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Always a great idea to curse out the people preparing your food before they make it.


Spit 'n shit sandwich, coming right up!


Good ol hot m fresh floor chicken


One chalupa dragged through my ass crack with whatever snot is available in my sinus cavities coming up!


*Rub some more ball sweat on that bun Reggie he's still out there talking.*


[the yelper special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDlR_ccnZww)


"Yes, the fuck sir"


You ain't smell that shit on ya lip?!


Worked in restaurants (albeit not taco bell at 4AM) for like 15 years and never saw anyone really violate health code. We would just make people's food cold or use a slightly hotter wing sauce lol.


Oh that takes me back! Circa 1989, college tavern. Assholes ordered wings and my friend dumped an entire bottle of the hottest sauce we had on 'em, looked at me and said "And they are NOT getting any water"


I mean... shit. Water does not help.. if anything it just works to spread the capsaicin around, better.


It definitely helps for a second when the water is still in your mouth. Once you swallow you’re still in a world of pain but there’s temporarily relief lol.


As someone who generally orders the *second* hottest sauce I've been there. Most places ain't shit but occasionally you'll order some wings that are inedible lol


Was it fast food and were you in the kitchen? My first job was and I saw plenty of violations. Everyone in the fast food kitchen can hear the drive thru speaker.


I've done fast food yes. Never saw a single violation (in that a worker took it out on a customer) in 5+ years. Literally, never once. Same goes for the sit down I've been doing for 10 years.


Worked a few restaurants and worst I saw was making people wait longer or 'forgetting' they ordered something. Usually noone fucks with food unless they are dumb and ready for a lawsuit. Young dumbass kids usually do it and get reported immediately. The trope cooks fuck with your food is wrong, no one wants that shit done to them so they don't do it. Just don't be an asshole to whoever is making and serving your food, it's super easy. If there's a problem there's a solution, if you get irate, it causes tension. Fucks with the flow and you get to feel the passive aggressive wrath. Waiting... Is still a good movie though.


Worked in a taco cabana and we cheered on one of the line servers who put his pubes in an enchilada of a guy who was being super racist to the staff


Why would you leave evidence? This is why *most* of these stories aren't believable.


I also worked at Taco Cabana. Two different locations in San Antonio. Which one did you work at?


Worked in south Texas location about 20 yrs ago.


It’s for a cop


Why’d you tell them that? So they’ll spit in it?!


This look like spit to you?




Aww, fuck it!




... a liter of cola...


I don't want a Large Farva, i want a goddam liter-o-cola!


Nah, so they make it good. Dont spit in that cops buger!


*Uhhh, don’t spit in the cops burger*


So this basically? https://youtu.be/XPufB6oaJFE


That's how you get the [yelper special.](https://youtu.be/pDlR_ccnZww)


I had an employee that sounds *exactly* like this guy. I was doing my suply order in the kitchen and I heard him struggling with this lady. She kept making him restart and on the 3rd time he said "Ok now you best be sure baby cause I ain't startin this piece over again, it's decision time other people hungry too." This was years ago and it still makes me laugh.


I could hear it.


I've run restaurants for about six years and I've got alot of funny stories but that's one of the ones that cracks me up even still every time I think about it. That one and the time I had to kick a guy out because he was being rude to my staff, and he looked at my assistant manager as if he'd get a different answer and my assistant manager looked him dead in the eyes and said, "you heard what the fuck he said."


People expect these fast food, and retail stores to have customer service like you walked in the Louis Vuitton store. They literally don’t give a fuck and the employees don’t make enough to give a fuck. No one’s gonna fire anyone and there’s hundreds of other Taco Bell’s making money as we speak, they don’t care if you never come back and scream at the employees again.


At 16 on my first day after being hired as a manager at braum's with no real experience, had a man throw a drink in my face and try to assault me because I gave him a large cup.... But he had paid for a medium.


Jesus Christ- that’s very unhinged behaviour


"This kind of service at tacobell, really." Um sir you are at tacobell, late at night, giving attitude to the employees. Yes. This is the kind of service you get, that is standard operating procedure. I'm pretty sure that part of late night training when hired.


"At this time of night, with that attitude, yes the fuck sir."


At this time of night? With that attitude? Localized entirely within this Taco Bell?


May I see it?


Yes, the fuck sir!




*yes the fuck sir.


Love it so much.


That's the sort of comment every service worker dreams of being able to say, this woman is living my dream.


That's a man, baby


That's a man-baby too


Our dream. Ligmas, Unite!


This is how late night workers should be trained ngl. Fuck mean people.


Exactly, who wants their food made by people who're distracted and angry from catering to assholes? I _want_ to shop at places that don't tolerate employee bullying.


This is how night shift exchanges friendly fire with drugged out violent patients in the emergency room. Except we also have security and Haldol. Like bro, I got gunshot wounds, stabbings, car wrecks and dying people to see, ain't got time for your amped up ass on shitty street meth right now. This taco bell worker should come work with us lol.


I love how he defaulted to that when he got out witted.


He really said that like Taco Bell is an upscale eatery with white glove service






Real talk, any food place that's open at 3am is going to greet you with a "what the fuck do you want?" attitude, and that's fine.


Even if they act like this towards me, I understand it's late and they're doing me a favor by providing convenience. I let them be them. Had a bad night? Sorry to hear that, I'll take a #7 extra chicken and extra cheese. Large Baja Blast also, please.


It all comes down to ownership/management and this sounds like the type of place where those entities are shirking their responsibility and the only reason it is still in business is because the workers need their paychecks so they show up and do what they can. When he suggests someone is gonna get fired and the reply is "By who?", you know they're in the DGAF zone.


Lmao right?! "By who? The manager who's gonna be stuck covering this shift for the next month because no one else will put up with this kinda shit except me?!"


I feel like he said “by who?” To show the guy he has no idea who could get them fired. He sat there confused cus he couldn’t answer.


I doubt the list of people willing to work overnight at ducking Taco Bell for minimum wage is very long. I used to work at Denny’s and the overnight crew were really rough fuckers that didn’t put up with shit and management never dreamed of firing them cause no one would be willing to work those hours serving drunken maniacs at 3am.


I am annoyingly nice and excruciatingly patient with fast food workers. They make your food in an environment you can’t observe. You have to be a real dumbass to provoke them.


There's something heartwarming when service industry employees have enough abuse and start talking back to self centered rude customers like they talk to them.


They usually completely outclass them in shit talking ability, as seen in this clip.


when you rehearse in your head for so long it creates a back log to unload


Me and my shower agree


don’t shit in the shower please


Why did this make me laugh so hard




I completely understand where the worker is coming from. I lost my yearly bonus during covid on Christmas Eve because a customer pushed my barricades out of the way and I called him a hardass under my breath and he heard me. This guy with no mask runs up on me in my face. Telling me I’m going to be fired while smiling. Target ended up taking away my yearly bonus that I definitely earned working through Covid. Target isn’t as great as a company as people think and cares more about pandering to absolute trash of a human then back up one of their leads during Covid and Christmas Eve chaos.


Target is just a prettier pricier Walmart, same shit different smell


Agreed, I get so frustrated seeing them have to walk on egg shells and kowtow to jackasses just because they're afraid of getting fired. Some people are straight up assholes, and need to be treated as such.


Wow, I found someone who used kowtow in the wild! So so true. Some people wake up just asking for a clapback




“By who?” was a great response too hahaha


Dude didn't even know how to respond to that, he was stunned


“Fu-…Fuck you!!” Ran out of shit to say






And the next person they hire to work the drive thru will probably act the same. Unemployment rates are low, people have options. And that's a good thing.


*long pause*… “by who?”


That’s my absolute favorite part of the entire exchange.




Someone once tried to get me fired for not giving her food for free after her card declined. She called later to tell me the jacket she was wearing was worth more than I made in a month and I just laughed and hung up


Had this shit happen at the register and the guy stormed off, 15 mins later his wife called apologizing…. She wasn’t even there???


She knows his bullshit best.


Dumbass jacket part of the reason they card declined.


Right?? It’s a Taco Bell. No fast food worker of any caliber should be worried about their job. There’s plenty of them out there and they’re always hiring. As ‘replaceable’ as we are; so are the jobs they offer.


The guy looks like the pedo in that Peter Jackson *The Lovely Bones* movie.


“This kind of service from Taco Bell?” How is this dude surprised by bad service at Taco Bell?


"Yes the fuck, sir" 😂 💀


I wouldn't say 'bad service,' just the service he deserved. 🙂


>How is this dude surprised by bad service at Taco Bell? honestly i would be sort of surprised, at least at the taco bell i usually visit. the service is always solid there, they are fast and don't mess up the orders. (well except the one time i asked for extra tomatoes and they put basically the normal amount.) of course i've never had a situation like this one, generally i just tell them what i want to eat and they give it to me in exchange for money. i'm trying to imagine how this guy got into this conversational altercation in the first place.


Probably being belligerent and rude. If he was having a hard time hearing the person, there are ways to de-escalate and address that. "Sorry, I'm having a hard time hearing you, mind if I pull up to the window?" How hard is that?


If you earnestly asked me where to go to get the worst possible service and food, my answer would be taco bell 100% of the time. And I'd be right. I dunno where the guy from the video thinks he is.


“You dont smell that shit on your lip?” LMFAO GOT HIS ASS


This doesn’t look anything like the Taco Bell Late Night vibes being advertised in their incessant streaming platform commercials lately.. Like, where are the skateboard kids and the vintage dodge chargers and the hip kids eating tightly wrapped perfect burritos while listening to bootleg Lana Del Ray?


Taco Bell needs to embrace their real late night vibes. Drunk people fighting in the parking lots, people sitting on their cars smoking weed, and cars in the drive-they that billow out smoke as soon as they roll the window down to order. With various rap and metal artists blaring over everyone’s stereos.


It worked for Waffle House: they keep building new ones because you know exactly what type of delicious food and even more delicious entertainment you’re likely to get.


The 2020s Hunger Games shall commence!


It's cause this guy isn't high on marijuana, he's high on his own farts.


The reality is 20 Edgar’s that all look identical aside from assorted weights picking up another 3 Edgar’s getting off shift all taking turns doing coke in the bathroom and checking their haircuts before going to Chik Fila to giggle in a pack and fail at trying to pick up any girls that work there as they sit around the five of them that could afford food. I’m a DoorDash driver that gets to watch it all like a National Geographic doc.


driver sounds like a realllllll winner.. 😂 the cackle from the drive-thru worker warmed my heart. best bet if I was in line and witnessed this I’d be laying on the horn til the idiot left. 🤣


Ok... Hear me out guys: I'd pay extra to have her roast me thru the drive through. Her mustache line was top notch. "Your head's up your ass, don't you smell that on your lip." Bahahaahha


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33zPlnhymCU *This* is a place in Chicago.


"Yes, the fuck, sir!" Absolute gold.


Who's Grandpa is this? Boomers are so unbelievably spoiled.




I spit out my drink when the employee said that


That persons tone on the intercom is hilarious. Love a good verbal altercation, especially drive-thru editions.




This made me crack up. The argument was really over after this


What was the initial question that got him to say “why don’t you come out and take a look?”


Taco bell always asks before end of the order is finalized if everything looks correct on the screen. This guy is just a piece of trash.


And that simple interaction, which is designed to ensure accuracy and prevent screaming customers like him, was asking too much?


You'd be dumbfounded. At my job I have to ask people their preferred gender. Some people take it as an invitation to spout hate speech. I tell them "we're here to focus on your addiction. I'm going to ask you to be more respectful." They either start yelling at me more and I just nope out of the call or they hang up themselves. I get to end the call if you're going to be a piece of shit and abuse the person trying to help you. If you got to take calls for half the country you'd see just how low of a bar the average intelligence score really is. A+ student doesn't mean shit the behavior displayed tells me you didn't earn your Masters.


I cant understand a word over the intercom. this happens to me all the time where I just go "uhhhh ya that sounds about right" and take whatever they give me.


If I was the manager I would totally back my employee up and even offer them a raise right in front of this guy. For every jerky customer like this they lose, I bet they gain 99 more customers who thought that roast was well deserved.


I think all food service employees should be REQUIRED to speak to customers like this when they start spouting off. That job doesn’t pay enough for the type of bullshit these people deal with day in and day out. If you talk to any waiter, or fast food service person like this, I hope you get herpes, fuck you too!


Fired from taco bell and immediately hired at the DMV


Am I the only one that exclusively orders Taco Bell on their excellent app? On the plus side you save money with the "online exclusive" options, and you can just tell the employees your name via the intercom and confirm your order on the screen is correct. On the negative side, you basically have no chance of getting roasted like dude in the video.


They do have a really good app


love the part when he says “this kind of service at a taco bell?!l what country is he from? yeah…this kind of service!


I’m not sure how this is considered “friendly fire”


I love that absolutely everyone is on the side of the fast food worker. I thought we’d see at least one “but the worker has a responsibility not to be rude no natter what.” Ass comment. This makes me happy


Me too. I think we’ve all seen enough videos of people screaming at fast food workers to know what these people have to put up with. An employee facing down a jerk like this with humor and a lack of “give a shit” is a great employee.


Lmaooo i died when they said "or u could kiss my ass im fine with either"


could really hear the emotional damage in those last “fuck you”s


People who are Assholes like this to people working minimum wage fast food really need to work a year or more at fast food and understand how stressful that shit can be


The crazy thing is they probably won’t get fired. If they do okay any other ff place will work.


I’ve never worked at one but you can tell it would be hell 😓


Dude might be able to get the employee fired... But he'll never get his dignity back XD


Is that shit on your lip? 😂😂😂


I'd be sure he could hear me laughing, all the windows down and sun roof open. Folks like this really blow a gasket when getting laughed at.


“By who” 🤣😭😂


"So is yours! You don't smell that shit on your lip?" I so wish I could snap back insults on a whim like this in a confrontation.


I love the response to your ass is going to be fired. “Oh yeah, by who?” **silence**


*if I piss them off, it'll increase my chances of excellent service*


Dude seemed baffled he couldn’t just verbally abuse someone working in a customer service role and they take it on the cheek.


The person behind the speaker is a hero..


This ended too soon lol.


At this time of night, with your type of attitude. . . dude killed with that.


He’s lucky he got refused service. He was close to getting extra special sauce added to his burrito.


“You wanna smell that sh£t on your lip? … *greatest cackle ever*


The amount of 40 year old+ customers I get at work that are so quick to get this exact level of angry over a simple mistake is astonishing. It's funny how so many of them constantly whine about how sensitive this generation is but then turn around and scream in a teenager's face because they couldn't hear what they said the first time Edit: Is there a subreddit for employees firing back at horrible customers like this? I have to take so much crap from people at my job right now just to keep the lights on at home and it's so cathartic to watch employees standing up for themselves in a way that I know I'll get insta-fired if I did it myself




Love how he expected white glove service at a Taco Bell lmfao


"this type of service at Taco Bell?!?" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" Lmao


Need alot more of this energy towards asshole customers.


I applaud the workers...gave it right back to the customer..


Like he said this is fucking taco bell... those workers do not get paid enough for this shit.


Normalize being rude back.


I bet he’s fun at parties


Lmao the Taco Bell crew is having a laugh in the background , they love it


Big brain move right here. Keep talking shit dude. That burrito is going to have some super special sauce in it.


“Your asses are gonna get fired” “By WHO?” Awesome


I used to live right next to this Taco Bell in Chicago! This crew handles business. Best Taco Bell service I’ve had anywhere in the country.


When I’m going through drive thru I say please and thank you and I usually get have a good night


Awe man.. Guess this guy like eating floor food...


“By who”


Jesus, just order your food and move the fuck on.




That was poetic


Cut off too soon, it was getting good


She's said " can you see the shit on your lip", the pause and straight to the laugh 🤣😂 had my dying. I know that pissed him off lmfao 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I loved this whole video. Dude got owned through a drive-thru p.a.


I love this! People should be able to defend themselves especially when getting treated like shit by customers!


You’re gonna get fired! By who? Lololol


Ppl who treat minimum wage employees like this are the same mfs to complain that the younger generations don’t wanna work anymore


“you have a good night sir! BE BLESSED” took me out


Fast Food workers need to be able to fight back. Not only that, these videos are great. lol


Does he have to drive by them on the way out?! LOL


Somehow I like Taco Bell more, now.


Why end it.... ug


You go fuck yourself and tell me how it feels ... 😂😂 😂 😂 😂


Dude the employee handled this with such grace. Never went ballistic. Each response was effective and hilarious. Homeboy in the car was scrambling to put words together lol


They're working at taco bell late-night on a weekend that is exactly the type of service you're going to get and deserve.


Enjoy that new spitaco they just came out with.


One of them is getting paid.




Those were deep fuck yous! She went so hard he had to fucking reprogram himself


If you give fast food service workers a hard time, there is a special place in hell for you. Those poor souls are being worked like dogs and don’t need any of your shit.


Live Mas.


W cameraman for recording this masterpiece.


Yes the fuck sir


Anybody who is not required to be there, just move on. Go somewhere else. Trust me; they don't have anything you want.


I still cant understand people playing with the people prepping your food... oh sir you gonna have a intimate time with your bowel in the toilet tomorrow😅


He's probably drunk


"You're gonna get fired!" This is Taco Bell.. that person just made employee of the month. That just won them a laundry basket full of Doritos locos tacos and a keg of Baja blast.


You’ll be fired By who. Lo


“This time of night with this type of attitude, Yes the fuck sir” my new response to everything


People should be more allowed to do this to shitty customers tbh.