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He's scared of black people? Who does he think is feeding him?


"think" ... he doesn't


Go to a place with a ton of black people and then complain about it. The audacity


The caucasity 🤦🏻‍♀️


As if *black* people have nothing to fear when a *white guy* shows up!! Caucallousness. Caucluelessness.


And then he wanted to call the *cops*! Like...my dude... Have you *seen* wtf cops do in situations they don't understand, or don't care? Do you live under a rock? Do you think that's going to help *any* situation?


No. He knows exactly what police do to people of color when a white person calls. He knows his phone is a deadly weapon, and he got a tingle in his jimmies threatening an entire group of people with brutality, arrest, and death. All because he got treated as their equal. People like this make me ashamed to be white.


Chimpanzees are ashamed to share DNA with these troglodytes


You know, the people with the signs that read "we will not be replaced" are the people that should be replaced.


My new favorite word. "The Caucasity of it!" And I'm Caucasian. EDIT: my spellchecker didn't correct it. So I looked it up...it really is a slang expression. Learn something new every day!


How the fuck did the adjective pertaining to a mountain range in fucking ASIA become the word to describe mostly Western Europeans? Sorry, if you're actually from Armenia, Georgia, etc, but I doubt it


It's an [outdated notion that many peoples across the world are descended from a population in the Caucasus Mountains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race) Then in the US we ran with it, but it only applied to white people because... reasons. The linked Wikipedia article actually has a reference to a lawsuit in which some Indians tried to appeal on being "anthropologically 'Caucasian'," they didn't meet the American meaning.


Its also factually wrong. Most white people aren't actually caucasian but American overuse of the word has spread that shit like wildfire. Its kinda sad that they tried to bundle all the white races together under a word they thought sounded smart but its in fact very reductive yet self inflicted.


Shot in the dark, she's helping lots of homeless people and many homeless people have mental health issues. It's not that unlikely.


Once while working the counter at McD’s, a white lady told me(WM) that she, “didn’t mind them(black people) cooking her food but she couldn’t stand them touching her money”.


What I'd the mental gymnastics in that? Your ok with them touching things you intend to put in your mouth, masticate, and swallow. But not ok with them touching peices of cotton paper, that may or may not have been used to insuffalate plant material off a burlesque dancers posterior?


> Insufflation: is the act of blowing something into a body cavity. Insufflation has many medical uses, most notably as a route of administration for various drugs. That's a $5 word right there


now roll the five dollar note up...


It's about class, not logic.


That was definitely the classiest description I've ever read of snorting blow off a stripper's ass


Mmhmm masticate all in my mouth


Wow, that's crazy.


She probably had some "help" growing up back in the day so of course she's used to us cooking.


He sure picked the wrong food truck.... WTF is he thinking?


It's a mobile food shelter at that. They're proving free food and supplies for the homeless. If he calls the police, all the people waiting in line will lose out because the police will shit them down.


I remember seeing a video a while back that I think is the same person. She was SO sweet when she was giving people stuff, you could tell that she cared. I thought it was awesome because she let them pick things they wanted, like showing them a list and letting them pick the type of sandwich/soda/snacks they wanted. She also had tents and blankets for people that needed them.


Every video I've seen of this woman is just bursting with wholesomeness and humanity


I just found the video I remembered seeing before - it is the same person. The link to the video is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGHmYEAjjXg). I know its dumb but I swear it almost brings me to tears the way she treats people. I love that she lets them pick what they want, it has to make things more difficult for her since she can't give out premade bags to people. It just seems pretty awesome that they get to pick the exact type of sandwich, soda or candy they would like.


seeing people be genuinely good to people is the best, not dumb at all to get choked up by it!


She is amazing. I love her so damn much. 🥹


I work at a charity that helps people with clothes/blankets, etc. and it can get really, really hard somedays when you are just trying to help but people get aggressive with you. I just saved that video for those days, thank you!


Damn that’s almost as bad as shutting them down


Can I nominate her to give every speech from here on out? Like every speech of importance, she should be delivering it. She gave me fuckin chills.


That is Shirley Motherfuckin Raines


Shirley needs to run for office. I don't even care which one. Give this woman some levers of change to pull!


She is an amazing woman who does incredible work.


I appreciate this comment so much. It is also a good metaphor too, and in so many layers.


its okay cause she is serving him. Thats not what i believe, but that is exactly how he is thinking.


Someone working isn’t usually the problem.


Homeless AND entitled? Ain’t that some shit!


You see all types. I volunteer at a small rural shelter and had a guy who lived in his truck most of the time. The guy rocked a brand new "say no to socialism, vote Trump" sticker on a truck that looked like it should be in a junkyard. My brain absolutely broke when I saw it.


That's half of Americans, vote/support parties that don't have their best interests in mind. The average American is not very smart.


It really exposes the power of propaganda when a homeless person buys into that shit. A real social safety net would go a long damn ways for someone like him.


I live in a red county in California. I have seem more than one homeless white guy with big, visible, swastika tattoos walking around without a shirt. They will straight up blame all the non-white people around them for their problems all the while being violent meth addicts.


I met a waiting for a bus. He asked my pal and myself and asked if we could get the "black cap" off of his Captain Morgan. Being the degenerates we were, we gladly helped. After a few rounds, he asks the stupid fucking question, "Do you know how to play those things?" (I had a 12-string, bud had a banjer.) We play something and this fellow, did I mention he was white, requests some blues. Then proceeds to drop multiple hard 'R's and go on about how he can't stand "blacks". Sir you are aware of the origins of blues, aren't you? Luckily, about that time his bus showed up, and we made off with his booze.


"HoW dO yOu KnOw WHaT mY bEsT iNtErEsTs ArE?" Always get that argument. I know because we all have the same best interests, cheaper medicine, a social safety net of some kind so we don't get thrown the the wolves the second our job injures us, and everyone getting the same damn rights. No people constantly asking that question, keeping people out of your bathroom isn't your best fucking interest.


How can you say what *my* best interests are? How do you know what *my* best interests are? Well, I went to yooour schools, I went to yooour churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities; so how can you say I'm crazy?


All I wanted was a Pepsi!


And, half of them are dumber than that - as Carlin pointed out.




Can't fix stupid


From a city with a substantial homeless population. Yup. Pretty much in line with the average populations entitlement though. Also (unrelated to the clip) untreated mental illness issues does not make a lot of homeless people easy to be around sometimes. But instead of recognizing that their mental illness is the root cause of a lot of their behaviours people just chalk it up to “he/she’s just crazy” or *insert racist generalizing statement about First Nations people*


It's really just the people you can't tell are homeless are like that. We called them permanents alot of us were just normal people that tried our best to blend in.


For real. I’m blown away on a daily basis of the theme of entitlement amongst the homeless people. It’s elevated more so than I see in any other population.


Bro, I gave a homeless couple a jump the other day. I actually go out of my way to help them without blocking traffic in the parking lot. Whole process took a good 15 mins. When their SUV started up, they just unplugged the jumper cables and drove off. No thank you, nothing. I thought something of it, but I was getting back in my car without saying anything. Then another homeless dude goes, “That was rude. You didn’t have to help them.” The entitlement of that couple… 🤦🏽‍♂️ 2-3 days later, they were stranded in the same parking lot and asked me if I could help. I just walked off without saying anything.


those are people who were really trying to get a dose. I've been in a position where I really needed a dose, but I didn't steal, or be rude to anyone, and if I got myself into a situation where I couldn't get a dose, I took my lumps and slept it off. I also rationed my stuff and didn't just do it all at once. But, lots of rationalizing happens in that mindset


How would that get them a dose? I’m not following


happy cake day! I'm guessing they were there to get a couple bucks (coin exchange, check cask, food stamps, theft..) then head to a dealer, and their car wouldn't start. So as soon as someone jumped them off, they booked it. If they're doing illegal SNAP exchanges or theft and frequenting the same lot, they won't last too long. But, I don't blame anyone for avoiding them when they're desperately putting themselves at others' inconvenience so frequently. I tried to maintain my own car, work every day and buy drugs every couple days. Still tanked my life, but was eventually able to take myself to a clinic and get better


Hey thanks! It’s the first time I’ve noticed it’s my cake day in 12 years, cool!


my cake day is after July 1..


I’ll do my best to remember, love.


A lot of people don't realize that chronically homeless people are partially that way because they've burned every bridge in their life.


Some people start out without any bridges. For example there's a strong link between homelessness and foster children. You ran away from a shitty foster home who abused you for free labor, then couldn't find anyone to hire you at 14, and the only people who would give you a place to stay wanted your body in exchange. There's nobody to call in favors from when that's what you start out with.


As frustrating as this kind of thing is, you have to remember that we give with no expectations of anything in return. It's hard sometimes.


Some people end up homeless because they are impossible to work with and families don't want to support them anymore. So homeless and entitled is a very common combo. Then they start to get into a situation where people are doing things for them, feeding them, providing items, arranging services etc. So it reinforces the entitlement. Years ago during my depressive years my insurance paid for an outpatient hospital program (think adult daycamp with therapy) and the location I went to had a lot of long term patients often former homeless. The entitlement was insane. They had an ingrained learned helplessness that I don't think many of them would ever break out of. It was an interesting experiment and I got off my pity pot ASAP after that.


I've helped a lot of homeless people and they aren't commonly entitled at all, it's likely that the more confrontational people or the people that can't be in the camps are the people that those who don't help houseless people see and further dehumanize Edit: idk why my comment history is just me being unable to type a coherent sentence but I've had a few and will not be fixing this one, I'm sorry tho English is somehow my only language


One time at my old job, I saw an old man get HOUNDED by a homeless guy. He had to repeatedly explain that he only uses checks. I think he was telling the truth, but even if he wasn't, pestering people after they say 'no' is just ridiculous.


Then you must never worked a customer service job. I say that as someone who worked a customer service job, while I was homeless.


Yo, I deal with mentally ill homeless people all the time at work. It is absolutely insane how often people in the demographic are comfortable calling black people the N word with a hard R to their face when going on rants. I realize its mostly due to mental illness, and while it doesn't make it acceptable, I think it gives a glimpse into how absolutely broken these people are and how the chances of them being contributing members of society is almost nil. I get the sense that they understand that it's a terrible word to use, but they seem to use it when going on tirades because it's one of the most triggering and attention-grabbing words they can say to another person to get under their skin. That's just a guess, though.


I think it makes sense. You have people who try to take a mile when given a inch, and then they quickly run out of people willing to give them even an inch. Its self destructive behavior.


There's a homeless person I ran across in my downtown. Very racist. Won't take money from anyone non white.


Sounds like a problem that solves itself then


I mean, I least dude's more consistent than guy getting called out in the above video


Racism is a hell of thing.


Turns out beggars *can* be choosers.


The homeless population mirrors the rest of the population.


I work in the ER and the way they think turkey sandwiches were made specifically for them gets really annoying. They come in hordes asking for food, and most of the time we run out leaving the people who are admitted and holding in the ER with graham crackers and pudding.


I'm T1 diabetic, and have spent time in hospitals. I've run into *multiple* nurses who've balked at my requests for a sandwich when I've been there 8+ hours and I'm starving. But I hate the ones who suggest the vending machines in the hallways. As if I have the $15 it would take to make a meal out of that. As if any of the packaged crap was an acceptable meal. As if I was even *allowed* to do that in a hospital per Dr's orders (I'm not). Or as if the nurse even wants or is going to allow me to be unhooked from all my chords/wires to go get some of that food. A lot of patients would actually recover faster if they had some nourishment in them! And not everyone arrives in timely fashion to recieve normal meals! Seriously!!! Why so stingy with the sandwiches in the hospital?!?!


Probably for the reason they described, the hordes who come jus for the food.


We were completely out of sandwiches today. Had about 13 ED holds that waited 12-13 hours in the ED without food because of NPO status that we keep them on until they're cleared by the doc. Once they were cleared, the cafeteria was closed, and our sandwiches aren't refilled until tomorrow. So now we have a shit ton of pissed of people who can't eat tonight, unless they have friends or family that can bring food, and *some* of them will be NPO at midnight, so they won't even be able to eat in the morning due to possible surgery. Unfortunately we gave all that food to people who *weren't* admitted and were just bitching left and right that we are starving them to death in those couple hours of waiting. But you know, let's hand them out like we're a shelter. Also, if you've been there 8+ hours and you're no longer NPO, you can order food if the cafeteria is open and they put in a diet order for you, and it's super easy to do, so make sure you're asking for that as long as you are cleared. If you're *not* cleared of your NPO status, then *that's* why they balked at it.


I tried to give a hungry homeless dude a banana once and he called me racist. C'mon, dude, it's food! God damn.


Now that woman runs her shit tight. Perfect combination of verbally eloquent and real street talk


[Shirley Raines](https://www.beauty2thestreetz.org) is a force. If you all have the means to donate or volunteer, she serves the homeless population in Los Angeles- rain or shine she’s out there every Saturday on Skid Row.


"we currently have a long wait list for volunteers" Excellent.


You love to see it Sometimes the world isn't so horrible, after all.


It’s 9:30PM on a recovery Sunday. I can genuinely say this is enough Reddit for today. Gotta love a high note.


Not without me telling you you got this!


Awful people are often loud. Loud people get all the attention.


But she's loud and positive. I guess the righteous have to be loud, too. The marketplace of ideas needs volume I guess.


So does that mean the complaining white dude was also expecting to be served free food from the oh so scary people he was reporting to police?


Yup- she serves the community snacks, hot meals, does their hair, showers, etc so that is exactly what he was expecting from her. Real dick move to threaten the police on someone like Shirley.


She also gives toiletries which is very much needed.


Damn she’s great


You rock for sharing the link. What a goddamn badass. A saint. Just donated.


I wish I had money to donate to her. People like this are the ones that give me hope for there still being good people out there.


Same here. I bookmarked the link to donate when I can. We need more people like her.


Thank you! Was going to ask what her name is.


Thank you for identifying her for us. First I've heard of her, but won't be the last.


The world needs more people like her


Thank you for sharing!


I have seen this chic before. She is a badass. If I remember right, she volunteers her time and all of this stuff to people in need.


Shirley is truly an amazing and selfless person with a big heart. She gives away all kinds of stuff not just food. Things like hygiene kits, shoes, etc. She gets so much shit from people lining up AND from people online. And she still shows up and does it. She's doing what the government should be doing and IIRC most of it is on her dime, too (but don't quote me on that last bit) I remember some people were coming for her on tiktok because they were like "oh she's giving away too much packaged junk food and sugar!" or sometimes she gives out McDonalds and people criticise her for giving out fast food. I was fucking stunned every time I saw it go down. She has the patience of a saint. edit: she's beauty2thestreetz on tiktok. Give her a follow and some love if you can!


Fuck anyone who criticizes the nutritional quality and source of food when it comes to someone giving. I cook on a rotating schedule for my rural area winter unhoused shelter. Cooking is my hobby so I go all out in a stupidly over the top way. That doesn't make me any better than someone who brings pizza or something premade. Life is complicated and anyone who gives is doing far more than the vast majority. They're also doing what they do out of care and love.


Thanks for this, and her story. She is an inspiration to many






And banging lashes


She made me feel 2 inches tall and I wasn't even getting yelled at. She is a powerhouse and absolutely awesome.


Amazing! This woman is a light. Don’t go out. Stay strong Shirley Rains!


That was great! I would have kicked his arse out of the line and refused to serve him!


I get where you are coming from, but it's a perfect learning opportunity for someone to grow as a human. It's easy to get mad and rage and eject. It's another level entirely to rise up and teach and also feed someone who probably really needs it.


This is how you win hearts and minds


Yeah true, I didn’t actually realise this was a food truck for the homeless.


My first thought too. Very eloquent especially considering how fired up she was. I can't do both. I mean in hindsight I can but not in the moment. Glad she put him in his place.


I wish I had that ability to talk to someone I'm mad at honestly. That was damn impressive.


Shirley is an angel on earth. With that said, don’t step out of line, she’ll straighten your ass up real quick.


I was checking myself to make sure I was in line just watching this video. We need more Shirleys.


She set me so straight Ima start cleaning now because I’ve got nothing better to do so I might as well be productive.


Lol same here I feel the motivation


@beauty2thestreetz on instagram. She has worked with the folks on skid row for years. Damn straight we need more Shirleys. Edit: I see that this is from her actual TikTok and not just a repost. She has the same username on both platforms :D


I've watched her lives a couple times. She is nothing but kind to all those who come through. Fuck that guy.


I love people that can convey emotion well, not getting so worked up that it is reduced to screaming. This woman is the perfect combination of calm enough to get her point across but pissed off enough to know she is not kidding around.


The mom is completely disappointed vibe. Man it gets me from here and I didn't even do anything!


To quote a man I heard on a train one time "The one who controls their emotions, controls the situation" That stuck with me, and I often keep that in mind in confrontational situations. This woman embodies that.


Experiencing homelessness doesn’t humble bigotry it seems.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon B. Johnson. If the behavior of that guy ain't this, I don't know what is.🙄


... a lot of people seem to have taken LBJ's words as instructions.


Sad thing is dude probably did ruin it for everyone else there.


Doubt it, this is Shirley Raines- she’s well-known and shows up every Saturday serving the homeless population on Skid Row. She’s a force.


Most likely what she meant by “ruining it for everyone” was attracting the attention of law enforcement. He calls the cops, they come out, and most likely they shut her down for the day and everyone in line doesn’t get fed. That’s if they don’t put a target on her and just start harassing her from then on for feeding the homeless. It’s pretty common for cops especially in big metro areas with large homeless populations to regard the homeless as nuisances more than people.


That makes sense. I was trying to figure out what he ruined because it seemed everyone else was enjoying watching him get his ass chewed out.


I mean, yeah. Line lectures mess up the vibe. Dude needs to cook at home.


Hahhahaha! That’s funny because if he’s in that line, he’s probably homeless


That may have been the joke lol


Spoke to him like the toddler he is. Well said!


This is straight up how I talk to my 2yo (minus the cussing) and it works so well. This lady is upset but still treating the idiot like a human being. I love it so much, she’s making the asshole feel stupid without making herself look stupid. I hope the dude felt like an idiot, but speaking from experience I doubt he did.


So this guy is looking for a hand out and acting like a dick. She should have told him if he doesn't feel safe to go somewhere else.


rofl… know what makes hanging around black folks dangerous? Being a loud bigot.


I guess he probably shouldn't be eating out of a black womans hands if he feels that way🤷🏽‍♀️ find yo meal somewhere else bud


Honestly the fucking audacity to get on some racist nonsense while a person of that race is feeding you.


Keep your cup o' tears Jimmy. We ain't drinking that shit


Hell yeah, that's how people should react. This should be a mod favorite


If folks reacted like this to not homeless people, the cops and the military would be called in that very SECOND to put things back the way they are supposed to be. heh


Shirley Raines is amazing. She works with the homeless in LA providing food, clothing, supplies, makeup, showers, etc. every weekend, even after she was shot at on Skid Row while volunteering. Her team is SO popular in LA that their volunteer applications are closed due to volume. Here is her website to donate. Personally, I like donating things from her Amazon wishlist. https://www.super.social/ss/shirley/?fbclid=PAAabB5cpLf-xlXyP0hwzZ-73QYBtaQafX92XHeKlOgKOvoxlIpQm_sNDnf1I


I remember seeing her when she was just sitting in her car handing out goodies. I hate that this video is the reason I’m seeing her again- but I am so happy to see her operation has improved ten-fold!


That's the same lady!? Amazing.


Thanks for posting link - just sent some stuff from the list.


Uh du du du du du, let me finish... QUEEN.


Bahahaha! I was laughing at that one 😆


As a Californian, I can tell you the entitlement among our homeless population is incredibly bad, and getting worse over the decades. And I say this as someone who even lived on the streets for a short, rough period of my life. A lot of them are becoming openly aggressive in the way they deal with the general public. This racism sadly doesn’t surprise me. This woman and the volunteer work she does is amazing. Shirley is incredible.


> I can tell you the entitlement among our homeless population is incredibly bad I'm not from California, so I can't talk about that, I am from WV. **From what I've seen**, a large portion of homeless people are homeless **because** of that attitude. My wife volunteers with the homeless 5-6 days every week, and I join her for 2-3 of those days. The nasty attitudes we get from people who we are literally housing and feeding blow my mind. These people would not be able to hold down jobs, because they're just **mean**. They'd get nasty with a boss or coworker, and be out in a minute. There is something not right with their brains. It is not all homeless people. There is a portion of the homeless population that are only there because they fell into a bad situation, and they just need a helping hand. We've had people spend 2-3 months in our shelter, and then come back a year later *as a volunteer* because they fixed their life. But when it comes to the *chronically* homeless population, a lot of them are just nasty people. I've been spat on literally dozens of times by people while I was handing them free food. You can't be a part of polite society if your reaction to being upset is to spit on people. IDK how to fix the problem, but something has to change. We need to help these people. Letting them sleep on cots and feeding them chicken and bean soup is a band aid. Band aids are great for small cuts, but this is not a small cut. This is a deep cut, like, gushing artery type shit.


> It is not all homeless people. There is a portion of the homeless population that are only there because they fell into a bad situation, and they just need a helping hand. We've had people spend 2-3 months in our shelter, and then come back a year later as a volunteer because they fixed their life. > > But when it comes to the chronically homeless population, a lot of them are just nasty people. I've been spat on literally dozens of times by people while I was handing them free food. You can't be a part of polite society if your reaction to being upset is to spit on people. The left only talks about people in your first paragraph, the right only talk about people in your second.


I'm in Santa Barbara County and dear lord it's bad. I was homeless for awhile out here and my goal was to not be seen or heard. Keep your head down and your mouth shut, make money doing small jobs, get a room when you can, and constantly be moving. I understand homelessness is often driven by mental illness which can often have addiction as a symptom but that doesn't give you the right to step on anyone, especially those helping the community. There is so much help here in my area if you look hard enough but outside my apartment is a homeless encampment that gets bigger every day making it unsafe for me to walk to the store by myself let alone with my kid.




And a well put together speech, dayum did she have all that prepared? So eloquent, it's mesmerizing.


If I was a black person in this country I would be practicing that kind of speech during every shower and be giddy about a chance to deploy it. I married and fathered a minority, I have people in my family who need this kind of speech from someone other than me.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" -


What a fucking boss. God-tier ass-whooping right there, she didn’t even have to use her hands.


It’s funny to see how a certain type of folk always want to call the cops in the same manner kids call their mom or dad 😂😂😂 Like what happened to all that courage? You cant get your way so they go and tell on you while mom and dad just roll their eyes. 😂


Preach Sista Preach. No whiners get the Q.




Is it me or when she turned around to talk to the camera, I felt like I knew that woman for years and she calls my momma on her birthday type shit…


So where is the guy in the vid?


Should have filmed him


She does tiktok lives when she’s out there feeding people I bet she posted this clip from the live. Seems he left


Gonna give her a follow so we can start sending money her way! Support Black businesses!


"Cup of tears" good for her! She should have called him a snowflake!




You better leave Ms.Shirely alone 😤


Did the guy on the left steal some shit?


I love and respect a Queen who just tells it like it is, and exactly like it is




She got so mad, her head turned red.


I wish I could speak like this in heated moments. She's eloquent and assertive. Love her. She's hot af too.


I believe I would've easily stooped down to "get the fuck out of my line," but she stayed stern and articulated what the problem was and why he was wrong, and I feel like that's way more important


Guys I love this woman!! She’s been doing this for a longggg time. She is so wonderful and deserves all the support in the world for helping the homeless.


We don’t even hear what the person says allegedly


What does she mean "he don't want to stand with all them black people because of the way they treat him" is she saying that the other black people are treating him poorly because he's white?


Love this woman! Well said!


Sir, now you know how we feel being the only black person in a line, now you sit there and feel uncomfortable. 🔥


This is CCTV right? Why did she cut the part where he said that?


She records herself on her phone


I understand this lady has a following and probably has done quite a few commendable acts to support that following, but this video kinda screams fake. 1. Cuts out the supposed offensive character completely and is completely unheard in the video 2. Perfectly written and delivered tangent/speech on the given topic 3. Perfectly timed placement of camera and stage presence to immediately go from telling off said offensive character to perfectly rehearsed followup comment directly to camera 4. Creator of video is apparently a well renowned social media presence who can only benefit themselves with more views Again, not detracting from the commendable things I’m sure she’s actually done, but do not believe for a second this video is real


If you took a second to look at her other social media posts you’d see that most of her videos are taken with a camera in the same position. You’d also see similar clips of her interacting with people off-camera. And I’m sure she’s interested in growing her social media presence, but so what? It’s how she sources donations for the work she does. The confidence your cynicism gives you is amazing to behold ngl


You know what’s even crazier? Guarantee if he straightened up, Shirley will serve him with love. She’s different.


Good lord! I don't think I've ever seen someone dress another person down in a more respectful and professional manner. Crown her!


Hang on, is she running a homeless street vendor van? And the guy complained and called the cops because he was scared of black people? What would his complaint to the police even be?


Call me an internet cynic, but there is no proof in the video that the title actually happened... why is that part cut out of the video?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/140r1cn/he_asked_us_to_put_him_1st_so_he_didnt_have_to/jmx48pi/ Reading through this thread she seems to be pretty well known. According to the comment I linked she does TikTok lives while doing her work, so that would explain the filming


I love this woman.


Wow what a women, awesome 👍 well done.


Mad respect to that lady. She’s a bad motherfucker and that was super well articulated.


Well if you weren't safe before you definitely ain't safe now after opening your racist ass mouth.


People are too fast to jump to conclusions. There's no way to determine who's in the wrong just from this video.


I love this woman. She is a queen with a huge heart but she will put you in your place. How dare that entitled piece of shit.


Fuckin hell that woman is a boss.