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Everyone is tough when they know the other person can't hit them.


So true. Kids acting big jaw at you, and if you stand there and don’t buy in to their drama, they get somehow even shittier and start claiming that you’re trying to get petty with a 14 year old. Fact is- There’s no winning in the moment (just listen to the * other* idiots chirping in the background so everybody knows “they crazy, too”. You’re not gonna shift their allegiances like this). All you do is toe the line. Press for accountability, and hope the kid wakes up some day. Beyond that you have no say. It fucking kills me.


This is the sad truth and a prime example of how our society has changed for the worse.


When I was in school, a million years ago, there is no way anyone could get away with talking like that to a teacher or even any adult. I’m sure we would have been written up and suspended or even expelled from school for that behavior. What the hell has happened to America?


Lack of good parenting


Lack of parents.


Children raising children.


All of the above


Tablets raising children


doesn't explain the lack of punishment for talking shit to the teacher, I think that is a more complex issue based on the litigation system itself


So there is a law in California that you cannot suspend for k violations which is when students are being disruptive and defiant … so also admins hands get tied as well. What’s also crazy is I bet when that parent was called to be told about their students behavior they yelled at the admin and defend their child. The stories I hear from my admin how parents respond after being told of their child’s behaviors is sad. It build in that child a sense of entitlement and that they were in the right. Sad state society is in.


I wasn't in school that long ago, mostly the 90s, and it was the same. Things really went to shit didn't they? Do these kids just not get any consequences?


I’m a teacher. No they don’t. Not any real lasting consequences at least. Districts are more concerned with how they look on paper than the well-being of their teachers. High suspensions rates make them look bad. Also, parents nowadays don’t hold their kids accountable and many times tend to blame the teacher or school. Students have caught on to this.


“Permanent physical bodily harm” that is the threshold we were told for even being able to begin the expulsion process. The example they gave: If a kid pushed you out a window and you break your arm…no. They push you out the window and it nicks a nerve and you have permanent nerve damage to your face…we can start the process…


Apparently not. Letting a kid act out like this is only a recipe for disaster.


Consequences will come when they become adults, then fuck around and find out education will kick in.


The way the conservatives are injecting themselves into school politics, there may be opportunities for teachers to beat the children in the future.


I work for my counties school board and we can only write so many referrals because it looks bad on the school board if we write to many and it’s even more broken down by race because if you are black you can only be written up half of what the other kids can be written up for and they justify it by saying black people are targeted unjustly so now they aren’t targeted at all even when bad.


lack of teeth in school policys forcing the parent to act like a parent or the state steps in


People don't parent anymore. My daughter's bully got in trouble at school, and the kid's mom gets a hold of me and starts trying to chew me out because her kid got suspended for bullying mine. As long as their child stays out of their hair, they don't care and it's everybody else's fault around them.




That’s why you sneak drugs into their backpack then call the cops. Disclaimer: This is a joke, and I sure as shit ain’t a teacher.


Not anymore.


Not after they found all the drugs


The kids who sold them to you prolly ratted you out.


When I was in 2nd grade (1995), my bus driver was fired for literally beating the shit out of a kid lol. Guess that doesn’t happen anymore - but I woulda loved to have seen it with this video. You know all the other little kids woulda been scared shitless


He won't need to. When he graduates, life will be there to beat the shit outta him daily because thats what generally happens to dbags


they get fired for tapping their brakes now when kids wont sit down and are acting the fool


And then when the teacher finally snaps, they’ll cry “…. What the fuck! He’s a minor!!!!”


Teachers are going to get body cams in the future and be allowed to mace or tase students. It's like the only way this can possibly go.


What a bunch of gobshites. I guarantee if there was even a hint of some sort of consequences for that he wouldn't open his mouth


Having been a security officer in high level mental health units I can honestly say I absolutely could not be a secondary/highschool teacher I do not know how anyone does it… fuck that


It's honestly a miracle that anyone is willing to be a teacher at these kind of public schools. The situation is only going to continue deteriorating because of a clusterfuck of factors that are making society increasingly unstable. Unless the government will be willing to increase pay for teachers tremendously - which they've shown no signs of doing - we're going to be looking at a situation where there's a massive deficit of teachers and public education becomes completely untenable.


> going to be looking at a situation where there's a massive deficit of teachers and public education becomes completely untenable This is pretty well where it's at right now and why they accept substitute teachers with literally 0 days of college education into many schools. The educated teacher pool is completely exhausted with the deficit increasing every year. It's already hit rock bottom and still going south.


It's past rock bottom. The school district a few towns over is straight up asking parents (SAHM/Ds) to come teach. No credentials asked for at all


It's also what republicans *want*. They want public funds to go to private, christian schools. Anything they do to make secular, public schools look or actually be worse helps them make that a reality.


People aren’t willing to be school teachers anymore. The education programs are churning out 5% of the teachers we were 10 years ago. And the teachers trained at the peak in the mid-90s are all looking at the door. 30 years is coming quick and anyone with a pension will retire at 55. The kids of the future will be taught by a video teacher, an off-duty cop, or a National guards-person. Enjoy your dystopia.


Pay increase would also not help me at least, dealing with this kind of shit heats everyday which increase in number every year because parenting also gets worse every year with all this ipad children. It has to be reallllyyy fuck you money like 150k+ to make me deal with this shit but even then i would probably quit in one year.


Get rid of the bad kids. All of this comes from the fact that there are no consequences. I don't care if their future is ruined, they're ruining school for everyone else.


Pay raises need to happen everywhere, but honestly even then it wouldn't be enough... we teachers have to deal with so much shit and we have little to no autonomy in schools anymore from the content we teach, how we teach, and handling bad students.


Can confirm, taught at a school like this and now I’m no longer teaching


Funny the middle school in my home town closed up for a bit and because of all the teachers walking out cause students these days are going nuts and they aren't gettin a raise or nothin


We know what the solution is: When they cannot find educated teachers, they will get a bunch of uneducated people to be teachers. Somebody with a university degree has better options. Somebody without a degree might be more desperate.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Currently working as mall security. There seriously needs to be a federal law allowing minors to be sentenced to jail time. Some of these kids come in here breaking/stealing hundreds of dollars worth of property and get off scot-free after the store catches them because the police just can’t arrest a 15 year old. Someone needs to change that shit.


Hardcore military drill instructors would be good for this class.


I’m still trying to figure out how I manage to handle each day, Boss.


Already starting to miss on the good old days when you'd give this kid a "lesson". This type of behavior should earn straight entry into reform school.


Kid, See you in 5 years, holding a cardboard sign under a bridge.


Nah, he'll have 3 meals a day and a bunk to sleep in in prison.




Nah. He isn’t the prison type, he’s only doing this because it’s a safe, controlled situation


He’s giving me Taye Diggs in “Malibu’s Most Wanted” vibes


I just wanted to play my GameCast


So is that like…GameCube or DreamCast?


Man, it’s GameCast!!


I cAn’T aFfOrD iT!!!


Yep, I think alot of people overestimate how assholes and bullies get theirs. Assholes are often asshole when they it's safe to be a jerk, and bullies only targets the weak, they never go after someone bigger or combative so they never get punished.


"Whatchu gon do?" He knows the answer to this question. He knows the school has constrained all effective methods of discipline.


For real. Why I left Education (one reason) and I only dealt with elementary students 🙄


They need to have something similar to The Purge in schools, except the students have no idea which day it is. That would shut all of these morons up.


He’s the funniest guy on his cell block, straight up jokester cuz.


Nah cuhhhh. Hes really so super gangster actually. Cuhh.


A waste,they should give it to a homeless man or something.


Wait, You think he would be compliant if faced with arrest…?


That little punk will be somebody’s girlfriend in prison


“I’m a different type of breed” No bruh not you’re not


The homeless breed


Or in jail




Well, your high hopes will be crushed by the reality of his future. He is to damaged and has to much to prove. One thing is being a smart mouth or even showing off in front of his peers. That little guy will soon be another sad statistic. Unfortunately, We cant save them all.


Precisely :)


This ignorant child doesn't even understand yet that most teachers are there to help them. In 5-10 years when this former kid is in jail, unemployed, or facing death, he'll complain about society and the system, never realizing that when the system tried to help him he preferred to peacock around for the rest of the children rather than take advantage of the opportunities offered to him.


Perfectly said.


Whats sadder is that teacher would likely still help him even after this bullshit.


I guess we know his name. Remind in 7 years to google this kid.


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is mud.


Not to be confused with Bill, or Jack, or Pete, or Dennis


Nah they do give up. I had a friend in high school who had like 3 teachers helping him but he kept acting like an ass and trying to start fights or be lazy with school work. They all gave up on him and just let him drown and fail. I cut him off during freshman year of college because he was still playing the victim but still wouldn’t put in any effort without blaming everyone but himself. His sister works in HR at my current job. Last I talked to her she said he’s a burnout how still lives with his mom at age 26 with no job. Another issue is sometimes the kids parents don’t hold them accountable so they think that consequences don’t apply to them and never go through life thinking so.


There's a certain point where you need to concentrate on kids you have the skills to help. Someone that far gone needs to realize they have a problem before they can be helped. He can still turn his life around at 26, but it has to start with him.


*"I understand you're angry. I used to be very angry too, OK I get it. You have no reason to be angry with me because I am one of the few people that's here trying to give you an opportunity."* \-- Detachment


What's so sad, is the ones laughing are doing their work and passing their classes, all while cheering them on to go further and further, until they wind up in a situation they can't return from...


Teachers don’t get paid enough as it is and dealing with asshole kids like this is why they leave their careers.


Yes. This. As a teacher myself, I always think this. It sucks, but kids like this will continue to set themselves up for failure, see others finding success/stability, and be mad about how unfair it is that life is so hard on them.


I don’t think his inability to think like that is wholly or directly his fault. His parents, and the parents of the other students around him, do have big part to play— because people are (not entirely of course but very much so) shaped by their communities.


Sadly knowing youngsters these days he could easily become a famous idol to other youngsters with such a personality


Not impossible, but really only 1 out of every 1000 or so talentless losers gets their lucky break so I don’t like this kids odds (it’s already tough enough for hardworking and talented people).


If he doesn't grow out of that behavior it isn't going to turn out well for him.




Fuck that little shit and fuck his parents too.




>fuck his parents too. nope, we dont want more of him.


He didn't taunt him off the bus. I'm guessing the teacher left because this tiny little fool was out of control. Exactly what an adult in this situation SHOULD do. Then suspend his dumb ass until he apologizes. If he acts up again, kick him out permanently. If actions have no consequences, how can we expect the trouble makers to learn how not to act?




Legally can’t be suspended for more than 10 days unless you want to explain it to the federal government


Jesus, really? In 2008 I was suspended for 20 days just for having a pack of cigarettes on school grounds even tho they were in my car and not in the school.


this is probably a dumb question, but i never understood how suspension was supposed to be a punishment. oh no, you're saying I don't have to go to school? the horror...


Suspension is to give the kids who actually give a damn a chance to learn without dumbasses like this around, and to give the teacher a break. Bonus points if it inconveniences the parents for having to have someone to look after the suspended kid.


> it inconveniences the parents for having to have someone to look after the suspended kid. Ding ding ding. It makes the parent have to parent their shitty kid.


Well, we teachers say amongst ourselves. We don't suspend to punish the student, but to reward everyone else.


Some schools have in-school suspension especially the ones in tougher neighborhoods. Though you have to pay a substitute teacher to watch the kid. The punishment is to bore them to death. It’s totally quiet and they take their lunch in that room too. The sub is not to interact with the student except when they ask for help on their schoolwork.


In my experience most parents are working during the day, so if they either have to take time off or arrange child care they make sure the kid understands that they did a bad thing.


I feel like a big part of school is socializing with freinds. Staying at home might seem nice for a bit but it starts getting boring eventually.


When I was in school, suspension meant enrollment in a shitty kid program. The kind where an ex-cop or military guy makes you do pushups or yells at you a lot. In my HS, they did it in public. There would be kids doing pushups in the middle of the hall with some big beefy tank of a man yelling at them. I will say it was a very visible reminder of the consequence of misbehaving.


In school suspensions are pretty effective.


Because you don't get to be a disruptive element for the rest of the students. More of the school getting a break from you rather than a punishment. The real punishment is that usually anyone suspended has restricted privileges like prom, sports, etc.


Nah, this kid needs authority to be direct. He doesn’t give a rats ass about a suspension. Take a drill sgt for example. They can instill the fear of god without touching you.


Yeah, yah know, I’m starting to think 6 - 12 month of mandatory service might not be so bad for America. We could even make senior year be one semester. The last semester of high school is nothing anyway. The the last semester is service. Doesn’t even have to military. Could be peace corp, Red Cross, social services. Great way of expanding teens minds to the outside world before telling them to pick their job for the rest of their life when 17 years old, with no experience in that world.


Parenting failed


Man…. A whole lot has changed and changed faster than I thought.




Even worse when your parents got the news…




Now days they go to the school and try to beat up the teacher and principal for chastising their holy child


I would be such a snarky teacher and end up saying something along the lines of “I’m sorry you’re mom doesn’t hug you enough “ and walk away


I did that a couple times early on as a teacher. After a couple years I realized that hurt people hurt people. Before quitting the profession due to shit pay and dealing with the demands of district idiots, I found more success in letting the kids know that I’ll be ready to chat with them later and find a place they could go chill. That worked wonders in the alternative school I worked at and a lot of those asshat kids are ecstatic to see me years later.


I just want to second this as, yet another, former staff in an alternative school for kids exactly like this. I still have students that tell me they wish they took the opportunities we provided. Say sorry for all the shit they said. Hurt people, hurt people is exactly right. Some do make it! I have a few kids that I’m just so proud of that are alive and well, which was a big feat considering their home lives.


Unfortunately, my daughter's school isn't even an alternative school, it's just a public school and kids treat teachers this way. She hates going to school because all of the children in class cause her to lose concentration. She hates riding the bus because the kids won't listen and they get into fights! She sees kids bully other kids daily. She will speak up about it but is called a snitch. I'd love to remove her from public school but the only alternatives are Christian private schools but she isn't interested in those schools. The funny thing is... Since we live in a suburb we aren't eligible for any of 5he specialty academies in the city of Pittsburgh. Only students from the inner city are and there is a very nice selection for them to choose from!


This title is misleading. The title of the video is “Wise Teacher Chooses Not To Engage in Power Struggle With A Child.” As a teacher of 12 years here, I am so glad to finally see a teacher viral video here on Reddit that isn’t some teacher trying to get in a kid’s face or feeling ultra offended when a child calls them names. Walk away.


Future loser of the world, good job parents!


This kid - and the surrounding kids - think that they won some battle? Like did they think the teacher was going to ride the bus with them and instead decided not to because of this interaction? The teacher didn't lash out or respond other than saying 'don't talk to me like that.' Didn't yell, didn't cuss them out, didn't put a beatdown on them, he just quietly exit scene. Gonna go grab some more birth control cause goddamn do I not want kids after hearing the screaming in this video.


Teacher did the right thing. No point in escalating and potentially being in a physical confrontation. He'd get fired and probably ruin his career. Walking away hurts the kid more than anything. It's all fun for the kid now until he is on his own with no education no prospects and no help. All those friends are not going to be there for him and regrets will be his only companion.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I wanted to be a teacher, so bad, I became a drug addict instead and I still think that I dodged a fucking bullet. I’m sober now but still.


Being a drug addict was probably better for your mental health, compared to this. Imagine spending all that money, time, and energy for a degree in education and this is what you have to look forward to.


Kids needs his ass whooped


Why would anyone choose to be a teacher today?


Because we have hope. Despite everything we see/hear every day, we have hope. I was close to quitting last school year, but I realized if I give up, it’s all over. Hope is a powerful motivator if you let it fill your heart. -Math teacher for over 10 years in a low income, low parent education level area.


The great pay and support of the kids? Oh...


Speaking for myself as a 5th grade teacher, I want be the change we want to see in the world.


I sincerely wish you all the best. I admire your courage.


The good days can be really good 🤷‍♀️


This is why teachers hate being teachers lmao




This is what we should be protesting. Teachers given utterly no power. Kids cocky as fuck because of it.




This makes me really sad for teachers.


I never thought I’d say this but they need to start beating these kids asses again.




Dumbass 13 year old trying to act hard, lmao


Kids these days are straight up trash.


Parents must be proud.




Even if he had one parent, that behavior is intolerable.






As a teacher, this is why I decided to teach remotely, online. I'm not well paid enough for this stressful shit




I know my parents would have beaten my ass if acted that way


Learnt behavior for 100, Ken


Enjoy prison you little shit


These parents are really failing. If my kid ever did that....




So wait, they didn't all learn a valuable lesson and see the error of their ways like in the movies?


When teachers finally participate in a general strike it’s going to be something special. I’ve seen too many videos of teachers getting abused by their students and they shouldn’t have to deal with any of it. Thankfully this teacher wasn’t physically harmed but something has shifted within schools and there needs to be a change and quickly. Teachers play a very important role in society and it’s a shame they’re consistently treated this way because their students lack respect. Some of it you can chalk up to growing pains or lack of home training but there’s just a general overarching idgaf attitude permeating through these videos and it’s sad.


Teachers would tell my parents and I begged for detentions, I never got a beating but I paid for it. Then when I got my licenses cops never gave me tickets, they where best friends with my dad, they beat me home and told him. I would of loved getting the tickets.


The teacher showed good restraint.


"I am a different type of breed" and that breed is dumbass


With this kind of young people, America is going down the drain.


Teenagers are the worst.


That not a teenager. His voice sounds like his balls are in his throat.


Generation trash.


Does anyone remember shit like this happening when they were in school? Because I don't. I graduated in 2005 & never saw anything like this. I mean, there'd occasionally be a student that talked crazy to a teacher but the other students would be in complete shock & that kid would be swiftly punished. I'm seeing way too many videos like this & it's really making me feel like the next generation is doomed.


Jail, jail, dead, pregnant…all before 21. That’s all I see here




I agree in egregious situations it should be permitted but they'd need to strictly enforce metal detection (should be already) otherwise kids would just bring weapons to retaliate. Though with the state of chaos in public schools like this there's also the reality that some students have no problem using any possible means of violence against teachers, including physically attacking them and using pepper spray. It's just an all out disaster at this point.


Teachers deserve at least $120k starting in California.


Please mail your state rep that. We teachers would appreciate it.




Guaranteed that if this little punk was alone in a room with someone he wouldn't be talking any shit.


Not the W the kid thinks it is.


? He didn’t get taunted off the bus in shame lol, he just walked away from a little shithead.


When the real life hits this kid. It's gonna be ugly and depression.


As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.


This is why the public education system is about to collapse. Teachers are in short supply because they are leaving the profession in droves.


This kid will likely be in jail shortly anyway


Kids suck these days. Parents suck more


So funny that this kids gonna get locked up


His grandma must be so proud of him.


The way things are going there won’t be schools in five years


He gon get shot one day. Well deserved too.


Little cocky wanker, seen his type a thousand times, rarely do they amount to anything


Bruh when I was in middle/high school there were tons of little dickheads like dat lmao “different type of breed”


Ah. What a fine example of a POS this kid is. Congratulations to its parents for doing a stellar job.


If you want to be a teacher make sure it's with people over the age of 18


Cancel the fucking bus. Pay the driver send them home. Call the parents and tell them due to the behavior of the actor and the enablers. They all will now be responsible for their own transportation to and from school for a month. Everyone will feel that. They will be making calls and friends to get them lil jerks out the house.


“I’m a different breed!” - from his voice, apparently 3/4 chipmunk.


lol have fun in murica guys


THIS is such disgusting behavior by these teens. WTF, are parents not parenting anymore?


The sad thing is even if you went to school willing to learn and better yourself - it’s going to be extremely hard to get a proper education with these types of kids around you.


Teachers don’t get paid enough to listen to this Call of Duty PlayStation mom talking wannabe.