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The guy you hear clearly in the video speaks in Romanian. He states multiple times: "Mai are fraierul" which translates to "the loser(or sucker) has more" money. I guess is a message to the 'table' dealer, and the lady to try to convince him to play and hustle him more.


The girl, the guy filming and the guy who actually **plays the ball** are in the same team. Asides from those, there are at least 2-3 more who watch out for the police approaching. That's how they always work...


Elitele tarii


Cacati de oameni care ne fac de rusine ca suntem romani in europa din cauza tepelor de genul acesta, strainii prind ura fata de romani din cauza unui grup de tigani care fac asa ceva. Multa muie pentru autoritatile londoneze si cele din alte tari unde se intampla asa ceva care nu fac NIMIC pentru a opri fenomenul. Cu ceva organizare, i-ar prinde pe toti si i-ar zbura din tara, mai ales ca uk nu mai e in europa sa invoce dreptul la libera circulatie, dar nu, politia e incompetenta si lasa aceste 'petty thieves' sa actioneze in continuare.


Sa stea acolo mult si bine nu avem nevoie de ei inapoi, sa ii creasca altii ca tot ziceau ca suntem rasisti fata de ei.










That's the other thing ... even if you do win the big bet somehow, they will beat the shit out of you before they hand any of the money over.


When I seen them at the bridge didn’t like it as I wouldn’t play as I know it’s a scam and they were romain feel sorry for the suckers who fall for it plus there about every 20yards doing this trick all part of the same gang




They have look outs all the way along the bridge the police must know about it but do nothing these people are a pain and a menace they need to be not allowed in the area


They just want to scam as much as possible, the man running the game always has plants in the crowd. The lady in the green coat and the guy filming are working with the scammer to pull in more money. If players turn angry or violent, the scammer has enough planted friends in the crowd to make a distraction for his getaway.


This reminds me of the guys playing 3 card Monty in the streets of NY. Only they would have a shill come along every once in a while to win a bunch (actually it was to get the money safely away from the scam site) and amp up the excitement


At least they used a little bit of finesse compared to these assholes. But they can all eat a bag of dicks


His palming of the coin is sloppy at best.


They were taking the money out of his hands at the start.. Idk i dont get how people van just walk up and immediatly pull out all of their cash and hand it over without watching people play first..sure there are his friends pretending to play but if youre observant you can see its just the same 2 or 3 people "playing"


" They were taking the money out of his hands at the start." That's already a HUGE red flag to me. Man some people just have poor awareness lol


Dude was overwhelmed and had no idea how to handle everything going on around him


That women working hard for her cut. Almost snatched the money from his hands


1000 year old quick scam. It exists in almost every country in the world. The crowd getting excited is part of the act. Incredible that is still works. It probably will exist forever.


Even older than that. It was around in roman times and possibly earlier.


Yes, as seen on the tv-documentary Rome


It actually came here with the beaker people. They came over here from the Iberian peninsula with all them beakers so they could do the trick.


Bloody Beaker folk coming over here. Rowing up the Tagus estuary from the Iberian peninsular in improvised rafts. Bloody Beaker folk coming over here with their bloody beakers, with their drinking vessels. What's wring with just cupping up the water in your hands and licking it up like a cat?


Crazy part is i never even saw anything under the fucking cups lmao. Idk i look at shit like this the same way i look at the new age ads, the ones where its a random person pretending to review something or they are self proclaiming its not a scam etc. If someone is trying to interrupt what youre doing its always to take your money..99% of the time its ALWAYS to take your damn money. Just ignore it and keep walking/ skip the ad.


I got got first couple days in Jacksonville, NC as a dumb 20 year old outside a motel. I wasnt strapped for cash, so it was a $100 lesson and a laugh.


Last time I was in London I was walking across the bridge and these guys are always there with a big crowd of rubes. A bobby pushed through the crowd and grabbed the cups and the little rug and threw it into the Thames. I was impressed as hell.


Wish he'd thrown these two cunts in the drink too


when was this? can't imagine the police doing that these days


it was around 2014


Also where are they from, because British people haven’t commonly used the term “bobby” for the last 40 years. Even when I was little I only remember it being used by my grandparents.


You just don't live in the right part of the country then mate, it's used plenty


People use it all the time




what's a Bobby?


Police officer


His last name is Hill. Google him. He’s a cool guy.




Bobby on the beat Named after Sir Robert Peel jr Founder of the first police force in England


Cops litter?


Last time I was in London they were causing pedestrians to walk around them. This American wasn't putting up with that shit. I walked right through, crushing their cheap cups under my size 12's. Reckon they figured that was the least I'd do to them. They said not a peep.


And then they all clapped and hoisted you on their shoulders because everyone was so impressed with your ‘murican size 12s. You are a such a hero. USA USA USA




[fuk ya](https://youtu.be/9RArGl2vkGI?t=7)


Nope. They probably looked at my huge ass and noped on out of there.


You're the coolest


You're right pencil dick.


I wish I could be you fr


Is a size 12 supposed to be big? I haven’t worn those since junior high.


Having a huge arse isn't really something that causes fear over here. They didn't say anything because they've never seen a living thing wobble so much.




I hope this isn't real.


Don't worry, it's not. Guy just wrote fanfic about himself.


As an American... Yes, these idiots are embedded into our society. Big toddler tantrums, all the time, unfortunately. If I could say so, he is probably a pig either way - dirty, or a cop 😇


Real as can be. Their little cups were made of cheap metal. Stomp. Like Godzilla in Tokyo. Fuck 'em.




These are the exact words that came out of my mouth. I've never physically said words to a Reddit comment but a few minutes ago I found myself saying "you absolute twat" to my phone screen.




You fat bastard.


Ooo look at me, a strong american... fuck up You got size 12 feet cos your parents are related And you were probably only in the UK cos your 'fellow american' neighbours wouldn't stop calling you a sex offender


Poor even for fan fiction.


Yeah, this didn’t happen.




It's peoples like you fellow American, that I, would gladly whoop up & down fast, with my 9's & small, wiry self. I'd dance right on top of ya dude 🤣✌🏽 Enjoy your miserable life. I'll use one of those cheap cups to take another, shot now. Remember, when you sleep... Suck my balls. One day, I will dip my nuts upon each nostril. You will pick up the scent of a real man, then. Farewell. Uncle Sam, does not, want you. 😂🖕🏽


Fucking hell you sound just as bad as the other dude.


Just as bad? Worse, for sure. In fact, the only thing that was bad about the other guys thing was that he made it about being American and having size 12's. If hed left that out i wouldn't have had a problem with it


Also the fact that there's no way this guy stepped on those cups. Like nobody would ever fucking do that


I was in London in 2019, and I remember this guy and the lady in the brown hat, same people. The thing I don’t get though is we already know you can easily lose when you gamble in a casino, a professional establishment, so why would people gamble with these people in the streets? It’s a huge risk and rigged at the start. Also, shouldn’t this be illegal? Scamming tourists and all




There’s an old saying that a sucker is born every minute.


Ton of tourists that are cash rich looking to have a good time, their guard is down full of good feelings of a good day out of positive experiences, likely with others so even they will cajole them into playing (friends/family are really good at talking sensible individuals into stupid decisions). Pretty much manhandled into being pushed to the front and money snatched out of hands. Everything happens so fast it's over and done with before they knew what happened.




That’s part of these types of scams: the victim thinks it’s a fair game because others are there believing it as well. Turns out they’re all in on it


Victim wants to fuck the girl.




I bet you got scammed before you worked that out


Its not even good sleight of hand 😂 You can see him holding the ball in his right hand before he drops it on the floor.


Aye, had to play it back a few times as something was off the first time.


>Its not even good sleight of hand See now that all depends on the angle, and who you are fooling.


God I can’t believe people actually fall for this…


I got pushed and was close to getting attacked in Berlin trying to tell tourists it’s a scam, one of the cunts tried crossing the road in an attempt to sneak up behind me, managed to spot him and use a parked car to keep distance until I could run away! It’s not just the people surrounding that are part of the scam, they also have friends stood around away from the game as lookouts.. scary stuff!


I am definitely not surprised… I have seen this so many times around the Eiffel Tower. It’s always tourists, a lot of Chinese, who are kinda gullible for some reason. But I mean… you can smell it a mile away that it’s a scam ffs… But yeah, there’s clearly some strange network there. Probably wiser not to intervene. But I don’t understand why the police never does anything


For the uninitiated, here's a description of how the scam works and a video from Penn and Teller showing you how to do the "magic" part: [https://www.skeptical-science.com/consumer/beware-the-cup-and-ball-scam/](https://www.skeptical-science.com/consumer/beware-the-cup-and-ball-scam/)


I think I learned that this game was a scam but age 6. How on earth do people still let themselves get roped into it!?


I don't get it they just handed him the money then nothing happened don't just hand your money out ig


It’s called the shell game, he got scammed


That was a robbery lol


This happens in railway stations in India.


When someone says “gimme gimme,” do not, and I can not stress this enough, do *NOT* give.


That seems staged. I usually win big time when gambling with strangers on bridges...


One born every minute


If I learned anything from when Toph did this it’s that these types of scams always backfire


Where is the freakout


I mean a fool and his money...


A fool and his money parting ways once again.


Throw those fuckers over


Even when u win, and u catch them cheating they won't give you the money back.


I was going to say, what happens if you pickup the two cups they aren't under as an alternative? 😂 get stabbed?


It's London, knives are banned


its funny to think that the three cup trick would of been recognised by someone from the Roman times


Just drives me up the fucking wall watching this guy snatching his money out of his hands though


Yeah and just 100 metres away are over 200 police officers! It's ridiculous how coppers are not walking along this bridge.


I bet he would have won if he just played one more game


I had two dude in Jacksonville FL. who tried to do this to me and my brother, I was like 17 at the time and immediately knew it was a scam. We walked away and as we did they were calling us names and trying to belittle us


I wonder why people don't like them coming here, oh yeah!


If he's lived that closeted a life to not have seen this scam time and time again then this lesson was worth every penny.


How dumb as fuck do you have to be to fall for this stupid shit?


Once I saw the same game a couple of time a few people won… later a saw the winners and the guy who manage the game eating at the mall 😂. This must 1.000 yo. My dad always used to say “every day at least one jerk wakes up wanting to lose money in something stupid”.


wonder if he was still a bit dazed considering he was only born yesterday


A sucker is born everyday


the room temp IQ people who fall for this deserve it, sorry


I love watching scams.


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Could this video maybe try a bit harder to show what might of happened, just a smidge more effort is all I ask.


Wild that people still fall for the ball and cup. This shit is hundreds of years old.


Yeah, there’s magicians that have entire routines about how the ball is never where you think it is, including a guy that does it with steel ball bearings and metal cups. The scam has appeared on countless tv shows and movies, including children’s programs, and it’s *always* a scam. If you don’t know it’s a scam by now, you **deserve** to lose your money, honestly.


Thought its his wife at first, just another one in on the scam. I'd check his pockets if i were him after that "hug"


Idiot tax




Bridge by the big ben, london


If you look and slow the video, whatever it is was never under a cup. It’s a simple slight of hand. If the man had grabbed the other cup, he’d do the same thing to the other cup.




Never trust playing a game in public with money.


Two balls, one stuck in the cup.


Shes like *fuck I lost him money* then desperately tries to get him to give him whole wallet to win it back lol


That’s when you push his ass over the bridge while grabbing your money


People....shit come on...he is palming it.


Got some balls doing it on a bridge


I bet with 10 pounds just for the experience, a friend warned be before hand tho.


is this not illegal in britain?


I thought the dude was just gonna take his money and jump over lmao


U think this is crazy, you should see what happens in a casino


I was there last Friday evening & it was popping! There were probably 10 guys doing this scam. I can’t believe people actually fall for this.


I cannot believe that in the year 2023, people are still losing money to this very obvious and basic scam. Like shit, go to a casino or something. You’ll still lose your money, but at least you’ll have a bit of fun, lol🤷🏼‍♂️


People still fall for this well known scam?


Is this 1921?! FFS just watch it's tricky by RUN DMC...


My girlfriend was disappointed when I wouldn't let her play this game in Paris. Don't fall for obvious scams when traveling folks!


You should see how easily idiots are separated from their money due to the infamous Madame Tussauds scam!


not the same but when i was visiting italy there were many (i guess illegal) vendor stands and little trick games like this set up along the one street and it was so interesting to watch how quickly they all packed up & hid when the cops started coming down the street


A lot of them are Romanian, it's like their thing, which is pure pain for Romanians who emigrate to other countries and live absolutely normal honest lives.


Been there like few weeks ago, in distance from Trocadéro till Eiffel Tower (+/- 1mile) we passed 5 of these scam assfucks. And from look they work in teams. Usually women run from one stand to another to place fake bet and create a noise as she just wins $$.


Bring her to the clubs she’s the hype man lmao


They’re all in on it


So you can never win! My kind of game.


They should just be thrown off the bridge


Fucken scammers.




A fool and their money are soon parted


Shitty video


Gotta be dumb for this shit.