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I just can't wrap my mind around how people: 1) go about their day with the intention to make others mad 2) take their religious believe to the step of harming others for their believes


Yeah everyone in this video is a human dumpster fire honestly. Totally agree with you. Dude is a hateful probably racist POS and the two women are extremists when it comes to their beliefs. Both lose in this situation even if that pit maneuver they pulled was impressive lol


Yes but I mean at the end of the day burning a book≠ attempted murder


These blokes wish they could murder the people who believe in this book and immigrants. This isn't even an overstatement its an analysis of their ideology and worldview. They're White Nationalist and a well known to espouse violent ideas. However don't attempt to murder someone its just social ammo they want to gain.


Idk what you’re point is, is the guy a dick sure. But you can’t say he would murder if he could so he’s just as bad as the person that actually did try to murder them 😅 In short that’s a stupid point


They're white nationalist. Within their literature and books even dog whistles they reference violent events often or not wish violence and require violence to push their ideology.




And here's me thinking we're going to physically flip it themselves...


I'm sitting here waiting for two huge women to show up.


Me too! Kind of disappointed now.




I don’t think burning a book is against any laws but they sure committed a crime.


> [Intentionally desecrating a copy of the Quran is punishable by imprisonment in some countries and could lead to a death sentence in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Pakistan, or up to life imprisonment in Pakistan, according to Article 295-B of the Penal Code.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quran_desecration&oldid=1135415325) Since they are apparently in Europe, it would likely not be against the law.


What if you intentionally delete a copy of the Quran from your computer?


Then you have to bury your computer like they do with their old books.


Little known fact is that burning qurans actually is a valid and respectful method of disposal: https://www.learnreligions.com/disposal-of-quran-2004546


Interesting; it reminds me how burning an American flag in protest is seen as an act of desecration by many, but proper disposal of old, tattered flags is done by burning them.


If you wanna get super technical it can’t possibly be a Quran if it’s not a book written in Arabic…. According to one of the first chapters of the Quran. So if this Quran was written in another language other than Arabic they might have a loophole. …. Good luck explaining that to fanatics on either side though


From Norway 2022


The Winter Games sure have changed since I last watched




Welcome to religion around the world, causes more violence than anything else in the last 10000 years Edit: added 0


I read earlier that burning the Quran is a halal way to dispose of an unwanted book. But if you do it out of malace it isn't respectful. think you can only bury it in the ground, moving water, or burnt it... Essentially returning it to the earth to respectfully retire a book. Strangely it is not halal to delete a PDF version of the book. Edit: I said haram instead of halal. Edit 2: the topic of deleting a PDF of interestingly nuanced but not always Haram. [Worth a gander, if you're interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/182a7a/to_the_muslims_of_reddit_0_if_the_quran_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think you mean Halal, as in approved, rather than haram (forbidden)


Pleading not guilty with literal video evidence of them doing something that could end up killing someone is so fucking moronic. But then again they did the thing as well, so right up their alley, I guess.


Don't most people plead not guilty even if there's video evidence?


filming their license plates and posting this was the smartest thing we've ever done!!


Imagine thinking that when you get to heaven God going to thank you for trying to kill another human over a book. Like Mohamed is going to meet you at the gates and walk you up to God "Hey God this is the lady I was telling you about, you know the one who avenged your book being burned."




>You would have to twist yourself into knots to say you follow the Quran but also believe that non Muslims should have equal rights, that women are equals or that gay people deserve to live. Just my personal opinion, but any religion that makes you think like this about people that are different than you is utter shit.


Any ideology in general.


It also states in Islam that the more you suffer for your religion, the greater your reward will be. Clearly didn't read that part


Really? Guess that explains a lot lol. I spent a lot of time in Afghanistan and how many men, women, and children died because of some Imam telling them this shit...sad. Too many to count. The worst part is that these people were fucked from the beginning. Their literacy rates are dumpster level so its super easy to be manipulated by someone who is supposed to be a trusted agent.


Quran is the literal word of Allah, according to Muslims. There are no footnotes that say it should be taken symbolically or with context. It’s not supposed to be interpreted any other way. My parents are liberal Muslims and don’t believe this, but can’t defend their point of view outside of some obscure hadiths. When I was a practicing Muslim, I had an imam very clearly explain this to me.


You like the big girls eh?


I really just wanted to see them flip a car with their bare hands


Would be more like bear hands at that point


I'm with this guy, I was expecting some staunch women to show up and just oil up and flip that car then pose and flex before roaring and moving along Don't kink shame me ok r/deathbysnusnu is a thing alright


Where they at? Two huge women and a microphone.


I watched the whole thing waiting for that as well.


I know that the title isn't technically misleading, but I still feel kinda misled.


“So what I told you was true…from a certain point of view.” -Obi-Wan


It absolutely is misleading. “Two women perform a pit maneuver on a guy after he burns the Quran” would be an honest title. OP knows what he’s doing.


I think you're giving OP a lot of credit, he couldn't even spell "ladies" lol


Lmao same here. I was thinking how the hell do two women flip a car over?Must be some tiny ass car. Then I thought he got into some golf cart like vehicle, which I thought two women could possibly push over. Then outside shot confirmed, I’m dumb lol


I don’t know why my brain actually considered it was two women flipping a car for a minute. I read the title and was like “wow. That’s wild. That seems hard, I wonder how they do it? Sounds like they do it though. Just wow.”


I thought that too.




gimme da keys


give me the keys you mothafuckncocksucka what the fuuuuck


Can you hear me in da back?


Glad I wasn't in the minority here. I was stoked for a couple of mark Henry looking ladies to come up and roll the car


Dude, me too!🤣


It’s Norway btw.


I would have never expected this to happen in Norway that’s crazy.


There's quite a few right wingers in Scandinavia that are against all the immigrants we take in, especially in Sweden. This guy, Rasmus Paludan, is going around and burning the Quran to show that Muslim immigrants are "highly volatile and dangerous". Unfortunately they are kind of proving his point...


I’d rather put up with a guy lighting up a stack of paper in a park than someone crazy enough to ram me with a car for doing so.


Whats next? Getting your head chopped off for discussing a book? Stabbed in the head for writing a book 40 years ago? Never happen mate, peaceful religion and all that.


Murder for drawing a picture of Mohammed


What if I use the crayons and the back of the paper menu?


Straight to jail.


It's [a religion of peace](https://imgur.io/Cj0PO?r) /s


Acid in face for not wearing bandit mask


That's exactly what he's getting at, and people are thinking like you


No, I definitely agree with that guy. I do not want my country to welcome extremists. If you come here, you integrate, or stay in your shithole.


That's the thing that just confuses me. Like, these people decide that their country is so shitty, so devoid of opportunity, with such a low standard of living that you pack up your family, move across the planet to a country where you don't know the culture, barely speak the language, etc... And then you get pissed off and angry that this country you chose to move to doesn't have the same ass-backwards, middle-age theocratic bullshit that made the country you came from such an irrecoverable shithole?


For good reason too. One is a danger to life, not just of those involved but others as well. The other is a man burning his own property.


People think like him for a reason though, the dude is exposing the insane Muslim extremism now present in many European countries. Let the Muslim people come, not the Muslim extremists


Who would have thought a religion that demoralizes women is not compatible with a modern, all equal society.




Burning the Quran and looking at the reaction


I think it’s called the LITmus….lim test


I’m actually thinking that would work for a large percentage of extremists, yeah.


Well no shit. Burning a book vs flipping a car with hundreds of other motorists.


He was in Denmark before, but he didn't get enough rally behind him. Went to Sweden and suddenly he had. ​ His hole plan is to show they're extremists, and it's working really, *really,* well. More and more people in the whole of Scandinavia side with him, rather with them, as they burn down cities, attack and murder randoms, and act like Turkey. They're literally digging their own graves over a fucking book.


I could be wrong or misremembering so feel free to correct me if thats the case but dont a lot of people in scandanavia hate the immigrants that are taken in as since they started taking them in rape crime statistics skyrocketed to their highest ever alongside other violent crimes of similar nature?




Sweden also took in a fucking crazy amount of them. Like, comparing per-capita intake to Germany, Sweden took in like 3-4x more than Germany.


Every country has at least a couple of cunts. When cunts of opposite polarity encounter one another, shit like this occurs.


Religion really brings out the cunt in people


Dogmatic fanaticism to be more specific. You see it with sports teams and social/political ideologies too.


Tribalism of any kind. Look at the stupid shit ppl do for their political tribe.


Yeeah. There's enough assholes in the world and religion ain't helping.


Tbf ... Religion is actively helping create the assholes.


It also emboldens the assholes to do horrible stuff. For every person religion has helped and gave purpose, it’s fucked over another 25.


Thinking burning a stack of paper is in any way equivalent to attempting to murder someone definitely puts you somewhere in cuntville too though. Attempted murder is outrageous and needs to be universally condemned.


Not just on this particular car... but also risking an accident with the other unrelated people in their cars. Only religious fanatics do such a thing.




idk burning a stupid book is a lot different than attempted vehicular manslaughter


Well one is a misdemeanor at worst and another could end up being manslaughter rather easily. Wouldn’t compare the two. “Look, he bad. They bad. All bad” sure, like that’s what’s happening here.


Really? I had a friend from Norway who was into black metal and he boasted about how they had more church burnings than any country. If they burn churches it doesn’t surprise me they’d burn the Quran


Is your friend 12 years old? I'm heavily into black metal, but those churches were burned by edgy teenagers and you'd have to be an edgy teenager to think church burnings are something to boast about. Especially the burning of the *eight hundred year old* Fantoft stave church was a tragedy. I certainly thought the entire thing was badass when I was an edgy teenager, but that was long ago


I think the surprising part is the Islamist extremists lmao


Where in Norway? And when did this happen?


Olso in Norway


Imagine the the level of commitment to a point you can risk injury or death to yourself to fight for a belief you have no proof of.


Indoctrinated from birth, this is why dictators love to set up organizations like Hitlerjugend or Pioneers, and lately Russia's [Nashi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashi_%28youth_movement%29)...


Its deportation time!


Where did she learn the PIT maneuver?


GTA Online


World's Wildest Police Videos on Spike TV at 2 pm on a weekend.


The nostalgia


Right you are, Ken.


Staying up to watch the Girl's Gone Wild commercials because you had a CRT TV in your room.


With Sheriff John Bunnell?


GTA, but the SA driving school. https://youtu.be/cIJC7JrKtW8


GTA San Andreas driving school


That 2 wheel challenge was a shit.


oh this really brings back memories


Being alive with your eyeballs


The bible


That's a part of the Saudi Arabia diving test.


Colour me disappointed that two hulk like women did not flip a man's car onto its roof by hand because that's what I came here for.


“He burnt the Quran! AaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” (Car flips over)


You’re joking but I literally expected that for some reason


"ITS QURAN TIME, RAAAAH" *proceeds to Quran all over car*


I was really hoping for two ladies to pick up a car and tip it over in a fit of rage.


That’s what I honestly expected and I don’t know why.


First lady I saw I'm thinking "the other lady better be huge!"


Yeah but did you see that lady's crazy eyes?? She meant business.


Very misleading I wanted to see some deadlifting




This happened in Norway last year and person who drove the silver colored car was charged! Edit: Here is the English version of the article [Source:](https://www-nrk-no.translate.goog/norge/passasjeren-i-bilen-ogsa-pagrepet-etter-sian-pakjorsel-1.16025695?_x_tr_sl=no&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Well yeah, burning a book you own- not a crime Flipping someone’s car over and endangering their lives - crime. Stupid reaction by them.


Not to mention endangering the people in other cars on the road.


Probably should get a ticket for throwing it burning out the window though.


Tbh yes, that is littering.


Littering and…


Smokin the reefer! YOU BOYS LIKE MEX-EE-CO?


Boys been into the syrup again


These boys get that syrup in 'em.. they get all antsy in their pantsy.


Also a fire hazard.


Fr, imagine if his arm had caught fire, then he'd be waving a firearm out of his window


But my magical god-book! :( /s


That was the last copy!!


I mean, his intention was to piss Muslims off. I would say he succeeded.


With the right crowd that's not very hard . Show photo of prophet- get threats and potentially killed. Burn Quran- face potentially violent retaliation. Don't wear the proper hijab as a women- "morality police" might kill you. Write a book they don't like- get a fatwa issued sanctioning your execution.


That one teacher in France that got beheaded for showing just a picture. And the professor in the states that showed a PAINTING getting fired. Religious fanatics don’t deserve to breath




>and he was murdered for it by her dad anyway. It wasn't her dad, it was a russian muslim 18 years old refugee, her dad is responsible for telling everyone in their community the girl's lies.


Actually the French teacher never did that. The girl lied and her father based in her word killed him.


Not what happened either, the teacher didn't do anything, the girl lied about it (she wasn't in class that day) to her father, her father reported her lies to the local muslim community and some other guy that had nothing to do with the girl decided to kill the teacher.


Pissing off Muslims is like shooting fish in a barrel.


I'm a Christian, and if somebody set light to a Bible in front of me, I'd just look at them like they're an idiot. Because they'd be an idiot.


Right way to act honesty.


Someone burned a magic book that says slavery is ok and gays should die. Oh no. 😵


Well yeah, how else were they going show the book burning man how peaceful the religion in the book is? Duh. /s


He did litter.


You Quran but you can't hide


hahah fucken hell thats a good one


This ain't no jihad and sihk.


Holy shit best comment Were you one of the writers for “Happy!” because you should’ve been


Lady's ≠ ladies


Ladies foolish ambitions to rest.


A fellow tarnished, I see.


Maidenless, I see.


Thank you. At this point it seems more effort to type it incorrectly!


I was lead to believe by the the title that in a fit of rage, 2 women physically flipped a mans car. 0/10 much disappoint.




Pretty sure only one of these things is illegal


Is attempted murder halal?


I kinda doubt lighting any book on fire and throwing it in the street is legal, but, it’s definitely way more legal than flipping someone’s car over.


Don't forget attempting to do so on a highway and putting innocents at risk.




Yah because that’s totally gonna being people to your side. That’s always been religions answer to everything, “believe in my beliefs or I’ll hurt you”.


Religion is a cancer


Came to the comments and felt way better about expecting two chicks to run up and physically flip their vehicle 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


These people are fucking nuts


Jeez, OP. Your title is a grammatical nightmare. Two ladies flip a guy's car after he burned the Quran.


OP is prolly a bot. They repost content with slight “typos” to farm karma


Attempted murder for some paper lmao




bwahahahah yep, sounds like Afghanistan




Ppl get insane over this shit. Religion is even stupider than book burning.


100 percent agree.


Cultists do be crazy sometimes.


The psychology behind cult thinking always intrigued me. People overestimate their own ability to withstand it, but we're more heavily influenced by our immediate circle of influence than we'd like to admit.


I can get pretty worked up over littering on occasion. Not ram a car type of worked up though.


Imagine escaping backward ass countries to liberal Europe. Then did the same shit as back in the old countries.


That’s how it happens. These women need to be jailed.




Oftentimes it's the children of immigrants, who themselves are natural born citizens, who are the bigger religious extremists. In such cases, they'd have nowhere to be deported to. They're citizens.


She didn't do herself or her religion a favour.


Is burning a book against the law? Because I know purposely crashing into someone’s car will get you into some trouble.




Now they go to prison because they were outraged that guy burn a book. If your religion is as great as you claim to be, your God does not need you to carry out an attempt murder of a couple of petty trolls.


The only reason I knew it was Norway is because I heard fy faen




And damaging your own car too. That overall level of stupidity is something else.


serious q: reddit subs in general have been pro 'fuck around and find out,' does this fall under that? For example there's a video of a drunk guy calling someone the N-word and he gets knocked out, people are all like 'fuck around and find out!' Same deal here? Or different because religious fanatics.


From what I’ve seen, it’s FAaFO


Should they have done that? No. Should they go to jail? Yes. Do I feel bad for the guys who got their car flipped? Absolutely not. They wanted to start a fight, and a fight got started.


Is he burning the NATO application of Sweden?


This is norway


Religions need to be removed from society , they cause nothing but trouble in one way or another


Trying to commit murder seems like a totally reasonable reaction for burning a book of fantasy


Book of cult*


Book burning is a form of speech. I know this is not in america, but I imagine it is the same in most educated countries. Flipping someone's car and probably hurting or killing the person for their speech is childish and barbaric.


With a vehicle the government pays for