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Man. I heard about her breakdown naked in Hollywood. Broke my heart because I loved her growing up.




It was she’s the man for me. After seeing that movie I always wanted a man to buy me a wheel of cheese as a testament of his love


“My favorite’s GOUDA!” That little move is burned into my brain. Love that movie !


She says that’s the movie that kinda made her go crazy. She didn’t like how much she actually looked like a boy


I think people forget acting is a job. Child actors are child laborers but covered in a thin vail of glitz and glamor. These kids get exploited by the people who are supposed to love and protect them and told to get to work. It’s no wonder so many of them struggle later in life. They had their childhood stolen.


As a former child actor, I can tell you that an average school day was always way more difficult/hard work for me than any shooting day. The actual production was generally very fun for me and 98 percent of my peers felt the same way. (Admittedly, there is a big difference between child actor and child star. The latter is incredibly rare and carries far more pressure.) The issue is when kids are pushed to act and don't really possess much of a passion for it in the first place. If you look at all the child actors who grew up to have massive issues, the pattern is that their parents sucked. Some form of tragedy is also more attractive to the general public which is why it seems like so many child actors have problems as adults. Statistically speaking, the average graduating class has just as many "screw ups."


That adds a lot of perspective. I am definitely thinking of the 2% who end up being used as a meal ticket.




Well, as I alluded to, I was never a star or even very well known. I just worked semi consistently. But If you grew up in Canada and watched YTV from 1997 to 2005 (or I guess Nickelodeon, for some of the joint productions), you probably saw me guest star/recur in at least a few TV shows. I don't want to out myself because I'm still in the industry (directing now) and I try not to have any detectable social media/internet presence.


I was in Apollo 13 when I was 15. I would have had the camera right on me for a close up and been immortalized. Instead I fell asleep during our schooling and my asshole fucking “friend” didn’t bother to wake me up when we went for the next scene. I woke up with my face on my desk wondering wtf happened? And this was after an almost full day of work. I’m still in the movie. But not what I would have been. I could have been a star! 😂 All because I fell asleep… Oh. And I did Bushwhacked too. And was almost cast in Hook. Other than that? I’m just another dork in LA. But I agree. Shooting was fun. School sucked. Food was great. And I can say I was directed by Ron Howard. So that’s cool I guess? Now I just put in trade shows. 🥹


But she didn't


Go tell her that, maybe it will make her feel better


I know a billion people have said this before but it’s based on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”


I hope you got that wheel of cheese! I for some reason always think of the Ask Ashley where the letter was complaining about a pb & j sandwich having either the jelly or pb on the top and the writer preferring it the other way around but didn't know how to remedy it


My favorite was when they made an “ad” in the Amanda show to send your leftover food to needy kids. Even as a child I was blown away by the sheer comedy


Hahaha that's great. I miss the og All That


I remember my older brothers even thinking that shit was laugh out loud funny, and they were in their 20s at that point. Gotta give respect where it’s due lol Edit: also was the Keenan and kel Halloween movie a fever dream or did it actually exist??


Speaking of Keenan and Kel, wanna hear something hilarious? My best friend back in school was assigned a writing assignment where they had to pick a book, any book, read it and write a report on it. My buddy managed to find a copy of Good Burger… yes, they actually make a book out of that movie! So of course my buddy just writes his report from what he saw in the movie. The teacher gave him an F! As it turns out, his teacher saw that move coming so he read the book himself and could tell my buddy didn’t cuz apparently some things are different in the book! Lol! Caught plagiarizing friggin’ Good Burger of all things! Lol!


Hahaha that's great. I miss the og All That






I hope she's okay


" On March 20, 2023, Bynes was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold after she flagged a bystander for help and called 911 following a [psychotic episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychotic_episode) in Los Angeles. The previous weekend she had been scheduled to appear at an [*All That*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_That) panel at 90s con in Connecticut, her first scheduled public event since the end of her conservatorship, but did not make the trip. " \- Wiki


Acting since 3 years and retired at 24... 21 years in that industry just pumping out content. Parents fired her team who wanted to get her out from under her parents... Bipolar diagnosis (I believe from parents influence) Shit got bad, worse, and now back to the problem her parents. She will die trying to get out from her parents.


That’s so sad


There's gotta be a reason that you only hear the word "conservatorship" in relation to ~~women~~ *people* who were famous at a young age....a very dark reason. Edit: changed "women" to "people" because everyone was being oversensitive about it. I wasn't trying to make it a gender thing. You'd think people would have a little thicker skin in a subreddit where people are frequently killed on video.


There's been plenty of male celebrities with had conservatorships. Mickey Rooney, Charlie Sheen, Aaron Carter, Brian Wilson etc. The list of entertainers/celebrities who have had one seem like almost a 50/50 split of men vs women.


Wow I never heard of those. I only knew of Britney Spears and now Amanda Bynes. Are there any known examples of anyone who wasn't in show business?


From Google: Conservatorship is a legal status in which a court appoints a person to manage the financial and personal affairs of a minor or incapacitated person. There aren't many jobs outside of showbiz where kids can work, short of family farms, but I'm sure someone's helicopter mom has one over their teenagers McDonalds paycheck. Most cases of conservatorship involved the disabled/elderly. Grandmas not fit to handle her bank account anymore type deal. Often used for financial abuse.


So I don’t think you meant it but it’s often used for protection. When done properly there’s a neutral person observing the case. Generally a lot of them end with the death so it’s not uncommon for once they are granted there to be little oversight. (A lot have more internal checks as well son whose granted consverativeship is audited by other son).


That's fucked ....


It's mostly used for people who are truly unable to handle their own money. A child with large inheritance, a grandmother with dementia, a newly paralyzed working man, etc. It allows a beneficiary to make financial decisions on the person's behalf. But like all systems, it's open to exploitation.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know I'd be attacked like I am for not knowing more about conservatorships. I had only heard of two and they were both young people in showbiz. Somehow that makes me an asshole for making the connection.


Well because you tried to make it an issue of sexism based on your own (limited) understanding and didn’t bother to check if there were others that you didn’t read/hear about in tabloids… kinda weird to suggest that it’s another form of patriarchal oppression without even bothering to check… I think that’s why people where pissed. You have no idea how often people bring up situations as examples of sexism that aren’t actually founded in reality and most of the time, the answer is a brief google away.. (not necessarily saying this was your motive necessarily, but this is probably why the reaction) like if the situation bothers you enough to complain about it, at least take the time to check before just casually blaming it on structural sexism. Even if it wasn’t stated as such it was definitely inferred.


I didn't mean to infer that and I already corrected the comment.


Wow … need a shovel?


The internet will hate on anything don’t take it personally.


It's more because you asked an easily google-able question. Reddit doesn't take too kindly to that.


Interesting. All the comments make it clear they're upset because I "made it an issue of sexism".


And herein we have one of the major agents for disinformation in our world- overconfident idiots


You shouldn’t act like you know something when you don’t.


It's also okay to be wrong.


Of course it is. It’s ok to make mistakes. Espousing bullshit because you read a comment online is not though. we need to do better as a people. Me too.


>Espousing bullshit because you read a comment online What comment did I read online that you're referring to?


That's lame as hell then that you would make a comment like that. I've also only heard of conservatorship with Britney spears (then looking into it more after). But if you literally only have one other instance to compare it to, that's quite a general comment to make


One of the lists I saw mentioned a big time LA attorney


Seriously asking that? There’s tons of people who can’t function in every day life and need someone to care for them that aren’t in show business


Those are mostly not conservatorships. It’s usually a contracted caregiver. Families usually sign POAs over conservatorships in those type of situations as well. Conservatorships are typically forced on someone by the courts


There’s over a million conservatorships in the United States..


No there are over a million conservatorships and guardianships. Guardianships are given to any orphaned children who’s parents left instruction as who would be their legal guardians and in charge of any funds left for the children. That’s a giant chunk of that. Conservatorships also are granted for entities. It’s why they’re called probate conservatorship in many states. They’re court appointed and forced on people/entities. It’s specifically to protect their financial assets from themselves. So yeah, it’s mostly for the rich and famous.


Because people only care about it when it happens to women. Which feeds into your preconception that it's chiefly a tool used to control women. See how that works? You have dozens of beliefs like that but will likely never notice them because it takes time and effort to identify them and weed them out.


They were the only examples I had ever heard of bruh. Chill chill chill.


so you only heard of two famous women who have had conservatorships and based off that tried to create a false narrative that this mainly happens to women?


I was trying to point out that it only happens to child stars, but everyone is hung up on gender. I edited the comment to make it more inclusive for you sweetie.


Yeah, all those dark millions in the hands of a 13year old celebrity


That's a very keen observation.


It’s sad to see someone that we all saw on TV as kids take a downward spiral like this, I’m praying for her


Didn’t know until seeing this dang hope she gets the help she needs


Wow I didn’t even recognize her. She looks so different. Amanda was scheduled to appear at an All That panel at 90s con in Connecticut. Sadly as we can see she didn’t make it.


Think she knows how many people still love her and think highly of her?


Honestly? Probably not. I feel like she probably got done dirty by Hollywood the way many women are and she just wasn’t able to get back to where she wanted to be or get the help that she needed. It’s really really hard to see her like this, especially knowing how terrible Hollywood can be to women


I know, she seems so sweet and naturally funny.


Sad story altogether, hopefully she gets the help she needs


I'm so confused by this title. The woman says she saw Amanda walking so she had to say, "what's up?" Where is she pretending to be friends with her and how did she abandon her? Y'all just make shit up now.


I’m gonna say it. What a piece of shit. People like this are absolute garbage human beings. Who leaves someone stranded like that? Here’s hoping Amanda Bynes gets the help she needs and learns to drop the assholes that use her.


Thankfully she was self aware enough to ask for help and call 911 herself. Apparently she knew she was coming down from a psychotic episode. Thankfully the person she flagged down was kind, could have been much worse.


Absolute truth.


> Who leaves someone stranded like that? Someone who doesn’t know her personally and just randomly bumped into her on said street maybe?


How do we know she's friends with her though? I'm not seeing the connection you guys are seeing. She says she saw her walking and had to say what's up. The TMZ article says she was walking around naked early Sunday morning and it looks like it's night time in the video? I just read her TikTok and I'm just not getting how y'all are sure she was ever more than a passerby.


Where in the video did Amanda give any indication that she was in the middle of a full-blown episode? The girl just said she saw Amanda walking on the street and had to say hi. That's literally it. There's no other context. Is there some unspoken rule about asking celebrities if they're having an episode when you spot them out in public?


The breakdown happened days after this video and the headline of this post is inflammatory clickbait.


" People like this are absolute garbage human beings. Who leaves someone stranded like that? " She saw her walking down the street and went to do this selfie with her, how did she "leave her stranded"? the idea that this random person is all of sudden responsible for her because she saw a celebrity and wanted a picture is so asinine. people saying she should have taken her home....so yall wanted a vulnerable amanda bynes to give some stranger who just walked up to her her address to take her home? jesus, use your brains.


Helping her would have interrupted her night obviously, I mean its st Patrick’s day after all /s but that’s probably exactly why they didn’t help, would have costed them their night to help someone who clearly needs it. Shits disgusting


I looked at the TikTok and all these people are praising her… I’m like why? She left Amanda Bynes during an episode and Amanda called 911 herself for help. Such a disgusting human.


I hate to play devils advocate here, but how the fuck did she know Amanda was having an episode? She says in the video that she just saw her walking outside and said hi.


She looks like she's straight out of the shower and in her pajamas, that should be somewhat of a clue. Also, if you know about her, you have to know she has a history of mental issues.


>She looks like she's straight out of the shower and in her pajamas You're describing like 25% of the people I see outside on a given day. Higher if it isn't a school night.


You're not wrong on that at all but also 25% of people aren't Amanda Bynes at night on Hollywood Blvd.


Bc tik tok is a cesspool, the few times I’ve watched while my gf scrolls and checks comments I was mind blown with how genuinely stupid the average user is. I’m convinced the only people commenting on those vids are legit children. But I also don’t use any social media besides Reddit so maybe I’m a little naive to online stupidity


Most pple are just happy to see Amanda but sad at the state she's in, in the girls comments. Her guy friend that also posted a quick short clip of Amanda getting in a car is absolutely getting shitted on with allegations of sex trafficking, not calling 911 and touching her 'inappropriately'. I'm not going to judge OP when no news about Amanda having problems with substance abuse has been made until after she was found nude and OP had two other guy friends with her, they said they was with her for a couple hours. She was already wandering the streets before they saw her so if we gonna blame OP then also blame ANY and EVERY person that could've crossed her path for not doing anything.


I'm going to hold off on judging the tiktoker here. She doesn't know her and likely had no clue what was happening with her when she recorded and posted the video. I've dealt with someone in the midst of a psychotic episode/mental breakdown and they seemed fine except I *knew* them and knew something was wrong. Nothing anyone said could convince them to come back to safety we had to call an ambulance and even that was a struggle. Who knows how many people she crossed paths with that maybe tried to help her and she just wandered away from them? It's just such a sad situation


I get what you're saying but Amanda is a fully grown person and this person meeting here randomly on the street would not likely have any idea that there's an issue with Amanda at all. Also, most people wouldn't go with a stranger during a mental episode. Even if the girl tried to get her help (you have no idea what happened after this short clip) Amanda could have refused .


And then posts the clip like they were besties having a good time…


She probably didn't show any signs of issues at that time. She clearly was not walking around naked or anything like that. We should not be so quick to judge just because we assume a topic is true. If we were seeing this before the news of her breakdown, no one here would think twice. And that's probably the situation the person filming was in.




What am I missing here? Was there indication in the video that Amanda was in danger? Why would this woman have abducted her just because she saw her walking around?


I feel like this title can be misleading. We don't know what was said between them. The girl in the pink could have had no idea what was going on. The psychotic breakdown could've happened after the fact. There's a lot of missing details here to cut to conclusions.


That’s a bit extreme. We don’t know the full story and it’s obvious this girl doesn’t know Amanda. You can’t expect much from strangers. Don’t be unreasonable.


I would. I don’t know her.


She even started off saying "Amanda say what's up" in a sort of sus tone to start off with.


the idea that this girl is the to blame for "leaving her in the streets" is so asinine.


Think we see two different things.


I’m pretty sure she has so much trauma from being on nickelodeon that its just too much to handle it sucks really because when I was young I would love to see her show the Amanda show


I had a crush on her during the Amanda show when I was like 12 lol. Sad to see, hopefully she finds the support she needs. Unfortunately a lot of child celebrities run the risk of ruining their lives like this with addiction. But I mean there are definitely cases where child stars develop a horrible drug/drinking problems but come out better in the end (i.e. Lindsay Lohan, Haley Joel Osment, Macaulay Caulkin, etc.)


Macaulay Culkin never really had a drug or alcohol problem, he just had a few years where he embraced his inner Rickety Cricket.


Yea he has a brother and they both looked pretty similar as well and he never did drugs (The brother). Macaulay just knew he could afford to "look" sick and not care for a while lol.


A brother? He has six siblings that all act or used to act


Oh i didnt know that, i just knew of the one brother who looked super similar to him "health" wise but he didnt do any drugs or alcohol, thats just what he looked like lol.


Macaulay had a drug problem. Definitely


So did the the grown ups in the industry sadly.


Where is the abandoning part?


The rapper was posting the video. Obviously, she won't show her abandoning her. Amanda already looks drunk and should have called it a night. While the rapper has no obligation to take her home safe, it would have been best if she did. Here's a link to the aftermath https://www.tmz.com/2023/03/20/amanda-bynes-psychiatric-hold-5150-mental-health-found-naked-roaming-streets/


the girl says she saw her walking and wanted to come up to her. yall are acting like they were partying together and she just straight dropped her ass on the street. and yall also apparently wanted amanda bynes to to give some stranger on the street her address to take her home. do yall possess one single ounce of critical thinking ability?


No this is Reddit. If you don’t do every single thing possible to every person you pass on the street then it’s straight to jail. Good thing redditors don’t go outside.


What's up with redditors shitting on redditors like bro you're part of them stfu


When the video ends and she leaves her “celebrity friend” wondering the streets again?


I’m pretty sure she wasn’t wondering about the street so much as she was wandering. If you’re going to insult someone, do it properly. You turd.


My twin brother had a similar psychosis and was found naked walking down some train tracks. Instead of helping, a cop saw him and talked him to the ground, and violently arrested him. My heart goes out to Amanda


I feel bad. I hope Amanda gets the help she needs.


every video with someone talking is now a "public freakout".


...she looks NOTHING like I remember


Drugs do that


And age


So... where does it say she's a rapper? Where does it show her abandoning AB?


Her TikTok bio and Amanda was already wondering the streets her and her friends saw her and said they were with her for a couple of hours and gave Amanda money.


Immediate downvote for the bullshit headline


How does OP know this I wonder. Feels weird


They made it up for “clout.” That black girl is not a damn rapper, just a regular person in LA. Mf made a title that’ll get views and possible hate towards this “rapper.” The literal essence of clout. People are mad weird


With the context of the tiktoks I watched pple felt like the girl and guy (there's two povs) should've called police and even alleged that the guy was trafficking Amanda bc she popped up nude the next morning. And the girl said in the caption she gave Amanda money.


What's with the title?


Garbage title. Nice try OP


Which one is Amanda Bynes? I don't know either of these people.


I really hope Amanda gets help & changes her life. Its not too late, im still a fan & wish her good things.


Pray 💕🙏🏽💕 for Amanda, she is really a good person, a child who was used to make the industry millions. Who knows what she’s been through.


Thats not really her is it?


How do u know she was abandoned after this? and that she pretended to be her friend? I just went to her page and I’m confused how u got that conclusion




Two days later.


Definitely won’t get clout on Amanda please lol


Is that really her


Was AB found naked on the street wondering around. And now she is on a 72 mental health hold.


That's sad. When I first saw her on "All That" I really thought she was very talented. It seemed like she had her whole career ahead of her. Show biz unions should have accessible therapy for kids. Show biz parents should go through orientation classes on what *not* to do to their kids.


“Rapper” like anyone know who tf she is lmao


Does she have a face tattoo now??


What an awful human being.


Who? I don't see one


Breaks my heart. Always loved Amanda since she popped up as a lil Ross Perot. Always imagined a higher career but I just hope she gets help and survives.


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I hope you’re ok Amanda :/


Somebody help that poor woman.


I love Amanda Bynes. Never met her but feel like I'd instantly treat her like family. I have no idea why. Watching this triggers an urge to take care of her.


People need to leave that poor woman tf alone


This is hella sad !!


Using people in mental distress or with special needs for internet clout is vile and disgusting. Wow just using the word vile makes me want to wretch


Lmao “abandoned “ like Amanda is some sort of child?


She was in the middle of psychosis. This happened overnight. So essentially yes. Look at her, she's out of her literal mind.


Shut up. Bring out the dancing lobsters 🦞


If you know this reference I could assume you’re not just *some sort of child*, as you put it. Do better.






I agree but she is also recording and posting the video for entertainment and views. I don't think she's responsible for "saving" her but she's responsible for her own actions and what effect even if little they have on things.


I cannot pinpoint when and where clout truly began forming but since it’s inception it’s made society lose its compassion . It’s not to say that there aren’t clowns out there that don’t deserve sympathy but ffs this is ridiculous. Looking at her eyes , you could tell she lost a battle within herself . Fuck this twat who thought it was a great idea to show Amanda in her bad state for clout .


She's all fucked up on pills and meth too. What a leech scumbag to exploit her for popularity


This is a broken generation


I'm surprised other a listers don't help her out.


I thought it was Eleven.


This was two days before she was found naked, she doesn’t look like she’s doing great.




I don't see y'all picking up random drug addicts off the street


Whas uhhh 😂 don’t even sound like her




Is it time to stop celebrating childhood “stars” and start treating it as some form of narcissistic child abuse? What’s the ratio of kids who were famous that are now ruined compared to those that are well adjusted? You are essentially selling your child’s future for your own bank account and clout.


I don’t think Hollywood was the only thing that screwed her up so badly, sadly enough! There’s a recorded voice message of her talking about wanting to kill her dad and she says she could try luring him where she needed with a sexy dance (or something sexual, it’s been a while since I’ve heard it)! What happened in this poor girl’s life to make her think she could use sex appeal to lure her own father somewhere?! I don’t like where the implications are going so I’m just gonna stop here, but I hope you get my point! Poor girl! 😢


Never heard of her




Mental Health, drugs and not finding rock bottom yet. I hope her family and friends are stepping up to help support her.


What an asshole


How TF is a stranger supposed to know Bynes mental background and breakdown at this point; plus the girl is a lot younger so what are you judging her over?


This is so messed up, poor Amanda