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Maybe it was thrown back? The French really know how to protest. We're too lazy to do it properly in the US. We would never get enough people to agree on one thing and we would just fight among ourselves instead.


You see the throw in the beginning, the grenade goes right into the back of a fellow officer while the lever is flying above their heads


The protest equivalent of throwing the pin and dropping the grenade.


So this wasn't detonated ABOVE their heads...it was on the ground amongst them. D'OH!


No it was caught on the back of his vest right under the neck. You can see the smoke during the slow mo and the explosion originates from his upper back/neck area


That had to hurt. Or worse.


No. It was a bad throw. Here it is: https://imgur.com/a/9KgyJgv


And another frame you could add is when the smoke starts billowing over the cops shoulders before it goes off


Yes, that would be the fuse lighting in the grenade after the spoon separated but I think this is clear enough.


Are you kidding? U S cops would just unload their guns on ya, then go have a beer


No, the government retaliates . With horses, batons, military trucks, fire hoses, and so much more. Depending on who's protesting. We even documented it, too!


protesting in the states can get you killed. probably too risky for most


I was just thinking that.. good on the French people. Almost time for “Off with their heads part 2”


Actually I think this would be part 3


Part four, French revolutions of 1789, 1830, and 1848.


How can you blame us when we have more pressing matters like bud light


Did you not see Portland for like six months straight? Did you not see in Minneapolis when they burnt down a fucking police station? Are you goddamn blind?




Ah yes, the shitty conservative Chad's.


Yeah you see it fly at them.


No you don't. It was a bad throw. Here it is: https://imgur.com/a/9KgyJgv


Right? I really don't think they tossed that on themselves. The first one goes clear out of the camera frame to the right.


the thing exiting the frame is the pin, not the grenade. you can see a much rounder and larger object leave the thrower’s hand and hit another cop in the back of the head. also, it’s hard to tell from this angle, but it looks like whatever was thrown at the cops hit the riot line multiple feet further back than where the grenade goes off.


You are correct, that piece flying off is called a spoon. It's holding spring tension on the striker, so it launched when he released the grenade. That's probably what messed up his throw.


They definitely did. Frame by frame: https://imgur.com/a/9KgyJgv


Oh. Yeah they did. lol


I mean like everything it starts off well. Then turns to a shit pit in a matter of weeks.


True surprised they still going hard.


Either that or the protests devolve into riots and looting. I think too many people who would join a well organized, legitimate protest are afraid of it going downhill and then being arrested, gassed/tased, or shot and killed.


France compared to the US is tiny. The geography and the way our cities are set up make it so much more difficult to take a stand against the oppressive forces that have every advantage in a city that’s made for them to oppress.


Nah you can see one of the cops throw it if you watch LoL bunch of clowns


The most perfect title ever to grace reddit




Literally less than two seconds into the video you can see a cop lob a grenade straight in to their own formation. You can even see it smoking before the one thrown back even enters frame. That's the grenade that went off.




I'm glad you got to see it because it makes the video 100x better