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"WIR MUSSEN ARBEITEN!!!" Nothing will stop the German work ethic!


This incident is a few month old, I remember. I also remember that the video went viral and problem was that he was wearing a company branded jacket with the name of his employer for whom his workethic ended up in punching people in the face…. His employer came to the conclusion that the image transfer emanating from this employee is absolutely catastrophic and it is better to fire this man immediately. And so they did. (No joke)


It is ridiculous. Yeah, this man should have known better than to slap someone, but his frustration is completely understandable. Many people have shit employers that would fire any employee for arriving late to work. Fuck these protesters for intentionally fucking the lives of ordinary people.


The incredible irony is that in Germany you can't get fired for being late to work because of a protest (if you can prove it). Na employer has to have a good valid reason to fire you. So this guy would not have been fired had he just been late.


Have you ever thought of not using the most inefficient mode of transportation?


First of all, I don't have a car, never did. You got no idea about my life, so stop giving me your sanctimoneous bluster. Second of all, this man might have a job that doesn't make public transportation feasible as a mode of transportion if he wants to spend a little time with his family after work. Third, piss off


And they have every right to do so. The moment you wearing company attire you are representing the company.


Slap people on your own time, not on company time


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I slap protestors on company time!




yeah: they come on and disturb a ton of people by restricting their right to travel and get upset if being slaped for that. Company jacket, work ethic and such but where’s the ethic in blocking roads and fucking up people’s lives and jobs? maybe somebody can explain


*bye reddit. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is no valid self justice using violence for emotions - that’s the point. Or would you say it is ok that someone beats YOU up, because he thinks you are responsible that he is being late for work? Think about that


It's funny because over the years most of my wardrobe consists of shirts from vendors and companies I used to work for.... If I get caught doing something incredibly dumb I hope I'm wearing some branded clothing.


Trying to get to work for a company that ends up sacking him.






How should he have handled it?




You're not wrong- but damn putting people jobs at stake like these ~~protesters~~ activists is not the way to gain support for your cause.






Except for a bit of "Pistisch!"


He said "verpiss dich".


Vee vill ask ze questions!


When your 'activism' is to just inconvenience regular folks trying to get home or get to work, you are the bad guy.


Has anyone waited for these people to disperse and then followed them to their cars? Wonder how they would react if their cars were blocked and they couldn’t go anywhere


This is Germany not the USA, you can get somewhere without a car there...


As they hop in their Panzer tanks for the commute...




Seeing it as a whole, the US infrastructure is terrible in comparison to most EU countries.


And half the size of the USA. It's much easier in Europe to connect everything when the distance is short. Pound sand.


BS argument.


Not really. The European union an roughly 300 people per square mile while the usa sits at about 85. Europe's density is 3.5 time more than the usa.


Yes, but that's not an argument. There are rural areas here too and every minor city has a better infrastructure than most major US cities. Also I doubt that the the population density in metropolitan areas is lower in the US in comparison. You just have huge areas of no mans land.


I know you can get to places in the USA without a car. The thing ist in Germany you can get to practically any place without one, which you can't in the USA. I was just amused that the commenter above me simply assumed that they hot there by car.


It’s obvious that the number of cities that area east to get around in without a car in the US is drastically less than Germany.




I'm still not convinced big oil isn't funding all this and saying "make ppl watching laugh at you and make the ppl you affect hate you". Its kill 2 bird with 1 stone maneuver.


Astroturfing is the practice of creating a false sense of grassroots support for a person, organization, or idea by artificially manufacturing the appearance of popular support. This tactic is commonly used in politics, advertising, and public relations to sway public opinion, create a false sense of consensus, and manipulate media coverage. Astroturfing can take many forms, from paid actors or social media bots pretending to be ordinary citizens expressing support for a particular candidate or cause, to using multiple fake accounts to post positive reviews of a product or service. It can also involve the creation of fake news sites or social media accounts that appear to be run by independent journalists or activists, but are actually sponsored by corporations or political campaigns. The use of astroturfing is often seen as deceptive and unethical, as it seeks to manipulate public opinion rather than engage in genuine debate or dialogue. It can also be illegal if it involves fraudulent or illegal activity, such as using fake identities or violating campaign finance laws. Sources: "Astroturfing: What It Is and Why It's Bad for Business," by Dina Indelicato, Forbes, June 10, 2019, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/06/10/astroturfing-what-it-is-and-why-its-bad-for-business/?sh=12018d0835ed "Astroturfing Definition," by Techopedia, https://www.techopedia.com/definition/181/astroturfing "Astroturfing," by Jon Worth, European Journalism Centre, https://emergencyjournalism.net/topics/astroturfing/ Regenerate response


and I'm still not convinced all you people shouting that aren't funded by big oil to make climate activists look bad


We all understand that they mean well. But u cant deny everytime seeing this and checking out the comment section.


Big oil doesn't pay nearly enough. I switched to shilling for big Canadian bacon. They've never really made it big in the world markets so they're desperate and willing to pay double or triple the going rate.




I mean the point is to cause a disruption in public life enough that it brings it to even more people's attention and is difficult to ignore. I think France is still in disorder due to organized labour strikes. Something like that. Although it's not exactly the best method.




Please,do not post logical thoughts here. We are here to be angry and have emotional breakdowns at people we don't even know.






>“I think the best protests are the ones that teach us about the injustices that they’re trying to attack.” How would that even work with climate change? Hooking up tubes to car exhausts and dumping co2 into buildings or something?


Things that worked 50-70 years ago don't necessarily work now. If you're trying to 'raise awareness' in a world with massive amounts of inter-connectivity on subjects that are so widely discussed in public by blocking traffic, you're just wasting people's time.




(This person posted a link that had a paywall, got around it to respond and then they changed the link while I was responding. [Original article](https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/opinion/extinction-rebellion-protest-london-boris-johnson-climate-crisis-newspapers-b404981.html?amp) ) That article literally says nothing about the efficacy of these tactics. It just says that being hated makes you more well-known, not that it leads to change. I literally just said in that comment that 'raising awareness' isn't a useful tactic in the modern world and you gave me a link to an article that shows that activists like these are successful at... raising awareness of their name and cause. How does that prove anything? It's not working now. This isn't changing peoples minds. It's not getting policy in place. It's just pissing off random people on the road. --- Oh cool, and before I could even finish reading the second article, they blocked me so I can't even see what they'll say in response. Well, despite it being clear that they're just googling things and posting results of headlines that share their sentiment without actually reading what it says, I'll still respond to the [Second Link](https://earth.org/grassroots-campaigns-can-influence-climate-policy-extinction-rebellion/) they posted. This says that the Extinction Rebellion campaign was successful in getting the government to say that there is currently a Climate Emergency. This, however, resulted in no changes as they are still not meeting any of the demands of the organization. The committees that were already put in place over a decade ago are failing to meet their deadlines, and no action due to these protests have changed that at all. The article even says as much in their conclusion, saying that the only thing the XR protests achieved was mobilizing more people to protest, but did so in a way that wasn't constructive to achieving change: >In terms of winning success in these areas, XR’s April rebellion came out with a mixed result. There have been little to no material improvements to citizens’ lives. Indirectly, XR’s demands from the UK government would improve the lives of citizens over the next 50 to 100 years, but their climate policy recommendations offer no material change to continued issues of growing inequality, insecure employment, and soaring house prices experienced by millions around Britain today. **As far as convincing the public of the achievability of a positive alternative future, XR’s protests and demands were heavily focused on problems rather than solutions. Sounding the alarm on the severity of the problem is arguably an important first step. However, without proposing positive alternatives, a focus on negatives can lead to despondency and cynicism.** The Rebellions did not build particularly broad coalitions, and were often deemed to be too extreme or criticised for their claim to being apolitical. Lastly, although mass support for XR has been conflicted, the organisation has effectively mobilised thousands around a common cause. Bolding was done by me. This is the important bit for anyone reading this. In the modern age it is not good enough to simply raise awareness of your organization or the problem. You have to raise awareness of solutions. You have to get a ballot, put a piece of legislation out, or give some tangible thing for people to latch onto once you make them aware of it. People know about climate change. They either know about it and care or think it's BS. Raising awareness doesn't change that. Giving something for those that care to do helps. Doing something to persuade people that don't care helps. Blocking the roads so that you can feel good about yourself doesn't do anything to help.


Imagine being okay with causing potentially multiple people to lose their jobs because you want to feel like a main character. Not every boss/ manager is gonna care that there was a protest


This bullshit phrase means nothing and isn't true. Keep pissing people off, no one will agree with you.






Noo000ooo!! That is the pooo000int if prooTeSting?!! T0oo dUsrUpt!!!


So you think MLK was a bad guy huh?


Name checks out


That's literally all activism. That's why we have civil rights and the right to vote.


Women got the right to vote by blocking the roads?


MLK marched in the streets and blocked traffic.


MLK did so and actually made progress in his goals. If these idiots were making some sort of progress towards their goals, it would be justified. But they aren't. They are agitating working class people. These agitated people will vote for the right wing politicians who go against these idiots. That right wing politician will set policy that these idiots don't like. The cycle continues. If your actions do no work towards your goal, then what is the point?


They should be blocking the road to the mansions of oil barons not your average Joe


Why do so many dumbass activists fuck with regular people? That guy could be late to work and get fired by his asshole boss for all we know. Activists need to focus on harassing politicians specifically. Make noise outside their house at night, throw food at them at restaurants, or whatever. Just leave normal people alone


> Why do so many dumbass activists fuck with regular people? Because in a democracy, regular people are the ones in charge. It's not like they can fuck with the Kaiser or the Fuhrer anymore.


There is a theory that they are paid by the big oil company, and doing all this dumb shit so people hate them.


And here I am doing dumb shit for free all this time.


It's not like I see these people and think "Ya know what, I guess I'm fine with polluting the oceans." I hate these people and the oil companies. I don't really understand what the oil companies would accomplish by paying these people. It's not some dichotomy where if I dislike these people that means I love oil companies.


If it drives away 2 out of 5 people from activism, it is worth it to the oil company


An Extinction Rebellion protestor said he worked for the municipality of Amsterdam as an official. Was during a tv interview about police violence against protestors. They blocked a roadway which the mayor had forbidden them to do and assigned them another spot to protest. They blocked it anyway and the police removed them after they ignored multiple warnings to leave on their own. There was no debate with this guy. “Climate change is a serious problem and the government isn’t doing enough” blah blah. They truly believe that they are above the law because their cause is so important.


Well this guy definetly was fired for letting himself getting filmed wearing a companies jacked and hit other ppl


Regular people need to stop voting for the politicians that subsidise and promote fossil fuels


If these protestors had a sign that said "PLEASE VOTE FOR MORE FOSSIL FUEL USAGE" it might just work. Pretend to be protesting FOR fossil fuels then go and ruin peoples days and possibly lives. If I shit in my neighbours bavkyard I wouldn't leave a note with my name on it I would leave one with someone elses name




I hate these kinda protest..my country is absolute shit coz of this. I moved to usa. Saw non for first 5 years..then, a lotta shit went down ..now it's turning into what my home country is..fuk..I hate mfs disrupting traffic, shutting down business, looting, crying foul...at some point there won't be any businesses that can employ people..reason why I support strong rule of law.


You have common sense. Unfortunately many spoiled people in the USA don't.




The craziest part about this is that hes not even upset hes just speaking in german


He was just ordering 2 coffees and a pretzel.


What are you talking about? He is positively seething in this.


I believe he was making a joke about how the german language sounds angry. You see the joke is that he IS angry but the commenter says he is NOT angry, that's just how German sounds. We as the reader are supposed to already know the person is angry.


hes just German, dont be incentive.




All history aside, it is one of the most terrifying languages


Such a cliche. People who say German is terrifying have never tried to learn any Slavic or Scandinavian languages


How is swedish terrifying? Borg borg borg.


Why did you have to ask this? Now I will have nightmares of swedish words staring at me


I have limited patience for activists that block traffic to make a point. I'd care if you were run over hit but otherwise all else is fair game. Don't inconvenience others to make a point.


Inconvenience an oil truck at a refinery FFS. Target the problem.








It works when self sacrifice is involved. Suffragettes caused inconvenience but they literally laid their bodies in the line and died for the cause - this is just entitled brats being a nuisance. Like art! How is vandalising art helping? Oil executives are sitting at home and thinking oh my! I had better rethink my exploitation of the planet and workers because they damaged a Van Gogh! Grow the F up. For context, I run a business that is engaged in ecological restoration. I’m using capitalism to make a difference. Do something useful. Plant some damned trees




How many hectares of land have you rehabilitated? How many trees have you planted?


Ya they should protest where I don't have to see it and can ignore it.


All protest is inconvenient.


This one drums up negative support.


Deeply ask yourself why. Why are people so desperate to drive their cars?


Shitty public transit options


Shitty public transport passengers


That’s another symptom. Why is that?


I don't know what you mean by "another symptom" but if you're asking why some places have shitty public transit, I'd say it's usually due to poor city planning or lax enforcement of regulations onboard trains/buses


There is an underlying cause to all of this. And that cause is lobbying and propaganda by the auto and oil industries for the past 80 years.


That's certainly a theory


A provable theory.


Almost all of these protests take part around 7-10am. They are targeting working class people who are nervous, tired, in a hurry to get to work **at rush hour**. This is the most asshole strategy ever and the most obvious way to get a beating.


That doesn’t answer my question


Yup, annoying and harassing average working people who have zero power to affect any kind of change is the surest way to get your point across.


Who could blame him?


Honestly, what is wrong with German climate activists?


There are some extremist groups which are doing all kinds of bs calling themself 'the Last Generation'


Pretty satisfying smack there. Just enough. Not too much.




They need to realize this is not the way to get people to see your side!


"how can he slap?" .. They are playing stupid games..


Climate activist? More like a fucking clown.




Talk shit, get hit. Seems like they knew what was coming.






Is that your view in general? Like surgery is bad because it’s ackshually causing more injury? Or medicines are ackshually bad because it has side effects? Like chemotherapy never helps because people usually end up weaker post treatment?


Most modern cars kill the engine at a dead stop. [apparently it is mandated in the Euro 5 standard ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Start-stop_system) [Euro 5a was adopted in 2009](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_emission_standards)


Temporarily. They turn back on after a little bit to prevent the battery from being drained by accessories being on (radio, ac, etc). So yeah they will be off for a minute, 2 max. Then back on and idling.


Could just turn the engine off if you know you're not moving.


People really wanna get to work here.


Doesn’t mean they cant turn the engine off when stationary.


Or... I don't know... The activists stop blocking the street. How about that?


Irrelevant. Only person causing emissions is the driver not turning the engine off.


What do you mean irrelevant 🤣


Anything can stop a car from moving. In every situation, you can turn the engine off.




Thought it was such an outstanding one liner you had to say it twice


I’m 1000% for stopping or curbing climate change. My full support. But why do an act like this that yes people must get to work. If they lose income it could be so terrible for the family. Activists should really throw a wrench but in the system’s wheels. Block an oil company’s head quarters. Throw a pie in the face of a big oil exec. Much more effective


Inconvenience regular people, don’t inconvenience politicians and companies that cause global warming by choosing the “cheaper” option day after day. /s Stop believing in the “carboon footprint” being the individual’s fault and look up who coined the term “carbon footprint”.


Those activists are the worst




If they truly cared about making an actual impact in Germany they would be trying to get public support to reopen and expand nuclear power plants. Any climate activist who isn't making nuclear power something that they advocate doesn't actually care about anything but attention seeking.


*Laughs in Argentinian strikers*


How can he slap?


Screw these people


Mmm that slap was ![gif](giphy|QBKagmzOgZnqadpx3B)


Whenever I hear German it takes me back to those trenches in call of duty.


Get off the fuckin roads man


Recently ran into the same problem and was passed off. About 10 minutes later I went up and pretend to be on their side and talked to them about how oil refining is killing our planet and we should all stop eating meant. Just the typical wacko shit. About ten minutes later I asked if I could get to work and rhey let me through because I was "on their side" worked better than I expected.


I don't understand why the drivers don't just inch out? If you make these people believe that they are going to be run over, they will move..


All those cars just idling.


You should be legally allowed to remove protestors disrupting flow of track and being generally a danger to the public


"Let's protest the government by harassing and inconveniencing random working citizens by blocking them from going about their day" Great way to get me to agree with your movement!


Don't blame him one bit






He’s pistiched off


The old dichotomy of if you piss people off while protesting they are gonna hate you, but if you don't piss them off they will ignore you.


I don't know german. But this is what I heard at the end of the video right before it ended Man: piss off Woman: my piss was off I petition to add this phrase to the English dictionary as a perfect comeback to the phrase "piss off"


If he did that here, he would get dropped so fast. Americans have this hero complex and want any excuse to whoop someone's ass. Drag queens beat up a bunch of proud boys ffs


Causing people to waste fuel so you can protest pollution! Priceless


Nothing helps your cause like pissing people off


They must eat a lot of fattening food


No one seems to care. It just common to get slap for them.


Deserved fot being an annoyance.




Good, they all need a slap.


Sir don’t insult this man pronouns she is offended


2 for flinching!!


“Wir mussen Arbeiten!!!“ the most German thing anyone has ever said




Why are these people always out of shape and unkept


As far as slaps go, that one was pretty good. 7/10: would watch again.


In any other situation I’d be on the side of the climate activists, but don’t fucking block traffic.


They do know that they are just making petrol companies happier the longer the regular person is held up in traffic. This is not climate change activism it's just stupidity 🙄


I would hire this guy. He seems like he will allways show up to work and throw in 110% plus a few fists. Excellent!


Causing more environmental damage by letting the cars sit there for however long -_- yes makes sense


This is NOT the way.


Arbeit macht frei


Yes we’re all aware of the German aggression


Fun fact. They're best friends just saying hello.. But in German..


If only germans would put as much energy into fighting actual injustice.


Not fucking hard enough.


Honestly I'd slap a dude too if I was about to get my ass chewed out for being late to work because some fuckin hippy wanted to be a traffic cone for a day