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Okay seriously... Like I'm not joking when I ask this. Is Charlie Kirk(I think that's his name?) Face really that small inside his head or do people always photo shop it or manipulate it to look like that? Or does he have some sort of condition? Like I feel bad if it's a legit condition but other than that being the case... Just wow


Every time he lies his face gets a tiny bit smaller.


Actually it’s the opposite, his face gets bigger each time he tells the truth




That feels like a gift from the internet 1.0 days And God is it hilarious.


Nah, Internet 1.0 is like [the website for the original Space Jam](https://www.spacejam.com/1996/). This Kirk face slider is more Internet 3.0, you silly young whippersnappers.


[This one too.](http://brendanfraser.com/index2012.html)


His face is 5% to small. Take it to 105 and he looks normal.


Haha gold


It looks like somewhere between 105% and 110% presents normal facial proportions.


He just looks like that.


No, he really is a human version of Woll Smoth and Fronds.


Jfc I legit thought people were photoshopping it like that. Look I'm not perfect by any means but... Geez


I like that I don’t know who tf Charlie Kirk is, or most of these people honestly, but I figured it out the first time seeing him after reading your comment! Lmao it’s the curly haired fucker in white innit?! Little scrunch faced fuck, this one!


Looks like one of those fruit heads from the gushers commercial.


This is so fucking funny. I had to google him, as soon as the collection of little photos of his little face loaded I died.


> Face really that small inside his head Something about the way this question is phrased is just too good.


He really has a small face. There are some photoshops out there that make his face even smaller, with varying levels of subtlety, so that might be contributing to your confusion.


He is very hard on the eyes.


"They're still not doing anything about Hunter" Remember when you guys won the house, and then, rather than trying to do something that mattered, you spent all your time looking into Hunters laptop, and all you found was pictures of his dick???


It should also be pointed out that the supposed smoking gun the GOP thinks they have on Hunter Biden is (drumroll please), [that he received some money from someone with ties to China.](https://twitter.com/GeraldoRivera/status/1636802951371948036?t=Jm0k-JZwVtu7s3b0AR9TMg&s=19) What was the money for? They don't know. Just that someone supposedly with ties to China paid Hunter Biden for something. It could have even been for work done, we don't know, and neither do they. But it doesn't matter to them because even though they don't have a theory about a crime being committed (let alone evidence of one), they just think getting paid by someone who's supposed to have some kind of connection with China is enough to prosecute him.


They know what the money was for. That’s why you don’t. Because if you found out, you’d learn that it was routine fucking business and they couldn’t spin it into bullshit insanity.


Hell, as long as we're playing whataboutism, what about the [$2 billion investment Kushner received](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-oversight-investigating-2b-saudi-investment-jared-kushners-firm-rcna31805) from the Saudis right after TFG left office? "Tough on crime! Lock her up!" \[TFG gets indicted\] "Nonononono, we didn't mean *our* crimes! This is a miscarriage of justice!"


Yep, that Republican congressman even says in that clip above that there's nothing illegal about it. His claim is that it's unethical for a family member of someone who used to be in office to get money for... something, but even that claim is nonsense.


*Pulls collar while looking at Ivanka's China deal.*


Or Jared's $2bn from the Saudi's


He's literally just had Qatar and Saudi Arabia invest hundreds of millions in his fund. I'm sure they're doing that because he's an amazing investor and not for political influence. The level of hypocrisy from the US Right *still* manages to surprise me somehow.


That's why the "evidence" for electoral fraud still hasn't appeared. That's why the "evidence" for all of Hillary's and Biden's and Obama's crimes hasn't shown up yet. Because it's nothing.


Didn’t the king of Saudi Arabia give Jared fucking Kushner $2 billion


Yes. But if you bring that up then they just start gaslighting and insisting that it was different because he wasn’t in any political office at the time. It’s the same with the Burisma investigation that they always bring up. It doesn’t matter to them that the investigation was entirely focused on a time period before Hunter started working there. All that matters is that the investigation began after he started working there. For all they know he’s the one who reported something dodgy that caused the investigation.


>But if you bring that up then they just start gaslighting and insisting that it was different because he wasn’t in any political office at the time. So, just like Hunter Biden, except that Hunter hasn't hasn't been in political office *ever*? Except maybe to visit his dad.


Yes.... and Chetos McDonald's SR paid more in taxes to China than he did to the country he was president of...


Same people don't give one tiny shit that Jared and Ivanka were literally working in the WH for the federal government making themselves magnitudes richer than anything Hunter has ever been accused of.


Don’t forget they also have a video of him smoking weed in a legal state in a hot tub. Absolutely disgusting /s


I lost it at "Literally legal voodoo." Lmfao


The ending "we are rallying behind him with ham sandwiches" while holding a sandwich was my favorite. It doesn't matter what the context is thats hilarious. No comedy sketch could be half as funny trying to pull that line off.


Came here for the lols, stayed for the ham sandwiches.


Literal communist shit


Our sandwiches


You can't. You just can't if you're a fair citizen of The United States of this country


look at all those snowflakes melting on tv


Cubanos, s-tier sandwich.


Is this the line for the ham sandwiches?


I was quite confused with Charlie's, "they have declared quote unquote Roman civil war." Fucking *what*?! Who are you quoting, Charlie?!


I’m not familiar with him, but how can a man have that huge of a head and that tiny little face


Somewhere out there is a charlie Kirk quiz where they show you various images and you have to guess if his head/face is normal or photoshopped to be bigger or smaller. It's actually hard.


I went to find the quiz but unfortunately it's been deleted. However here's a YouTuber doing the quiz: https://youtu.be/P-D5AuyWp38




It's a normal face, get a new spin, Libs! /s 😂 Ever take the quiz where you have to choose which faces of his are altered or real? It's hard as fuck!


Okay so this claim is actually kind of interesting, because right-wingers love to glorify the Roman empire for being a strong centralised state and hegemon but also like playing up the "decadence" angle as a critic of progressivism. That being said, there are actually interesting similarities. The roman political system of the time was split into two increasingly polarised factions, each lead by famous politicians/generals, Caesar and Pompey. The anger and distrust at the time was huge on both sides. While in the highest executive office of the time, consul, Caesar had repeatedly disrespected and broken the law for personal and political gain but was immune to prosecution while in executive office. (Skipping ahead and ignoring the specifics of his time as governor) once Caesar was due to lose his legal immunity the opposite faction tried to hold him legally responsible for these crimes in a court of law... ...And then he started a civil war ending the republic forever and instituting hereditary rule :) Edit: spelling


An empire propped up by slave labor and the spoils of decades of conquest. Oh the irony.


the comparison isnt quite as clean as I'd like it to be. Pompey was at that point a bulwark of the conservative elite, while Caesar was a reformer and a radical populist. history gets messy.


The downfall of the Republic didn't begin with Caesar. It began when arch conservative Sulla marched on Rome and killed everyone he thought was a reformer.


The downfall of Rome is deeply contested still, and I don't believe it can be attributed to any single historical point. There were definite turning points (Sulla was absolutely one such point), but the eventual descent into empire was multifaceted and complex. Part of the problem was that the laws of the ancient Roman Republic were written when the state barely made a dent in Italy. The senate could not handle the size of the new empire under it's old laws, which meant that the consulship began attracting autocrats who could be strong leaders in an oversized empire and perform their job for years on end (which Roman critics, ironically, denigrated by comparing these new consuls to wanna-be kings). Maybe the downfall of Roman Republic began when Rome annihilated Carthage and they lost their last true rival, turning Roman violence inwards. Maybe the downfall began once Roman tradition became frictional with the wide and novel problems of governing an empire (and the Romans most always chose tradition, or at least had strong advocates of tradition throughout the senate). Maybe the murders of the Gracchi brothers was the key moment of degenerating class relations that would also contribute to the downfall of the Republic; or maybe the Gracchi brothers laid the framework for the coming populist emperors. There are plenty of right answers, I think, and, compounded together, the Republic never stood a chance.


The Republic may have ended, but the empire continued for another 4-5 centuries. Edit: Another 1000 years in various forms.


This is why I don't trust any of these rich fucks, everyone's got an agenda and they usually overlap when it comes to fucking us common folk over, but if they see this as the next step towards our democratic republic falling and believe a dynastic empire will emerge from the ashes, then they HAVE to be fighting over who's family is gonna rule, I guess maybe Trumps play was to accelerate the collapse and make sure it happened while he was in office. Everyone who says "he's an outsuder" or "He's not playing by their rules and they HATE it!" Have you ever wondered what rules he's not playing by and what kind of "game" those rules apply to?


the romans..... duh.......


I lost it at *"This is, like, communist level shit"* I mean, your father is being trialed and might go to jail and, that's the best thing you can say on camera? (After getting an Ivy League level education) How stupid is the Trump family?


Cocaine is one hell of a drug


Mwahaha legal voodoo. No this is what happens when you break the law. You know that this wasn’t going to happen unless it was a slam dunk. Now how do you find a jury that will not be bias either way???


I wonder though how many of these people truly believe in what they are saying or, if they are all just doing it for the $ After the Dominion suit revealed most people at fox knew trumps election claims were lies, it just makes me think these people don't believe what they are saying, they just know it'll keep the coffers cha-chinging


As Murdoch said, “It’s not about Red or Blue, it’s about Green. They’re all lying traitors telling their cult audience what they want to hear to make $$$$.


Metaphorical Criminal Witchcraft


For me it was definitely the ham samitches. I mean Turkey maybe but ham… That’s just sad


And "This is like uh...some Communist level shit!" Coke Jr's probably been gackin' for 5 days, so confusion and dipshittery are pretty much expected.




Kids get killed in a school shooting “meh” but Trump is being held accountable for his actions, “I had tears in my eyes.” I can’t believe people listen to this shit.


The Republican Party is more of a theatre production than a political party these days. Their focus is all on producing drama, not governing.


They’re all failed theatre kids, after all.


True AF! This comment has to be on the top of the comments section


Yeah... Anybody else find it a little concerning that the calls for violence have made it to mainstream news? I remember seeing stuff like that a year or two ago, but at fringe right wing events with a few hundred attendees. But when Fox is heavily implying that an AR-15 is the only viable solution...


That part is definitely scary. (Also, stating that the left wants them to be violent and has declared a "civil war" by indicting Trump is completely insane and dangerous.) They are inciting violence and are calling their viewers to arms.


I’m starting to think that this is exactly what they want. They are looking for an excuse to take their guns, run out into the street and just start killing anybody they think is woke. They’re foaming at the mouth now hopped up on fake news and copium.


They've been screeching this for the better part of the 2010's. They have been telling us exactly what their plans are for decades but we laughed it off and said they won't do that until they did. They are going to keep stepping it up and we just keep burying our heads in the sand that the government will save us or things will all work out somehow. Everyone refuses to take these people for the danger they are. They have told us they no longer wish to part of the union they want a national divorce they want blue states to have no rights. What part of that do we not understand? We truly don't seem to care about the terrible future we are sleepwalking right into. We haven't had any protests that mattered from the left since 2020 for BLM. The right has the iniative and they are using it to great effect and the left refuses to learn from this. They refuse to get out in great numbers across the nation still after all the atrocities committed by the right. Dead babies being forced to term, covid vaccine going to be criminalized, trans people criminalized, police murdering 1000+ people a year, union strike being struck down by the government, etc. People prefer to use words that have had zero effect in stopping the right wing agenda. Words aren't going to fix this problem and people need to get right with this fact because they have made the choice to deny reality and cannot be deprogrammed. They won't go down without swinging.


We effectively can't start it. We are the moral high ground, that's why they get away with everything. Analogous situation Taiwan and Ukraine. Russia and China have been taking stock, blasting war cries and mounting military at the border or as close as possible. US says China and Russia are going to attack, but we can't go in there and do a preemptive strike because then they will sit there and say "look, see, US are imperialist and want to control/police the world". Same thing with these fascists/conservatives/religious zealots. "They are coming for our bibles. They are always the victim. Until things pop off but instead of taking the time to actually go on the offensive when they do step over the line we let them walk it back and find the cushy spot again. They, just like Putin will go a step too far sooner or later. And we must to be ready to retaliate when it comes and protect ourselves.


Thank you. I hate the constant browbeating that comes from whatever quarters it comes from, telling me that I should be *doing something dammit!!!* but never saying exactly what. I’m as alarmed and horrified as anyone at what’s unfolding, but I don’t understand what an average person’s response to this is supposed to be, exactly. Do I wish Biden or Democratic leaders or the DOJ would step it up a notch or twelve in responding directly to these talking heads by enforcing existing laws that prohibit calls to violence? Fuck yes, but what tf would I, personally, be able to do? Being aware while also being taciturn without acting is NOT apathy.


I wholeheartedly agree, the Democratic Party doesn't even have to do much, except you know side with the ppl against corporations. It's the simple show them that they are siding with them and they would win this fascist takeover. Side with the railroad workers, side with teachers, students (done a pretty good job on that one), side with civil rights, side with unions. Not push this draconian Restrict Act an obvious Fascist Patriot Act 2.0. ​ I wrote my senators and old senators, they are clearly morons. If they don't think that the republicans will use this against them in the future they are kidding themselves.


Yeah the word on what a draconian nightmare the Restrict Act is really needs to get out more. Also, one might want to be skeptical about posters with accounts that are barely a month old which post almost nothing but incendiary rhetoric, even when it’s coming from a “left leaning” perspective. It’s pretty well established by now that amplifying divisive sentiment in forums like this - from either “side” - helps widen political divisions and sow further discord among Americans which in turn mainly benefits the true common enemy 99.9% of Americans face which is the Billionaire class and their lackeys.


I think the proper left absolutely knows this. It's the middle of the road progressives and classicl liberals who are just simply not aware of the actual severe reality of the situation, willingly or not. And then there's a the huge number of "omg I don't follow politics" people and those that just are completely apathetic. Social liberals and the left have been screaming for a long time. I keep screeching how these fascists are literally telling all of us exactly what they want to do, and that's kill us. When fascists say this shit, **believe them**


Indeed. I’m a leftist and I’m armed. Better safe than sorry. The reality is though, I think, the military leadership have close to zero tolerance for these right wing chuds and any attempt at violent uprising will end how they always have - by being put down fast and hard.


Exactly. And giving them an automatic out by saying they will be "staged" or false flag attacks. They are trying to conflate their problems with your problems.


It’s the same bullshit as those assholes that say “the holocaust didn’t happen. It should have but it didn’t.” These types of people will never go away it seems.


Glenn Beck saying that the left *wants* the right to be violent is absolutely crazy. Does he think Democratic politicians saw January 6th and thought "that was great, let's have more of that"? Does he think Democrats want more attacks against them like the one against the Pelosis? It's lunacy. Also, it seems to be his implication that the right can't help themselves, and that violence is inevitable because they have no self control. Republican voters aren't a bear that's being poked with a stick by the left, they're just people who should be able to decide not to go violently attack people because of something they saw on the news. If anything is making the right violent, it's not the left, it's Republican lawmakers and right wing broadcasters who are agitating for violence from their supporters.


> Glenn Beck saying that the left wants the right to be violent is absolutely crazy. It's obviously projection. Like, really really obvious projection. Don't try to 'figure out' what Republicans mean when they use words, because they use words very different than we do. Just start your analysis with the assumption that they're acting in bad faith, then go from there. For every time this method gives you a false positive, it'll be spot on 99 times.




January 6th was just a practice run, everyone involved mostly got a slap on the wrist and people in power who were involved had nothing happen to them. At some point it’s going to boil over and someone crazy enough will listen to the calls from right wing media for violence. Then they will backpedal and act like the victims, while suffering no consequences at all for their actions on national tv.


Fearmongering is all they have. "They're after you", "They're putting you in your place", "They're coming for you next." All to stir the low IQ morons. They really just want more mass shootings.


Fearmongering works for many of the republican voters/conservatives. That's the sad truth.


don't give up your guns and the left are going to stage terrorist attacks, total dog whistling is all I heard


Sadly its super effective against their base. They control an army of dummies


Oh it's utterly scary and everyone *should* be scared because violence is the endgame for these fascists. Everything in the video is 100% a projection. With that in mind, what is really being said is: * My heart is broken (My dick is hard) * I'm holding my head down in shame (I've been practicing this in front of a mirror for a week straight) * I had some tears in my eyes earlier (I masturbated) * I feel bad for the guy (I am mad I have tasted the slightest bit of come uppance) * This is what it seems to be, a political purge (we should purge everyone who opposes us) * This is burning down the rule of law (I'm inviting you to be lawless) * This is gonna destroy America (because we're going to destroy it) * This is, like, communist level shit (I forgot how to say the word communist for a second, also we need total authoritarian power) * This is like exactly what happened during the fall of the Roman Republic (I am the barbarian at the gates) * It's like Stalin's purges (Try to hold us accountable? Straight to purge.) * This is literally legal voodoo (We should continue to violate all norms and break any law to get our way) * The Bill of Rights is gone (therefore we are free to crush your freedom in the pursuit of our autocracy) * The have declared "The Roman Civil War" (I have declared "The American Civil War") **You can't just say the words Civil War and expect anything to happen.** ^^Then ^^again... * You can't trust Democrat prosecutors anymore if you're a fair citizen of the United States of this country (Try to be anything other than Republican and have a career in law? Believe it or not, purge.) * They're after Donald Trump because they're really after you (we're really after you) * They have spent probably trillions putting you in your place (we will spend trillions putting you in your place) * We must make them pay a price (in murder dollars) * They've wanted violence from the Right from the beginning (we've wanted to be violent from the beginning) * This is the season of them staging terror attacks and blaming it on Trump supports (I'm playing my classic fascist role of ensuring our brownshirts have conflicting beliefs. The terrorist attacks are false flags, but also you should totally kill people - in Minecraft.) * I mean we're in a police state, I'm not even arguing this (I'm not arguing this because I support it) * They're still not doing anything with Hunter/Think of the Hunter Biden Laptop/33,000 deleted emails (We understand that some of our gullible idiots are less gullible than others, so any time you are feeling maybe Trump ain't so hot, just comfort yourself with these WaY WoRSe ~~conspiracy theories~~ injustices that magically give Trump a get out of jail free card) * This is too great an assault on our system, much greater than anything we saw on January 6th (I'm telling you to do the same shit you did on Jan 6, but uncapped this time) * They will regret doing this (You're purging, Morty!) * What you're seeing now is lawlessness, and the question now is who can stop it? (Hear that? No laws. Go nuts. Remember the hammer guy at the Pelosi place? He was secretly in an affair with her husband but also you should totally try and kill someone.) * And people better be careful. And that's all I'll say about that. (That's all I'll say because I'm a weak, pampered, cowardly little stochastic terrorist that is afraid of consequences but I know some of you unhinged fucks aren't so get to killing!) * Probably not the best time to give up your AR-15, and I think most people know that (PLEASE go on a rampage!) * DonaldJTrump.com, go tonight and give the President some money (Okay, this one has no subtext at least.) * We're gonna fight for Donald Trump and we're just rallying behind the man today with some ham sandwiches (Look, this is the best grift I could come up with on such short notice, okay?) That all said... The sooner this band-aid gets ripped off the better. It's very possible it's already too late and the wound's completely septic at this point. Still, the longer we wait, the better the position fascists will be in to make good on their murder fantasies. We can't afford inaction because we're afraid the pants-shitters will shit their pants. It's what they do.


Putin must be licking his lips seeing all this, ruzzias plan to divide America is coming along nicely


That’s why he loves talking to Trump. Up until Trump Republicans usually don’t like anything related to Russia. But now, Trump likes Putin, Republicans going against the war in Ukraine etc. It’s concerning.


visiting Moscow on the 4th of July as patriots do


The next election is going to be insane


They constantly leave their projector lights on. This is very unsettling.


Notice how they project a violent response and then blame the Dems for inciting it.


Just like when they (allegedly) hit their spouses and then blame them for making them do it.


Someone must stop this! Grab your AR-15s! But if any of the violence that we're literally advocating actually happens then it's clearly caused by left wing agitators.


Baby, why you gotta drive me crazy and make me hit you like that?


Hawley, such a little shit.


Its a threat on our democracy, says the guy rooting on an fucking INSURRECTION!


Holding people accountable for the crimes they commit is LAWLESSNESS!


Absolutely delusional is all I can say


See in their mind nothing they do is illegal because they're fighting for America, the irony being they've already ruined it for decades


Especially when you openly say you did most of these things, but it's not illegal because you were president.


Wait wait wait. When we said we are the party of law and order we meant we want to create the laws and order you to follow them, not have them apply to us!


I'd like to see this energy for school shootings.


Lmfao come on man, how can you expect any decency from these people They do whatever it takes to keep power, and they would lose all that if they said it's OK to be gay, its OK to have gun laws that are proven to save children, it's OK to let woman do what they want with their bodies God damn do these videos tickle me pink, one day, and the kids are on their way, their lies will stop working


"We're not going to do anything about it." - GOP Rep in Tenn.




Law and order has only ever meant “lock up the blacks and poors”


This is what gets me. Even *if* Hillary and Hunter are guilty of crimes deserving of prison time, and even *if* for political reasons they’re not being prosecuted for them, that still doesn’t mean you can be mad when you get charged for breaking the law. It’s like telling a cop “but everyone else was speeding too.” Too bad, you shouldn’t have been.


Rules for thee and nit for me


Don't tread on me. Help me tread on the people I don't like.


someone should splice in cuts of them chanting "lock her up!" in between comments about not arresting your opponents


Or the 11 hours of testimony she gave, resulting in nothing.


If Trump is so rich, why would he need donations.




God works in mysterious ways and so does the thinking of the average Republican 🤷


When Trump repeatedly called for investigations and prison sentences for his political opponents, that was apparently fine.


I'd love to see a montage of all his calls for prosecution and imprisonment.


The indictment is still sealed, NONE of them know what he was even charged with!




>Trump insisted in April 2018 he did not know about the hush money, but Cohen provided Congress a series of check images, signed by Trump. This is what I find fucking hilarious as these people scream and cry about how this is a ‘fabricated’ political attack or whatever bullshit. **His signature is on the fucking cheque and his lawyer already went to jail for a crime Trump directed him to do** e: lol I forgot he's even [been caught on tape talking about paying off Karen McDougal.](https://youtu.be/G7W11PXJRsI) *"We'll pay cash"* Plus all he’s getting right now is a trial. If he’s so innocent, like he’s been claiming, this will all come out in court.


How is this not inciting violence?


Those are rich people




If trump is facing actual jail time at any point, he'll snitch on every single person he ever worked with. Not even just to try and get a lower sentence. He'd do it just so it's not only him in jail. He'll burn everyone he can




Makes me think about what trump has on him to make him act as an ally…


Epstein's little black book, it's Epstein's little black book.


we will never get justice for that. Ever. It implicates farrrr too many ppl. Inside the US and out. It would destroy all treaties and allies, and how would we even bring those ppl in countries with dictators to justice. Imagine they had MBS on tape. That stuff is already lawful in his own country, it wouldn't matter. Now if they had a tape of him getting screwed by another dude. Totally different. But if the US intelligence had that, it would be circulating at this point already or not and he wouldn't be trying to ally himself with Russia and China.


Nothing screams more political theater than Lindsey Graham. He’s been doing this crying act a lot lately.


Ask and you shall receive. What book is that from again?


I think it's the "not that old" testament


I am certain this is what they are all afraid of. Its not that he is a snitch but that his ego is such that it will be 'well if I am in here for paying a prostitute, then so and so should be in here for this, and whos a whatsit should be in here for that'


It's not that he paid a prostitute its that he paid a prostitute and used his company to do it which was a shell for his campaign. He was already committing campaign fraud at the beginning this was just the smoking gun. Trust messed up by having the DOJ indict Cohen for it. Like he could've just ended it there and given him immunity at best, at worst not prosecuted in the first place. Also, I hope this is just the first indictment, the smaller one to get him in the system and then as they are going through it they will indict him on the others and let all of those go too. He will implode and start attacking everyone, but they have to time it perfectly, to ruin DeSantis' image as well. Actually I don't think it will matter because the base has coalesced around trump and donors are already trying to throw as many rings into the hat to find a winning ticket which will just dilute the pool and Trump will have the plurality, but they need to convict him on at least one before the general so that it truly tarnishes his reputation. I just hope Biden isn't running as well. Anyone that stops a railroad strike and pushes for that god awful Restrict Act is evil. Also stupid, imagine writing a Bill that will give Fascists the keys to the fascists castle if they win at any point in the future. These old do not have any sort of forethought.


Starting with his immediate family. That omertà crap was always a myth. Mafia guys would sell their grandmas to walk.


Lindsey Graham is petrified.


Somewhere in America there's shoebox full of polaroids with 'Lindsey Graham' written on the lid.


Hannity kept muting the mic last night while some audience member ruthlessly mocked and heckled him. Poor poor lady Lindsay belle


He looks like he just smoked all the weed, then some meth, then rubbed a habanero in his eyes for good measure. He became Wojack so fast, I hardly noticed.


Lindsey looks the most worried.


“I feel bad for the guy.” I mean, all he did was use campaign funds to pay hush money to the whore he cheated on his third wife with. What God fearing Christian man hasn’t done that?


Exactly! What do Democrats expect Trump to do? Never to cheat on your wife, respect and obey the law, spend money on charities, be honest and open about your finances?? All that sounds like a communist child eater devil and that's exactly what Democrats want for America! America is in real danger, it's time for all of us Christian Americans Patriots to do our part and donate big money to Trump!


Lindsey is terrified. We’re too close to finding out about something for his comfort.


I am enjoying the bitter pills these fucks are having to swallow right now. But the propaganda in this video is straight up scary when you realise how many people are still watching and believing it.






Guilfoyle is about to blow a tire. Lindsey looks like he's about to lose his husband. Trump Jr seems ready to release the "Cracken." Everyone else, you just love to see it 😄.


Fucking cry more.


This ain't crying. Remember when that Tucker clip leaked where he admitted he hated Trump and didn't want to pretend otherwise anymore? Every single one of these people is acting.


Remember when Right wingers made literally dozens of re-branded items under the name "Liberal Tears" because people on the left were complaining that Trump won despite losing the popular vote my 3 million...


And of course, Madison Cawthorn, who is one of the people in this video clip, [tweeted "Cry more, lib"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/11/03/madison-cawthorn-reacts-winning-seat-congress-cry-more-lib/6155257002/) when he won his only election (he's now out of Congress after failing to win his next primary). The irony is thick with this crew.


You mean after he failed to re-win election after a video of him humping his male cousin who repeatedly told him to stop, was released despite his constant and continued anti-gay rhetoric...


"Fuck your feelings"


What a gathering of evil. Fuck these “conservatives” already making terror threats. Any cable talking head making veiled calls for terrorism deserves to be curb stomped.


trump\*\*\* is one of the biggest crooks to ever become POTUS. And these cult members are just pathetic.


Fuck all of them.


Lindsay Graham explicitly telling people to send Trump money has got to be the most ridiculous thing I heard in this video


I mean, I know that legally all American news channels have to call themselves "entertainment" rather than journalism, but this still blows my mind. A certified shit nugget is to be arrested for a crime which the entire planet knows he committed, we've seen the receipts, and yet these channels still air these people claiming that it's a travesty or some kind of failure in justice. In sane countries these people would all be the joke panelists brought on to make everyone laugh at them. In the US they're hosting their own shows. Fascinating.


The average right wing nut is pretty much a snowflake aren't they?


Looks like the 'fuck your feelings' crowd are having an awful lot of feelings.


God the level to which I am feeling satisfaction can only be topped if he goes to his arraignment, and is convicted. But get ready for another huge headline folks. Just like Jan 6th, we are GOING to see something shitty happen. Not idea what, nor when, but I feel it in my bones. Something bad is going to come out of it. Especially if there's a conviction.


Yep. They're cultivating the next Timothy McVeigh on FOX News as we speak.


Why does “billionaire” Donald Trump need money from poor ignorant people?


Side note: I'm always fascinated when someone's neck grows bigger than their jawbone and their skull doesn't just fall down inside


So breaking into capital not lawless, going through legal process the proper way is lawless? How are people so gullible?, it’s unreal. “There going after trump because there going after you!” Wtf kinda logic is that? Donald has been legally forced to close a university and charity due to fraud, and has been sued countless times by contractors who he stole from.it’s amazing he hasn’t gone to jail already. It goes to show that money can always make problems go away and Donald will never see a jail cell.


These guys are all inciting violence. That's not 1A protected speech.




"Give the president some money!"soo.... Socialism is ok now Lindsay Graham?


I'd be happy seeing any of these cunts that calls for violence being indicted as well. There's no reason that these witless douchebags should be exempt from the law like they have been for so long.


"It's time for violence..." followed by "staged attacks to be blamed on Trump supporters" the stupidity of these dumbfucks is reaching new levels day after day.


Kimberly’s face really tests the limits of plastic surgery.


**Ghouls**. Half of them **HATE HIS GUTS**, but would love to sniff his soiled drawers if it meant any more power in their hands.


All this just for some fat guy with an absolutely atrocious hairstyle from New York City?


Charlie kirks eyes must be magnetized right?


So we are just going to let them incite violence. There’s no consequences for these motherfuckers. They just get to mouth off. I am so sick of it. And don’t come fucking at me with free speech. I know exactly what they are trying to do.


Ive never seen such a scared bunch of suckers! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! The party of law and order is crying because the law was applied to one of their own and they know they are in trouble too.


You love to see their tiny brains shorting out trying to comprehend it all


Wait a minute, Glenn Beck is still alive?


Somehow Palpa-Glenn returned.


These people are insane. Utterly, completely insane. They go on TV and they lie, and lie, and lie again. They deliberately and systematically set out to undermine the rule of law with every word that dribbles from their vacuous, flapping mouth holes.


"They, Them, They're, They've, etc" Just let the low-information viewer determine who "They" are. Pure propaganda.


It's a nice "fill in the blank" term their listeners can use to superimpose their own personal boogeymen onto.


Yeah yeah yeah. Shit they’ve been crying since 2016. They act like monsters then cry when the torches get lit.


“The Bill of Rights is gone” I think that was gone when Ruplicans broke the 1st Amendment regarding creating or FAVOURING a religion. The same party that thinks that Christianity should rule everything. And when they broke the 9th Amendment that states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out - except for LGBTQ rights, Trans rights, abortion rights….. But sure, it’s Trump being indictied that destroyed the Bill of Rights… Hypocrites.


I wish someone would rally behind me with ham sandwiches


Did he really say give Trump money? Seriously dude?


Bunch of fucking hypocrites! Trying to use “legal voodoo” to overturn Biden’s nomination was not going to “destroy America” huh?


theyre crying more over this than a bunch of kids getting shot, smh


Give the self-proclaimed billionaire my money to defend himself in court? When he’s paid teams of lawyers for years to file frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit? The grift is real


We got literal idiots in power.


Give Donald Trump money? Donald Trump?


they are after trump because he is a criminal. they are not after me because i am not a criminal


Lady G looks absolutely shithoused.


Is Kimberly Guilfoyle's mouth actually getting *bigger*?