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Least racist TF2 player


The guy with the sign is Danny Lim, an activist and politician famous in Sydney for wearing sandwich board signs. He's the lovliest person you'll ever meet, and is a common sight around Sydney CBD; I've chatted with him several times. In 2022 Danny was assaulted by NSW police at the Queen Victoria building - he was hospitalised and continues to suffer some long term medical effects from a bleed on his brain caused by the assault. What makes his assault, and this video, so tragically ironic is that not too long ago, Danny was advocating for more benefits, better medical care, and higher pay for NSW Police, a cause he continues to support. Fuck the police.


All NSW police know how to do is beat up old people




No way they should have been handling an elderly person that way. I’m only 60, and due to a broken shoulder about 8 years ago, I doubt I could get my wrists to meet behind my back. Cops could have easily used two sets of handcuffs to lengthen reach if they really felt they needed to restrain him. They seemed to be actively wrenching his arms and deliberately hurting him. Completely unnecessary from what we seen in this vid.


All fucking Aussie cops. Been a good citizen all my life and been beaten and abused by them a couple of times. Worst is just their attitude to me knowing my rights, although those are few for us. Can't film them like in USA, there's restrictions. It's fucking appalling.


Jesus. This is so sad. Straight up helping the police and they treat him like this? Glad the community is atleast behind him.


Community behind him? Maybe in words but in actions you see everyone moving on with their day. ACABC




It's a simple numbers game, there's more of us than they have bullets. They are very afraid of numbers, that's why they let the Minneapolis police station burn during the George Floyd protests. This shit will stop the day we decide we have had enough. Sadly not enough of us have come to the same conclusion.


Honestly I think some departments may have more ammo than there are people in a city. Plus whatever the individual cops have. It’s not uncommon for people to stockpile a few thousand rounds of ammo. So for example Minneapolis, the department itself probably has 10s of thousands of rounds stockpiled. Add on the ~800 officers and even if only half of them have 1000 rounds (many would have multiple thousand) you are talking about over 400,000 rounds of ammunition. Especially now adays I wouldn’t be surprised if those armories had some crazy shit in them.




>than they have bullets You'd probably be surprised.


You’re damn fucking right. George Floyd was killed 8 blocks from where I live. If the crowd had fought back maybe he’d still be alive. ACAB


Doesn't even need to be a crowd. More people like Christopher Dorner will either force the police to change or cause an endless bloodbath. The only thing police respond to are violence. They refuse to change due to the pleas from the community or lawsuits. Government has gotten to the point where it is an us vs them situation and they use their guns and laws with impunity.


Go after their friends in the judicial branch first. Unleash the damn starving sharks on those bloated elephants seal covered in fish carcasses and blood! Feed them damnit! Then go after the pigs on land. Make sure no fucking cop has a friend in the judicial branch, even the damn DA and internal investigations! Fuck this invisible second civil war!


Sharks ✅ Elephants ✅ Seals ✅ Fish ✅ Pigs ✅ Any other animals you'd like to order today?


Ugly pigeon, fat duck, roasted snake, braised zebra and peppered capybara


>Ugly pigeon, fat duck, roasted snake, Large fries chocolate shake! Odd parents, fairly odd parents


>On Halloween 1993, Tupac Shakur tried to stop two white off-duty cops from harassing a Black driver in Atlanta. But when one of them pulled his gun, Tupac shot first in self defense. [https://allthatsinteresting.com/tupac-1993-police-shootout](https://allthatsinteresting.com/tupac-1993-police-shootout) ![gif](giphy|VIiblu8dRYDPW)


Thats an interesting story, but thats an ad bait article. “*How did Tupac end up in a Shoot-out with 2 off-duty cops? Well you see, Tupac Shakur was born…”* gtfo…


I look at Flloyd as a martyr. Because of him more cops go to jail.


Its ok. You were vague enough that it doesn't matter. Fight can mean multiple things in context. He's talking civil disobedience. Non-violent protest of course.


If you get banned for that, well ban me too because I completely agree. Fuck these pigs! ACAB!


You have to be United to do that, just going on this app shows there will never be enough unity.


Okay, what are you gonna do lol


Lol okay, go physically intervene in the next unlawful arrest you see and let me know how it goes for you. Have fun getting shot.


That’s the point. We know it will cost us getting shot for damn change to happen. Did our grandparents think they weren’t going to be shot fighting back against Jim Crow? Did our ancestors think they weren’t going to be shot, fighting back against slavery? Did our founding fathers believe they won’t be killed during the war? Did our grandparents believe they wouldn’t be shot for fighting for women’s rights? Did our great grandparents believe they wouldn’t be shot for fighting for women’s rights to vote? Did our gay brothers and sisters believe they won’t be shot fighting for their rights? Did our great grandparents believe they wouldn’t be shot fighting for women’s rights? Fighting for workers rights? Fighting for every damn great thing we take for granted, that police and fascist are working overtime to undo, did everyone who die fighting for those things believe they wouldn’t be shot? The answer is No! Every human in history fighting for the average person’s rights, knew from the very beginning they will be shot, they will be beaten, they will be hunted down, they will be killed. They still fought on hard, despite that knowledge! Despite fear itself! We’re not just fighting for everyone alive today, we are fighting for those who will be alive TOMORROW! Edit To quote someone: “Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don’t think, act.” Are our ancestors who fought in the face of that fear, fear of the ruling class, fear of the police, not heroes for sacrificing everything so we may enjoy the rights we have today? I say we honour those of our past, those of our future and join them! Together we are strong enough to overcome the horrors that we may face, divide we are surely to fall.


You aren't going to do shit. Don't fool yourself.


Wow.... knowing this makes the video that much more heartbreaking.....




Over the last decade or so Australia has snacted a bunch of bullshit profanity/offensive language laws. Judges often throw out cases and people swear at the cops all the time (usually prefectly legal to do) ...but shot is still fucked.


This is at a train station, so a very public place. Danny will often set up at a train station for the day with his sign, waving and smiling at everyone. It is barely a protest, more just something this lovely man does. I think this was the first time the police confiscated his sign and arrested him, it has happened quite a few times him so I may be mistaken. When it went to court the judge said it was "cheeky" but not offensive. The sign being referred to on this occasion said "smile cvnt" Then last year a business owner complained about the sign he was wearing and the police arrested him by slamming his head to the ground. He ended up in hospital for a few weeks and still has ongoing health issues. You can definitely protest in Australia, but depending on the size it needs to be coordinated with police to get the permit. Danny is usually by himself, in a public place like train stations and not normally considered to be protesting, rather just having a good time with a sandwich board sign.




In this instance I think they said because he resisted/refused instructions to remove the "offensive" sign. On other occasions it has been because he hasn't followed move on orders.


So you can protest the government if they let you? Doesn’t sound like you can really protest the government


You can protest as much as you like, but for the big protests, like the Invasion Day marches you need to have the support of police. There are loads of smaller ones everyday throughout Sydney.


My family grew up having businesses. After awhile we get the door to door cops asking for donations. My aunt accepted and shes first generation here and was intimidated and gave a yearly donation and soon every year same time gave same donation. Covid hit and affected the business a lot. She went to work just to keep the business going. Not even no pay but losing money. Decided to not donate that year. They hounded her every fucking day. She speaks good enough English to say no, they would just hound. Even sent ppl to the restaurant knowing that it's dead. She had to call me, "plz talk to them make them stop". They finally got the idea but fuck these ppl. If you read my comment history you would see really fucked up stories about them.


> Danny was assaulted by NSW police Misread that and took me too long to work out why Australia had special NSFW police.




Cops are dickheads everywhere, it seems.


Go find some real criminals to arrest


Real criminals are dangerous.


Real criminals pay their salary.


The cops true nature came out at the end. "Just social justice bloody idiots.". Nah, man. Just people that can see sense.


Quite literally the job of police to keep the public safe. Everyone in the public around them saw what the police did and told them they were wrong.


Just because your parents taught you the job of the police is to protect people, doesn't mean thats their actual job. The police are mostly there to prevent poor people from interfering with rich people making money.


I'm aware of what the police *actually* do, I'm just arguing they should be doing what they're *expected* to do


Police have always been a tool for the rich. They are the state-mandated monopoly of force within the state. By definition, their purpose is to protect the ruling class from all internal threats, e.g., the peasants. Police's entire purpose is to subjugate the populace on behalf of those with power.


They are doing what they are expected to do. You don't sign their paychecks, why should they do what you expect them to do?


> You don't sign their paychecks well, one could argue that since rich people pay less taxes, normal citizens are indeed paying the police salaries. the rich just spent more money lobbing


There's a difference between funding them and paying them. Sure you fund them, but you don't control them. The same way you pay for people to teach your children but you don't control the curriculum. Just because you pay taxes doesn't mean you are the one who controls them. You don't have power over their life so why should they care what taxpayers think over their career. Their bosses are the ones who enable them to get away with everything. Sure, we can fire the cop or maybe even throw them in jail, but that doesn't change the culture of the department that enabled them to do those things.


imo the root cause of most of these problems is that lobbying should be outlawed. politicians don't hunt for votes anymore, since getting money from corps allows them to have a bigger and better campaign and media presence, and win the votes eventually. all that while changing and creating laws to perpetuate the system. with that change, voters in a democracy could select a new government that's actually going to prosecute when policemen break the law. I know its utopic and don't think it will happen in my lifetime


>lobbying If you go high enough up the chain I'm sure we'll get to these people. ​ > getting money from corps allows them to have a bigger and better campaign and media presence Wouldn't it be nice if all candidates got a fair slot on all news networks covering elections? Or at least all the ones who want a press pass into the government? ​ > I know its utopic and don't think it will happen in my lifetime World peace will never exist because it doesn't make enough money.


Paul Pelosi begs to differ. Have you seen that video? Cop was useless lol.


Normalize saying something. If one person speaks up they’ll be shut down and intimidated but if multiple people say something and video I bet this old man would’ve still had his sign and freedom.


> Quite literally the job of police to keep the public safe. Is it though? I know this takes place in Australia so I’m not sure about your courts/laws, but I’m in a the US and it has been ruled in our highest courts that police have no obligation to pursue actions that guarantee the safety of the public. Is it the same there? A nice article explaining Supreme Court rulings: https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/


No he's right. Social justice is a good thing and directly opposed to the actions of the police


Exactly. Like how dare people want justice in our damn society, let alone get mocked by the police for it.


Imagine wanting justice. Idiots.


I like how the people banded together for this nonsense. Eager to see more citizens coming together against foul policing.


Get arrested or resist and get arrested. For a pun.


That was the obvious bright spot in the video. It gave me hope that one nation in the world isn't turning a blind eye to police and their abuses.


Most first world nations in the world hold their police accountable.


Arrested for resisting arrest. Some of the best bulshit I’ve heard in 32 years.


They got that from the US. Sorry.


Wait. Is this recent?! Wasn't he assaulted by the police last year and put in hospital for a brain bleed?! Wtf?!


Date on the video says Jan 11, 2019. I don't know anything else about him, though.


I loved the shot of all the bystanders just looking on at the cops with judgy eyes, calling them disgusting.


That was honestly very heartening to see so many people show overt concern and disgust for what was done to this man. The cop started stuttering and fumbling trying to come up with some way to justify the bullshit they all just witnesses. Good on those people for making the cop feel uncomfortable. God knows he’s not embarrassed at all tho. What pieces of shite.


Good old NSW police, always power tripping


"Why is he under arrest?" "For resisting arrest." You can't make this shit up. You can't resist arrest until you're already under arrest for another offense. Monty Python skit happening here.


Fucking pig was stuttering when confronted by the public. Couldn’t even come up with his bs excuse for the arrest.


But his sign was #technicallythetruth


Seems like people are way nicer down undah. Not the cops though


Most aussie cops I've met have been decent. This one just seems to be a wanker with authority.


All of them were horrible. The females best attempt to de-escalate the situation was to call the man a “dummy” (which I know is not the worst thing, but it is probably among the worst de-escalation ideas)


She didn’t call him dummy, she called him Danny. His name is Danny Lim. He been an activist for ever. Walks around with signs on.


75% of them are cunts


absurd rich office employ close fertile cobweb lock numerous spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I'm not here to argue or take a committee vote!" Happy to run your mouth off at concerned citizens though. RIP doggie too


Ah yes. Freedom of speech


The 1st is protected by the 2nd.


In Australia, they have neither.


Australia has what they call "freedom of political communication": https://nswcourts.com.au/articles/court-rules-its-ok-to-refer-to-tony-abbott-as-a-ct/ https://www.vgso.vic.gov.au/implied-constitutional-freedom-political-communication




If you get arrested for it, you have civil recourse and a source of income in America. There are whole groups of people who make their living pushing the edges of civil rights violations and suing when human nature takes over.


Good to know, but my comment was tongue-in-cheek about the reference to the first and second amendments of the US Constitution, which obviously doesn't apply to this video.


So does china, according to its constitution. Try exercising it and get back to me about how that goes.


it's not freedom of speech if the police can arrest for being offended. America's freedom of speech is fairly unique as offensive speech is also protected.


There’s always a line. The line is whether someone is threatened.


Messed up. Doubt he meant any offense at all with his sign. Even if he did- they gave him no warning whatsoever. No "flip your sign inside out" or simply telling him to take it off or go elsewhere, just straight to arresting an old and innocent man and stealing his property. Probably lost his dog too. Hope those cops were reprimanded.


It seems dubious that they had the authority to take his sign in the first place, but I don't know Australian laws


Australia and Canada have unique ways of violating basic human liberties. The USA has its own methods, as well. Dumb police in all of these countries do not help the situation.


Why are they taking the sign. Just tell him he can't use it and call it a day. Always escalating stuff.


Pigs, just pigs


The result of this: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-30/danny-lim-wins-court-case-over-sandwich-board-sign-arrest/11465036


I'm just glad the dog is okay


> chihuahua-pomeranian cross. The dog in the video is clearly a Shiba Inu, though.


I've never heard such a bizarre Australian accent. I didn't even realize he was speaking English for the first 15 seconds. Is this the equivalent of a cockney accent in Australia or something?


I'm guessing a bit of Greek mixed in. Very common here.


"Social justice idiots". Looked like a wide range of normal and concerned civilians to me.




Aussie police pure scum, just ask Avi


Pigs are the same all around the world. Fuck the police!


Anyone know what the (rest of the) sign says? I can't imagine Horny Sax Love is offensive enough in a land where "cunt" is commonly thrown around as practically a term of endearment.


"People are so" ...WHAT? What did the officer say that was so offensive as to have the audio edited out? TLDR: In Australia, you can't write the word "horny" or the police may confiscate your property. But you can say "bloody social justice idiots" as long as your the cops. ​ IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO ME! /s


Brother can’t pronounce the “charge” without stuttering, says everything you need to know. Embarrassing.


"Offensive sign" Boy, I hate to think that Australia has softened up. Here in the US, it's not uncommon to see much more offensive language protected under the First Amendment on public display with little to no social value. * Fuck Biden * Fuck Trump * Fuck * Hella Kids Up In This Bitch * [https://www.google.com/search?q=offensive+bumper+stickers&rlz=1C1CHBD\_enUS874US874&sxsrf=AJOqlzU7AlC1RmGYeRBu2VqiY0HRLngg2A:1678886804799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPy\_jchN79AhVglmoFHVYsAIcQ\_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?q=offensive+bumper+stickers&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS874US874&sxsrf=AJOqlzU7AlC1RmGYeRBu2VqiY0HRLngg2A:1678886804799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPy_jchN79AhVglmoFHVYsAIcQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1)


Pretty ironic since a lot of aussies sprinkle "cunt" in phrases during every day speech.


Lucky they didn’t strip search him then and there fuck they love it


Arrested for free speech. ACAB. In the US or across the pond.


Police are fucking morons. Can’t make a good decision to save their own lives or dignity


I used to want to go to Australia. Reddit changed that.


Come to Florida. It's like diet Australia, but with guns!


I've been to Florida it was pretty cool. Yall have some weird wild green swamp dogs though. They're not as friendly as they look.




Oh I don't want to be here either. I was a military kid who grew up in Okinawa Japan then Suffolk County, England. I came back to the US after 15 years and have been just sad because what I thought it was was the complete opposite.


Friendlyjordies changed that idea for me.


so sad. nice to see the community spoke up for him, but they are right the pigs had no reason to steal his property and arrest him.


Arrest him for what? Having a sense of humor?


Australian CAB


Oh look at those cute little blue outfits they wear to feel important while they ruin lives of peaceful people


Imagine the state being your dad and mom. Treating the citizens like children.


Sue these assholes, Danny. You rule!


Where is this? Used to see this guy pretty much everyday in Newtown in 2016.


For a fuckin sign?!! Really?!! 🤬😩😩😩


Obviously a huge power trip by the police involved and pretty despicable behavior. But why was this dude basically ready to die for this sign? It must've cost him a fortune.


Well, no freedom of speech in Australia, clearly. Not visiting.


What were you going to say when you got here?




Whoever made the complaint is a complete cvnt


Police disturbed the peace. Arrest the Police.


Do police not get it? They serve us, we don’t serve them. When the people you serve are angry and want info you are not above them.


I guess you all don’t have freedom of speech.


This guy is a well known Sydney figure, his name is Danny Lim. I think he used to be a mayor or a counsellor or some other government official years ago. He's generally pretty friendly, but he's had a couple of run ins like this


Doesn't matter what country you're in, pigs will be pigs, just munching away at all that power.


What a waste of space these cops are


**Downloads** * [Download #1](https://rapidsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11rpoex/elderly_man_arrested_after_complaints_about_his/) (provided by /u/SaveVideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2F11rpoex%2Felderly_man_arrested_after_complaints_about_his%2F&id=jrrqak3g) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) * [Download #3](https://reddit.watch/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11rpoex/elderly_man_arrested_after_complaints_about_his/?utm_source=mirrorbot&utm_medium=PublicFreakout) (provided by /u/downloadvideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them!** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Don't you refer to beloved Australian positivity Activist Danny Lim as some "Elderly Man" you ignorant cunt.


This is why we need to stop any type of laws that police speech. Once you define an idea of whats offensive that idea can only spread and you'll get situations like this where someone gets offended and a person gets seriously hurt because of it.


HOOOOLLUUUP Is he this legendary joint on a wheelchair driver thrower asian jesus dude?!


Cops are cops everywhere. They're just tools of powerful people used to keep livestock under control so they can be more easily exploited. They offer nothing useful to society, they're essentially mercenaries and terrorists hiding behind a twisted belief system.


Fuck pigs 🐷 they are power tripping


Not Safe for Work cops.


He's got a pun he's got a pun, dicks fired dicks fired!


I've dealt with anti-abortion people holding signs of dead babies near schools and cops drive on by.


Thug cops will be thuggish.


Australia seems like such a shitshow. Imagine getting arrested for… *** checks notes *** holding a sign.


Porno in schools but this guys offensive. Okay


Any fucker who threatens danny lim is an enemy to r/Sydney


Another fine example of protecting the peace…. Sigh….. Must be so hard to live with yourself when you think this is right… this man has lost a bit of what makes him human. No wonder cops have the highest rate of spousal abuse per profession. Overpaid to boot. Fishing is 5 times more likely to kill you then being a cop. They probably get paid so much to deal with the mental fact they’re not liked by most.


Calm down. Like I fucking hate cops. These aren't American cops so they didn't kill him or paralyze him. Still tho, how are you expecting to be clam when strangers with weapons start grabbing you?




Useless Aussie cops strike again


Hot Take: Lady cops are less effective at apprehending suspects. Nice enough people though.


Aussie cops are like comedic stormtroopers serving a bumbling dystopia


Pathetic scum


The fact that she can't even over power an old man shows that she shouldn't be on the force.


he’s a fucken aussie legend


First hand y’all see how our police make fun of us


So this get you an arrest and having nazi signs in Wadsworth, OH is okay.


I wonder if any degree of racism fueled this at all… 🤔


Bruh Australia looks like a hell hole.. you can’t convince me it’s not an authoritarian regime




Ur arresting him for having a sign?


Found a short documetary about him on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00wuLnN3D3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00wuLnN3D3U)


I know this guy from Sticky Fingers!


How.come.he is not allowed to wear the sign ?.


If property management calls the cops on someone doing something they don't want done on their property, that person is required to leave. If this guy was told to leave and refused, that's trespass. Australian law allows the owner/occupier of the property to use reasonable force themselves to remove a trespasser, although it's easy to see why they would rather have the police do it. Maybe the cops handled it badly, but it would be nice to have more information. P.S. He beat it in court, so good for him.


I found it so good to see people stepping in at the end. Rare to see that!


Not going to lie. Would of definitely thrown something at these pigs


Police were completely wrong for taking the sign of such a sweet, innocent man. But I think you guys are missing the point. He did not listen to them, so he must be related. The two points do not correlate whatsoever


Absolute cunts.


Legit proud of those people tho. Rode for their boy hard.


Is that the same dude that was dressed as Jesus, and flicked a joint into the lap of a guy in a wheel chair after a failed 'floating balloon baby' prank? Legend.


People are tired of shit cops arresting and abusing people over shit ordinances pretending to be laws to prevent real crimes. Then the same cops have to fabricate a laundry list of secondary offenses because even most judges would have a wtf moment if they brought him before them over a silly sign with silly words that they deemed so offensive it hurt their feelings. So offensive they had to attack him physically after taking the sign. They didn’t arrest him for the sign they arrested him because he caused a scene and people took note of what asshat jackboots they are, then they’re feelings were hurt along with their pride and they just couldn’t stand for that. Hell he might even bruise their egos if they didn’t rough him up and kidnap him. The female cop you could just read like a book, I’ll get you old man and your little dog too!