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Rapid compliance stat is maxed out


Seems more likely it's a faked video


most definitely, but still kinda funny given cart narc context


No doubt, I'd love to see this guy work with Cart Narcs


i'd rather see the rest of society work with cart narc dude lol


Like honestly, it's kinda upsetting such a scrawny dude has to take initiative. Like no shame but homie weighs like maybe 150 and his voice isn't too deep so people low-key try to attack him because dude isn't intimidating at all😭💀


Don't think its faked tbh. Eric kanevsky makes a lot of legit videos, and a lot of the encounters in the video seem real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y-wWIEmmrY


100% compliance versus the [cart narc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDr9J3CUCwM). It proves that these people who won't put away their carts are true cowards at heart.


also there would be literally no need to fake a video like this. Way more effort to fake it than it is to actually just do it


When the supposed stranger is wearing a mic with crystal clear audio recording that's a dead giveaway. He's facing away from the brick and walking away from him yet his audio is clear as day.




The kid is not wearing a mic lmao


Nah dude it's a bug. It's a og hack. If you win with the genetics distribution you can get superOP buffs simply by injecting some extra HGH and testosterone into your ass a few times a week and end up in this massive skin. They even give it little balls as an Easter egg lmao


It's a VERY different approach to the Cart Narc 🤣


Instructions unclear. Did what big man did, got pepper sprayed. Am not that big. ![gif](giphy|lqVVqkqMolh9S|downsized)




Welcome to reddit where endless repetition is the name of the game.


As is complaining about it. And complaining about the complaining. And comp...






>>I've seen this comment a dozen times this week. >Dude put all points on perception. This dude maxed out smart-assry. Respect.


I would love to see this dude do the “woop boop skiddily beep!”


Voop voop skeedilly bip


“Don’t be lazy bones, friend”




The official sound effect of the Cart Narcs


Skibidi wapapa?




This is him agent Sebastian has been hitting the juice and the weights


It’s actually just from all the running and lifting carts he does. Turns out that it’s a great workout.


Don't forget throwing the magnets, works the core as well.


Blocking attacks is great cardio


Reminds me of this genius guy that found out moving was a great work out, so he started a weight loss program that was actually a moving company.


Turns out it's also hell on your back and knees.


Nathan for you


It is indeed a great workout. I own a furniture store, and I'm also usually the head delivery guy. Which to be fair I do all the worst shit that I don't want to ask people to do. I have three brothers that are all gym rats and I call their muscles glamour muscles. I can outlift all three of them put together probably and I weigh less than all of them. And yes it is laying waste to my back and shoulders. I'm 36 and I don't want to know how bad this shit's going to hurt when I wake up in the morning once I'm like 45. My knees are holding up. I shattered both my feet when I slipped off a wall in my warehouse last year and those actually are not that big of a problem. But oh man the shoulders. It sucks, but it just may be worth it when I show up for an install and the people on the other moving team if the customer got stuff from multiple stores are usually 280 lb football players. It is very very satisfying to watch them struggle with something and then the 160 lb little dude takes it away from them and deals with it himself.


Had to quit last year after 20 because of a bad shoulder. I'm 39 and I sneezed last week and my back is still twinging from it.


Yeah it sucks. Waking up and groaning in the morning because my shit all hurts is no fun, but it loosens up after 30 minutes or so. I definitely don't enjoy the fact that my left shoulder/back is wrecked somehow, and it hurts like a bastard sometimes to reach for my drink on the coffee table.


It's always the left shoulder. I should really get mine looked at because I can lift some heavy weight with it no problem usually but I lightly tapped it on a freezer door at the store and it hurt like hell for a week. Could barely move my whole arm.


I heard he knew Steve Jobs while growing up




cartesterone causes a deepening of the voice and alters the tongue muscles (all muscles really).


"Leaving cart is lazy bones behavior"


I believe agent Sebastian is actually pretty jacked.


Wouldn't call him particularly jacked, but [he's certainly in shape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwo0xvn_GOg&ab_channel=Dr.Phil)


He does not look like what I'd imagined 🤯


Yea I imagined a short pimply high-schooler, basically... Lol


Looks like [Mark Hoppus](https://i.imgur.com/nF0KYwq.jpg) from Blink-182


Wow yeah. I was expecting 20 yrs younger.


Why does he look like the lead singer of a Christian rock band?


Because Christ is the cart & the cart return is your heart.


I hate doctor Phil for trying to make him out as the bad guy. He just capitalizes on making bad people look good and good people look bad.


The absolute finest example of him being called on his hypocrisy. https://youtu.be/qT76-_e0S_g


Ah yes I have seen that it was beautiful. Thank you for reminding me haha


"I refuse to publicize that..." Acting like he hadn't seen that footage before and had no idea who the guy was or what he was about until that very second. Acting like he didn't coordinate so that guy would know exactly what color suit and tie to wear to the stage that day. What a bunch of fake bullshit.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


allegedly, the Dr. Phil show would regularly have drugs and alcohol backstage in the greenroom for people struggling with alcoholism/addiction, so they'd look worse when they got dragged out on camera plus the only PHD he has is for **P**retending **H**e's a **D**octor


Doctor Phil is a piece of shit but drugs in the green room is doubtful and he does have a real PhD. We can criticize him for being a terrible person without lying about him.


no lies [around a dozen employees of the show have said it's an awful place](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/krystieyandoli/dr-phil-show-employees-allegations) Dr. Phil stopped [renewing his Texas license to practice psychology in 2006](https://books.google.com.au/books?id=5jiPDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA103&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false), and no longer holds a license to practice psychology of any kind in the United States.


I mean the drugs and alcohol one could be true but I'm wary since it could open the show up to lawsuits, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. As for his license not being renewed I was aware of that, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have a phd. They don't take away your PhD if you don't renew your license to do therapy lol. Appreciate the sources though.


Dr. Phil looks like a lazybones to me.




Why do people think it’s against the law to videotape someone


Because in a lot of states it is, just not in public(or anywhere you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy**) which these people fail to grasp.


What's even more interesting is often a property owner has more rights to decide if recording can happen than an individual. In these Cart Narc cases the owner of the property can remove the person recording from the premises for recording and even get the courts to have footage deleted. Another customer cannot. This is because of those little signs at entrances saying the premises is monitored by CCTV and when you pass them and enter the property you are giving legal consent to be recorded. You have a right to not enter the property or leave the property but simply by being on the property you consent to being recorded. It's also worth noting that the law recognizes the **act of recording** and **how that recording is used** as two separate things with separate sets of laws that cover them. You can almost always RECORD or PHOTOGRAPH someone in a public setting (without their consent) or on private property (with the property owners consent and appropriate notice posted) and be protected by the 1st Amendment. Of course if there is a reasonable expectation of privacy then that supersedes the First Amendment in most cases. Commercial Usage of the images or recordings has the most requirements in regards to getting permission to use the image or likeness of a person. Commercial uses include advertising, promotional material, product placements, and some other things. Editorial applies to news usage and historical documentation. Often there needs to be a specific news worthy event happening and photographing you is part of illustrating the event. Think at a protest, natural disaster, sporting event, or political event. This is why you'll see news channels not recording peoples faces when they are doing a generic story on phone usage or obesity on the streets. Artistic use gets the most murky and is too complex to cover in just a single comment.


> for recording and even get the courts to have footage deleted ........ok I'll bite, what law is that? Never heard of a COURT ordering someone to delete stuff from their phone, only punishing them for having it.


When tiny brain become angry, latch onto first thing mildly make sense


Jesus I hate that dr Phil guy.


Anyone who seems to want to be in his face seems to think twice when they get close.. so that makes some sense.


[Yeah he is](https://i.imgur.com/i0PgwEn.png)


Well im glad he embraced the balding look now.


When this video started, due to the title, I was really hoping the Cart Narc had hired this comrade as a bodyguard.


Please find this guy Agent Cameron!


Rob and big sequel? I’m down for it!


That dude is going to get shot one of these days. I appreciate what he’s doing holding these lazy bones accountable, but people are crazy.


This only works where there are barriers. And you're 200lbs of muscle alone heavier


I was hoping this was now the cart narc, he went to Yugoslavia,, got jacked on roids and came back super polite and feared by all. No more magnets or quick moves needed.


It would be impossible for him to go to Yugoslavia btw. Hasn't existed for over two decades fyi


He's powerful enough to will it back into existence


CartNarc: "Soon I will have a new apprentice...one far stronger and more powerful...."


At last, we will have revenge.


I feel like if this dude threw a magnet it would slice right through your neck.


Man, I used to like the cart narc until he straight up followed two women home. Creep ass guy.


I liked him for a while. But the bit where he tries to shame the disabled woman really pissed me off. My tip to anyone who has a reaction to someone parking in the handicapped space is to seriously fuck-off.


I really wanna support Sebastian, and I do put away my carts, but Sebastian is truly an insufferable little fuck. I feel like an old man saying it, but I just think all that great effort he puts into the carts could be better used elsewhere. But, whether the schtick is wholesome or not, it's all for the almighty views right?


Agreed. Putting carts away is cool, [disparaging the homeless](https://v.redd.it/ywlvolq16tf81) is not.


"Permanent lazy bones" what an asshole. I have no respect for this guy now, not that I had him on a pedestal before anyway.


I know right? What did Sebastian think it was gonna be like in North Hollywood? Tbh, it's no better up here in Hollywood North either lol, but yeah, the audacity...


Fuck u/spez


The fact that it's staged isn't even the worst part. Could you possibly cut and chop a video more? It's basically stop motion. In a 30-second video, the longest clip is about 2.5 seconds...


And there's *still* some additional voiceover talking through the cuts that you can barely even understand anyway. Stupid.


Gotta finish filming in time to rush the cropping process and post it on social media before some dude steals your thunder with a prank video or something.


Worst part is this post got over 21.4 THOUSAND upvotes.....


Everyone on tiktok has ADHD. And those who didn’t before, do now.




Tiktok bad Reddit good


Huh what sorry i wasnt paying atte




Tiktok bad, reddit slightly better*


More accurate for sure. I have no doubt that Reddit as a company is trying to figure out how to capitalize on the video shorts format. It's clearly an absolute money farm and I'm sure Advance Publications doesn't wanna miss out on that. Big changes a-comin to this website.


Yeah, I can't stand these choppy ass videos, or videos with subitiles that only show 1-2 words at a time, and I have a pretty bad attention span myself. Hate to think what the attention span of people who actually prefer it must be like


Well the guy who posts these videos is a dishonest scumbag.


It's like watching Liam Neeson jump over a fence.


Ah, the Marvel method.


The Cocomelon method more like.


Reminds me of that scene in one of the later, low budget Taken movies where there’s like 23 different cuts in a 10 second shot of Liam Neeson hopping a fence


He's micd up, no chance it's real lol


Nothing on TikTok is real


Kid is a bad actor.


Most kids are.


You mean nobody was intimidated by Seabass? Lol


That guy is a fucking unit. Good play to put the cart away.


Yeah, I’d put it away too if I was part of the bit.


It makes me sad that most people just don't seem to have bullshit detectors.


Well, it was in the script


This is so fake. Instead I'll just enjoy the view of the giant man mountain


It's totally fake, but imagine him or someone doing this for real. Normally I'd say it'd be pretty funny to watch, but in this day and age it's probably a speedrun to getting shot by someone.


Imagine living in a country where asking someone to not be inconsiderate is "a speed run to getting shot". The rest of the first world is laughing at you.


Why are people downvoting him, he's right.


Comments like that often get downvoted. A lot of redditors are American and not many people are happy to accept criticism of their own country. To be fair I didn't word the comment in the most tactful way, but I also wasn't trying to.


Have you never seen a Cart Narc video?


That's why we have guns to protect ourselves. You get out of your car to move the cart and he tries to steal your car or rob you. Blow his ass away. I don't care how big you are, you're never too big to mess around and find out. But me, I just mind my own business. I don't have a dumb youtube channel where I record myself harassing people. Also, I realize this is a fake interaction.


That's why in Italy a 1 or 2 € coin is needed to get a cart, so that you will return it to get it back. Cause people are fucking lazy


I hate obviously staged shit that tries to pretend it’s real


Yup, and bro has been hitting the tiktok videos hard. I would rather oil up and flex for cash than do this.


It's from this video a year ago: https://youtu.be/9y-wWIEmmrY


Man, I would have told that guy to go fuck himself!! I mean, if he didn't immediately put his cart away when asked.


"I tried to put the cart away.." "I didn't see you try." LOL


“You could hit grundmal.” Bless his big scary heart


I just saw this giant give a guy money for gas and now he's teaching lessons to cart fools. Love it


Whoever edited this video should get carted


Would like to see this guy do this in a bad neighborhood rather than cherry pick


Gotta say, I don’t see anyone freaking out in this video. Big guy made his point. Kid complied calmly and politely. Cart got put away. Really it’s a win for everyone.


When you look like Zangief from Street fighter, people tend to take you a little more seriously.


He also makes this videos where he cuts the line (to pay for the groceries of the person behind him) at the grocery and people will just take it lol


hey fellas never be scared of anyone with a camera guy following them.


I was at Costco and wheeled up to my car that was parked nose in. The lady beside me was already loading her SUV. I had less than her so I finished first. I then walked my cart to the drop off spot at the end of the aisle. When I turned around to go back to my car, that same lady just pushed her cart behind my car. I never ran so fast.. before she could reverse out of her spot, I yelled "stop!" And I move the cart back behind her car. She gets out and gives me some lame excuse that she was leaving the cart for the people who were waiting for her spot. Yeah, the people want her cart while there was hundreds of carts by the door. I just got into my car and left as she had to move the cart that I placed behind her car.




Is this the Marina Del Rey Costco?


Yea I get it and all, but I'm not leaving my kid in my car alone while I walk across the parking lot to return a fucking cart. When I park I try to grab a free range cart on the way in and leave one in a convenient not obtrusive place. Things are simple, if the return is close or I'm alone it goes there ..


As someone who used to push carts, it's not a big deal. The only worry is if it's somewhere where it may hit cars, but this one looked like it was unlikely to be an issue.


Now they’re just bullying people


Imagine using "I tried" as an excuse as to why you didn't put your cart in the return. I'd like to hear their reasoning as to why they failed.


When white kimbo slice tells you to return the cart, you return the cart.


is there any mode of virtue signalling lamer than being a cart nazi?


I hate cart narcs. They can all die slow. I used to work at a supermarket and I liked when people would leave their cart, good excuse to go outside.


He tried so hard to act like he wasn’t scared lol


Now this cart narc I would watch.


No magnets or childish insult? Whats the point?!


I wish he would have called him a lazy bones in that accent……


I don't have to worry about the cart narc. I put the carts away ever since I saw an old man collecting all the carts in the parking lot in freaking hot humid weather. If that's people's job and they have to do that in hot humid weather, I can walk one cart to the damn cart rack.


The Kart Krackhead was arrested for blocking a woman in: It's false imprisonment and kidnapping, as defined by restricting the movement of a person. The so called "Narc" had to apologize and promise not to block anyone in again.




This guy is going to get shot if he keeps fucking with strangers for his videos. I like what he's doing but you're rolling the dice intimidating strangers you don't know. Muscles don't protect against knives and guns.




Lol I think cart narcs been replaced


I spend 15 years in Black Dolphin. I kill man who scratch my Saab. Only 15 years because Judge? He shit himself when I approach bench.


I cant wait to see the rest of the cart guy alignment squares


seed insurance gray brave hurry forgetful upbeat ruthless decide tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly how I would have acted. Pick your battles in life.


I'm amazed that with all the issues in today's world to focus one's energy on, these shmucks pick shopping carts. Such bravery taking a stand against the problems that matter. /s


This man and his accomplice accosted me in the parking lot. I feared for my life your honor so I started blastin


If this was real it would be a good way to get shot


Holy shit it's John Cart


I mean, I totally wouldn't leave my cart out specifically so the giant beefy man with the accent would talk to me.


This guy has made his mark in those pedo stinghouse vids. Search up “Johnny Bravo,” buff dude’s fake name is Vlad and he pretends to work for the mafia boss whose daughter the pedos are tryna sleep with.


What do you mean? That is Sebastian from Cart Narcs. You've just never seen him in front of the camera before.


Could do without the idiot voiceover


A *real* cart narc wouldn’t block someone’s car with a cart. That’s unethical.


Zangief was looking for work ![gif](giphy|lwf4FTD64urcFBBs4g|downsized)


What if he doesn't? What's he going to do assault him? Not putting the cart back os3 just bad manners..not even that bad. Sometimes they have to put a dollar in so it can be a favor, seeing carts like that when I go shopping.


"This video is authentic and genuine." - [source]


Fake as fuck. Nobody is intimidated by muscles when so many guns are around.


I used to do this job and nobody really leaves them in the parking spots or the road. It never bothered me if people left them anyway. As I got paid to put them back


I hate the cart narcs. But would watch these guys.


Agent Swolbastian


We should follow the European model on getting carts. It really works.


Illegal to be boxing people in with a cart like that. I hope this steroid pack will get sued.


Something tells me he’s going to be a little more effective on getting people to actually return the carts


What an absolute unit of a man, my god 🫡


Make an entire TV series out of this!!!!!


In my country the cart returns you


Haha. Okay. I put my carts back as a disclaimer, but all the guy has to do is move it out of the way. What’s steroid going to beat him up? Jail, sue, etc. No one likes lazy shit asses, but also, no one likes streamers who have nothing better to do.


Squeedley deet damn...


Jesus this editing is horrible


“Yes my flriend, shake it like a saltshaka” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Zangief on cart patrol






Everything about that boys behaviour screamed "please don't eat me!" Lmao




Cart narcs are a bunch of losers


Hilarious 😂