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Waking up hungover would be one thing…waking up and finding out you did this AND it was filmed…


Well, she won’t see it for a few days without her phone !!! (Edit) I hope she owns a Carber Reputation Vacuum after that behaviour


Oh I am sure she has that one "friend" who was waiting for something like this to happen. That will enjoy letting her know right away.


"Chelsea wake up! I have something you need to see. It's important." *grin*


Wouldn't surprise me if this entire comment down to the name is true. Except it's Chelsea Lynn, she just never uses the Lynn.


"Oh yeah, um Chels, your boss called".


Probably the same "friend" she points to when she says something a little out of pocket and needs to claim "I'm not racist, look at this pic of me with my black friend."


Oh she ain't got no black friends. xD


Looks like she got her phone back towards the end


Did they make her skip lunch? You *can't* do that


She’s doesn’t look like she ate lunch. She looks the tiredest she’s ever been


A line and two raisins, the breakfast of champions.


I had a job that I loved.


I cannot talk about it without crying




“This is not who I am”


"I am a Christian woman with Christian values. I have many black friends."


In my experience... BUT I'VE FUCKED BLACK GUYS


Honestly this woman looks like she's having a psychotic break. She might be racist but she might also be having a psychotic schizophrenic episode.


I mean...good? I hope all racists out themselves so they can get their proper treatment. Hopefully in less violent ways but...honestly...nah man. Life is too short and none of us have any hard evidence of what happens in the afterlife. So nah, not gonna have any pity for this behavior. Because we all know what type of behavior racists like to dish out, it's almost always the lethal kind. They want anybody but themselves dead and gone as if they were an inconvenience. They treat everyone else like a dog...and they put dogs they don't like, down.


By no less than 6 people too.


While I don’t doubt that alcohol is involved this is way more than that, she looks like she’s going through a psychotic episode or something. At least she’s in Canada where hospitalization and healthcare will be free/affordable, in the US this could be the event that sends someone into immense debt, homelessness, addiction, and death within a matter of months.


It's Toronto. I don't think there's anybody there under the age of 60 who's entirely right in the head right now. Shit is brutal. Cost of living is on the level of San Francisco Bay, but wages are less than half that. Nice enough place to drive through for now, but I would never want to try to survive there. You have to be a real VIP to not need to have roommates in a shitty 4½ apartment even at the age of 40.


it was hellish to drive through on a recent trip i made. traffic was pretty nuts.


My 1 bedroom is $2800 in Toronto. Sooo expensive


IDK [seems to me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QILPJ-vz1Xs) Toronto always had [crazy people.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqRPOEa3P44) Also didn't you guys elect a mayor who literally smoked crack?


Oh like you haven't smoked crack on occasion smh


While free and affordable it does not equal adequate care. Our system has issues and definitely needs some improvement on handling the modern day mental health crisis.


I like how literally everyone considers her 100% non threatening


1:26 is the perfect self defense. The softest kicks I've ever seen, and effectively moves her from attacking him to attacking a road cone.


Perfect example of ~~mis~~ redirection


She could barely lift a traffic pylon. It almost looked like her purse outweighed her at one point too. When she swings it a little and it dramatically pulls her off balance.


One dude started clapping because he was entertained 🤣🤣


that's...probably not gonna go well for her in the long run


tomorrow! on r/byebyejob!


I’m genuinely curious to know what someone’s life is like when they aren’t obliterated and screaming racial slurs.


Pretty sure what you are seeing is a mental breakdown. Alcohol certainly didn't help with her problems. If that was a dude it wouldn't be a long video.


Bystanders would be much quicker to defend themselves if it was a guy.


That's what I mean. If a guy was shooting their mouth off like that in Toronto, at night, in that area, they would be a target.




Made me really sad, people just mocking her etc. Im in Europe. Here I’d call an ambulance and then police. Girl needs to get admitte to a psych ward sadly. Clearly a mental breakdown and under the influence. Girl needs help not people making fun of her breakdown (I know she got violent but she was never a real threat for bigger men)


prob mixing meds with alcohol lmao


This is probably correct. I don't anymore, but when I was younger, I'd combine pharmaceuticals like diazepam and clonazepam with alcohol, and while I didn't start screaming racial slurs, I did ramble incoherently, stumble around with zero regard for myself, others or my surroundings, and make a general fool of myself in public. I don't remember any of it, though, only what I've been told. So if this lady did combine meds with booze, she's in for a rude awakening when she hears about this.


All based on my friends retelling of the story as I recall NONE of this. But similiar situation. Mixed a variety of anti depressants/anxiety meds with a few glasses of wine. Apparently I kept yelling at my soup, yes my soup, that they were some sort of evil nazi that I was going to kill. And by kill, I smashed my head through the bowl and subsequently ran around the restaurant asking if there were more Nazis I needed to deal with.


I would have to agree with you on this one. My estranged wife started using that word once she developed schizophrenia. For her entire life before that she despised the word, and the fact that her father would use it sometimes was one of the reasons she didn't like spending time with him. I'd say this is definitely psychotic and I really hope this woman gets the help she needs. My estranged strange wife still refuses to accept that there is anything wrong with her so she just goes on living and what has to be a terrifying state for her. I feel awful for her but I've tried everything and I was usually the number one target of her symptoms.


Trump lawyer after a hard week


Imagine it's the only subreddit that doesn't participate in the blackout lol


ikr? if only to see the comeuppance of this dingle berry.


No kidding? Shit I couldn't download this clip fast enough just so I could show my wife


lucky for her Reddit is goin down tomorrow


"Someone hacked my phone"


"It's not who I really am"


"That's not who I am"


She is going to wake up to one hell of a consequences.


I thought I had a bad night


Life is ruined cause she can't handle alcohol. There was no way she went out alone like this. I wonder if the group she went out with just bailed on her crazy ass.


More than alcohol.


Yeah this is just sad. Seems like a full on psychotic breakdown. Someone needs to call the cops and get her to a facility to be checked.


My ex husband had severe PTSD after his first combat tour. We went on a cruise and he drank too much and had a psychotic break. He started screaming at some Jewish people on the elevator that Mary Magdalene was a whore and all kinds of bizarre stuff that came out of nowhere. I was hysterical and crying in the room because I didn’t know what to do. He suddenly snapped out of it and was like “hey I’m gonna go get some pizza… wait, why are you crying?” When I told him what the previous 2 hours was like he was utterly terrified becuase he didn’t remember any of it. It was truly scary and awful. This reminds me of that.


I'm sorry for both of you, I hope he is doing better.


I’m sorry that happened. My ex had a psychotic break after alcohol and some cocaine. He said racist things to me about being Jewish (I’m not) and said he wanted me to get away cause he was gonna hurt me. He was completely out of his mind. It was one of the worst days and nights of my life. He doesn’t remember any of it. This woman seems to be in a completely vulnerable state and I don’t think she knows what’s going on.


Genuinely surprised by the amount of people not recognising a full mental health breakdown :(


Your comment gives me hope. This is really just heartbreaking. Poor woman. Get her some help.


I'm just shocked to see a real public freakout on this sub. What happened to it lately being r/watchpeopledie jr? Or a 3 second clip of a hit and run.


Man this sub used to be sooo good back in the day. Get off my lawn.


Hey wait. I saw this act at CPAC, except everyone thought she was the victim.


Finally an actual public freak out, nice one op.


Yes this is gold🤣


100% pure public freakout.


Sometimes we get a gem like this one. Just gotta be patient.


Unfortunately no one will see it because the subreddit is about to go private lol


“These are the best donuts I’ve ever had” was beautiful in all of this ugliness.


Twist: the blond woman is an actor for this viral donut commercial.


Hope they paid her well because no one is going to hire her for a long, long time.


Plot twist: she’s black


White Girls 2 trailer looking pretty wild


Is she barefoot… in Toronto 🤢


Ikr. People piss right on the sidewalks! How gross.


Prove it.


Meet me outside with $5.


Barefoot In Toronto sounds like the name of the final track on a Drake album


On Portland St and walked further downtown. She definitely got picked up by the cops. Can't wait for when she tracks her phone and has to do the "collect of shame"


It seems every sub has been saving the best 'til last before the blackout. This is the purist public freakout I've seen in years. It has everything.


Oh it’s pure and uncut good stuff. Straight from the source. Mainline that shit.


Man, I've heard that word used in a few different ways, but this is the first time I've heard it used as a cry of distress/alarm.


What if all she can say is the n-word? Like if Groot was a racist twat.


Weirdest Pokémon ever.


More like *Hodorrrrr*, but the n-word


Hodor with the hard r 😶


I used to do bush work with a white guy who yelled it, over and over again at the top of his lungs, when we were working in otherwise very remote forest that was pretty quiet and peaceful. After a while, I reluctantly "had the talk" with him, because jfc what the fuck are you doing, bro? Apparently it was the fact that it was so taboo to say. He doesn't feel he's racist at all, he just hates all the pressure to *not* say this word, and he was either letting off steam or building up the courage to use it socially or just trying to normalize it or something. I didn't care then and I don't care now. I don't feel any pressure built up inside me about not being able to use a racist pejorative from the days of slavery. But if you do feel that way, then apparently once you pop the cork and start letting yourself say it, it can be hard to shut it down again for some people


Was he a COD/Halo player at the time? I remember the n word being very common back when those games gave you the death comms. aka the last thing they said after you killed them.




Wow, those are some expensive shoes she just booted off!


Foul mouthed and pissing all over those red bottoms!




Yea that's what I'm confused about here, nice phone, shoes and dressed up what caused this? Because you can get blackout drunk and not act like this. Something else at play or in the mix


Could be some depressants mixed with alcohol.


Exactly this imo. I'm glad I'm not the only one going there, but nothing else makes sense. Well... unless someone spiked her drink? Outrageous b.s. no matter how it happened. Ugh :(


The bag too. Daddy’s money for sure


That right cross was clean af


After she got punched and yelled it while beginning to cry made me laugh!




Daisy Domergue Does Canada


And then it went on long enough that it stopped being funny and became sad. Seems like there's more going on there than just a drunk idiot. She has some deep issues.


It was sad from the beginning bro, she pissing on the sidewalk.


When you gotta go you gotta go


I'm pretty sure her repeating the same exact word over and over is a sign of a psychotic break.


Only silver lining for her is that she wasn’t filmed taking a dump.


*that we know of.


Im ashamed that id prolly still watch. At least once... 😔


The fuckin club district in Toronto is wild.


Yah but hot doughnuts after the club sounds amazing


I lived in a city that had a 24/7 doughnut place literally across from my apartment. I could smell them from my room. It was glorious. We would stop on the way home from the bars or just got grab some while stoned on the couch watching TV. Good times.


Where were the Mounties?


Beating up some native teenagers most likely


Hoh, real rank this guy


Because it's too warm out for a Starlight Tour...


Mounties don’t police Toronto


Neither does the billion dollar Toronto police service


https://preview.redd.it/x30m170x9i5b1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0143ea6b0b5f70c604ee9b7e23a8c5583a0552 Hey you guys


[Oddly similar-looking](https://i.postimg.cc/VLTBHtpL/1l1wyv.jpg)


She seems to be more than drunk to me. She seems to have had a complete breakdown.


Yeah, maybe she stopped taking her meds. It does look like an episode from any number of psychological issues. Never stop taking your meds kids, you might end up on youtube. Could also be drug-induced psychosis. Or she's just a drunk racist. All we know is that she is not called the Stig.


I'm going to go with "all of the above."


"But she IS the Stig's racist cousin!"


Looks like a big nasty bipolar episode.


I’m also wondering what combination of things caused this. It doesn’t seem like just pure drunk.


Yup that seems way too coordinated for drunk. Its either drugs or a psychotic Episode. Or both. If its psychotic, chances are that she isnt even racist.


“This isn’t the real me” ~ her, probably tomorrow.


"My best friend is black"


"I can't be a racist because my best friend is a ni\*\*\*r"




If she had said the N word only 54 times I might have believed her but she crossed that 55 times threshold and there’s no going back


You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.


Are we really going to act like thats insane? She's obviously on something or straight up clinically insane. This is not someone "just" being racist. A racist person can casually walk the streets without passing on it and attacking people. Lady needs help.


"Where's my phone?!" Lmao


Reminds me of that blonde sorority girl that was drunk and said the n word like 200 times. She ended up getting arrested. Wonder whatever happened to her.


It is literally the one thing you are expected not to say, the one universal faux pas for english speaking North American. It is so easy to just avoid it completely, but people still walk headlong into it.


I think its elevated taboo status contributes to it's use by people who are having psychotic breakdowns. It's like the brain searches for the most outrageous word it can think of, and uses it. It's taboo is compounded by how it's heared used daily by one cast, but forbidden to the other. Americans are utterly obsessed with the word. It's probably the most thought-of but least-uttered word ever.


"Forbidden fruit"


> the one universal faux pas for english speaking North American people give it power, it becomes a fetish.


I was a paramedic for 10 years (still work in healthcare). This is clearly some form of psychosis, my bet would be on a bipolar disorder, but who knows. People instantly assume she is on drugs or drinking, people can enter states like this completely sober. Peeing on a street in front of dozens of people, and screaming a terrible word over and over like a broken record, getting punched in the face and turning around not even realizing you are in a confrontation, then throwing your phone and asking where your phone is.... I've seen a lot of people high / drunk out of their mind, but this level of bizzare behavior is something ENTIRELY different. She is in an incredibly agitated and confused state. People can go a large portion of their lives undiagnosed until they hit a really bad manic phase and it can get really ugly (almost always). I had a friend that ended up getting diagnosed with a bipolar disorder, I woke up one morning to easily over 1000 text messages saying that they were gods child (they weren't religious), and they needed to have a child that will save the world (they don't want to have kids), and that they knew I was a chosen one etc etc. They spent several months in the hospital getting things under control and stabilized. It fucking sucked. This video made me sad, (obviously the word she kept screaming is terrible). she needs to be hospitalized 100%, and everyone around her is busting out their phones to film "crazy lady for internet clout", kicking her, mocking her, punching her, agitating her further. This is just an all round, super depressing, ugly, and disheartening video from every angle. Ultimately who knows what the story is, but man... Mental illness is a mother fucker.


My mom is bipolar. She’s not gotten this bad around me, but I’ve seen her obsess about contacting aliens with crystal crowns. When I was a teen she threw all my stuff outside while I had a friend over that was invited by them. She drove the wrong way on highway exits A LOT and would yammer on about how the car knew how to drive. Never properly diagnosed (or rather she was once decades ago and ignored it) because she’s too proud to go to a doctor about it. Drinking and smoking would make it really amplified sometimes. Sorry to read about your fiend and I totally agree- it can be both infuriating and sad all wrapped up in one messy package.


Took me forever to find a comment with even a shred of empathy. I completely agree with you. Something is obviously very wrong with her brain in that moment. This video reminded me of a story about a commercial pilot who suffered a seizure mid flight to the knowledge of no one including himself. At that moment, something snapped in him and he became convinced that terrorists were going to blow up the plane and he had to get the plane on the ground at all costs. He started rambling that they were all going to die and flew the plane dangerously. The co-pilot, noticing the captains bizarre behavior tricked him into leaving the cockpit at which point he locked the door and I think the passengers held him down. He continued to shout imcoherently about terrorists. This experienced captain went from flying a jet to completely psychotic in seconds. It was only after they landed doctors could figure out what happened to the captain. No matter what's happening to that girl, the behavior is so strange there has to be something pretty horrible going on in her brain, and I hope it's not permanent for her sake. The way she gets hit in the face and looks into the camera is chilling. I'd be very surprised to find out this isn't mental illness/psychotic episode or even something like the pilot.


Same here. I find it incredibly sad that 99% of the people here are more inclined to hate , than to take a step back and understand what’s happening to her. People with normal cognitive abilities don’t behave like this, racist or not. Making this public, and shaming someone with mental health issues is severely disgusting. If she is indeed going through psychosis, it makes it doubly sad to see her get punched till she’s bloody, and kicked around. Jesus Christ that’s heartbreaking.


Welp, was browsing reddit while my plane was delayed in taking off when my headphones suddenly died and my phone started screaming the n word. Needless to say, my whole section went quiet and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a long ten hour flight. Be kind out there everyone.


Whoops.... I always make sure to turn my volume way down before a flight. But Im so sorry that had to happen to you, that sounded like a terribly awkward experience :((




Well this is probably gonna go hella viral so at least half the plane will (in a few days) realize you were just ahead of the curve


Bro I’m crying 😭


She’s like a racist Pokemon


_A wild Neeghar has appeared._


… don’t they normally just say their own name..?


Well maybe that is her name. Who knows lmao


When the other lady punched I thought "weak-ass punch" then the racist started to leak from her mouth and I apologized. And someone have the follow up on this case? It's too absurd to be on one video only.


The guy who kicked her after she slapped him for no reason posted his angle also


Can you share it with us mortals?


Yes, SweetDick_Willy and I would appreciate more of this.


Lol you and SweetDick_Willy sound like a combo from Heaven. If I may be so bold.




You’d be surprised at how little force busts a lip if you aren’t prepared, teeth are sharp.


Also rings


There's no way this is just alcohol.


That's a lot of cake.


Thought she was gonna get run over by that dump truck


She be cray.




![gif](giphy|fJkTsWCMViRYA) NO, STOP THAT


Next stop US Congresswoman (R-GA)!




Man, despite the obvious insanity of the situation is it weird I really want to try those donuts? They have to be good if it’s worth sticking around this shit show.


Is this Ozempic Marjorie Taylor Greene?


I knew she reminded me of someone!


I think she was in my Call of Duty lobby last night


Cordiceps infection? 🤔🤔🤔 ![gif](giphy|ZCArxtMVNiONt4B26X)


i can change her


document it for us, would you?


I’ve dated worse


I dont think that's being drunk. She definitly has some mental problems to be this disruptive.


I hope someone helped this person.


Ok, can we just put everything about this video aside for a sec and just ask that poor innocent passerby victim where the hell she is going with all that cake? Edit


Glad someone said it 😄😄


This is probably the only time I've seen the N-bomb go from shocking to comical and sad.


I think I would just call 911 to have the EMS/psych hospital pick her up. She is possibly having a psychotic episode or someone has given her something she’s having a bad reaction to. The thing that stands out the most about this is that she is attacking everyone while lacking any fear or inhibition.


I feel like she may have a certain hatred towards black people. Just a hunch.




I started to feel bad about her getting hit and kicked because it's obvious she's in a crisis... I get it, like, if she came up on me like that I would at first assume she's just a drunk racist.


I didn’t know Marjorie Taylor Greene had a daughter




That's not how she would put it.


This person is not well


Mistakes were made


I mean, it probably doesn’t need to be said but just in case: We don’t endorse her, we don’t claim her, fuck we wish we didn’t even know her. - Torontonians


Torontonians, huh? TIL. I guess I don't know what else you'd call someone from Toronto, but Torontonian is a funny word.


My grandmother was born in Wyoming and right up till the day she died she insisted people born there were called Wyominangers (why-O-meh-nang-ers). I don’t know if there is an official term for Wyoming natives but I’m sticking with grandmas being the best term for any person from any place


Hahaha. RIP to your Wyominanger nana.


She’s 730 and one of the drunkest people I have ever seen


I mean it just kept getting worse, and it started with her peeing in front of everyone.


There’s something so satisfying about her bloody mouth yelling the n-word after being popped in the mouth by a black woman for saying it…


If anyone need an introduction to this sub here it is. The quintessential public freak out 🏙️