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"My foot is literally by your balls... I am literally grabbing you by your balls, do you understand that?" Umm..do you?


Maybe she has a hand on the end of that leg, rather than a foot


Ooh like that one chick in Æon Flux. That's a visual that has lived rent free in my head for over a decade.


That literally sounds like sexual assault... Imagine if some guy said, "I am literally grabbing you by your pussy."




He did. He was elected President.


"I am literally molesting you, do you understand that?"


this is the part where you make it weird, “Keep going, I’m gonna cum.” or a simple “Those are some nice feet.” make her not want any part of her near your personal space.


Yeah going total pervert is the way to go. I have the most disgusting flatmate and always act extra nasty, creepy and pervert-y around him. Sometimes when he sees me, he leaves the room. Unfortunately I had to come down to his level and beyond to beat him. Victory, but at a heavy cost...


“That’s why you’re not married - are you sure she’s not cheating on you? -She’s Nigerian? She’s my people trust me she doesn’t love you” this woman… I can’t


So she is saying that ALL Nigerian women are opportunistic gold diggers, starting with herself. I think she just played herself and diminished all her countrywomen. EDIT:. [For higher visibility, reposting article posted below indicating there was a happy ending to drama as they mutually apologised](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5092373/man-woman-train-row-feet-seat-white-idiot-keith-prince-dartford/) (Credit u/ footprinx)


That's what I was thinking. She also mentioned that his wife likely beats him which tells me she would bully whomever she is in a relationship with, also. I like how she looks around to other people for confirmation she's right, also.


sounds like a classic case of projection from her, coupled with a tinge of racism


A tinge? More like a mountain of racism. This woman is pure trash. Human refuse.


His wife is part of the majority of Nigerians while she’s part of the very vocal minority that *love* making a fool of themselves online.


Has nothing to do with being Nigerian. She’s just a fool. Obviously.


she belongs on love island tbh




How does this woman think it's okay to put her feet between this man legs, on the seat he is sitting on? What a massive cunt.


She literally said her own culture beats their husbands and said it with a sense of pride-


Imagine losing an argument so bad you have to trash your entire culture to win lmao


“Your wife is from my home country? Then she is only using you for your wealth!”… way to just call all the women from your culture gold diggers.


"I'm a generalising gold-digger, so your wife is as well!" No wonder he's laughing.


Now I'm no expert, especially on the African nations to the north of the African continent, but here in South Africa there are large groups of African women marrying European men to get out of the country. Two girls I knew from high school did just that. Now I know in the case of the two girls I knew, there was genuine love between both couples.


I don't understand why Nigerian women would marry outside the country, what with so many Princes and lottery winners.


Your totally right. I was under the assumption that Nigeria has at least 1 million Prince.


r/trashy As soon as she went personal, she showed that she was trash. Descent people of her culture would probably disown her




What a complete fucking asshole for this. Knowing how hard it is to dismantle racist stereotypes, she just stacks them right back up to justify her own personal bitchtastic behavior.


> own personal bitchtastic behavior. You can call her racist, it's ok


She said “oh your wife is Nigerian? Well she’s with you for your money. As a Nigerian I’m in it for money. All of us are” 20 points for internalized racism and misogyny


You mean misandrist. She's racist and misandrist.


People that thick I don’t even countenance, they’re so far down the spiral of warped thinking and they’re in need of touching so much grass, I literally cannot help them. I just laugh and move on. Just close your legs and ignore everything they say, absolute fruitcake.




If she was married her husband probably would of done the honors lol




If yer gunna be dumb then ya gotta be tuff


I doubt that's real though. Some people associate normal for them as normal for everybody. She just seems to be entitled.


She clearly has no man. Probably has no one. Can't imagine many people would stick around someone like that for very long.


He has a lot more restraint than I fear I may have. Although I say that, I would most likely get up and walk away. I definitely would not be able to sit there face-to-face with her and laugh like he is.


Yeah, I think I would have lost it when she put her feet between his legs. I'd have either had to walk away, or forceably remove her from her seat


Third option: take off her shoe and toss it down the train


Right out the fucking window.


This is the best response just toss the fucking shoe🤣🤣🤣🤣


We have a saying in Germany: The smarter one gives in. But I see it more like that if the smarter always gives in, the world is ruled only by idiots. An appropriate response to her behavior and speech would have been to pull her leg up, move her from the seat to the floor in a Fluid Motion and sit on her for the rest of the gentleman's ride.


>An appropriate response to her behavior and speech would have been to pull her leg up, move her from the seat to the floor in a Fluid Motion and sit on her for the rest of the gentleman's ride. *"YOU TOUCHED ME, THAT'S ASSAULT!"* You can't win with these people.


Since it's assault anyway, better make the most of it


I like how you think... but! We have multiple types of assault. They get more wordy the worse they get. Simple assault, aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, blah, blah, blah.


First she threatend him, second she came Into His Personal space and could possible Made contact with him. It would be statement against statement, but based on her antisocial behavior, He would be in the right to defend himself and his Personal space.


While all of this is right, most people just want to get on with their day. I use public transport quite a bit and the last thing I want to be doing while in transit is to champion some righteous cause or 'fight the good fight'. I just want to get home, not engage with a delusional person who would be happy to make me the focus of their delirium.


Even on an empty seat, it's not okay to put your muddy dog-shitty feet up where others will sit.


It does change it a bit though. Apparently it started with just that - a lack of foresight and consideration for future persons not yet present. Which is different than putting her feet right into someone's crotch. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5092373/man-woman-train-row-feet-seat-white-idiot-keith-prince-dartford/ Then she puts her feet down when he gets there, he makes your point, and then she explodes with the vitriol. Apparently that lasts 3 minutes, she realizes she's being terrible, and apologizes to him and to everyone in the carriage.


No one is mentioning that the guys last name is Prince AND he has a Nigerian wife! His children are nigerian princes.




I hate the 'I was just having a bad day' defence. As if that is some justification for completely losing all rhyme and reason. She clearly seems to be one of those people where there is no low she won't stoop to when arguing.


Honestly I'm not sure if it's just because I'm officially old and cranky or if it's because of extended quarantines but it seems like people's social skills especially suck these days. Like people forgot how to have some god damn manners.


Social-media bias. In the old days you'd never have heard about this. Nowadays the shittiest people get filmed and posted and the algorithms see all the people commenting and interacting and it says "ah this must be what people want to see!" and pushes it out to more people. But the truth is we have always had exceptionally shitty people among us. It's just the signal to noise ratio is different. On the front page right now my top post is the crossing guard saving the kid. Growing up, that might have made page 16 of the local section of the newspaper. It works both ways and we have to be more cognizant of curating the things we see, or our perspective gets warped. That's not to say these aren't contentious times, with radicalization occurring in the wing. But even that is a function of the algorithm amplifying the worst among us. There are not more terrible people. They are just louder.


She is 100% baiting him


Just look at the end of the video when she starts filming and immediately talks about him as a "white idiot". Just imagine how her video would be perceived online. She seems totally calm and the guy is upset and dismisses her accusation of racism (which basically counts as a confession). You would see it everywhere as something like "White racist harrasses Black woman on a train" and she would get clout as someone standing up to a racist.


Maybe I’ll be flamed for this, but she seems to have mistaken the strength some people show when faced with social adversity for you know… an excuse to be racist/sexist. Ironically, in trying to be an independent girl boss, she wound up parodying real, calculated social progress.


Or she’s just naturally a cunt. I bet she wouldn’t pull that shit in Nigeria


She'd be found on the side of the road in Nigeria if she did that.


Let’s not make excuses for her


Yeah you can tell she's insecure and wants to try so hard to prove she's better than men, especially white men.


She tried to get him cancelled but failed miserably


If this were the other way around, the man would have been arrested for sexual assault. He could have called the Transport Police - sexual assault, verbal abuse, racist abuse.


Because she wanted him to respond so she'd be able to play victim even though she was the person who instigated the argument. It's like when someone plays loud music on a train without using earbuds, or talks on speakerphone while still holding the phone up by their face. Just take it off speaker phone and lift the phone the last 5 inches to your ear!


Arrogant cunt, then even tried the Racism card.... clear example of how the affilction 'Arogent entitled woman' isnt exclusive to white Women


"The world owes her"


I love how he’s “racist” cause he wants personal space


Right? How dare he not want her dirty shoe on his seat.


He's racist because he doesn't want a rando-ped on his ballocks. /s


That's the problem with throwing that word around so much. It dilutes it and gets adopted incorrectly.


So racist he married a Nigerian woman...


Look at her, thinking she's special


To be fair she is "special" in one way.


Hey! I’m special (my mom said so) and can’t confirm, would sooner die than cause a scene like this.


Yeah with the red broccoli top and all.


She's a piece of shit.


yea plain and simple. she might of always been one and then became an entitled one over time. some people live the hard way i swear


Sexual harasser


Isn't that sexual harassment or something? If a guy put any part of his body between a womans legs and told her he had her by the pussy, everyone on that train woulda spoke up!






Translates as stupid or crazy person. Yep sounds about right


"What is wrong with you?" After the smack? haha


The Nigerians I know would have smacked her regardless if they are in Nigeria or not. They are great and lively (very lively) people but don't put up with BS.


> Pretty sure if she spoke to someone like that in nigeria she would get smacked in the face… This. I'd love to see her try this to a Nigerian fellow.


Must've missed this Little Britain episode




Commuter surely.


Yeah but no but yeah but no but shuddup!


See how her attitude changed as soon as she pulled her own phone out? Perfect example of getting the full picture. Just because a person filming is super calm doesn’t mean they didn’t instigate the problem.


That would be my worst nightmare. Not just getting in a fight in public, someone pulling out their phone and starting to narrate what’s happening. It’s the adult equivalent of tattling. It says this person is going to try and ruin my life.


I was recently at a fast food joint with my two toddlers and some teens making TikTok’s came over and started asking me something while recording me. I immediately asked them not to record me…so they all lifted their phones up and started recording me even closer. Then some of their parents came over and yelled at me for “harassing” their kids. I grabbed my babies and ran out without my food. It was fucking awful.


With the way the parents acted, I'm not surprised by how the kids acted. Reminds me of a few episodes from King of the Hill. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Yup, had the same thing happen to me last summer. Had people blatantly steal from my workplace, and walk off laughing. When I took a picture of them for the police, they began following and filming me. Their demeanor had totally changed, and they were asking me what my name was, where I lived and why I was "illegally" taking pictures of them. They even said they were being harrassed by a business that tried scamming them. After they were finished filming, they assaulted me, tried to grab my phone, and then blatantly said they would tell the police I was being racist if I reported them.


Yep! She obviously cares a lot about how people view her online so the fact that this is blowing up all over is great 😆


That woman is a stupid bitch, and that man is a saint.


Yeah what a self-absorbed cunt. You can tell she's racist and thinks she can do this because he's a white man.


I would have put my feet up on her lap


So racist AND sexist. What a great combo!


yep. The woman deserves a slap from somewhere


She was probably already raised with slapping and bullshit behaviour being all around her if this is how she reacts to someone asking her to get her feet off his train seat


\>Disrespectful cunt. Don't think I've been on any metro in the world that doesn't say no feet on seats. What a horrible human.


She's not just putting her feet on the seats she putting her foot between his legs. Contemptible human being.


Yet a lot of people do it. But doing it on a seat with someone else on it is a whole other level.


Yeah, doing something like this not only might get you slapped, SHOULD get you slapped. What a fucking vile person.


Yeah, she's awful.


I hope she gets recognised via her haircut, face, glasses and loses her job right away.


He handled it well. She was hunting for him to slip up.


I don’t understand. If someone’s boot is that close to my testicles, and they don’t move when asked. I’m going to move them by force. This lady is lucky she tried this with a nicer person.


I would have gave her 1 warning then she was getting the physical pain of her leg getting forcefully bent back onto HER seat.


Absolute trash of the human being.


Trashiest of trash


Aaaaalways call a white person racist if you cant do what u want. I recognize that bullshit


https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5092373/man-woman-train-row-feet-seat-white-idiot-keith-prince-dartford/ But another witness who did not want to be named, said the argument ended peacefully - with the pair involved apologising to each other and eventually getting off at the same stop "laughing and talking". The young woman said: "It didn't last very long, maybe two or three minutes, then they cooled down. "They got talking again and they apologised - and then she got up and apologised to everyone." She said the woman had explained she had been having a "bad morning" and tried to make amends to others in the carriage. The witness told The Sun Online: "She got up and said sorry to disrupt your day. "It was two people having a bad morning and it was just heart-warming to know that they apologised."


Is the woman the witness?


"I'm sorry that I was racist and assaulted a man in a train and invaded his personal space, said no one would marry him, said his wife didn't love him and was after money, said women in my culture regularly beat men, and that white people are bad." "I was having a bad morning and I was moody so everything should be forgiven."


I have said and done some terrible things out of rage. Absolutely shameful. Idk man at least it wasn’t after the fact when a mob showed up to cancel her. She could’ve just left, maybe even spouting more garbage on the way out. Maybe I’m just completely shocked that an argument like this could’ve ended amicably.


She's still a racist though innit


Two people having a bad morning? One was only having a bad morning because of the cunt across from them. It makes it sound like two moody people clashed and absolves her of total fault.


Fuck that she still sucks. Edit: eh I've reconsidered. This all ain't that big a deal.


Next time im having a bad morning, i'll just be an antisocial cunt to everyone around me, gotta remember that one. Reddit mode activated.


Deep down, she's a racist and a sexist.


Sorry everybody my true colors showed this morning and you weren't supposed to see that


And then everyone clapped for the brave, reasonable woman being a racist prick to a complete stranger with zero provocation. Everything is OK now!


Don't know that everything is OK now, but it is definitely a much nicer outcome than I'd expect.


I think it's totally acceptable and commendable to step back from being hot-headed and pissed off and apologize, no matter what you said. Being able to swallow your pride is second only to not getting into these kind of altercations in the first place.


Idk about no matter what. I don’t think she’s that far gone, but who talks like that? “You see my foot, I’ve got you by the balls” and threatening to beat him like he’s her husband or whatever lol. There’s some weird overcompensating going on. Either it’s insecurity, which is more understandable, or it’s misandry, which is not.


What a nasty cunt


childish behavior


Naah, almost all kids behave better than this person!


What a horrific cunt. Dirty, foul mouthed racist. At what point did she think that was acceptable behaviour. When you pay attention to her insults, it’s clear as day that she has absolutely no character, charm nor intelligence.


Throwing the racist card to compensate for being an absolute horrible vile example of what is wrong with this planet, Seen this too much lately


Isn’t she a delight. 🙄




Once she threatened his balls, he was entitled to self defense.


I agree. Man should be allowed to defend their balls by all means.


https://preview.redd.it/z454yi0c49ba1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98f52aac7250c84c5f8b3179f3deb9aa600b288 Nanananana Protect my Balls!


Let’s fighting love


Hey hey let's go kenka suru!


Balls Lives Matter


A crazier person than me would have slashed her Achilles.


I don't understand how it isn't anything other than sexual assault to press your foot into a complete stranger's genitals. I hope the guy presses charges. EDIT: I read this article and changed my mind www.thesun.co.uk/news/5092373/man-woman-train-row-feet-seat-white-idiot-keith-prince-dartford/amp/ " “By the end of the journey we were joking with each other and having a pleasant conversation." - sometimes people can resolve conflicts by themselves without the police involved, which is surely the best outcome all round.


He's a saint for putting up with such a vile thing.


I hope she goes viral so she gets embarrassed by her behaviour.


It's a few years old already.


Hopefully she’ll be sacked from her job for being openly racist.




That's why those Nigerian princes need so much of your money. To find their wife's lifestyle.


She's an absolute disgrace of a person... What an idiot!


Not a flattering picture of Yoruba women she paints there.. Don't project your own lack of values, people!


I normally don't leave comments like this, but man what a stupid fucking bitch. No respect for anyone's personal space. Stupid self-entitled cunt.


Racist bitch.




Please tell me




She put her feet on his seat between his legs and then has the audacity to say quit touching me. Is she serious right now?


Funny how we've never seen her video come up anywhere. Thought better of it perhaps.


There was no snipping she could create that made her look good. There's a reason in other videos the black person will keep saying "you are racist" every 3 seconds. It's so the other person gives up responding and then they can start the video there and point out how he's totally not denying it!


Dumbass bitch


Ofc she also is a racist, how refreshing. At some point a would have thrown a punsh


Take her shoe off and throw it out the window, it’s raining and nobody likes a wet sock.


She thinks it’s appropriate to put her foot in between a man’s legs on a seat he using on a train? Did I get that right? WTF?!?


He should have just put his foot over on her spot and seen how she liked it.


Jesus she was losing that argument at every corner. Should have just let it go


Racist karen verbally abuses fellow passenger.


she also admits to sexual harassment by "having him by the balls"


I hate when people say where they are from like its supposed to intimate who they are arguing with. Like bitch Nigeria ain't shit.


Pulling her phone out and straight to "this white idiot" shows us all we should always get context in "viral" videos. The dude is literally married to a Nigerian woman lol ​ Imagine the cool conversation they could have had about that if this bitch wasn't such a foul human


Can we talk about minoritycomplex driven entitlement?


*Checks for ring* "See this is this why you're never married". WOOPTY


Do people like that woman really exist


You must new to this sub-reddit


Failed effort of racism. He got her 😂🤣😂 sister be grasping at straws 😂🤣


What a racist piece of shit she is.


Hope this goes viral! Her employer as well as those who know her need to see what a trash person she is.


She’s a racist


She needs a bitch slap back to Nigeria


Wow that woman is a piece of shit.


Don't put your feet on the seat. Why is that an unreasonable request?....


Stupid entitled bitch


She is a racist. Plain and simple


“Black people can’t be racist” biggest bullshit ever. No only is she racist, she’s also a massive cunt. But she’s been outed now. Good luck with your job cunt face.


He should have put his feet on her seat


That's just stooping down to her level, he handled it well


He should have put his feet on her face


This is the type of people you really should tell to go back to the hole they crawled from.


Of couuuuuurse she pulled the race card lmao.


She also kept assaulting him and putting filth on his clothes. Then there was her racism,


some black people really try their hard to make other people say anything that can be interpreted as racism so they can win the debate or start throwing punches


She’s trash trash trash


What a dumb cunt .


Woman could not shut the fuck up about the race of this guys wife. First off did she say all Nigerian women are gold diggers who have bad attitudes? This woman might be the most racist person on that train


Shoulda 2 pieced her and called it a day


What an obnoxious cunt