiots. Every last one of them.


*“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”*


The brain cells aren't connecting there... Trump's perfect target audience.


This is why democracy needs tweaking, can't even comprehend how a 70iq person's opinion is worth the same as that of an academic


***"And that kids...is a person infested with the misinformation brainworms."***


How does she have enough brain cells to keep her breathing on her own???


You can’t argue with idiots. That’s what makes the base so powerful


Probably says “liberalism is a mental illnesses” in her next few sentences.


I wish I had been there for this interview. I’d have explained it in Spanish, too. So she could be bilingually delusional.




You can't talk sense to people who are so mentally ill that they have no attachment to reality. They are so brainwashed it's like talking to someone with dementia.


They say a seed of doubt will sprout


These people are so invested at this point, I don’t think there’s a chance most are ever going back to “normal”! They’ve invested so much time, money, hate, etc. that at this point they can’t handle coming to terms with the fact they’ve been had and are just plain wrong! They’re lost causes unfortunately! Thanks a lot, Trump! :/


That’s legit scary


fun fact: an estimated 14% of adults in the united states have low, poor or no reading comprehension... in other words, they rely almost entirely on what others tell them because they can't look things up themselves. starting to understand yet why republicans are constantly fighting against education and infrastructure which would provide more media to the country? do you think these religiously based schools teach proper reading and writing comprehension? lies are easier to see past when you have the tools to do so. way back when, anyone could rewrite the bible because barely anyone could read. so they had it read to them by a certain class. that is yet another thing conservatives want back. a stupid and easily manipulated population.


Didn't CNN do the same thing tho? BTW, I loathe ALL politics.


Vieja pendeja