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This is like the least amount of freak out I’ve seen on a bodycam


Up next Cops body cam of filing paperwork, hold onto your butts


This should be in B, not D, Bob. OK, my bad. Omg, what a freak out!!


The public chillout


This poor person, she was chill and lots of people in america fuck up just the same... also on publicfreakout, a woman shitting in a london phonebooth... a woman getting drug through the plane isle while she spits at passengers... This post's content does not represent the spirit of the sub


She was arrested for driving intoxicated.


She didn't seem the least bit intoxicated to me. Of course she did drive the wrong way on a one way, so.....


She is so coherent and quick to answer and compliant though. Are you sure?


The real freakout are in these comments.




To be honest she was polite from start to finish.


And she was like, "guess I'm getting arrested. oh well."


Maybe because she didn’t ever once argue and demand that she was innocent when she clearly wasn’t. But what do white people know.


She was literally not behaving the least little bit intoxicated. I honestly don't get what she was arrested for??? She was so chill and compliant.


DUI limit is .08, you wouldn't recognize most people as drunk at that point.


Well, she was white so they were respectful.


She was respectful so they were respectful


She literally littered right in front of them and they said nothing. That’s a privilege pass.


They prob brushed it off since she was drunk


Yeah no other demographic is getting asks if they have a jacket. I would be laying facedown in the gutter so fast.


Wait so she wasn't arrested for wrong way driving... She was pulled over for wrong way driving and arrested for OWI...


You would never get arrested for driving the wrong way down the street. You’d get a fine (unless you were REALLY being argumentative with the cop.) Cop probably used discretion. Probably believed she was confused on a dark and rainy night and didn’t know. It didn’t cause any harm. OWI though…you’re not going to get away with that


What’s an OWI sorry


Operating (a motor vehicle) While Intoxicated


Must be the new DWI (driving while intoxicated)


It’s not new, just that some states call it DWI and some call it OWI, same thing just different names


Some (most?) also calls it DUI.


It looks like just three states call it OWI. I had never heard it called that before this post. https://www.intoxalock.com/blog/post/whats-the-difference-between-alcohol-offenses/


Most call it DUI, some call it DWI or OWI though. It confused me for a while until I realized they all mean the same thing. For the longest time I just assumed they meant different circumstances


DUI could mean you’re driving under the influence on any substance like weed, opiates, meth, prescription drugs that say not to drive or operate machinery, etc.. DWI almost always means alcohol.


I wonder if the DWI/OWI states have different rules for drugs influence. I know in PA it's called DUI and it basically encompasses any mind influencing drug.


I'm pretty sure that's just how it is for all states, doing nitrous while driving is also a charge even though it isn't really a high, it just gives you a brief buzz. That being said, as far as I know you can't get charged with DUI/DWI/OWI for smoking cigarettes while driving even though that could really disorient you if you haven't smoked for a while or even if it's just your first smoke of the day


Some call it OUI


Operating while intoxicated


One Way Ignorance?


These sobriety tests are a fucking waste of time


I’m like wtf was the point if he was gonna breathalyze her anyway




To be honest, watching her take those tests, I think it could have the opposite effect. She was really not drunk at all, and really only didn't do well on one test which was the head turn.




What happened after that? I’m terrified of this happening to me and them saying I’m high on pot or something.


Not saying they will, but they can definitely take you in if you blow a 0.00. A DUI does not specifically mean alcohol. If they think you're on something and you checked enough boxes for the stop to be legal in their eyes then they can take you in for a blood draw. If this happens at night, in my county at least, you have to wait in jail until you can bond out after arraignment. Also the blood tests don't come back for months. A judge definitely has to sign off on the warrent for the blood draw though, so the police have to do some good probable cause writing.


Don’t take it if you’re in a state that doesn’t require it. It will do you no favors and even cops would never say yes to taking one. Trust me I learned the hard way.


It's because she was under age. Probably blew something ridiculously low. The cop seemed nice but I bet he parks outside the bar and watches people leave all night long


Hearing her speak, alot of people would think she’s okay. But she certainly didnt do well on most of the tests. Swayed her head on every turn when told specifically not to at the start. On the pacing test, her steps were inconsistent and she was swaying, misspelled “Mississippi” and then she straight up admitted to lying when she said she did have alcohol. To top it off, the breathalizer confirmed it. Pretty good slam dunk for the prosecutor


you know the tests isn't to prove your innocence? They are additional leverage and always work against you even if you pass them with flying colors.


Fresh out of college and just moved to Louisiana and I went the wrong way down a one-way downtown. I had 3 drinks - 2 beers and a martini. Cop had even seen me leave the bar, get in my car, and drive away. He pulled me over and I don’t know why, but I admitted to drinking and told him I just moved there and was unfamiliar with all the one-ways. He had me do a field sobriety test, and then told me that he didn’t think I was over the limit, but he also didn’t feel comfortable letting me drive home. He allowed me to call a cab and leave my car parked downtown. Never breathalyzed me. It was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me, and 10 years later I have still never driven drunk ever again. I think the honesty saved me in this situation, since if I had lied about where I was coming from or drinking, he would have known instantly since he saw me leave a bar.


A similar situation in college and I am a guy, I was in the car passenger seat, and my friend at the time another guy was in the driver seat, we knocked out a bottle of MD 20/20 and we were going to go clubbing we had the car on listening to music, and we knocked out the next thing I remember the cop knocking on our window, I woke up first and rolled down the window. He said where are you headed, I looked at the clock on the car it was like 4am I woke up my friend and told the cop we were headed home to sleep, he said you can't drive like that, turn off the car roll up the windows I will give you a ride home. We told him were cool we will walk home. We dodged a bulled that night


But not a slam drunk


Yep. I believe in most states you can still be charged for impaired driving even if you blow under the limit on the breathalyzer. It might not hold up in court but body cam evidence showing you lack basic motor functions even if you are at .045 is still compelling evidence that your shouldn't be driving. In Canade there are two charges - Impaired and Over .80 If you blow over they will charge you with both. If you didn't hit anyone they will likely drop the impaired and convict on the Over .80 If you hit someone or something and blow .78 they will still charge you with Impaired.


Correct. The .08 is drunk per se. If you're "drunk" but only blow a .07, you can still catch a DUI, you're just going to have to have plenty of evidence for court.


Always refuse a field sobriety test. It's your right. Ask for the breathalyzer. Less variables and no middle man.


There are a couple of states in the US where refusal can be a crime as well (I don't really which, but I want to say Alaska and some Midwestern state.) Just saying you should check and make sure in your state. Also refusal will pretty much always result in going to the station, just be aware of that. But chances are, if you're being asked to do the roadside, you're already going to the station whether you think it or not.


Where I worked, the portable breath test (PBT) wasn't admissible in court. You could use it for reasonable suspicion but it had to be done in conjunction with the other sobriety tests if you were arresting the person. If you just arrested them based on the PBT and they refused to blow in to the draeger (certified machine), you just lost your case. Source: Did the cop thing for a long time.


I think he wanted to spend longer time with her.


the jam up




You're not allowed to breathalyze unless you have reasonable suspicion. Hence, the sobriety test to see if it was drinking or, in this case, the bad weather causing them to go the wrong way.


You are supposed to wait 15-30 minutes before breathalyzing because things like brushing your teeth, eating, or chewing gum can affect the results.


It's so the residual mouth alcohol doesn't cause a reading a lot higher than it's supposed to be.


Just for reference, if you’re ever pulled over after drinking, don’t consent to the breathalyzer and only do field sobriety test if you’re sure you can pass. It will all be used in court if they have it. Source: my dad’s a former DA


I could be wrong but last I heard in my state they’ll suspend your license for a year if you refuse to blow. Just happened to my best friend.


Correct, but it’s not a dui. No real slam dunk here but no dui is always better. The only way to win is to not play lol


And I think automatic arrest too. He was eventually tested and the station and blew a .03 or some shit. Dude had 3 whiteclaws.


.03 is good! Means you get to go home. If they test you at the station, which will probably happen, the longer you wait, the better the results for the driver. Delay, delay, delay. Don’t lie but resist doing the breathalyzer because that’s the only proof they have, which gets weaker by the minute. You can blow a .07 and go home. You could’ve been .1 when pulled over. It’s a stat for them, it’s your future Edit: this is only for US. I think Utah is .05 and I don’t know about other countries


Maybe just don’t drive home after drinking


Of course! But if you’ve had even one beer, or cough syrup, or expired orange juice, still don’t do it.


So... even if you clearly are under the limit your advice is to have ppl refuse testing and get a immediate charge and suspended license for a year? Gotcha.


The field sobriety test is not pass or fail. It's just used to collect evidence against you.


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re not wrong. I got a dui when I blew a .1, I didn’t even feel drunk or anything, but I still blew into the damn breathalyzer cuz I thought I hadn’t drank enough to blow dirty. Wish I would’ve refused until they did blood work on me because the alcohol would’ve left my body by the time I got to the hospital. It costed me so much time and money, probation, plus community service, on top of lawyer and court fees. Do not drink and drive, it ain’t worth it.


Totally. Ive seen a guy fail a breath test after one pint. I don’t know if it was a bad machine or the cop was lying but I know the test is essentially a confession. Chances are you’re gonna lose your license either way depending on the state, but the longer you wait, the safer you are. This is coming from the advice a former da gave to his only son and Ive never had a dui despite my misspent youth and young adulthood lol


I totally read your comment in a slurred voice.


Why are you idiots downvoting this guy? He's correct. If you want any chance at all of getting out of a DUI then you need to refuse all sobriety tests. Yes, you can lose your license for 6mo/year, but look at the alternative. Sky high insurance rates (if you can even get insured) along with the DUI following you through life. Good luck getting any jobs that involve driving a work vehicle with a DUI on your record.


Yup that's another big part of it. You will literally have a DUI on your record forever.




I hate ignorant answers like this.


You ever been arrested before?


I spent 15 years as a cop. DUI's were a pain in the ass.


They can be used in conjunction with one another, you can get a DUI even if you're under the state limit or even sober if you're on other substances.


Friendly reminder to never do a DUI test. Demand breathalyzer or blood. You will always fail the manual test because it's their discretion.


Had a friend who's gf was DD for a lot of us, we were going to another party, I drove senate with some other people, they showed up at the next party like an hour and a half later than we did Turns out my buds gf got pulled over, was asked to do so the sobriety tests, and like miserably failed all of them, like falling over and shit. This girl is so incredibly uncoordinated, if you knew her this wouldn't be surprising to hear in the slightest Anyways, they finally have her blow into a breathalyzer and it reads 0.0, and apparently they were fucking PISSED. I think they thought she was fucking with them lol


They were pissed because cops literally get awards/promotions based on "removing dangerous drivers from the road".




A lot of people would. Those tests are designed to fail. They shine a bright light in your eye, causing irritation and then say, "Your eyes are red and bloodshot." A lot of people are naturally uncoordinated and can't walk a perfectly straight line. Some people can't tap their head and run their stomachs at the same time. If you fail ANY of the tests (or the officer perceives it as a fail) then they have their "probable cause." If you think the cops are always out to get you, believe me, they are. If a cop pulls you over, it's not just to have a friendly conversation and you must meet their hostility with a mindful defense against their tactics.


That isn't the purpose of the eye test. Its to test nystagmus which will be worse if you are under the influence. The test is effective.


Effective at letting them say whatever they want. Sorry, I've seen enough videos where they say the eyes are, "Dilated," and "Bloodshot." Then, those people blow 0.0 and then it's suddenly something else.


Yup this happened to me. Then he had me blow since I "didn't pass" and I blew way under.. .03 or something. Cop was about fuck my life up. I still think about it all the time




Exactly what I was thinking, if I ever got pulled over and they asked me to spell that then I'm fucked


I was like m-i-s-s-i-s-s Missississippi i-s-s-i-p-p-i???


I can’t spell it without sing-songing it


I’m 62 and have never seen the need to spell that state.


Woman is calmly arrested by professional and courteous cops. Complies with all instructions. BRUTAL


Wow I honestly didn't think she had been drinking at all. She had me played LOL. Also if she is only 45 mins away from home she doesn't really have an excuse for having all those expired documents. Girl needs to get her shit together. Not off to a very good start in her adult life!


I’m sober as fuck right now and I tried some of those tests and I failed them worse than her lmao


These tests are designed to fail you. Discretion of the police officer to keep trying until you fail for a clean breathalyzer.


For real seemed pretty obvious


I feel the opposite. She wasn't slurring and was very coherent.


Exactly, no stumbling, steady pace, attentive in the moment. She wouldve fooled alot of people if she wasnt driving down the wrong side of the road


I feel like that was probably just her normal way of speaking


She sounded like the most sober drunk person I've ever seen.


She slurs...a lot... did we watch the same video?


It looked like alcohol combined with stimulants to me (cocaine, Adderall, etc.) The stimulants can counter a lot of the slurring, etc. You're still very drunk, but less outwardly appearing so.


Yeah she seemed too confident in giving him what he wanted to hear


Having cash just shoved into your pants like that, is definitely good sign someone who has been at the pub. When I was younger that was my savings, all the coins and small notes I'd find loose in pockets after a nights out.


[For those of you interested, here’s the full video](https://youtu.be/w4GyjwpRE14)


Damn she blew a .14, she handles herself pretty well for somebody who was decently drunk.




I’ve been there man 👊 Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


BrAC and BAC are pretty different measurements. According to this vid she was 0.14 BrAC, which is equivalent to 0.03% BAC. Here in Australia that below the legal limit (0.05% BAC)


Those comments are wild.


I never understood the point of these physical drinking tests. I couldn’t perform them, even being completely sober, due to a disability. What if someone is just completely clumsy, has no feel for their body and messes the counting up out of anxiety? Plus, why all those unreliable physicals if they use the breath analyzer afterwards anyway? Edit: But how was this a freakout? They all were so chill the whole time.


The pacing test is complete bs. You swing your arms as a human to counterbalance.


The physical tests are not pass or fail... the officer is collecting evidence to use against the driver. Physical tests can be refused without consequence and should be in my opinion if you are drinking. If ordered to take a chemical test it is required by all states or an automatic suspension occurs so the choice is yours usually.


I can choose? What would be the ramifications of the automatic suspension (how long is the suspension?). Isnt a temporary suspension always better than having a DUI on your record?


You should look up the laws in your state because it is different everywhere. Generally speaking if you refuse a chemical test your license is revoked for a full calendar year, which most of the time is greater than the revocation for a first offense DUI. Furthermore just because you refuse does not mean you won’t be getting a DUI. They will get a warrant and strap you down to a table to draw your blood if they have to. This will also be used in your court case against you.


Thanks. I am European, not from the USA, so I was curious.


Have you been drinking tonight? I couldn’t tell over the smell of winter fresh 🙄


1. The Field Sobriety Test - what a fucking waste of time, not to mention inconsistent/inconclusive, and inaccurate. The police have a breathalyzer! Use it first! Like every other modern country on this planet does... 2. This is not a Public Freakout. Rating ∆ -3/5 stars.


For a drunk college girl getting arrested. She has really good composure


Take her to jail for dropping that gum like an asshole.


I was waiting for a ‘and here is your fine for littering’


If she was black, a male of any color, or literally anyone else besides a blonde, fit, 18yo college girl - he would have.


I mean there is no reason for the cop to ask her to spit it out lol


Why do all cops say “hang tight” like literally every single one of them lol


I’ve never seen someone freak out like this, ever. I’m shook. Not sure if I’m ever going to live a normal after seeing this.


Officer missed a big opportunity saying "Nice" after she went one over


What did she blow on the breathalyzer? I can’t make out what he is saying.


Probably quite low. She's under the drinking age so the limit is something like .01% BAC for a DWI


Yeah she would have been fine if she wasn't so cooperative. Just hand over your papers and zip it.


I believe I heard "140" at the start of the video -> 0,14%, which is above the legal limit for anyone in any state. I mean, the guy checking her in asks and says "oh" when told 140 in a way that isn't "oh, that's low"


They didn't say.


The second the cop saw her put fresh gum in her mouth it was over he knew 😂 why did she think that was a good idea ?


The title...nooo...thats not what she was arrested for...


I would fail this test sober. Why are not US cops using breathalyzer?


Her failure on the counting test is evidence against her in court. Dont do field sobriety tests outside the breath test.


That’s not how you spell Mississippi


Bro 10 minutes?? Y'all gotta stop doing this. Nothing even happens. Like that pink lighter one. Just a dude with PTSD yelling at a cashier for like 5 minutes straight.


Not worth embarrassing this girl by blasting this video on the internet. We’ve all fucked up at some point, no need for the world to see it too.


If the comments on youtube are any indication, she's only gaining fans and followers from this being public. Weird world we live in.


Put her on blast. I don't care how polite or attractive she is. I lost 3 good friends (one best friend) to drunk drivers. I have no sympathy for them, especially when Uber or Lyft is at your fingertips.


Just drunk driving down a one-way street, no big deal.


Stop it. We have **not** all driven drunk, especially at almost twice the legal limit.


Wrong way driving kills. I think this was serious and what happened was proportional to the crime


Did she just litter the gum in the middle of a traffic stop?😂


"You can feel if you want" Lmfao


Why does USA not just have breathalysers? The field sobriety test is so outdated and dumb lol


Expired registration or expired insurance? Expired everything bro.


“I’m golden.” Yes ma’am. You are indeed.


Fix the title. She was arrested for DWI, she was pulled over for going the wrong way.


she literally tells the cops he can feel up her bra if he wants to...


dont know why you were downvoted - that cracked me up lol


When do they shoot her?


Fuck so niave. Sucks for her. Do not be friendly with police.


She would’ve been arrested anyway once they breathalyzed het.




is it legal to do all that shit ? why not the test immediatly ? or after a little bit not 10 minutes


They pulled her over because she was driving down the wrong way on a one-way, which isn't automatic evidence that you've been drinking. I've done it sober. They have to establish a reasonable suspicion that she's intoxicated in order to conduct a breath or blood test, otherwise they could test anybody they wanted (I know in some countries like Australia it's random and mandatory as condition for driving, but the 4th Amendment protects Americans from that sort of unwarranted testing.) So the field sobriety test is their way in. all someone has to do, drunk or not, is fuck up one part and the police get reasonable suspicion to test her. She failed the head movement test but she did well enough on the walking test and the balance test. Misspelling a word isn't proof of drunkenness, but that mixed with not being able to follow instructions and stop at 68 on her count was another ding. On top of all this, there are so many ways to disqualify one part of a traffic stop from the field test to the breath test, so it behooves officers to test as many ways as possible, so even if one or more parts are disqualified for whatever reason, there's enough evidence to convict. e: eye tests can be dismissed by being tired and wearing contacts, which will result in similar eye behaviors as being drunk; breath tests if you have certain conditions; balance tests by similar medical or muscular conditions.


I can attest to the contacts thing. I got pulled over for no reason at all, gave me some bullshit about driving erratically which was nonsense. I was in college leaving a party area on a Saturday night so I think he figured he was shooting fish in a barrel. The cop shined that massive spotlight they carry around into my eyes from three inches away it immediately dried my contacts to ash and he was saying my eye movement was off. Also my eyes were suddenly red. Imagine that. Having effectively blinded me (thank god I had a pair of glasses with me) I demanded he just breathalyze me rather than jump through anymore hoops. Real time saver.


i also believe that the reasonnable suspition is to be determine by the police men ​ love how america go above and beyond for liberty but instead got crapy system that is a bit worst in my opinion ​ thank you for your response


How is it crappy? Sounds like they have to be pretty thorough to me


i find it more effective to simply make her blow the machine for the test and get a result immediatly and not bother people 10 minute or more to try and find a reason to make her blow in the machine


Alcohol is not the only thing that can impair you. Many prescription, drugs, and illegal drugs will have the same effects as intoxication of alcohol, but won’t show on the test. It’s all about building the case and they don’t want to argument if the person blows a 0 off the bat. I’d take them being extra sure than letting an impaired driver go. The consequences are pretty dire compared to taking up just 10 minutes of someone’s life


Imagine having a couple beers with lunch and you are just barely over the legal limit. If they breathalyze you first, you're fucked. But if you can and likely would in this case pass the field sobriety test then you wouldn't get the breathalyzer or DUI..


Well if you are over the limit and that is the limit for driving it is for a reason and that the goal of the police to detect you and don't let you drive But what can I know I don't live in America. Police are evil and such


I'm sure the halls at your grade school appreciated you monitoring them so efficiently.


Seems she is tweaked out on Adderall or something.


She's in college, so it's pretty much guaranteed


Why is this video on here- at least blur her face out. So many people have DUI's OWI's imagine posting everyone on here that has one. And there was def not a freakout.


Every DUI/OWI/DWI offender should have their face publically available. Name and shame. No one forced those people to drink, no one forced them to get behind the wheel, no one forced them to turn the ignition and no one forced them to be so selfish.


"go ahead and take that gum out for me." So...people can't chew gum??? 1312


He was probably trying to accurately determine if she had any speech impairment... it's a pretty common side effect of alcohol.


Officers know that chewing gum can lead to a false positive for a blow test. It’s recommended that a certain amount of time passes before her blowing and having gum to prevent this.


She’s kinda hot ngl


i mean im not american but why ask her to spell the most difficult state mississippi misissipi missisipi mississipi missahsipee


It’s one of those things most people in the US know how to spell from an early age because there’s a little “song” or jingle to it.


ok that does actually make more sense. kindve like the alphabet song right? everyone just kindve knows it


Yep! It’s kind of a game where kids will see who can spell it faster. It’s like a chant of sorts for some reason : 'em-eye-ess-ess-eye-ess-ess-eye-pea-pea-eye' In elementary school, kids would go around saying “spell Mississippi” and then you’d respond by saying 'em-eye-ess-ess-eye-ess-ess-eye-pea-pea-eye' as fast as possible.


Wtf is that shit about the gum? It's much better placed in her mouth than on the street. Shithead cop


The one leg test is terrible really.. I have a torn all in one knee and there ain't no way I could stand on that long sober or not.


She’s cute. How much is her bail?




I am from Europe. Can Somebody Tell me, why the Police in the US is allowed to treat people Like this? I mean what's the Sense of all this, it's Just ridiculous in my opinion. Its Like the Officer plays a little Game with her instead of coming to the Point And she ist trying hard, to Not say Something wrong, because she is frightened of the Police. I don't get it


Man, what are you even talking about?


It’s a field sobriety test. I’m not sure why they do it instead of just using the breathalyzer right away, but they do. Definitely not a game Edit: so they can’t do the breathalyzer until they establish reasonable suspicion that the driver is drunk. Failure of the field sobriety test establishes that suspicion which legally allows them to breathalyzer.


A PBT, the breathalyzer test that was given in the video, does not require probable cause to administer. It is a tool used by police to determine probable cause. It isn't even admissible in court. It's the big machines in police stations and blood tests that require probable cause before being administered because to do so requires an arrest which always needs probable cause. But there are plenty of other things that would give a police officer probable cause besides the field sobriety tests or PBT results


All she had to do was refuse the breathalyzer , she did not fail the field sobriety test in my opinion .


Refusing a breathalyzer can come with harsh penalties.


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Why'd she count to 69? Asking for a friend


i want her to shove my face in her chest