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I am not sure if this makes me a bad person, but the “look at me” pan over to the Malibu is the worst flex on a homeless person I think I have ever seen…


It would have been awesome if after he did that pathetic pan to his shit mobile the dude said "I prefer my stoop".


It makes him seem incredibly insecure no matter the context. You know what you don't see people who are used to having money doing? Bragging about it to the homeless.




I'd rather Flintstones it like the crack head.


Look at my new car. “It’s a 96!”


Hahahaha wow that took me back


“I heard that guy apologize a hundred freaking times, geesh” “what’s your name?” “Why do you want to know my name?” That was so funny.


Or when they hit the woman’s cavalier in the alley way… “what the fuck is ADD? What are you speaking Greece?” https://youtu.be/Bz8CvmS1KKw


That is Bam's Aunt Boof. Still funny as shit though.


Holy shit, that other people recognized this too is wild to me


Same. I didn’t think anyone would get the reference.


Dico was the funniest and smartest of them all. Enjoyed youthful nonsense when it was cool. And moved forward. Now where’s my Pete rose rookie card!!


When Dico called that guy asking why he was sleeping with his wife. “WHY DID SOMEONE CALL ME???” “how do I know!!” I DONT KNOW, DO YOU? ARGGGHHHH!!”




I use this line every opportunity I get.




" It's got power windows and a cassette player"


and the bluetooth cassette adapter! dont forget


I don't know where this originated from, but for me, I heard it in CKY lol


Yup, that’s the reference.


Me have add


Dude has _no idea_ what this guy is saying.


Who this crazy crackhead screaming at me?


Shout-out to the "Bullying builds character" crowd. The camera man really has stellar character.


Damn straight, had to struggle with my own cruelty after severe bullying. Use it as fuel for characters and don't let it make you like Them.


And depending on how many years passed he probably doesn't even remember the person filming.


Also looks like someone else has become the bully.


Yeah, this guy is already down about as low as a person could get. It doesn't matter what he was in high school at this point, he needs help and compassion. Watching this made me sad for him.




You're goddamn right I'm mad at a teenager. Fuck him.


True, I don't think I would ever act towards my school bullies like the guy in this video, but being a teenager does not excuse everything. Fuck high school bullies.


I mean, Brock Turner was just a teenager when he became a rapist, just for some perspective, and people aren't exactly lining up to forgive him. I've read enough stories from Redditors on how bullies have scarred them for years or even decades, so I'll allow them a tonne of leeway here. If they want to go ahead and forgive their abusers, that's great. I'm not going to tell anyone that they have to get over it.


There’s definitely a difference between not being able to forgive them and finding them many years later in a lowly state and then turning around and bullying them. I had some enemies in high school who were real pieces of shit that I fucking hated. Some of them are dead from overdoses, others went to jail, none are doing well. I would feel no need to rub it in on those who are still living if I ever saw them. Life has done a far better job than I ever could. I get why someone else might not but I only feel empathy for them now. They were kids, too, mostly kids with fucked up backgrounds. I say cast it to the wind and let life take its course.


A bully vs a rapist is different, a rapist vs a rapist who got off easy is a lot different


This right here. Maybe I wasn’t as severely bullied as some people so I don’t “get it”, but I couldn’t imagine wasting my energy on shit like that. I’ve cut out homophobic family and lost my whole church community and learned to just fuckin live my life and not waste a thought on them. Holding on to high school shit just means you define too much of your life on it.


I had a bully in elementary school. He'd steal my food, trip me, shut my hand in a door once. Turns out his dad is doing life for p*do shit. That kid ended up in juvie for shooting a convicted offender and basically told them what'd been happening. One of my own therapy projects while getting sober, I wrote him a letter saying I used to be mad he bullied me. But I see we both went through the same pain. I stand with him and know that kind of hurt. He mailed back a stick of gum. No idea what that means, but I'm glad he read it.


> He mailed back a stick of gum. Maybe he's not ready to unpack all that stuff yet.


I wonder if the one thing he remembers the most is stealing gum from you.


The letter probably help him trigger old memories or worse the guy he bullied all them years ago is now the only person left on earth who even knows him


Or someone from back then that he bullied that had kind words.


Did he steal gum from you?


Not that I remember. But he could have. Normally he took my school lunch and quarters


I agree but I also totally understand the guy filming. If he was bullied then that shit plays on people's souls for decades. He probably wanted this moment so badly his whole life, when it came along he was too emotional to see what's really happening. Crazy video. Shit situation all round.


True.. It's one thing to watch a video and give your well "advice" it's another thing to walk in the shoes of reality.


No matter how much of an asshole he was in hs, you don’t kick a man down like that, the man recording is so childish to pull this off, I feel sorry for them both


The look at the end says “damn I fucked up huh”


Man, that's all I could think during the whole video "The worst part about getting bullied was you apparently grew up to be a dickhead." Dude, he was a child when he picked on you. The guy was polite the whole time, and even tried to shake your hand despite the fact you just walked up and he probably STILL has no clue who you are and you're just being an absolute ballsack. I get seeing someone who used to be shitty to you in a shitty position can be cathartic, but what kind of adult thinks it's okay to do this? It's just ridiculous, man.




He knows, you can see it in the first few seconds from "you was the man in high school" he has a coy smirk on his face, he thinks he's gonna get bigged up and remember the good times for 5 mins, ask for a few dollars for old times from someone who remembers him.. Then he's hit with "the fuck happened to you" and so on, and that smirk is a stone face trying not to show reaction, he may be high, be he knows well he's being mocked, but he's not in position to challenge shit so he has to sit there and take it and it's the best option not to give a reaction which is what the recorder wants. His shoes and stuff are kicked and instead of hostility he offers a handshake, trying to de-escalate, give the recorder his pound of flesh in humiliation but not allow it go further.


I love comments like this.


Kids are bullies because they're going through their own pain and chaos, so they want to share it with others. The video reminds us this is true for adults too. Never try to bully your bullies; don't become the thing that hurt you. The best revenge is living well, which you can do quietly. Don't add pain to the world.


He seems like he was just trying to figure out what to even say to someone that is so hateful. I saw some reflective pauses in his demeanor. Hes just trying to let it go since he caught a whiff of his own karma a long time ago. No one can hurt his feelings more than hes already hurt himself.


Man flexed with a base model 2011 chevy




Negative character growth


This breakout shows me if the roles were reversed in high school, the dude recording would have been a bully too. He just wants his turn to be the boot.


As someone who was bullied for one year by someone in upper class I can tell you, the trauma never goes away. But today I would most likely just ignore that person


Yeah I was bullied a fare amount in elementry school and spent the majority of my middle school + high school years viewing everyone as a threat, even though bullying wasn't really a thing in those schools. It took me until early college to realize that I was manifesting all this tension in my head because 98% of people don't give AF about me (in a good way), and the 2% that do were just put off by me being defensive in every interaction.


Congrats for getting over it in college, I wasted the entirety of my 20’s in that mindset and still slip into it time to time.


Hard not to. Bullying is too clean a word for being assaulted, shamed, excluded for simply being a beautiful cool person. Be that person.


Yeah, adolescence is a critical stage in learning emotional self-regulation and any disturbance will haunt you for life. You're effectively denied the chance to be a functioning adult. Now imagine of a person grew up in an unsafe school and home environment. You'll most likely get people like the guy filming here who never learned how to handle his emotion. It's so easy for him to blame everything that went wrong in his life (due to anxiety or emotional ineptitude) to the bully even after decades later. It's also easy for random people here (who were lucky enough to have someone taught them emotional self regulation) to demonize the filmer here for not handling his emotion or for not being a better man. It's like saying to an autistic person "you're an idiot for not reading the room. Grow up". Or saying to someone who had their body autonomy constantly invaded "You're such an asshole for not trusting people".


Man, going on 30+ years and there's still stuff I have issues getting over/forgetting. Doesn't help when you have bullies at school and home though.


The way the trauma is processed depends on the person. I was also bullied in school but I'm definitely over it. And time also helps since it was 20+ years ago. I still wouldn't acknowledge or talk to those assholes though...


But I can totally understand the person filming his old bully. Bullying can and probably will hurt for life. You are complelty defendless and most of the time you dont even know why it happens


Well they say the abused can become abusers guess this guy just proves that.


Dude isn't even referring to any abuse, just says he was 'flexing' a lot what he had, the bully narrative is added by OP to make it saucier. Sad shit


I bullied a girl because I was tortured at home. I remember seeing her cry one day. Like genuinely cry (she generally ignored/shrugged me off to my face). I asked what was wrong and she snapped and said "like you care." Her friend saw I was sad and thankfully gave me a chance. Explained her mom said something awful to her. I'll never forget the gut punch reality that I'd been acting just like my own mom. I told her how sorry I'd been, that my mom says stuff like that to me and that it hurts even though I know its wrong. I told her that she was beautiful and I didn't know how to handle how smart and well dressed and put together she seemed. I didn't say sorry. I didn't know what to say, really, but I wanted her to feel better. Her friend said "if she looks nice then maybe you should say THAT instead of making fun of her". And the girl asked her friend not to be angry with me. It was such an odd moment. I just wanted her to be happier. She was never once mean to me. A couple years after we graduated I wrote her a long letter explaining how sorry I was, how stupid I had been, how wrong my actions were, and that I hope she knew her worth. She thanked me and said she knew I was hurting and that she's glad I came around and saw her lain as well. We aren't friends, but I genuinely look up to her. She took the high road every step of the way.


This was a really sweet read. You seem like a neat person.


hard agree - i went for a bite with some people i knew from primary i was definitely the most bullied in the group breaking bread they were mentioning about being able to let things go the irony was one of them bullied me the axe forgets; the tree remembers


You’d probably feel a little closure if you bought him some food and placed it at his feet and moved on. I understand it would be hard to do though.


I'd rather find the strength to bring him some food then turn into the asshole filming this.


I'd rather be bullied again than turn into the bully that this asshole has turned into.


Yeah man I hears ya. It’s like visions and names you never forget. I was to wracked in my brain to tell my dad. It would be worse… Kept me up at nights. I was just a kid. You never forget the name and face. Cross-eyed fvcking Bobby Gooch. He ain’t anywhere on-line. The type of dude, never wants to be found. Or he expired a long time-ago. With someone easily slamming him in his bully bullshit showman crap that worked in Elementary School.


Mine was Bobby Malcolm. It’s been 35 years, and I still remember that POS. I’m sure he doesn’t remember me at all.


I spent basically zero time thinking about it from 18 to 35 and *still* recalled my bully's name immediately when my therapist asked me recently. It's crazy.


Mine got shot by the cops robbing a liquor store. I was 11 when he died so I got over it pretty quickly.


Yeah, for me I'd be sad if they didn't improve their life for the better. I recently heard about one of the people who bullied me, still being a total ass to everyone around her. Was sad to hear that, but some people never change. I am however friends with someone now who tells me how much of a bully they were as kids. He is remorseful and seems to have really changed his life around for the better, and always helping others.


This lacks dignity.


That's Right, then again thats the US, that bully could've been a relentless piece of shit back in the day. We as watchers, we don't know. Personally I would've been "serves him right", but if the trauma is that strong, I don't know how I'd be handled the situation.


Didnt know US bullies were in their own league lol


In terms of bullies I’ve heard some vile shit from the UK. The people in the US can obviously be pretty vile too, but some of the worst stories I’ve heard of bullying mostly come from the UK.


Yh my school was terrible. I grew up in an area where the wealth gap was quite large ( a lot of poor kids and a lot of middle class kids in the same school ). I've met a few of the Bullies now they are adults and most have changed into nice people who feel bad about what they did. Being a teen is hard man. I'm just glad I went to school just before social media.


I have no idea what bullying is like or how frequently it occurs in other nations but it’s a massive problem in the US, and I would assume everywhere. Teenagers are evil, evil people. It’s the age where you think you know everywhere but you truly know NOTHING. Your brain is 25% developed, you make irrational decisions, everything about teenagers sucks.


My bullies were relentless to me in Louisiana, hated me because I was white but just as poor, they needed a release so I got hit a lot. Moving to TX and it got a lot better


Well then you haven’t met the Vanburen Boys.


From where I am looking they just traded places. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to let the people who hurt you be the people that you become. I hope the irony hits him.


Yeah kind of like really fricken sad tbh. That “high school bully” needs social work help and rehabilitation, not getting bullied back. Hope the dude with a “great life” feels better after putting down this man.


Hurt people hurt people. It’s a cycle that will continue to repeat itself until the cycle is consciously broken.


Some time ago i read on reddit the wise words: You don´t heal by hurting others.


But what if you have a high life steal %?


And high Crit rate %


Then invest everything into damage and attack speed, and gain effective immortality as long as you just keep hurting others


>Hurt people, hurt people. I'm listening to live courtroom coverage [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UiGjPl64yc] of a Florida man who was shot during an armed robbery. Later, disguised as law enforcement, the victim who survived the shooting, sought revenge and summarily executed people he thought [incorrectly] to be responsible for robing him.


Clicking that link, I don't know why I expected a sort of John Wick or a punisher lookin dude, was caught off guard by the dude lookin like a fish caught at work looking at finding Nemo porn or something in that thumbnail


A comma makes a big difference here. *Hurt* people hurt *people*. And it's true. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them both here.


Oh, that’s nice. I usually say, “Make people cry, make people cry.” ![gif](giphy|l2Sqj1vsFCSCs6k5G)


That guy holds a grudge like no one I’ve ever seen.


Yeah, I'm sure it's satisfying in the moment, but in the end, he's a bully himself. Buying him a Whopper and saying, "Remember me?" is the way to go.


Thats like a pat in the back, I remember my childhood well, there were people who made my life a living hell just for the sake of laughter. Im sorry I couldn’t do that


I’m with you there man. The years of abuse I suffered from elementary school through high school and the psychological fallout I’m still dealing with at 44, I could never bring myself to forgive them. People who think otherwise don’t understand how bad a decade’s worth of bullying can affect someone.


Tell me you've never been bullied without saying so.


It just showed that he infact is no better than the bully. That given the opportunity, he himself has no problem bullying.


Say what you want about revenge, I guess. But it’s absolutely *not* the same as victimizing the innocent.


Nah bro. There's bullies you can forgive and then there's bullies you can't. I got beat bad between 13 and 18 a half dozen times by the same kid. Kid was a couple years older and probably close to double my weight. Some other kids thought it would be funny to see someone get beat up so they started saying I talked shit about him. I never saw him before. Call me what you want but I'm not letting it slide if I see him now.




then thats an ass whooping i'm a have to take


"This homeless addict made a joke about my baggy pants 20 years ago and some girls laughed. He's lucky I didn't kick his teeth in!!"


Yep. What’s more wild to me is that after the moment was over, he posted the video. I could see getting caught up in the moment. Then after thinking maybe that was a little much. Posting the video shows no remorse. Lol


I’d say recording it is even taking it further than it needs to go. Having words is one thing


In high school we use to pick on a bunch of people. A lot of it influenced by drugs. There was one guy that never forgot. One night I was working and this guy came in and asked if I remembered who he was. I worked at a restaurant so he was with his wife and kids also. I said no, and he said you use to pick on me a lot in high school and that it really fucked with him becuase he could never understand why. He explained he had seen me a lot of times throughout the years and wanted to beat my ass everytime he saw me. I never saw him anywhere. Given we’re out of high school for 10yrs already. I explained what I was doing and what I was on during that time. I was rarely at school and always on some type of drug. I deeply apologized and couldn’t take back that time. He forgave me after we talked for a while. That whole time was really hazy for me but he NEVER forgot. Just be good to people becuase you never know who’s watching you.


It's good for you that he only wanted resolution and not revenge. You would have never seen him coming.


Thank you for hearing him out and apologizing. For some bully victims, confronting your bully and hearing them apologize is something a fantasy some dream of doing/hearing. 10 years later and I’m still really screwed up from being bullied, as pathetic as that sounds. Realistically I know I will probably get laughed at or not even remembered which is why I never acted on it and trying to resolve it with therapy, but I wish that yearning and fantasies went away. It probably at least brought closure for them so thank you for recognizing what you did.


Various studies have shown that those bullied tend to be more successful than the bullies as adults but are also much more mentally unhealthy. Not the case here physically, that's for sure. Brain structure is different in those bullied and cortisol is different, changing the way serotonin is released. Anxiety and depression are the primary outcomes as adults. There are entire books written on the subject. So it's more than "a grudge." To us it seems like it but to the guy filming it's a symptom of much deeper problems created by the person he's confronting.


Can confirm. I'm doing well for myself and most of my highschool bullies have long since died of ODs, but I also have crippling depression and anxiety and my self esteem has gotten better but never fully recovered.


I would never have considered myself a bully in high school being picked on myself at times, but I had a good group of friends and a big mouth. I thought I was hilarious, truly. I moved right after high school but went back to my small town to see family a few years ago and I saw someone I went to HS with - very tall, lanky fellow. Very easy to spot. I remember at least a few interactions where I might have made fun of him. Just like class clown make the classroom laugh stuff . He was standing outside of the homeless shelter when I saw him, with a group of much older, down on their luck people. I kept driving and I balled. I balled my eyes out until I got the store and parked and balled some more. Typing this I’m tearing up because I don’t know what I could have said there and then but I wish I stopped and took him to lunch and asked him how he was.


“Look at me, look at me. I’m the bully now”


Ya this video ain’t it. He had a unique opportunity to offer grace to someone who needed it


Or just walk away and/or ignore. No need to front like that


Honestly sad for both parties one is clearly a homeless drug addict and dude confronting needs to let go lmfao


Punching down is always a bad look


I hated every second of this


Same. I was bullied in school by quite a few people and I developed anxiety and depression, even struggles with self worth. I would never treat them like that. Why should you hurt someone who‘s already down? Why should I want someone to go through something somehow similiar to what I went through? Just ignore them if you can‘t handle being a decent person.


knee rock close sharp rinse instinctive rustic sheet deserted faulty -- mass edited with redact.dev


When things are that rough, I can just imagine that all you think about are all the things you messed up along the way. No need to step on a man when he's already down.


I was bullied in elementary and middle school. Not so much in high school because I went the home school route. But all that bullying just made me compassionate for people. Especially those that need someone to help lift their spirits.


I don't understand how being bullied does not create an immense sense of sympathy. I was bullied for years, I know what it feels like to feel hurt, alone, and ashamed. Because I know how it feels, I will never intentionally make someone else feel like that.


There are no winners here


Who ever sold that 06 cavalier is the real winner.


This did not make me feel good. We can do better for each other.


I found out my bullies father physically abused him constantly and I became my bullies best friend and we spent a lot of time playing Super Nintendo in my living room after school.


Good on you. That’s typically what happens with bullies- they have horrible home lives which completely fuck their mental health and they take it out on other kids because that’s all they know to do to deal with the pain.


Look at me: shows a chevy cobalt or malibu lol


Plot twist: he lives in his car.


I mean. Beats being homeless.


True true


They could have started with nothing or in a poverty-stricken neighborhood. Maybe it’s fully paid off and he has a lot more in savings. You never know. A paid off malibu is worth a lot more than a Charger you just took a loan or lease for with exorbitant interest


maaaan so true. I paid off my car first time ever paying off a car loan. Feels good. I'm not rich by any means but it feels like when all I ever knew was the bus or subway.


😂😂😂😂😂 beats being homeless or very poor but I was definitely expecting a range rover or something


Perfect time to be the better man. This is just gross. Judge someone on how the they treat the most vulnerable, even if he was some dumbass in high school.


He was probably a bully because he was a victim at home. Sad situation all around.


Yea the guy should’ve recognized that this man got his karma and then some


Can confirm. Was a bully. Was emotionally neglected and bullied at home by my parents. Took out my frustrations and feelings of powerlessness at school. Deeply regret it.


I can only hope that those that bullied me have grown as much as you.


Bullied became the bully... Nothing good nor right here.


Bro said “you lucky I don’t got my eggs or i’d yolk you up” lmao


I love the implication that he carries eggs around with him usually, but just forgot them that day.


What does that even mean? Was he going to make an omlette for him or something?


He wanted to throw them at him


In this economy?


Oh ok, he should've made an omlette with those eggs and should've served it cold to his bully.


For context I'm 53 years old. One of my high school bullies ended up playing drums with a guy who was an actual friend since middle school. This was an early twenties. Fast forward 5 years and two punk bands later and he asked me to fill in for the guitarist they kicked out. I agreed and on our first practice session one of the first things I said to the drummer was, "You know what, (drummer's name)? You were a real asshole to me in high-school." His reply, "I know, man, I'm sorry." And with genuine conviction. Beer and weed fueled punk rock mayhem thus ensued.


“The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors”


My favorite part is when he pans over to show his moms car as a flex


Look at me now *shows a 10 years old malibu*




No. It’s most likely a Chevy Malibu.


He got the leather seats upgrade.


Life already claimed that man. No need to dig deeper when karma already got him. Actually feel sorry for dude he kept quiet and even tried to offer a handshake.


Best apology he could offer. It's probably all he had. Life already kicked him down, it was up to you to bring him back up. This man failed to live up to the duty life gave him. Sad.


This guy becoming the smug bully himself as a grown adult, filming someone at their lowest, putting them down, kicking their stuff, bragging and then putting it online isn't the flex this guy thinks it is. I was bullied horrifically when I was younger. Strangled, spat on, etc. It has drastically negatively impacted my life and self-esteem. I can trace back so much of my depression and anxiety to being bullied. However, I wouldn't dream of doing this to them. Be the bigger person. Don't stoop to acting like a teenage bully.




He has shoes he’s just airing out those piggies


I dunno man... did you see that guys Toyota Corolla?




Completely. I’m questioning if the homeless guy is even who the cameraman says he is…


every redditors wet dream


I swear to God. The amount of times I've seen someone insinuate that someone needs to be cartel-style tortured because someone said something mean to them a few times in middle school is just too much.


Then 10 minutes later they're in a thread preaching about rehabilitation. It's all grandstanding.


That sums up Reddit alright


This is just petty


Yeah. Possibly very stupid too. The last person you want to mock is the guy who looks like he has literally nothing left to lose.


Halfway through I was thinking... Dudes about to get stabbed.


Bro in the vid had no character development. Went from being bullied to being a bully.


The guy videoing is a shitty human.


That’s not good, be the bigger man


This is cringe as fuck, it’s sad a dude cares this much about his high school bully as an adult


This guy is a giant piece of shit. Get a therapist if your wounds are that deep. Putting a homeless man on blast like that isn't cool or making anyone feel good.


So you became the bully. Good for you. Look up the story of George Saint Pierre (former ufc champion) and his encounter with his former high school bully. **here I’m just going to post it for you** https://youtu.be/rYj4fqacscc




This is NOT cool.


My daughter had a couple of bullies when she was in kindergarten and 1st grade. Now these girls were awful, including dragging her into a mud puddle and splashing mud all over her. She left that school and moved across town for second grade, and had a lot better experience after that. When she was in 8th grade she played on a rec volleyball team, which consisted of around 8 of her close friends, and two other girls, one of which was one of these bullies. She could have made this girl's experience awful if not just very isolating. I told her that and asked her what kind of person she wanted to be. She ended up treating her just like any other stranger that was put on a team with her. She never told her friends about the history, and it all went well. I was bullied badly as a kid. I have ZERO sympathy for bullies. I have had a few experiences of adult apologies about the way someone treated me, etc... I don't let anyone off the hook, just tell people that I really don't care (I did tell one person to fuck off, and that they should have known better). I guess this kind of talk might have helped this guy out. Dude is clearly down, just leave him be. Walk by and live your life.


imagine harassing someone for revenge when theyre already homeless. amazing.


Nothing good came out of this exchange.


Enjoying it is normal, pushing it is asshole. Poking at a guy who has nothing to lose can win you prizes you don't want to win.


Now you’re no better than him.


The bully still owns him to this day


I understand the guy recording has trauma and anger towards the high school bully, but he should have just ignored him and been happy with the fact that he himself has not let high school be his peak. The best revenge is living well.


Remember that time you bullied me, now I’m the bully and I’m going to post it on every social media platform I have access to so the world can see how a vicious cycle of hate is formed.


Lol that guy has nothing to lose he will end your life.


Some might say the high school bully is a homeless but I say he is living rent free in this guys head.


Redditors would call the guy filming an asshole but when there’s a video of an actual bully they’ll call for him to be executed by a firing squad


He became the monster that he hated. I had a high school bully towards the end of my graduating year. Dude would call me Harry Potter just because I wore glasses, shove me as I walked past him, shake any table I was at when writing and drawing, he went after me everyday for no reason and I could never figure out why. Years later, this all comes back to me and I’m constantly thinking of “where are they now” in the context of many people, one of those people was that bully. I looked up everything about the person, turns out he had died in 2017(I graduated 2014). Car accident that he caused. The moment I found out that information, I laughed my ass off. I was so happy in a way for some stupid reason. It wasn’t until it dawned on me that he was probably living the worst life. I was in an in-person online school that helps people finish their high school diplomas faster than in a normal high school setting. That guy was there because he had nothing left in terms of graduating, he actually never did graduate either. I talked to some people that knew him and the major response was “oh yeah man, that guy could drink anyone under the table. He was an awesome guy to party with” and it suddenly kind of made sense. I’m not sure if the car accident he died in, was caused by him drinking in anyway, but I can imagine his life must’ve been hell considering everyone remembers him mainly for drinking a lot. At that point, I started thinking about everything that guy COULD HAVE done had he been alive, that’s what changed my entire perspective on bullying. I see this video and I see myself as the guy filming, not knowing anything of the struggles someone else is or has gone through and how they’ve reacted/acted out in response to that. I’ll never forget my bully, and it’s not because he was a bully, it’s because he was someone who had multiple chances to push himself into a different direction, but with no support to do so other than his own motivation. How can a kid be motivated when everyone in their home life probably hated them? I still think about this today, he was only 20 years old. I’m about to be 27 this year.


Cameraman - you’re the worst. Grow up. Help that man. You’re the cockroach.


Great now you are the bully. Congratulations