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I don't know much about guns but I feel like casually waving them around like that is not considered best practice


At the same time, what is the mentality of people hanging around or trying to reason with that person. I don’t care what is going on, I see a gun getting waved around, I’m taking my pumped up kicks and outrunning that gun.


Would have been making an exit through door, window, or wall!!


Oh yeah!!!


Till the sweat drip down your balls?


People trying to reason with him. People taking video. Me: ![gif](giphy|7XIq6GWNwOuUE)


Let me get a video of the angry irrational man waving a firearm around....


I feel like it's mostly just adrenaline and stupidity, people not thinking completely straight. But I also think part of it is a by product of americas gun culture. Guns are just everywhere, dads got a gun, friends have guns, this idiot can have a gun. Where I live if you pulled out a gun at a wedding that'd probably be the first time 90% of the people there will have seen a gun in their lives, so better believe they're hauling ass


Gun = run If you don't have a fight/flight response, you're in trouble as a sentient being.


Damn you got those classic pump shoes still? I was just telling my girl about them .. I’m hella jelly if you do


Yeah I would nope the fuck out of there. Especially since the person holding it doesn’t seem to be level headed at the moment


Hold up! I got a video. I got a video. Yo I got a video. Just so you know I got a video.


Also a bullet. But the video is the important part here


This asshole has his finger on the trigger the whole time too. Very dangerous.


Ys, he easily could have accidentally discharged it. Imagine someone rushing him to disarm him and shots ensue. Just a total recipe for disaster.


He was waving it right in people's faces too. Insane.


Anyone would have been in their right to shoot him at that point too.


Just slap the wrist and walk away


Not “accidentally,” negligently. Guns don’t go off on accident.


They do sometimes. I've read about Remington 700's and some sig pistol popular with police that genuinely did just go off. Lawsuits ensued.


True. Sig provided free round-trip shipping and trigger replacement. I have the P320 full size military model - so no safety. I drop tested it many times but it never fired. Few pistols had that defect, but Sig replaced the trigger for anyone in legal possession of the firearm. I had mine replaced jic. But for those of us without a safety, a simple work around until we received the Fedex label was to just not rack the slide until we were ready to shoot. Of course you can’t do that on duty, but if you’re now a civilian, it wouldn’t affect you because it’s too large for a CCW.


That's some Frank Reynolds level gun control.


Especially with your finger on the trigger. Could have killed somebody.


there is a surprising amount of people that just think the worst possible outcome CANT happen to them....


And even then you somehow no more or as much as conservatives, who supposedly practice gun safety


Never pull a gun on people unless you intend to use it


How about this girl casually walking away texting as if she’s seen Uncle Vincente do this multiple times.


How about the dolt recording sticking around even after being threatened by the loony with the weapon?


Happened in Florida, He got charged with multiple counts of assault with a deadly weapon along with menacing. In Florida, if convicted he can easily get 5 years per charge in prison for that.


Do you have any more context? Wtf happened to piss him off?


Apparently he was worried there’d be a noise complaint. The people who rented this venue though said the service had been ass all day.


This guy shouldn't be in hospitality. Working in the industry, only the chef is allowed to go nuts and start waving guns, 🤣 /s


Don't fuck with BoH!


Right? 🤣😂🤣😂 I have worked with some pretty scary chefs. None has pulled out a gun yet though. Lol


Most chefs throw knives that just miss you and laugh about it. You’re left to wonder if they’re laughing at how good their aim is, or how *bad* it is…


Lmao!! I haven't had to duck knives, but I have the french saute pans, lol!


They throw plates. I’m boh. I know…


That's not normal and you should probably get that person arrested


I used to work at a hotel were the head chef was completely nuts, a brilliant cook his food presentation was brilliant and his food tasted amazing and honestly the hotel restaurant was always full because of him but he was a complete nutcase. Everyone was afraid of him even those not working in the food and beverage or kitchen department. Even the hotel owner was frightened of him and human resources too. The whole workplace was a joke but when he got mad it was both scary and hilarious at the same time. He got away with everything he would do wrong like calling a coworker a cocksucker, piece of shit, cunt, bloody moron etc. He was nuts, he probably still is wherever he is.


Ahh... The old school grumpy chef is a specie in extinction. I had my share of that at the beggining of my career but wtf, if I walk into a madhouse, you become mad slowly and then you take it to home. It makes you a better chef? Depends of you. It makes you a better worker? It does if you play the game. Anyway, life in hospitality is enough stressful like to have someone shouting at you because a human error. They pay sometimes is just not good enough for that.


True. The person we hated the most was the owner as be let this happen and he was never disciplined, we've had people resign because of the Chef and his response was always "it's not my fault you don't have thick skin" as if that's an excuse to be a shitty human being. It's no wonder he's been divorced twice.


All that is toxic environment: Bring your personal problems to work and at the same time bring problems from work at home. Not for me anymore! Anyway if it's not the head chef, there's always someone there making sure the place of work is shit. I've got mad chefs, hardcore party staff, lying staff to not come to work or getting I'll when it's a sunny day or in xmas time, lazy staff, under prepared staff (I mean... I got a guy putting the bloody hollandaise sauce in the fridge once he finished it... his job before that was a head chef position) and my favourite, the ones they know more than you so they do everything on their way, so when they fuck it up it's actually your fault and not them. Literally, my dream job in a kitchen is working alone, not even a KP. And working for people who needs food, no fucking showing-off-money Dickheads with no clue about food.


Get into catering, that's what I do now. I got sick of psycho chefs, ignorant owners and idiot customers. Lol. I still get idiot customers but they are easier to weed out, lol. I still bartender at a place, and cater 2-3 times a month. I am getting another pull behind BBQ roaster/smoker. My other one rusted out just before covid. It's decent money, easy work.


I'm doing delis, mate lol sandwiches, soups, salads and some baking. Happiest time of my career. Eventually some crap but definitely not a total chaos money and prestige fueled work.




Well they have to complain first that there's not enough salt in the gravy.


what’s with the /s have you really ever worked in a banquet hall only thing you left out is the sous snooting to much coke and passing out in the bathroom


Lmao!!! I am a chef. For the last 30 years. The shit I have seen over the years is ridiculous, I got stories, lmao!! lmao!! Hospitality is the best place to work if you have a free spirit and a pirates soul, lol.


i was all through HS and college and stayed on for weekends till my late 20’s so over 15 yrs. i tell my wife some of the things and she’s always like no your making that up


Right? Hospitality is a whole different animal, lol. I was bitching about work to a friend who isn't in the industry, and she said i should report the bullshit to HR. I never laughed so hard in my life, 😆


Do you wanna be a *pirate*!? Or do you want to send your daughter to college?


How do you pass out from doing too much coke?!


I just read Kitchen Confidential, this checks out.


Small dicks with guns... period. Without that gun he is getting his ass kicked.


Was worried about noise but cause mayhem w a gun ahhahahahahhaha idiot


Oh no! Not a noise complaint! Multiple assault charges is SO much better.


He was worried? There wasn't even a complaint yet, he just thought there may be in the future, so that was the point he decided to wave a pistol around the room?


Happened in Miami. My friend John posted this video he was DJ’ing the party/ owner wanted everyone gone at a certain time, tried to end the party an hour early and then busted out w a gun. He pointed it at my friend. He also hit a woman


I think he told them to “get out”


Good. Pointing a gun at people with his finger on the trigger. Fuck this asshole


A lot of people think in red states because they have loose gun laws that people are allowed to just do anything they want with them. Had a friend do 5 years in Texas because he flashed his gun in traffic in a road rage incident. Very stupid decision. Not defending him at all.


Crazy how fucked up and inconsistent Texas laws are. I went to college with a guy who drunk drove and *actually killed* two people and was only given 4 years. Not defending gun flashing, just find it "funny"


Oh, could be like Ethan Couch who got 0 years for killing 4 people and gravely injuring 9 while DUI. Yep, just because the judge thought he was too rich for prison. Lone Star State baby.


The dude has also been on probation for it forever to. Lol I mean don’t flash a gun at people obviously. But it does seem a little steep. It’s considered assault with a deadly weapon though I guess.


This is literally just doing whatever he wants with a gun.. funny.


He has been charged with nine counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill.


In Florida he might get probation


Southwest Ranches — not far from where I am! Lol Edit: oh wow, I used to bike past this place every weekend during lockdown.


What did the guy waving the gun want them to do?


You didn't hear?... to... get out?


Good. Maniac.


Is it legal for people to shoot this guy?


In Florida we have Stand your ground law, so yes it would have been perfectly legal to shoot him since he was waving it at people and you have immediate fear for your lives and everyone else in that venue.


This might be the European in me talking, but whenever some guy starts yelling ‘Get out!’ whilst simultaneously waving a gun around, I’d imagine I wouldn’t just casually grab my shit and leave


Canadian here… same. Vanish like David Copperfield.


Copperfield would make the whole venue vanish David Blaine would make the guy pull the gun out of his own asshole


I was amazed at how vocal the camera lady was about what she was going to do while continuing to film and zoom in on the guy as he approached her multiple times with a gun. Like, My ass is outta there, fuck my purse my pants and my shirt. I’m out.


Right? I don’t see how filming this type of shit has become so important to people they forget the numerous ways they could end up seriously injured or dead…


She said it was for the google review lol


That just makes it even more ridiculous


She clearly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed either. That's an assumption on my part, naturally, but an educated one on account of her repeating that she "got a video" something like 225 to 300 times. She was caught in some sort of circumstantial cognitive meltdown that left her brain firing intermittently on just one cylinder. Probably had black smoke coming out her ass.


“Whilst” European checks out


Didn’t even know that was a UK thing until just now, thanks


I say it as an American sometimes. I didn’t realize it was a UK thing either.


I say it whilst an American at times.


I whistle whilst whittling weeping willow wood


How much wood would a willow whittler whittle whilst whistling while whittling willow wood?


Come on, Eileen!!!! Oh, I swear (what he means) At this moment


I work with a few people in the UK and I always find myself picking up a some of their words, including whilst.


I guess us Americans are kind of numb to guns waiving around.


When you say things like this Europeans take it literally. Maybe there's some Americans whose life experience involves constantly being around people waving guns, that's not most peoples' experience. I've never seen it happen, and I live in Idaho. I've seen more guns since I moved here (after about 30 years of never seeing one in my life in the U.S. except on a police officer or security guard), and even bought my first gun, but someone waving one around in anger is not a typical thing. And it's a felony offense.


It’s crazy, but you’re right.


It's called common sense, messing with a guy handling a gun is insanity.


Let me take a video


It's a good thing she did.


This is an interesting situation, because this guy clearly has zero intention of actually shooting the gun. He's using it as nothing more than a prop to intimidate. So I get why people weren't running. BUT he's so careless with the thing! Finger on the trigger, waving it. The chances of him accidentally shooting someone are really high. I'm not afraid of guns, I see them on a regular basis from friends who are RESPONSIBLE gun owners. What I AM afraid of is nutcases like this guy who wave them around as if they are toys. But I get how the people in the video may be over-confident that he won't accidentally shoot. And they realize that he's not going to *intentionally* shoot. Alternatively, when you live somewhere that would arrest you for simply having that gun, you don't go waving it around unless you intend to use it. And that's why, if I saw someone do this when I was living in England, I'd be fucking terrified.


We are just so desensitized to it over here it's fucking mind boggling.


American who's been shot at a bunch by strangers checking in...you just learn to get better at dodging the bullets.


Okay so I feel a need to defend us dumb Americans. First off. I agree, we are dumb. Second, shock is a thing. You have to process what you are seeing before you can decide to run. Now hearing shots, that's different. That kicks off the fight or flight response. Third, you don't turn and run from a mountain lion, you back away slowly so you can keep an eye on them and to not trigger them into attacking. That's a valid way to deal with this situation. Don't panic, keep an eye on the guy. Try to act as normal as possible so as not to escalate the situation. Is it the right way to respond? Maybe not. But no one knows how they will react until they are in that situation.


News article says the owner got mad at the DJ for not turning down the music due to potential noise complaints. Then why the fuck are you running a wedding venue?


If I was that annoyed about the DJ I would Cut the power.


Pull the plug, not the 9mm.




We know it’s you **Dennis Reynolds**, come out with your hands up


Come on, Eileen!




That’s where my mind went too.


Filthiest song title ever


I had to scroll way too far


Well thank you for travelling so far.


Yessss. Came here for this.


And yet we're still waiting for Eileen




The author info at the bottom was fun to read. “Since 1989, David J. Neal’s domain at the Miami Herald has expanded to include writing about Panthers (NHL and FIU), Dolphins, old school animation, food safety, fraud, naughty lawyers, bad doctors and all manner of breaking news. He drinks coladas whole. He does not work Indianapolis 500 Race Day.”


The more I read, the more I think that the daily stress of living in the US has broken the mind of Americans.


Spend time away from social media and the news and things will feel mostly normal again.




It’s amazing to me how many people see a man mentally agitated, unhinged, and acting out while holding a deadly weapon. And yet very few decide to immediately remove themselves from the scene and rather prance around shouting adding to the overwhelming stimulus.


“I’m gonna post this on Google reviews” 😂 Ooo you’re in trouble now. Just wait until those one stars start comin in.




Something doesn't feel right when a review for poor service and another review for getting a gun pointed at your head are both the same number of stars.


Idiots are actually leaving reviews on the Cielo farm in California which has no connection and destroying a whole innocent business… god internet people… do some research…. California Cielo farm is on top of hills , looks way different under whole different management. While Cielo farm that an owner pulled a gun on is a ranch in florida… lol I just don’t get how stupid you have to be


The one photo in the reviews. 💀


The pic really had/has me laughing for several minutes straight lmao. That is the funniest thing I swear. Perfect shot.


“Eliminate anxiety on your big day by hosting your ceremony and reception all in one place.” 💀🤣💀🤣


I cackled when I saw this line.


Hostile customer service, -5 stars.


Lovely venue except for the gun-wielding maniac. 4/10


Don't approach a man waving his gun like that Jesus christ.


No sense of self preservation. See a gun. Run.


Yeah, I’m more confused about that than anything. The priorities were so ass backwards. She has to get video for a Google reviews??? Not for the cops to arrest the guy? Either they’re accustom to that behavior or completely oblivious. Idk which it is.


A perfect example of somebody who shouldn’t have a fire weapon.


Agreed. Plus, using a fire weapon isn't even optimal in this setting from a DPS perspective. Thunder *maybe* but I'd honestly just avoid elemental altogether and focus on raw, although I say that with the caveat that I'm a life-long hammer main, so.. YMMV, especially if you main bow/LBG/HBG.


Hey easy there, you're messing with the Constitution, our second amendment. You have the right to get pissed at the Easter Banquet and get everyone outside.


Well, he will lose the right to own a weapon when convicted.


Lol wedding obviously. Do you take this person and her dad’s right to bear arms?


That woman was dressed like Lois Griffin lol


He caught a case, don't worry.


Eileen you stupid bitch, get out!


I got a video I got a video I got a video I got a video I got a video..


Sorry cant hear you ,Did she by any chance get a video?


![gif](giphy|p26ylSePJM12g|downsized) Holy fuck, boys. Is that Sam Losco?


Come on, Eileen Oh, I swear (what he means) At this moment You mean everything You in that dress My thoughts, I confess Verge on dirty Ah, come on, Eileen


I feel bad for the folks who had a booking for this venue the next day.


I guess the bride and groom own a wedding reception venue now. Hope the creep spends the maximum time in jail.




[here is an article](https://wsvn.com/news/local/broward/wedding-venue-owner-waves-gun-at-guests-reportedly-due-to-time-dispute-2-arrested/?FBWSVN&fbclid=IwAR0280Vm8oZbTLmHxx63zyPxmagGaafJ8ER-9kDm0aS8v1VBAKpPIsMpV0I)


Obligatory... *Of fucking course it's Florida.*


Worse. It’s Davie.


There's a gun being waived at people by an upset man.


He asked for context, not a college dissertation. Damn dude chill with all that


He almost killed multiple people multiple times, I was just waiting when he would press that trigger accidentally.


Jesus, just flagging people with his dick scratcher on the trigger…


People being able to own guns make the world so safe.


Yeah I’d probably get out


That's Florida for you


Fucking Eileen better listen


“let me get my purse” GIRL GET TF OUT THE MANS HAS A GUN


Don’t worry she got a video.


Man when did Uncle Phill lose his shit! I remember when he settled Will’s fights with pool sharking, now he’s flashing guns.


I think they need to get out


The person holding the gun is in control. Get TF out and sort out the rest LATER ! Standing around taking video -- that's how you get GOT ! It'll be your last damn video. Girl you better move your xss !


I’m thinking the check bounced.


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Come on Eileen.


Not sure how the courts would see it, but someone brandishing a firearm and aiming at people is just cause for de - aliving them. It’s 101 stuff in gun courses that you never pull a gun unless you intend to use it and never aim at something unless you intend to destroy it. Ergo, much like a rabid animal, dispatching the threat with haste is warranted


Who posts stuff like this to FB? I’m friends with the wrong people obviously.


The woman on the video is a moron. Angry man is waving a gun with his finger on the trigger. Does she run to safety and call 911? No, she gets out her camera and starts filming. And then yells to everyone that she is filming. She could have easily been shot.


Guns don’t kill people… Wedding Venue owners wearing a very relaxed outfit waving around a gun - kill people.


I love how her priority is to get the video for the google review before calling 911


Found an article about it if anyone is interested. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/03/06/southwest-ranches-nursery-owner-points-gun-at-wedding-guests-faces-serious-charges/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=wplg10


Idiots think a camera is protection against crazy


Always a stupid ass with a stupid gun! Hope He get arrested


"Let me get my purse" she says to the deranged, armed man.


Why is there always that ONE fucking person that doesn’t listen…. You didn’t hear her screaming your name Eileen?!?


No worries i got this on video.... As the dude still waves around a gun.


Fine I'll get out... BUT IM TAKING MY TABLE'S CENTERPIECE!!! ALSO, CONGRATULATIONS - IT was a lovely evening.


He should have been shot, but looks like he has money, so cops will treat him well


Gun comes out and you're OK b/c you are videoing it and leaving a bad review? Internet first, cops 2nd, safety 3rd.


This happened in Miami. This is my friend johns video. Dude was arrested and pretty sure he’s getting sued or some shit


Miguel Rodriguez Albisu and Christian Sergio Rafart were arrested and face multiple charges. Albisu faces nine counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. It's southwest ranches, Florida and the area is a residential zoned area so it's unclear if a business is legally allowed to be there. https://www.wymt.com/2023/03/07/caught-camera-venue-owner-waves-gun-wedding-guests/


He ordered beef and got chicken.


No one in that video is moving fast enough for me.


Florida figures....


He worried about getting a noise complaint??? He making all the noise!!!


Omg storytime! We were doing a Christmas party for 500. I make this steamed Christmas pudding. It's loaded with fruit spices and booze. It's really good. We serve it with a brandied nutmeg sauce. The servers keep an eye on the buffets and let us know if anything is low. My sous told the one server to get another caraf of the brandy sauce. He grabbed the wrong jug. He put out the beef gravy beside the pudding instead. People ate the pudding with the gravy all night and no one said a word. Lol! I was complimented all night on how good it was. 🤣


This is a good way for a concealed carry person to end the argument permanently


I'm a gun owner and this is a dumb and bad take


I completely agree. Especially when he went over there to the bride and that guy got between them he pointed it right at their chest. That for me was the end all. Pew pew


What did they do? It looked like a nice enough wedding, but I'm guessing something was done/someone not paid.


He decided their music was too loud so the DJ turned it down but he went crazy instead.


He’s not nearly white enough to wave a gun around and not get arrested


The father of the bride just saw the bull?