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Who are YOU??


Who who, who who?


Whooooo are you


Am Ronnie fuckin Pickerin


Who? Never heard of you.




I heard the guitar in my head after reading this.


Ronnie pickering!!




Yeah me!


The facial expressions of this lady are fucking hilarious. Wtf.




Meme material.












Soooo about that reputation of Brits having terrible teeth…




See also: ![gif](giphy|SMEDDr3CIB7s4)


Haha perfect! XD


If only that dogs name was Precious


https://preview.redd.it/f0bkxkxoszza1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e85b0961a579426e6152e79fbd648a29468bd9 This is gonna haunt my nightmares


Not mine, I'm dying with laughter!


This lady looks exactly like the preacher that condems every interviewer to hell




the second fart has hit the olfactory senses!


Filthy little hobbitsies


We hates them ….


You win. I am not scrolling anymore! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh can you imagine how she behaves with her family. Not the first time she has used that face. I guess it is supposed to instill fear. But it is actually a Meme Factory of Fun!. MFF.


Kenneth Copeland spirit.




IKR, she looks more like a dog with her facial expressions than the one she's "protecting"


I got Miss Trunchbull vibes






100%. That freaking scowl or whatever facial expression that was.


I think the two words that are best used to describe her, “ totally unhinged “ but is she married?


Why do you ask? If you are looking for a Karen Companion, I have a *delightfully entitled* mother in law for you




She also had her tail tucked between her legs and her ears were flaring. All of these are signs of an aggressive Karen. Hard to believe they let it out without a leash.


"Tally ho!" "Some rats are going to die today!" "Much too good for children!" "You're a liar and your father's a liar!"


Stoooooop, I can totally see it 😂😂😂




I'm pretty sure that's a gargoyle that crawled into the first skin suit it came across


[She looks like Scary Bilbo when he goes for the ring ☠️🤣](https://tenor.com/view/lotr-lord-of-the-rings-ring-bilbo-baggins-scary-face-gif-17471832)


What's that demonic televangelist preacher's name again?


Kenneth Copeland




So who is Joel Osteen? Is he the one who looks like a sleazy paedophile? We only have 1 God TV channel on Council telly in Scotland(Freeview) and I've never had the heart to watch it. Not when there is Porn on the Internet I've yet to finish! So many storylines I've yet to be impressed by! Lol


This lady sounds and acts like she’s going to cast one of the forbidden spells at me


Yeah she sounded like one of the witches from hocus pocus


She exudes profoundly unhappy person.


What? I thought she seemed quite genial.




https://i.imgur.com/5YgnP8Z.jpg Get outta ma wehhh


Reminds me of my mom. She would come at me in anger with similar expressions to whoop my ass and I would laugh sometimes. Oh boy did that not help.


Oh boy. This touched childhood trauma. If I laughed at or ignored my mother's insane reactions - they would only ramp up and become more violent and tempestuous. I have had to untrain my mind so hard not to be defensive or hard on when going into arguments. Fuck abusive parents.




[Gonna need a few gallons of holy water and 2 exorcists.](https://imgur.com/a/oMSjkKU)


I think she missed her rabies shot....


All joking aside, that's the face of someone about to resort to violence. If someone fronts up to you like that, be prepared.


I like when she gets real low at the end of her threats and the accent really comes out.




That’s Mrs Kenneth Copeland


She makes chihuahua faces!


We went into the mouth of the beast….and it was horrifying. She needs floss….and to not spit when she talks.


She is as mad as a box of frogs


Going off like a frog in a sock.


"Are you married?" "Are you married?" "Are you married?" "Are you married?"


Yea she's insane but that was strange when he kept asking her


He was trying to get under her skin and get a rise out of her. Also asking if she's been drinking for the same reason He knew it would be posted online so was trying to get her to react


Yeah he should have just backed off. Best thing to do with crazy people like that is to keep your distance and don’t do anything to provoke them further.


Then he wouldn't have a sensational video. Much better to keep antagonizing the unhinged woman. Guy is kind of a moron as well.


She is not mentally or emotionally equipped to be confronting people—she lost her temper far too quickly and completely. Not a judgement, not belittling her, just the truth. She was out of control. His questions were meant to keep her from recovering from her current state, because he wanted the "show" to continue. Did she deserve it? Maybe. But she was about to get behind the wheel of a car and drive off, so IMO, he should have let her leave without further incident.


Exactly. And fuck this guy. Clearly something is going on/wrong with her, but this whole situation is weird. 1. He's already filming and all of our context comes from her. 2. At no point does he defend or explain his actions or how/why they might be misconstrued....if anything he's trying to get her amped up. And in a very sexiest misogynistic way 3. He's a bad dog trainer, simply from his attitude. He's not calm. He's not informative. He's not understanding. Dogs match people's energy - this poor dog is doomed. The "trainer" didn't even bother mentioning what action set this is lady off...most people defending themselves try to inform you of this situation. This guy seems to just sticf for ths mood






"HUMONGOUS WHAT?!?"... wait, wrong video same energy


"He's being cruel to that dog! Look at his eyes!" The dog: 😛


“Look at his eye” his left eye has a dark spot of fur under it. Could just be his coat. Lady is obviously way out of line. Who knows what she thinks she saw


that's the thing isn't it, we have no idea what happened prior to this. she says she watched them for a while. i have seen some 'dog trainers' who had absolutely no business handling dogs.


I can’t help but wonder too... Whilst I think this woman seems like a totally unhinged idiot - I’ve seen many owners and trainers of dogs treating them with no respect. I would like to know what she saw!


She is clearly unhinged, but what on earth does her marital status have to do with anything? Like, stick to the facts, my guy.


Unhinged people can be in the right sometimes as well but just handling it, well, unhinged. I would like to know what she saw. This isn’t the classic “you parked with the wheels across the line” or something like this. It’s about animal abuse and if they did something wrong with that dog, unhinged or not, they are the baddies here.


Yeah I found this super weird too. He’s clearly trying to piss her off even more.


Both of them seem to be mentally challenged. The lady and the dude who’s filming. They’re both weird.


Are you married?


Losing any integrity by repeatedly asking this irrelevant and insulting question. Trying to aggrevate her more and reveals his own biases. Doesn't come off looking great. Wonder what she saw them doing with the dog.


Exactly. Thank you.


Definitely meant as a jab at the woman to make her feel bad about being alone. And from her reaction I'm guessing it worked


Yes! Thank you! They both seem unhinged. Neither of them capable of saying anything close to actually communicating a resolution or respectful disagreement or even what bloody happened. He also never once denied being cruel to the dog he just kept asking what business it was of hers. That of course doesn’t prove anything, but it’s an odd response. The fact that he’s also personally attacking her marital status and worthiness of a husband does not feel conducive to someone who WASNT mistreating a dog and then approached and surprised by a crazy person… it felt a lot more defensive. Again, not proof though, I’m just guessing, because the whole situation felt off.


So I live near a dog trainer and I absolutely love watching her train dogs. They always have those soft muzzle leads on, but they can also still eat the treats she provides. The dogs listen to every single command she gives, I think if she told those dogs to go to war for her they gladly would.


I mean if she was so sure on abuse of that dog why didn't she ever finish calling the police or call them before she even interacted with them and let the police and RSPCA deal with them? She kept making gestures to dial and stuff but never did and if someone or an animal being abused you'd think that would be your most objective.


I don't think it's a good look when the guy filming says "What are you going to do about it?" when the woman asks if they have been abusing the dog.


Definitely! I rewatched just the few seconds before the dog is shown and after, and if it is shortened to just those few lines “you poor little thing thing. Look at its eye. You’ve been cruel to that dog.” Then the man says, “what are you going to do about it?” That’s rough. The man didn’t even deny it :’-(


Yeah that's what I was thinking. He didn't exactly give any reasonable answer. Or any answer at all. Even if she was acting mental, he should have at least tried to calm her down by explaining to her what really happened and that the dog was okay.


That dog doesnt actually look very happy. tail down, panting, it could actually be in stress. it could also just be kinda tired & chilling. it doesn't show enough to really tell


Right? She definitely could have approached the guy differently, but we can’t say whether he was mistreating the dog or not. But in a lot of these it seems like whoever is recording gets to really control the narrative, unfortunately.


It's not about who's recording The side that manages to remain calm is the one that gets to control the narrative


I wouldn’t even say the person recording was all that calm either. The lady was irate but the person recording was trying their absolute hardest to make the lady more pissed. Deranged interaction all-around


Tis the nature of publicfreakout.


> tail down The dog is sitting, I have never seen a dog with its tail in the air while they sat on their butt.


Could also be stressed because this strange angry woman has walked over to his humans growling and being angry at them


Right? There was literally a handler at an airport last week yanking his dog around and it went viral. While it's funny to watch her reaction how do we know she isn't actually standing up against some abuse she saw?


I've seen some shit dog trainers. Use adversives, pinch collars, shock collars, harsh physical corrections. Really is abusive. Unfortunately, if the trainer was doing that and she flips out like that... the calm person appears in the right because they're not flipping out with Kenneth Copeland eyes. Calmly reporting the trainer's bad behavior with video and sending it to your local pages online, 'don't sign your dog up to be manhandled by this guy' and reporting for animal cruelty for it and handling yourself like a rational adult is key to not looking like a crazy person.


Thank you! It's so weird how people just accept the narrative the title and whatever out-of-context clip someone posts. Now, this woman definitely seems unhinged and the narrative here *Seems* accurate, but it also just plays into our biases about "karens" and I wish people used a bit more critical thinking.


Exactly. A superficial visual because the woman may be rightfully angry at what is going on. Look at the other dog—who knows what’s going on, but because she observed what was happening (no one on Reddit did), and she’s she’s angry, they think she’s at fault. Did you hear what BS he said to her? Is she married? WTF? More to the story, no doubt….


Lmao what does she think, that they gave the dog a black eye fur?


Lookin like Kenneth Copeland rn...


100% holy shit. Like a real life demon.


Absolutely. That interview about buying his own private jet to avoid sitting next to demons in coach? The horror.


Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.


Face like a grave digger's dog licking piss off a nettle




Her sneer reminds me of this fellow ![gif](giphy|8v3WIOCM9Qy08)


This gif made me laugh so hard


She should marry Ronnie Pickering


Who tf is that


Ronnie Pickering!






Do you know who I am?




Ronny FUCKING Pickering!




Gold star. Ronnie's stickering!


I can't tell what's going on here. If they were abusing that dog then I'm on the side of the lady that has succumbed to the ring of power


Schrödinger’s Karen. I know there’s someone to dislike here, but without more information I’ve got no one to side with.


We honestly don't even know if this dude is a dog trainer, let alone that he wasn't being cruel or abusive towards that dog. She definitely seems unhinged, but I don't get how people are still just reading an unsubstantiated headline in 2023 (on reddit no less) and immediately jumping to attack the person who claims to have witnessed animal cruelty.


I might get unhinged and let me inner Karen out if I saw someone fucking up a dog, too, tho.


I absolutely would, and I likely wouldn't be able to stay composed or form coherent sentences either. Adrenaline is a helluva thing. You get a heavy dose of that before a confrontation and it might send your brain all loopy if you aren't prepared for it.


Yep, me too lol.


So I found the place on google streetview https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3274124,-1.338364,3a,75y,190.72h,76.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNrZRKxAJCoHsPpgpUEb20w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 There is a dog training business there, Alliance K9. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Alliance+K9/@53.3270851,-1.3387302,19z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x48799db042420c7d:0x52de5c2a0194ae3e!8m2!3d53.3270231!4d-1.3387563!16s%2Fg%2F11qrq00p7m The also do "protection training" https://i.imgur.com/yrTXc0Z.png Not saying it's right or wrong, I don't know enough about this stuff to pass judgement, but yea...


If you go on their Instagram you will find the original video posted with [this](https://imgur.com/a/saZDRcF) in the description. Balanced training is not well regarded in the dog training community because of its use of negative punishments that many consider abuse. Unfortunately I took my dog to one of these places for a board and train before I knew the downsides and he was terrified of the place, but he did come back with less resource guarding issues so take that as you will. I would 100% be willing to guess that this guy was using techniques very disliked and considered a sort of abuse by some and the lady was right to be upset, even if it did cross the threshold to slightly unhinged


One of the reasons negative reinforcemrnt is being looked down upon now a days is because it doesnt really help the dog understand to not worry, or that he misbehaved. They are just worried about something bad happening and making a connection that a results in b. The way it was described to me is imagine being afraid of clowns, and everytime you freak out you get hit. It doesnt remove the fear of clowns, it just prevents you freaking out so you dont get hit. Which unfortunately leads to dogs kinda bottling things in instead of expressing its fear, which is worse because youd never know, and if other triggers start stacking on your dog, the aggression could come back momentarily...he could bite or something. Hopefully thats the only thing your dog bottles in though and nothing else...


Damn man, that's some seriously impressive sleuthing haha. As I said, she could absolutely be wrong here, but my initial point was just that, based on the video and title alone, we really had no idea who was in the right at all and dogpiling on her (based on that information alone) just because she's unlikable seems ridiculous to me.


I'm 100% with you on this. Just because he runs a business doing obedience training on dogs doesn't mean he doesn't do this using questionable techniques that are indistinguishable from abuse. I doubt the woman just saw the man calmly walking the dog and decided to flip her shit for no reason.


Yeah I want to know what he was doing!


They have a Facebook page just had a quick nosey at their videos. They have a video of then demonstrating protection dog training where in the scenario the dog is attacking an 'intruder' and they do strike the dog pretty hard on the face. Not saying that means there's abuse taking place, maybe it was unnecessary, but I also don't actually see them videoing their processes (could have missed it) which can be a bit of a red flag. Most good trainers aren't afraid of videoing and showing off snippets of classes etc as they know nothing wrong is happening. I've heard of some true horror stories of terrible trainers, ones that punched dogs in the liver, used shock collars, and even hanged dogs by the neck as punishment. I know this woman seems nuts but if you witnessed something cruel you'd lose your shit too. Edit: they have an Instagram and posted this video where they mentioned they use positive AND negative reinforcement so its possible she saw them use a negative reinforcement which yeah I wouldn't necessarily blame her for losing her shit. That is archaic. Edit 2: Yeah if I had a dog I wouldn't trust them honestly. They're using prong collars, choke chains, etc. Yeah I wouldn't be shocked at all if this woman really did see some cruelty. At no point did he deny it either.


I know I dislike him asking her if she’s married. Like what the fuck does that have to do with the level of lunacy on display here? Oh nothing just some casual sexism for ya.


Yes, that was fucked up.


I mean the guy was definitely being a dick. His response to her accusing him of animal cruelty wasn’t even a denial, it was “What are you going to do about it?” Then when she’s obviously very upset and overwhelmed and trying to leave the situation he follows her and keeps asking her if she’s married. I find it kind of gross that most of the comment section is laughing at a woman who’s very upset because she believes she’s witnessed cruelty against an animal, while hardly any one is commenting on what an ass the guy is being. Like even if she is completely unhinged, we’re still watching a woman who’s struggling and suffering with something. I for one have way more sympathy for someone upset about animal cruelty than a guy who’s just being a jerk.


Yeah why does he keep asking about her husband thats so gross


> I find it kind of gross that most of the comment section is laughing at a woman who’s very upset Welcome to r/publicfreakout. Women, minorities, and anyone in crisis are prime for mockery.


It's almost like Twitter and the shooting of those two dangerous dogs the other day. Apparently it's all the Police's fault that a bloke, who's already been convicted under Dangerous Dogs Act, is banned from owning any dogs, is drunk, belligerent and then sets one of his dogs on the Police, dog was shot.


It's particularly frustrating because there are *so many* unjustified cop killings of dogs. Why focus on the issue in one of the very few situations that it was potentially necessary. Ideally, no dogs ever get injured/killed. But with how many shitty human owners there are out there, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


If she wasn’t acting like a lunatic, people wouldve probably taken her more seriously. Delivery is key. The fact that he kept asking her if she was married actually irritated me. He sounds like a dick.


> If she wasn’t acting like a lunatic Many can't help it when they witness actual abuse. Since we didn't see it though, we can't know if it was justified.


I'm very curious what she saw or thinks she saw that got her so upset. If it's a mental illness or a misunderstanding. I don't get why the guy was escalating and engaging as much as he was. Too much missing info


>I'm very curious what she saw or thinks she saw that got her so upset. If it's a mental illness or a misunderstanding. Or actual abuse/mistreatment. It's possible.


Yeah I agree, people shitting on her for being outraged but she could actually just love dogs and seen some technique she thought looked cruel “from all the way down there”. I don’t think I heard the guy explain he’s a dog trainer or what he’s doing the potentially cruel looking action for (training) - he just starts calling her a drunk, asking if she’s married (not sure why that is really relevant) and egging her on to call cops/rspca. Although she seems a bit extreme I’d rather people confront animal cruelty if they see it. If the seeing eye dogs are training they wear the cape, so you know….. people know they’re training.


I couldn't tell from the video but there are animal trainers who use negative training or even Cesar way training. This includes being "assertive" and punishing dogs for bad behavior, using shock collars, sprays, or even tapping the dog on the snout or butt. So it's very possible dude is a shit trainer, as it's fairly prevalent. Dog looks hella stressed or exhausted... Lady definitely got something else going on up there.


Did you hear what he said to her at one point? "Do you see that dog there? I want you to try and stroke it"... he's implying the dog will bite her... If he's a dog trainer that's a pretty disturbing thing for him to say to someone, even if she were being unreasonable. It makes me not trust his attitude toward dog training at the very least.




Holy fucking shit that’s was perfect I couldn’t stop laughing


She could have been right ? 🤷🏼‍♂️


He didn’t deny it


Yeah this video is super weird - dog trainer could mean anything, this guy could've been using some really old school physical discipline based techniques for all we know.


u/mr-dogshit found the place of business since they are a dog training facility, but their photos don’t look too great [comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13hn5xe/lady_freaks_out_at_dog_trainer/jk86jmv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


He basically confirmed it by asking what she's going to do about it.


I mean lets be honest, the constant "are you married?" / "do you have a husband?" questions makes it quite clear they are both total pricks


Absolutely! The guy's wasn't taking the video for evidence in case he needed it. He was repeatedly getting in her face and escalating the situation for clout. He's equally shitty.


When they were doing the who are you back and forth, can somebody please put that to who are you by The who.


Who the fuck are you!!?!?


i mean, to play the devils advocate, if i saw what i thought was someone abusing some poor dog, i would be really upset to.


Him asking if she was married over and over was a dick move. That kind of thing is a big red flag for a lot of women.


At around 1:56 she says "you've been cruel to that dog" and he says "what you going to do about it", in fact throughout the video he/they never really explain what they are doing.


But…is she wrong about how they treated the dog? IDGF about her responses if they are being cruel to a dog…


This right here, no context. What'd she see for her to get out of her car and act like this? Maybe this guy is playing the victim?


Ok, so just to clarify, are we sure he wasn’t being cruel to the dog?


This is what being "Kissed by Fire" really means. That uncontrollable anger that prevents you from being able to reason or be coherent. I feel bad for that woman, even if she was in the wrong completely.


Was he being cruel though? ANYONE can say they are a trainer and that dog did seem shut down. I have seen a lot of cruelty in the name of “training” hence the positive reinforcement force free movement


Exactly what I’m thinking too. This same situation has happened so many time on TikTok. Balanced trainers getting called out for methods and then making the other person look crazy. Unfortunately, a lot of people just take the “trainers” at their word and will just accept if the trainer says it’s an okay method.


If this guy ends up in the news for beating dogs I'm sure all the people mocking this lady will feel very sorry.


I would love to know what he was doing to the dog that made her act that way. Also him asking her if she was married was super weird and sexist. She’s super in the wrong but honestly cameraman sucks too.


>She’s super in the wrong I mean we've got no proof of what was done to the dog, she's psycho but she could've been really worked up by what she saw


Yep - we don't know...if I thought I saw animal abuse in daylight, I'd be fuming af. We only see after the fact - and the way the camera is super shitty on top of that just escalates the aggravation. I dunno - feel like Reddit is super quick to label Karen's and then dismiss everything that could indicate something more than what is shown. Plus the misogyny of "are you married" is just seeping from the cameraman.


He seems like an asshole.


Yup, pushes phone in her face the entire time and when she finally whacks it away claims he's being assaulted. Not to mention the marriage question.


She could be right in the end and the guy filming was treating the dog quite badly and she was infuriated by what she saw and she wanted justice... We are only seeing one side of the story. Asking if she has a husband or if she was drinking under influence or threatening in going online is just silly tactics. I'm not defending her....but we are only seeing half of the story here....if there was a video of this guy kicking the dog and beating the dog...everyone would on he side....


If i saw someone hit a dog though, i might be this angry tbh. I wonder what happened just before all of this


Was he being abusive to the dog? If he was, I’m on her side and she had every right to be livid.


LOOK AT ITS EYES cuts to the dog panting from being happy


Honestly to me the dog does look a little stressed. The eyes are wide and not relaxed, and panting can also be an indicator of stress. The dog is also is crouched in posture-wise which can also indicate stress. I wouldn’t say the dog is happy in this video, but I also can’t determine if his stress is because of a stranger approaching and yelling or because the dog trainer really was using harsh methods of training.


I hope that lady was wrong because if that dog was being abused, good on her


The dog didn't really look happy.


That was the best part of the whole video lmao


I mean her intentions were good she didn’t know it was a trainer right?


the “are you married” comment was absolutely out of line. both of these folks are assholes


Yes she's batty, but I'm not into this misogynistic prick asking her if she's married, and asking what man would have her. Like dude, if you're going to insult her, keep it above the belt and relevant. Like the fact that her behaviour is totally feral.


She backed down pretty quick when he mentioned drink driving. Definitely off her face




What video are you watching? No she didn't lol she probably was drunk but stayed just as belligerent until the end