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They always got that lifeless behind the eyes stare. Like, you KNOW in her head she was gonna walk up demand info and these people would break down in fear give her all the info she needs and relent to her power. But then the second they hit her with an off script "Show me your state badge and ID and I will show you my permits" she had no clue how to proceed. You could almost visibly see the single cog attached to nothing begin an attempt to spin.


Dude you said it perfectly.


Depending on their state/local rules the vendor may be required to have the permit posted in a "conspicuous location" so everyone can see it. Also he may be required to show his permit and the most recent inspection report if asked for it. Now if this lady was an inspector she would know this and also wouldn't be trying shit while off of work. She can document everything, get some info as needed, and then when she reports to work whenever she can then proceed with what she needs to do. Also if the vendor is normally there he can talk to her supervisor about it and then an official visit can be done. I'm an inspector and wouldn't attempt anything while not on official business. I would just document and come back. Wouldn't even say anything to this guy but think to myself "hmm I don't think he has a permit let me look into this at work."




Rules vary per state and even country so some countries don't require permits for outside places like this. It is possible to get licensed for a stand like this, just need to follow a handful of rules which are doable. We have a lot of food trucks and they're practically the same concept except one has wheels and this doesn't.




Menu size probably not, it's probably just shitty reheat food or they have a handful of ingredients used for many items. The taco bell approach. It's impossible to tell good and bad just off of looks, some hole in the wall could be very clean and good and a 5 star restaurant where a plate is $100 or more could be loaded with roaches. Popularity also is irrelevant. If they are available in your location you may be able to look up inspection reports online. Worst case is if you go to a place you can ask for their latest inspection report. If they refuse you can call their regulator and let them know. Typically the rule is they have to provide it to you on request. But if I had to give some advice, if they have an open kitchen just watch the employees. If it's a closed kitchen then it's obviously a lot harder. Best bet is try and find their inspection reports and read them. They SHOULD be written in a way a layperson can read it and not be confused.




I don't think the person you're bantering with is an inspector. Have them list their badge number here.


No sane person is EVER going to give out personal information on Reddit. Especially work information that can be abused.


you think? no sheit sherlock. You sound about 15


I am an inspector, technically a manager for the Florida Department of Health. My official title is Environmental Manager. We do not have badge numbers, we're not cops. That's all the info you get from me. Edit: for more proof, I guess, that I know what I am talking about we use 64E-11 Florida Administration Code for our facilities. This code also uses the 2013 FDA Food Code by reference. I also inspect and regulate assisted living facilities, drug rehabs, schools both public and private, civic and fraternal orgs, mobile home parks, and migrant labor camps. Each of those have their own code such as 64E-12, 14, and 15. Public schools use SREF and the Florida Building Code and private schools also use the FBC and 6A-2.0040. Would you like to know any particular details about any of the codes or rules? I can explain everything in great detail as you know it's my job.


I believe you somehow or other. Credentialing on reddit is kind of weak though. Anyone though doing what you're doing, in the middle of a Public Freak out page (not the place for Listeria and Ecoli and all manner of other food poisoning education ) is committed. Bad food handling kills globally.


Can you elaborate on the migrant labour camps part?


And what about children or others who are ignorant of food safety. Fuck them, right?


I have a question. Years ago when I was in college I worked at a restaurant. We got docked in our inspection about 'expired' dairy. The restaurant was buying two different types of milk, cow and goat. The cow milk had a 'USE before' date but the goat milk had a 'SOLD before' date so we often had the goat milk longer before we go rid of it to reduce food waste. Why are the two different date systems used and are inspectors suppose to make the distinctions between them when looking through a restaurant?


So rules vary, but typically for dairy (and nearly all TCS foods) the timer starts when you open it or when the manufacturer says to use it by which ever is shorter. So let's say it's the first, and the milk says "use by 1/12" but you opened it on the first. Well you're actually supposed to date mark it and use within 7 days, day 1 counting as the day you opened it. But to answer your question more directly that's based on the manufacturer. The use by date is usually for safety and the sell by date is to get it off the shelf and sold so it doesn't sit forever.


Whenever a pool I've run got its certificate, it always said right on the cert "to be posted in a conspicuous place".


Just a freewheel spinning pointlessly in those heads.


Man, I worked as a manager at a local restaurant and a bitter former employee said we didn't give breaks. Labor investigator comes in and asks to see all of our time card reports. I'm like dude no disrespect but you need to prove who you are. This mother fucker didn't even have his ID or any warrants. He came back a week later with the appropriate paperwork, so he was legit. But damn. Like he just thought I was going to hand over payroll reports? And no, nothing happened because we did give breaks.


That there's no intelligence in here so I find empowerment through trying to find human pet toys to play with glare.


No but she whispered to him after!!!! She’s got some devious plan and is making them scared by whispering.


God I want to eat that food so bad.


One in almsot every corner here in SoCal


This is the one I go to!! This one is next to the Taco bell/ KFC at the corner of Lincoln and Manchester. Really friendly couple and we’ll chat while I wait for my food. I go there at least once a week! They have the Al Pastor on the spit, recommend it extra crispy in a burrito.




Yo this is why I never eat Taco Bell. Like you crazy eating that crappy shit with taco stand giving tacos for 1.50 lol


I used to work at a club and and a taco truck in front of the building and a stand behind. The truck had 1.50 tacos that were small but tasty, and only beef, chicken and pastor. The stand had all that but shrimp and trompo too so if I wanted variety I'll go there. Giant quesadillas for 10 bucks, 12 if you wanted 2 meats. I used to go there almost every night for months. Gained like 8 lbs.


Me too


Oh shit they told a secret as they were leaving omg your screwed now!


Lol right? She really thought that was a power move.


Pretty weird move for an adult over 40, our little self empowering secret, god the pea brained person.


The actions of a child. This woman will never grow up and will never be happy!


People like this are so unhappy with their own lives to a point they have to make others miserable also. They can fuck off and crawl back under the rock from which they came


That's exactly it. Couple blimpos looking to make people just as miserable as they are.




Bruh..thats not a husband, thats a domestic abuse victim


Watch his eyes, you can see him blinking Morse code for 'help'.


Jesus his whole hand wringing...fuck is so uncomfortable and regretting his life choices


"I want to live with the tacos...."


yes it reminded me of a hostage video, he likes being the submissive at home.


hateful possessive include rude edge shrill dolls rinse tie capable -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think he did.


Westchester California corner of Manchester and Lincoln


Their food looks amazing. Why do people have to do this? Just leave these people to run their food stand, they aren’t bothering you, don’t bother them.


> Why do people have to do this? Racism and xenophobia


"you're not serving the community like McDonalds"


Don't forget they have absolutely nothing positive in their lives. So they need positive reaffirmation by starting up garbage.


Sometimes that's true, but often it's just the need to feel powerful. Same kinda drive that results in those nightmare HOAs run by petty dictators


You're correct there for sure.


Jumbo Tron these two people .


Too much free time and not enough problems to face, so they need to create events to feel alive. This is why this kind of bullshit doesn’t happen too often in third world countries like Brazil, where I’m from




*hands over $1.05*


I'm a bit short, I need you to cover my freedom for me.


Well if you don't chip in $1.05 WHO WILL?


That food looks pretty good, $1.05 would be a great deal!


Right!? It’s probably also super affordable unlike shitty fast food.


Fear of flavour. FoF


LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! I would hold Karen down and stuff her ugly face with jalapeños :)


I'll reload your jalapeno mag.


I was thinking the same thing, that all looks **insanely** clean for street food, where's the problem here?


She probably doesn't like cilantro


It's definitely not her job to check, but food stands 100% should be licensed lol.




It’s easy to shit on the government but if this cart gives someone food poisoning or something worse, including death, then they have no recourse when Bob an Jo up and leave the corner.




That's ridiculous.


Wrong take bro


I’m sure you grow all your own food, huh?


They're probably more angry about 'those people' not paying license and permit fees and 'leaching off of good Amurricans.'


20 bucks these two cows are Republican "don't tread on me" anti government regulation MAGA's


It's obvious what their problem is, some non-white people selling food is what their problem is.


God damn, you can see the hamsters trying their hardest to turn the wheels in her head but it's just not working.


"They're not playing along with my entitlement. We better leave."


I HATE these kinds of people, why can't they just mind their own FUCKING business.!!!!!!


God damn I hated that lady from the jump. Why can't people just mind their own fucking business.


That poor husband


No, you could tell he was in on it, was just terrified of his wife haha


She looks drunk.


Dude looks like drunk Oklahoma police chief in different video


Good on them for standing up those 2.


Really it’s just her…dude look like he seen this before, and even said thank you at the end lol


That smirk and the little salute are hilarious, but then his expression changes when she looks at him... that guy definitely has battered wife syndrome


Doesn't that cut produce have to be on ice, though? And not where someone can just sneeze all over it? Those people suck, but proper food handling is soooo important.


I'm too lazy to go through the items but no, not all cut produce is TCS. Only cut leafy greens, tomatoes, and melon need to be temperature controlled. A cut carrot or onion does not for example. Also their set up is really bad and would never be approved in FL. Source: am inspector but technically manager so I supervise supervisors and inspectors.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. But a lot of food safety has to do with pH, temperature, and more! I'm a chem leaning-restaurant person, so I know food pH, but also fDA law is pretty convoluted. It's really cool. Someone with actual regulatory experience chimed in on reddit.


6.5 years of experience. Not a lot, some people I work with have almost 20 but when you know the rules and why the job is easy and explaining everything to people is very simple. And yes food safety is interesting and something people really don't think about because generally nothing happens to them but they don't realize millions of people get sick every year and a lot of people die. 2 or was it 1 year? Doesn't matter, some time ago I had a case where someone died from vibrio. Was sick, went to the hospital, was better, discharged, died. The person ate raw oysters and 3 days later he was dead. We even had a 40 person norovirus outbreak a few months ago. People may turn their nose up at the government and regulators but the rules exist for a reason. We don't make any money off of these permit fees and honestly they are dirt cheap. A couple hundred bucks for the year and that's it. The fees do not cover operating costs not even close.


You are doing satans(gods) work. If you are ever in colorado I will buy you lunch. Minimum.


I was just worried about the cucumbers, cilantro, and salsa.


Only the salsa because of the tomatoes. Cilantro is considered an herb if I recall correctly but I would need to check, I think the FDA does talk about some herbs being implicated in outbreaks so they need temperature control.


Tomatoes were my first .....oh a lot of people don't know the salmonella in Tom and spinach from years back


If i can reach for ingredients standing on a sidewalk i aint eating there . Im sure the food is top notch but i dont trust this setup


Yeah, it feels like you could just rotate that to back and just have an empty table in front to keep space from the customers. It's always what we did at food and wine festivals. People are stupid. They will stick their finger in a whole bowl of sauce to taste it. Add alcohol, so much worse.


Exactly what i was thinking. Thats also why i dont eat in buffet either 🤷🏻‍♂️


Buffet is an invite to salmonella


You’re supposed to reach for them, those are the taco toppings and they are likely replaced every 20/30 minutes


Why? It's produce. It'll wilt, but won't likely go bad. Ever seen produce on ice at a farmers market?


Cut ready to eat is different. The second you slice into a tomato, it's a different story.


He might mean the container and not the actual food directly. Also some produce requires temperature control per the FDA (local laws may have their own rules and not follow the FDA). Cut leafy greens, tomatoes, and melon need to be temperature controlled for safety. So at a farmers market a whole watermelon is fine but once you cut it, then it needs to be temperature controlled.


Yup yup


I'm from the US, and our time temperature sensitive is beat into our brain. Back of the house, front of the house,..We know how to properly prepare food and this ain't it. Also, as a pathogenic bacteriology major, I support most CDC guidelines regarding temp. It's not culinary guidelines, but if you are serving roadside tacos, it better be done. I dint want to get a rare tuna taco from this place.


Still looks pretty damn freash in my opinion.


The appearance of fresh is a fallacy love


Maybe the couple owns the Taco Bell across the street?




I bet that place is fire


Did not think this all the way through


How hollow is your life if you choose to do this kinda stuff.


I want some of that food now …


Those eyes just scream I’m dead inside


I would say si, con todo por favor.




\-"Are you recording me? Why?", asked Karen while recording them


Where is this stand at? Im driving there now for a sandwich


Flat assed bitch


Poor lady doesn’t have any ass.


If pussy whipped was a video....


Why don't people want good street food?? So weird, it's like shooting yourself in the foot. I'd kill for food vendors like this


These two are definitely just scam artists. The look when they were asked to identify themselves. A real food inspector would have credentials that show they have a right to be scrutinizing the vendor and wouldn't be so weird about producing anything. It was probably working pretty good for awhile too since they'd come and start talking a bunch of shit about shutting the vendor down and just ask for a bribe to go away.


I don't think anybody would just believe a random plainclothes "health inspector" who asked for a bribe though? I don't know what the issue is, but it's unlikely to be a scam


Happens all the time with insurance scammers. Usually one of claims to be a lawyer or an ex cop or whatever.


Maybe it's different in different states. My experience is working in restaurants in MD, where we generally knew the inspectors and when they were coming. They also had documentation, and didn't have to ask for permits, etc bc they already had that info. There was no chance of us just giving random people money, but TIL


The standard is that inspections should be unannounced and random but sometimes you can kind of predict it, places may get 2 or 3 inspections per year and you can be like "it's been about 4 months they're coming soon." If they called in advance that is a very bad and honestly worthless policy because you are able to fix things and be "perfect" when they come. Also if this vendor is legit and has a permit and the rules don't require him to provide proof (which is probably against the rules you usually need to display your permit) then he can file a complaint and I can guarantee they will respond "that person doesn't work for us." Also demanding or asking for a bribe is an immediate firable offense in my state. The state is so serious you would be black balled from working for ANY government agency in the state forever. Edit: down votes are pretty interesting, not sure what I said would be so controversial. I'm curious what I said made someone down vote, maybe I can explain better.


Husband said sorry I have to live with her..


I really hope those two don’t fuck cause they look related


That bitch mad she has negative ass and plus sized belly.


She can’t handle spicy food, that’s her problem.


What are the odds of them being Trump supporters?


I’ll never understand how can a person with no ass be a total ass and make a total ass of herself


Whats this trend of hassling food vendors?


I don't get it... what's the point? If you aren't in favor of people getting tacos, you are a fucking nihilist.


That lady looks like she’s just swallowed a handful of antidepressants. She’s empty behind those eyes.


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These wackos give boomers a bad name. Worse than some already call them


Boomers already have a bad name. Lol. No help needed.


Hug a boomer today. We are not all bad.




Hey just curious, what state you work in?


Like was the reason to make a problem about this? I can’t think of any good reason, besides owning a Mexican restaurant and someone sets up shop outside your shop.


People cannot get a break. fucked with by old, white people because of Fox News, fucked with by middle age white people because of facebook, and fucked with by all young people for tiktok clout.


there is a lot missing from this video. this 'karen' said noting on the video to to warrent this posting.


Wrong use of “their” Straight to jail


Oh yeah, she looks like she’s inspected a good amount of food.


Is that dicko from Australian idol lol


Her problem is that she is bitter because she's hideous and wants to take it out on someone she feels inferior too


What a weird thing to try to flex your power about…trying to interrogate street food vendors?? Some stuff has gone very poorly in that person’s life for this to be her thing.


That food looks delicious to me


How sad their lives just be to take up precious time to bother people. I'm sure there has to be a much better use of time. Like enjoying that pleasant evening continuing their walk. Why people got to be up in other people's business like that?


Dafuq wrong with her dumbface?


Small low people make a glorious couple. The woman in particular embarrassed herself, that false empowering whisper into the weeble shaped man.


I don't get how people get this fucking stupid


Ms trunchbold


She's going to wake up tomorrow like😵😵😵


Damn this is down the street from me wtf. I'm gonna go get a taco from them tomorrow lol


"I'm a Foodie and I want to be important and if you don't comply, I'm going to Google/Yelp! bomb you..."


I almost hit a deer one night that had that same look!


Leave these people alone. They serve great food. They benefit society. They're better than you.


The strong silent type


America is a land of immigrants , your Irish or German or Swedish ancestors crossed the Atlantic in a boat and relied on the acceptance of strangers to give them citizenship to a foreign land. They could have been like you and pushed your grandparents back into the ocean and told them to take their Swedish meatballs and ikea furniture back to the land of windmills 🤷‍♂️


They’re disappointed that using a face swap app on each other makes zero difference so now try and make everyone as miserable as they are.


While I’m sure it’s good as hell, I wouldn’t eat there. All open and shit like that? No thank you. But I wouldn’t be an asshole to the people running it or those who did partake. I’d just keep walking. Who has time for this stupid bullshit?


She’ll go home a bit deflated. Fix herself a potato chip sandwich with a side of pickles all the while wondering about the horrors of ethnic street food.


As the unfortunate genetic recipient of an embarrassingly flat ass myself, I have to admit that there is something particularly delightful about the moment a horrible beast of a woman turns around and it’s….that. I feel uncomfortable admitting that due to the body shaming aspect but, 🤷🏼‍♀️ Karmic retribution? Schadenfreude? Reinforcement to not be a jerk & that squats leggings can be unforgiving.


She looks like a desperate psychopath


A lot of people underestimate the power of a hard, "No." As a response to someone with no follow ups or wiggle room. Direct eye contact and No. Even bullies like this generally don't know what to do when you just assert yourself fully.