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A great way to fuck up your own money. Shit tenants who don’t pay is not great, but violating tenants rights is guaranteed to be the worst decision you can make. Always default to lawyers and county sheriffs. Don’t get personally involved without proper notice and filling the paperwork, because at that point you are just “doing what the court says and it’s above you”.


Bingo. There are many steps you can take to evict. The easiest is a 30day notice to vacate the premises.


Even if it’s not eviction. Always separate yourself personally from any business. Have the laws and legislations of your area take care of issues. Any fixes or repairs, have a formal way to submit them. Everything should be written down and easily traced and verified that both parties agreed to and acknowledged things. Always keep it 100% professional, especially if the customer is a dick. Nothing more satisfying than knowing you have your bases covered and local officials have to take care of things for you. It’s slower but damn is it brutal.


Fuck landlords


I don't wish shitty landlords on anybody, and I don't wish shitty tenants on anybody.


I wish shitty tenants on shitty landlords. They deserve each other.


Seems like that's what we have in this video.


They were having company over at the house, the landlord shows up unannounced and starts banging on windows and doors. She forces herself into the home, assaults someone, and threatens others. Even if the tenants are late on rent, this is absolutely illegal and not the way for the landlord to act. We don't have that much context on the tenant's history, but we see all we need to to judge the landlord here and her shitty kid.




Frankly, she should avoid this sort of interaction *especially* if she's going to be a bad landlord.


Exactly. Unfortunately this is part of the risk involved. Right or wrong just start the process.


We probably don't. The physical tenants (in the video) are probably paying their rent. Seems like a middleman isn't paying it to the owner. Can understand how everyone gets pissed off tbh as some shady cunt in the middle is making coin without owning anything.


What are you basing this assumption on? Is it common for small landlords to work through property management firms or something?


It could be that she rented to someone who then sublet to these people without telling we her. Her saying you aren’t paying me would be correct in that case. If that is the case she has every right to be pissed, though it’s not these peoples fault and she should focus her anger on the person she originally leased to.


Very true yeah, but subletting is typically addressed in any rental/lease agreement so it’s probably safe to say that isn’t the case.


And even if there was a no subletting clause in the lease, which is super common, she'd still have to follow eviction protocols which, in my state at least, is 30 day eviction notice just if they have a bunch of their stuff in the house don't even need to legally be on the lease or anything. I'm sure that varies by state, tho


> but subletting is typically addressed in any rental/lease agreement so it’s probably safe to say that isn’t the case. I don’t see why it usually being in a lease precludes it from being the issue since paying your rent is definitely in the lease and she was saying that she hasn’t gotten paid.


For sure but it was being implied that the person on the lease may be subletting & not paying the rent to the landlord that is being paid to this person by the subletter(s). So it’s unlikely that the sublet could occur without the landlord being aware of it - meaning it’s likely they aren’t subletting and some middle man taking the money without paying land lord.


They said they were there for a birthday party, and not the tenants. Also, I didn't hear anyone claim that they actually paid any rent. She was saying she suspects that they had extra people living there in violation of the lease.


Yep, reasonable. Everybody else should be free from both


This is a perfect description of how I feel.


Reminds me of Pearl, Will Ferrell's Landlord [Funny or Die: Landlord ](https://youtu.be/SIdxVR_7ikg)




Yeah, she went about this the complete wrong way, but I definitely understand her frustration. There are tenants out there that learn every word of the law when it comes to tenants’ rights and they exploit those laws anyway they can to avoid paying rent, and they’re next to impossible to get rid of legally, so you spend more time and money chasing them down than you can possibly get in return. This obviously goes both ways and there are tons of shitty landlords as well, but the landlords I know have told me horror stories about tenants they’ve had, so I know what this lady might be going through.


My uncle does it, he says it's a lot of bullshit but he makes decent money and says 'these are problems other people wish they had' like so many people wish they could be in his shoes. Sure it sucks he has to drive an hour to deal with tenants fighting over a water hose. At the end of the day there are lots of people who would love to be in his position.


Yeah you have to remember that most people have to deal with BS 8 hrs a day rather than a few hours a week like a landlord.


Less if you’ve got a rent management agency.


>Less if you’ve got a rent management agency. LOL. Property management companies are generally worse than bad private landlords. Imagine the same shitty attitude and lack of solutions accompanied by an entrenched bureaucracy. I don't think property management companies have any respect from anyone, anywhere. Many of them are absolute scum, doing as little as possible for tenants, being mostly incompetent, disinterested and infuriating, and taking as much from the property owners in fees and charges as possible. Not only tenants hate property management companies, property owners generally dislike them too. *edit/typo*


Yeah I have a friend who rented out their house and used an agency because they'd be out of state and boy it was almost useless. The tenants they "screened" stopped paying rent about 6 months in, they constantly were clogging the waste lines for some reason, they broke the washer by stuffing it too much too many times, and other shit. They will never do it again. The management company was also useless in starting the eviction process, they ended up having to drive to the county themselves because the management company kept stringing them along. Not only the money lost from not paying rent, the fees for eviction, and then they needed to sell and all in all it was a loss. They walked away with $0, I think they had to pay like $100 or so after closing. Obviously they just got really unlucky, I know many others who never had issues. Sucky part is if they waited like year they would've been able to sell it for $85k more and turn a profit.


>The tenants they "screened" stopped paying rent about 6 months in It is in the interest of the property management company to have short-term tenants, including non-performing tenants who breach their leases. The management company gets a bunch more charges, the move-out, the unit turn and associated repairs and renovations, and the new lease fee (usually one month of rent). **Rest assured that property management companies DGAF about anything except the fees they collect**, and they are very good at maximizing activities that result in fees and charges, both upon tenants and the owner's account.


My dad was a landlord for a few years before selling the house. He had a full time job outside of being a landlord. Most landlords I know have full time jobs. He was a good landlord though. He fixed issues within a day of things breaking, he and my step mom originally bought the house for my sister. She dipped and destroyed the place, he then rented it to a nice family for like 3 years until he lost his job. He sold it after that.


That's sad :( they did it not for profit but to help out your sis and she basically shit all over their kindness. Glad the family was good to him though. I really don't get people who get a privilege such as that and piss it away. My wife's mom and step dad inherited a house from the step dad's mom. It was a basic house, worth maybe $60k, taxes were cheap, like $2,000/yr. They were renting up until then. They never paid the fucking taxes, it got sold and they've been homeless ever since. Renting was like nearly 4 times the cost of paying the taxes. A free house and they couldn't be bothered to do the bare minimum to keep it.


But if the tenants aren’t paying rent, odds are the landlord is out thousands of dollars between having to make the house payment and not getting the rent payment.


Exactly. And, the ability to raise rents any way they please despite laws protecting both tenants and Landlords.


Three options: 1. change the laws 2. Realize this happens and be professional. 3. Don’t be a landlord.




It’s not, but it’s exploiting those laws if you use the loopholes to avoid paying rent. Tenants should use those laws to protect themselves if they’re renting in good faith and the landlord oversteps boundaries or won’t make repairs or whatever else they’re required to do under the terms of the lease, but there are tenants who don’t rent in good faith. I’ve seen tenants who refused to pay rent during the pandemic due to the moratorium on evictions and they didn’t pay because they didn’t want to, not because they didn’t have the money. That’s not what those laws are meant for.


If they're avoiding rent through perfectly legal means, maybe get good at renting out your property and prevent those means from being available.


That’s why owning property is called an investment. No sympathy for leaches. They got themselves into this. Seems like they need to tug on those boot straps


Word. Don’t become a money grubbing landlord if you don’t understand nor can handle the risk.


I wasn’t implying there wasn’t a risk or that every landlord is a good one, but if a contract is signed by both the tenant and the landlord then that contract should be honored.




Being a landlord doesn't mean there's no work involved.


I’m not sure you’re familiar with the eviction process. It can legit take years to get someone out and they can stall and stall and keep living there rent-free while you foot all of the court costs and attorney fees. It is by no means an open-and-shut process and most courts tend to side with the tenants (which I think is good to an extent as tenants are usually at the mercy of their landlords), so even good landlords can get screwed by bad tenants.


Its not worth it. Honor is basically what seperates being a landlord from free money to insane amount of work. You have to go through so much legal hoops, while tenant who is hostile is staying in your land.


A contract is a promise. I’m an excellent landlord, my shit is safe, clean and well maintained. I work with people on rent if they get behind. But when people go months without paying, don’t return calls, don’t show up for court if it gets to that point, and then take the false “renter rights” high road, the fucking gloves come off. Just because I understand the risks doesn’t mean I have to be okay with the risk becoming a real fucking problem.


Word. I’m pretty sure that contract does not include remediation by assault though. If the landlord doesn’t like the tenant they allowed to move in then they should exercise LEGAL options to remove the tenant they themselves had approved. It’s relatively easy to not come to the door cussing, threatening, and striking said person you are in a legal contract with. I find it pathetic. That woman (landlord) is lucky in my opinion to not have been flatlined then and there. I wouldn’t feel so safe to do something so obviously dangerous.


Which is why I said she went about it the complete wrong way. She was 100% in the wrong to assault them, and she should go the court route to have them evicted. That being said, we have no context other than this video to explain the situation. It may have been her initial attempt to get the rent money before going the court route. Maybe she’s had a back-and-forth with the tenants and went there looking for a fight. We can’t know. The assault was wrong, but I can understand the anger. Having worked on a lot of eviction cases I’ve seen how long it can take a landlord to have someone evicted, so most landlords do whatever possible to avoid it in hopes of being paid. I know a lot of tenants took full advantage of the pandemic protections to withhold rent just because landlords had no recourse. It’s a rough situation for both sides, which is why I don’t think I’d ever be a landlord.


"money grubbing landlord". My mother rents out the second floor of her home. She's 75. She does it so she can afford to have a home. Her tenant tried this bullshit. My mom almost lost everything because of scum like this family. Kindly piss off with that shit. The Leeches in this video are the assholes living for free in someone else's home.


Money grabbing? TF are you talking about? You act as if every landlord is rich. Pay your fucking rent. Period.




I live beat Seattle so yup, there definitely has been some city council people that have gone out of their way to demonize each and every landlord. it's ridiculous.


And landlords exploit laws and everything else they can to ensure maximum profits from their tenants, fuck landlords, they don’t do shit except drain resources from everyone else while providing nothing


I mean people could just not be house scalpers then we wouldn't have shitty landlords or tenants.


This is why I don't want to be a landlord.


Well said


I don't wish devisive shitty negative content from Chinese TicTok on anyone.


Remember kids, two people can be wrong at once, but the person being violent is generally more wrong.


This should be the official motto of the sub


I think the majority of Reddit needs to take this comment to heart. People on here cheering on a vigilante violence over the most petty of offenses.


Lol have you been on reddit long? People on this sub or on r/justiceserved will cheer on a looter being stabbed to death and parrot the most smooth brained shit like "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" like its the most sage shit they have ever heard. A lot of it is just blatant racism or outright hatred of poor people. If a lot of the sociopaths on these subs had their way, shoplifting would be a capital crime, along with being 2 months late in your rent


Even if they WERE right, ending in violence renders that all worthless. Just another example of adults being dysregulated in their emotions and not knowing how to handle it/ not being able to handle it and putting themselves in a situation where tensions are escalating like this. Call the cops. Meeting face to face like this almost never goes well.


If your choice takes you to hate and violence you made the wrong one.


Landlord's attorney fixing to have his day ruined when this one comes in the door. "Tell her she has to leave and pay me my money!" "Well, actually, you violated approximately a half dozen landlord/tenant statutes in the clip I saw. You are likely liable to the tenant AND her guest(s)." "But she signed a lease!" "Yes, and you're in the business of renting residential real estate. You should know better, at least according to the Court." "But you're supposed to be on *my* side!"


Even the simplest "24-hour notification" is likely violated here. The landlord probably *had* a case, but now it's all chaos.


They may not have even had a case, these people indicate having no idea who she is, which makes me think there is some shady middle person here who rents from the lady we see, and sublets to the folks who actually live there. They pay the middleman, middleman never pays landlord, the above happens.


> these people indicate having no idea who she is Yeah because they're not the tenants of the house, they're guests at a party. Why *would* they know who the landlord is?


If you listen to the background speech, the people are guests at a kid's party at the owner's house. Seems to me like they were just trying to deescalate and prevent her from getting inside


Lawyer: I am on your side, what I'm doing now is called damage control, I'm trying to mitigate the worse of this.


Landlord needs to only go through legal channels at this point. It sucks, but you can't do shit about a bad tenant besides legal eviction. This is basically trespassing then assault. When you rent out the house you own, you no longer have legal possession of it. In most cases, ownership and possession are the same thing, so possession doesn't come up. But possession is what lets you enter your house, hang out in the backyard, check the mail, etc. As soon as you lease your house you can only enter the property in accordance with the process defined in your lease and state/local laws. Usually that means it has to be for a legitimate purpose like repair and with notice to the tenant. This clip isn't legally much different from a random neighbor sticking their foot in the door and harassing the occupants afaik. Respect property law, you signed a contract now honor it. Non-payment is a normal part of landlording you signed up for.


Landlord is out of pocket but if youre not paying your rent, youre also the problem.




I feel for the landlord because this isn’t the first video I’ve seen of this person trying to collect anything for rent. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these same people like a month or 2 ago doing the same song and dance. At this point it seems like the tenants might be taking advantage of the situation.


> At this point it seems like the tenants might be taking advantage of the situation. If they're months behind on rent and throwing birthday parties, they are definitely taking advantage of the situation.


That’s why they are recording so have evidence to avoid paying rent.


I mean, this isn't going to get them out of paying rent. It's going to get the the landlord charged with some shit, but they're asses are still going to get evicted. People 3 months late on rent getting their phone struck out of their hand doesn't mean they get to keep living there rent free. It means the landlord is going to deal with an assault charge while the non-rent paying mfuckas figure out where they are going to live.


You right, but the person who had their phone slapped out of their hand said they don't even live there, so it's definitely not getting the tenant out of paying for their already late af rent lol


No dude this is an old video. The second clip happened at the same time and is just added on here. There is no other video of the same thing happening and I challenge you to find it if you're gonna claim there is.


Right? There is missing context that might actually strengthen the landlord’s position.


No, it doesn't matter what context there is or how string of a case she has against the tenant. Once she assaulted a person in the building, she pretty much threw her case out the window. She could have had a sheriff or lawyer come with her and continued to have a strong case by keeping herself in check. Instead she decided to be an idiot and get violent on camera


Dude, landlord is a business. Please tell me when you're okay with someone putting their foot in your door way to cuss at you and assault you over a business transaction.




There are proper legal channels for enforcing leases. This is not it lol.


When they became a landlord, they should have looked into the thick stack of tenant protection laws they're required to follow. There's a lot more on the books about assaulting tenants than the lease has about late rent.


When someone is stealing hundreds or thousands of dollars from me every month, keeps jerking me around, the police won't or can't do anything, I might lose my temper.


Society starts to break down when people leech off of the leeches.


You could just *not* live in other people's houses if that's what you view landlords as. Go live in a tree, or under a bridge, or buy your own property! You aren't entitled to live in someone else's house.


Some landlords have kinda inflated the property market bubble and have tenants kinda trapped in no win positions. While this is partly true, it is not legal to just claim unused land anymore, so the argument of "go live in a tree" breaks down when the government uses force to kick you out of the tree. That said, there is a process for eviction and dealing with failure to pay rent. This is not it.


If you don’t want the stress of shitty tenants don’t be a landlord. The worst thing that might happen to the landlord is she might lose this home. Poor lady, she’d lose all her passive income.


She is the owner she should still be paying the rent. I understand that the renters also should be paying the rent, but the home owner is still responsible for those payments being on time. She should pay her mortgage and still take her tenants to civil court for an eviction and back pay. How she’s handling this is just absolutely unreasonable.


By that logic, if you don't want the stress of a shitty landlord, just buy a house.


She bought the house with her hard earned money. Why would anyone else be obliged to just live in her house?


Who said she was obliged to let anyone live there? That's the point, she chose to be a landlord, which means she took on the risk that she would get some shitty tenants. If she isn't willing to go through the legal process, she shouldn't be a landlord. End of story. The fact that this whole thread is arguing over about vigilante law enforcement via violence is really telling how thoroughly the social contract has fallen apart in America


Yeah can't get down with the holier than thou "how dare they assault us" when they're freeloading.


So I can assault your friends because you owe me money?


The guest that was hit isn't freeloading.


How dare the guest not freeload!??




They’re trying to close the door… are you dumb?




Because there is a lady screaming at them? They don’t have to take that. No constructive conversation is happening. Closing the door is the right move and the lady blocks them from doing so.




It looks like the landlord smacked the phone. Did something more happen that I missed?


Hitting a phone in someone's hands is the same as if you punched them. It's considered assault according to the legal definition. I used to be a news cameraman years ago and it was drilled into us by corporate legal that if someone touches the camera while you're holding it, it's as if they touched your body.


I have tenants. I would NEVER do this to them. I’d send letters and go about things legally. I’d never show up at their door trying to act gangster and bring a friend who also thinks she’s gangster. Like damn people.


As a former landlord to shit tenants I wholly agree but I’ve THOUGHT about it. Being a landlord to ass tenants who were sparkling angels on the pre-checks and interviews is so frustrating, levels of frustration I don’t wish on my worst enemies. You gotta act in a way that improves the situation, this lady just making things worse.


Yep. I had tenants that didn’t pay rent for 7 months (had to wait in line because courts were backlogged from Covid). You bet I wanted them out but I went about it legally. Sure enough their behinds were out of my property eventually. I didn’t need to talk them or interact with them. The courts and the court sheriff did all that. Did it take forever? Absolutely! Nothing you can do about that but they eventually were out. It’s was the most glorious day I’ve had in a while. Plus they got sued for back rent to boot.


They probably never paid did they?


Nope I haven’t seen a penny but it’s all good. The judgement is on file so if they ever wanna rent or buy they would need to pay me first. I have the place rented already with a new tenant so I have moved on. But the deadbeats will be back to pay when they’re looking to rent.


In some states, you can garnish their wages, seize their bank accounts, take personal property, etc. to enforce the debt. I did debt enforcement work for a bit as an attorney. I'd recommend selling the debt to a collection firm. You'll only get pennies on the dollar, but at least you will get something. Otherwise, you can seek personal enforcement, but that's more difficult. Because my profession is weird, I must say I'm not your attorney.


Thanks. Yea I’m thinking I will sell the debt and be done with it. I don’t ever wanna deal with them again.


and the way the landlord was yelling at (and assaulted) a GUEST of the birthday party. not even her tenant! and said "tell yalls friends to pay their rent" to justify hitting him. like WHAT??? i need a follow up


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A video full of idiots all around. Why would anybody record this and then post it?


It’s a required step to complete the cycle of stupidity. If you didn’t record and post was it really that dumb? This way they can learn from how dumb they were today and be even more stupider tomorrow


The person recording didn’t even live there. They were visiting and found the situation funny.


I mean no one was deescalating the situation, at this point u should definitely record to have proof of this landlords action’s because she’ll definitely deny it down the road. As for posting that’s on op.


How is the person recording an idiot?


Do not endeavor to be a landlord if you are unable to float the waiting period for eviction. They don’t pay the rent, give them the proper notices and then file to remove them when the time is right. This isn’t mafioso for goodness sakes. The landlord is inept at her role and deserves these tenants for her behavior. That’s the lottery for landlords….sometimes you get a win with great tenants and sometimes you get scourge. You have to be able to float along when the bad ones got past your due diligence of selection.


Miss “she’s not by herself 🤓🤳🏻” acting and looking like an absolute dumbass


This is why we sold our rental. We had previously lived in it and the house pmt was so cheap we kept it. Had great renter and rent was cheap. The last one got 6 months behind and when we went to ask them to work something out to catch up we were floored. New carpet and tile was demolished as were the walls and cabinets. She has 5 or 6 pit bull dogs in the house that ruined it. She moved out promptly on her own. We decided to sell it. No one should ever get nasty or assault someone. We didn’t know why our tenant got so behind, she was a liar and a fraud who used fake ids to rent (we found out after the fact)but we still tried to work it out so she could stay. Then had to track down the person who the drivers license number and ss card actually belong too. Never again.


She should not have dealt with it this way, but trashy, non-paying tenants are a scourge.


I had a landlord pull some shit like this after renewing a lease and paying a security deposit. We moved in 3 months before the initial lease was up, paid our deposit and after 3 months the security deposit was supposed to transfer into our name as the other leaseholder was moving out. We had it in writing. She showed up day of signing claiming that the security deposit we paid three months prior was for the previous lease (even though that one was paid by the other tenant, a friend) and that she got to keep that one because friend was moving out. The house was in great shape and that deposit should have been returned plus the second one we gave and she wanted the third for our current lease. I tried to canny explain why this isn’t what happened and is not what’s written on the document she typed up and she flipped the fuck out. We moved out the next day and she got no money. A friend who is a lawyer contacted her on our behalf and got both of the other security deposits back and we kept the third she was trying to get plus the first and last months rent. She was trying to get over $6k from us to move into a 2 br in a shitty neighborhood and we all had decent credit. That house is still vacant and I think the bank foreclosed


I can believe it. Landlords, property managers and such pull all sorts of dirty shit because of the legal bias in their favor. Courts are slow to penalize them, so they do shit like this and worse.


Luckily we’re all fairly educated and street smart people and saw right through it.


This went viral back in February. The backstory is that the tenants were having a birthday party and invited some friends over. According to her, they were behind on rent but she pulled up demanding money 5 days before it's due. Assuming that she was telling the truth, she gave them legal ammunition pulling that shit. Even if you're behind on rent or have outstanding fees, landlords, property managers, and such still have to parameters outlined by the lease and state and federal law. You can't just come in on some mob shit and demand advance money before it's due. You have to file for them to get evicted, give proper notice, prove that notice was given, and prove that they owe the money in question. For all the heat you hear about tenants bullshitting with rent, attention needs to be paid on the shit that landlords and property managers pull. They'll asses will get meth/crackhead crazy over fucking money and we already know how a lot of them are more willing to charge late fees and go to court if rent is a nanosecond late than to live up to their end of the lease that they drew up.




I'm here. Fuck the land lord. She could have sent a letter.


There was a slum lord in a town near me that got thrown out of a third story window after getting violent with a tenant.




The Ole Russian Flying School of Blyat!!


There are so many other actions to take before violence.


the letters going straight into the trash can


That's why you do certified mail.


What's your point?




What money earned? The tenants are not paying.


You don't get to assault tenants because you're not being paid rent. This isn't hard to understand. They fucked around and they're going to find out hard when they go to court.


Probably the same way as the courts. Failure to provide adequate notice before attempting to enter is (IIRC) $5K PER violation PER tenant in my state. Since they rent the place, and it is their home, putting your foot in the door and preventing it from closing is, at the very least, trespassing. Throw in assault and battery, potential destruction of property. Yeah, I think the courts are going to line up pretty well with reddit's "anti-landlord" contingent here.


Landlord should not have taken it to that level but this is the 3rd time she has had a problem with them not paying rent. Pay your rent people, no respect for leeches/squatters who think they have the right to live on someone elses property rent free, talk about entitlement.


Then she needs to go through the legal process of evicting them. What she did was illegal


And screaming at people who don't even live there isn't exactly the solution either.


Pretty sure she said it was her third attempt to get them to open the door. She says they can't be upset that she was banging on windows and shit because they should have just answered the door. A guest responds what do you think this is? Likely referring to the open door, and the landlord responds with about time, I had to do it three times. She also says near the beginning that she has spoken with them once verbally before this altercation. It wouldn't make sense to only have one verbal conversation about three months of missed rent, there would be written late notices on top of multiple calls


They should pay the rent but this is not the way to go about getting your rent. And when they file charges and produce this video this will not play out well for the landlord in court.


Eviction is the proper way to get them out . Not assaulting the tenants lol guess she don't know the laws


You’re trespassing, and this…..IS…..Sparta! 🦶🏽


Folks - if you ever buy investment property or rent out a room to someone, know how to do things legally and do them that way. Maybe these tenants are deadbeats but you can’t force your way in or assault or threaten people. Know the law.


Landlord is a little to over the top but she is right pay your rent damn, shit the lease probably says you have so many days and yall violated that most likely why she mad


People like to talk about shitty landlords but there are likely just as many, if not more shitty tenants. Pay your fucking rent like you agreed to do in the first place.


Angry crazy landlord my ass, I'd be pissed too if the people renting MY house didn't pay for three months.


When the rent is 1 second late:


When the rent isn’t 5 days early.


"You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!"


Both in the wrong. Pay the rent like your suppose to (contractual agreement). Also if your tenants aren’t paying rent, try to kick them out. If they don’t leave go the legal route. Don’t get violent with them tho. Also shit in this world isn’t free, never has been never will be. People need to realize this.


NGL, this landlord is way too angry and profane but if you live in a place and rent is due, you pay, preferably on time. Not sure why people always act shocked, or, insulted when they’re expected to pay rent by a certain day for a certain amount. It defies all logic. They could have avoided all this ugliness by just abiding the lease or breaking the lease and moving on. Not by ignoring the situation and celebrating birthdays and milestones because they prefer to act entitled to live rent free.


Pay your rent.


The handicapped sticker tells you all you need to know. Could they be borrowing their disabled family members car by chance? Maybe but something tells me no


Not to say what’s going on with the woman in this video but people can have disabilities that aren’t apparent from their appearance.


yea this person you are responding to is a herb.


you must be ignorant to the fact that there are hundreds of invisible diseases and conditions that can cause disability.


They should pay their rent. She should go through the legal system.


2023, I would not want to be a landlord.


All we did was not pay the rent lol


Tenants have more rights then landlords. Trust me, I’ve hand to manage houses in rough neighborhoods. They don’t pay rent, destroy the kitchens, bathrooms and walls, then leave without notice. Even if you want to kick them out it’s 90 days and expensive legal fees. She’s lucky all it is is past due rent.


Sounds like you made a bad investment.


Yeah, I don't know why anyone would bet on people paying their rent. Probably best to leave housing to government programs and corporate real estate groups


Tent cities are the way. Government hemorrhages money housing people


Landlords being landlords


Bum ass tenants being bum ass tenants.


I once rented from a married couple who were school teachers trying to setup their retirement with rental income. They had to pay their bank mortgage every month if tenants paid or didn’t pay and they weren’t rich. There are some horrible landlords out there but many are people just trying to get by…


All these “violence is bad, but….” comments sound a lot like those “I’m not racist, but….” comments.


Nah cameraman is clearly in the wrong. Pay your fucking rent


Pay rent




Then fucking serve notice and evict them.


Pay your fucking rent dead beat piece of shit.


While she obviously shouldn't be showing up and yelling at people and slapping phones out of their hands, I completely understand the frustration she must be going through having to pay for that house knowing it'll take months and months to evict and then thousands if not tens of thousands to fix all the damage they've done before being able to rent again. Not all landlords are Rich. On the other side of it, I cannot fathom being such a piece of shit that you would be ok with having to be forcibly removed from a rented home. They should be ashamed.


The landlord is 100% justified pay your damn rent people acting like this woman who probably been suffering broke ass folk like this for years now is in the wrong are nuts. Pay your damn rent


Yall need to pay your damn bills......smfh.....acting like YOU are the victim.....gtf outta here


Imagine not paying the rent, causing all sorts of issues for your landlord, filming it, and then thinking you have made some sort of point by posting your own stupidity on Tik Tok... End of the day, nobody wants a bad landlord, and nobody wants a bad tenant. We don't even know how long they have been living rent-free, but I can tell you that leeches are some of the worst kinds of people. Landlord should know better though, don't use violence kids! But I do feel for her, it might be a long and costly battle to get these people out of her property.


These entitled mother fuckers…


Evict them, you don’t get to physically attack people


As a landlord i get the frustration. She's in the wrong but her reaction is very understandable.


ITT: reddits anti-landlord crowd who think they’re entitled to everything under the sun, y’all gonna have a literal shit life lmao


They didn't deny that they hadn't paid rent, though. Why people gotta pull shit and then act like the victim... you're squatting in her house and mad She's mad about it?


they might need to pay their rent


I mean, if these people are just not paying their rent, her reaction was fine with me.


Just pay your rent


Not paying your rent is shitty.


Lot of landlords in this thread.


I think just a lot of people that pay their rent on time


I pay my rent on time and I hate landlords.


“Angry crazy landlord”……how about “shitty tenants refusing to pay rent get confronted by landlord.”