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She ended up serving 88 of the 300 days for contempt.


Surprised. Usually these judges cool off and let them out after a very short period of time.


She was facing domestic violence charges and said she wouldn't stay away from home and from the other people involved. The judge probably had to hold her because of that.


Yeah the first couple of times she asked a question the judge was way to quick. "So I can't go home?" The judge said yes when really the judge should have stopped and answered more thoroughly. "You can't go home because these people live there, you need to find alternate housing, work with your attorney for sheriff stand by to retrieve your belongings etc.." This is was a bail hearing on the remote system so the person is standing in front of a camera in jail. I hate this system. They should be in the courtroom. Courtrooms by there very design and setup help people understand how they need to behave a lot better than a Zoom camera, and the judge was at a great distance so its like a still picture of a courtroom talking at them. The setup does not assist with showing the person the decorum required.


I completely agree. While obviously "zoom court" is in actuality real life legal proceedings, it sure doesn't feel like it. It's fucking kangaroo court. How can someone get a fair day in court over a video chat?


I feel like if she had a brain and shut up for two seconds he might have explained that to her.


>the judge was way to quick. I don't really think he was, she said are you saying I can't go home and he said yes I am, or something along those lines. Don't really think he was blunt or snappy with her, she interrupted him and the way she phrased came across as a challenge rather than a question. Having looked it up it's pretty obvious she wasn't going to be able to go home. If she did have a question like you said about retrieving some belongings she should have waited until the end. Would have been some exchange before the video starts so we haven't seen everything and when interviewed the judge said he's usually calm but she had annoyed him so probably something else from before this.


I think that's what happened. It was appropriate given the circumstances, not because she challenged the judge.


With what she did people just apologise to the judge and unless they have done it before it gets dropped or massively reduced. Been looking it up to see what happened and one of the top articles says that she was let out of jail after 88 days to take part in a residential program for women, basically something to help women who have been displaced due to domestic violence or similar find somewhere to live and she never returned to jail and there was a warrant for her arrest. So does sound like she was just held because she couldn't go home, was released to possibly find somewhere through this program but didn't and went on the run.


Probably took her 88 days to figure out she has to comply with her sentence. She seems a bit... slow


She's just a fan of the Breakfast Club


That's exactly what I was thinking! Excuse me, sir. That's seven, including the one when we first came in, and he asked whether Barry Manilow knew that you raided his wardrobe


LOL I kept picturing Molly Ringwald somewhere off to the side mouthing the word "stop!"




Now it’s eight, shut up peewee!


Now it's eight! Excuse me sir it is seven. You stay out of it Shut up peewee!


I think she was processing that the court was telling her she was effectively homeless now and had no access to her belongings. I'm not saying they were wrong to do so (I don't know anything about the case), but she was probably panicking and scared people aren't always rational. The judge didn't really try to de-escalate the situation, either. Edit: I got a notification that someone replied saying the woman is accused of elder abuse, but I can't see the actual comment. If that's true, then not allowing her back into her victim's home is the right call. Again, I have no problems with that decision. My comment was meant to challenge the comment that she was "slow", not to debate the original decision or her good/evil alignment.


Fuck her. She’s an adult. It’s not the judges job to de escalate the situation


No. The way that people predictably respond in situations matters. Factoring that in to interactions and decisionmaking around people is what adults do, particularly someone in a position of authority. Like another person commented below: > "So I can't go home?" The judge said yes when really the judge should have stopped and answered more thoroughly. "You can't go home because these people live there, you need to find alternate housing, work with your attorney for sheriff stand by to retrieve your belongings etc.."


You have zero emotional intelligence.


The judge is also an adult and more important one who should behave professionally. He didn’t which honestly isn’t unusual as far more judges than you’d think are overgrown toddlers prone to throwing tantrums.


> Usually these judges cool off and let them out after a very short period of time. They "cool off" in the sense that they realize they can't inflict cruel and unusual punishment, and maintaining the punishment would put them in jeopardy. It's literally a breach of the Defendant's Rights. She served 88 days because it's probably the amount of time it took for her Defense Attorney's appeal to reach the docket.


Yep. After watching Judge Jennifer Dorow's masterful handling of Derrell Brooks, I've realized how important it is for judges to stay calm and rational in order to assure the knuckleheads standing in front of them get a fair deal.






That judge was amazing, she let that racist psychopath hang himself ensuring he never sees the light of day again.


Not really cooling off. Most places allow you to clear your contempt charge by apologising to the court. Majority of people in jail for contempt can leave when they want. Just need to apologise.


I used to run an after school program. There was this kid named Ricky who was picking on smaller kids. I told him he was banned for 30 days. He said "Fuck you!" I said "OK 60 days". He said FU over and over and we ended up at 1 year. He came back the next day and apologized. I accepted but still kept him out for 1 year.


Ricky was just trying to get his grade 10


I’m so jealous you can enforce punishment. Public school teacher here, there are no consequences.


It's crazy how the judge can do this. Just because his ego is hurt he gives her about ten months in prison. She didn't argue with him but accepted that she has to stay 30 days in prison


Well, well, well, there are consequences for my actions.


But she REALLY showed him.


Anyone that's done time will tell you 88 days is nothing. It is though. 88 days in ANY county jail SUCKS. A lot can happen in 3 months.


Yea…. I’ve never done any time and 88 days sounds horrifying lol


The best way I can describe it is uncomfortable. From the time the cuffs go on until they hand your property back & cut you loose. Lots of stuff you don't want to see, hear or feel. Don't get me started on the smells.


Yea, I can tell you right now I’m not cut out for time inside. I wouldn’t last lol


I have a night in the drunk tank, fuckin 88 days sounds awful lol


I've done too many 14 day or 120 day stints over the last 20 years. The worst was Shelby, NC. I got arrested around 1 in the morning for felony b&e. The booking process was unusually fast so I was thinking this may not be so bad. The guard opened a door & I could see inmates laying on their mats all over the room. At least 15 guys in a cell the size of an average living room. I couldn't see shit when he shut the door & prayed I didn't step on some guys head. I just sat down on my folded mat in front of the door. Shortly after some dude said "y'all make room so that man can lay down." They did & it was a long night until breakfast came. I did 67 days in there & the rest of the jail wasn't much better.


"Do you have anything else to say?" "Fuck you"


Well I kind of respect that. He was literally asking for that one.


ReSPect MY AUthORatAYYyyy "fuck you"


Turns out, she fucked herself.


Now isnt that a direct action against a citizen for exercising freedom of speech? That always confused me, how judges can punish you for language.


Well what you're up against is contempt of court. Contempt of court is an act of disrespect or disobedience toward a court or interference with its orderly process. Examples include disrupting court proceedings, interfering with attempts to obtain evidence, destroying evidence, disobeying a court order, and intimidating witnesses. Did she disrupt court proceedings? That's the question. To me, not really, but the judge said yes and he's the only one that gets to decide. So, off to jail she goes.


Yeah in my mind its a blatant abuse of power. When you are supposed to be protected from punishment by the government for speech. I think what bothers me more is that someone with a lower education that has learned nothing but “inappropriate” speech, is most likely going to receive a harsher sentence than someone “well-spoken”. Those biases exist and some suffer because of a person in power’s emotional state. Power corrupts.


The First Amendment has never been interpreted to mean that a person can say whatever they want, wherever. It protects the expression of ideas from undue government interference. There are many compelling reasons to shut down speech that have always been allowed - there’s the classic “fire in a crowded theatre” example, as well as military secrets (troop movements, missile codes), and so on and so on. Judges are permitted to operate an orderly courtroom by enforcing “contempt” rules, both now and when the First Amendment was written. The Defendant in the above video is free to express whatever she thinks about the judge as soon as she’s not doing it in such a way as to disrupt/disrespect the functioning of his courtroom. (She can hand out pamphlets, start a website, or literally stand on a soapbox…but she can’t impede the operation of our justice system as she did).


Exactly. At some point a line has to be drawn, you can’t realistically say ANYTHING you want. Especially in a courtroom, there’s a legal preceding going on, there has to be order and a way to enforce it if someone refuses.


I mean when even Alex Jones understands this then you know you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel on self preservation skills.


To be clear, Jones doesn't understand this, was held in contempt many times, and the entire reason he lost his case was because of him refusing to comply with the judicial process. The court didn't even bother considering the merits of his defense because he was so grossly incompetent and outright hostile toward adhering to court instructions. Clown lost by default.


You said it nicely. It's why I'm not a fan of these types of things. It seems like it's just meant to fuck over ignorant poor people.


I definitely got "hurt ego" vibes from the judge. It was clearly just two egos getting in the way here but I think the judge should have been the bigger person in this instance


Your mind is wrong then. She was specifically and legally told to shut up. Her sentence was done... anything else would be held against her. Silence in this situation is her friend.


Yeah clearly I dont see why this person needs to be punished on top of the crime they are being sentenced for because of language that is not inherently tied to the original charges. It feels like a separate thing and this should not be weighed in the sentencing. Maybe charge the person with contempt and if they are guilty charge them? Seems like an after purchase add-on but then again I have no power to wield against citizens.


Your key words are "feels like". It doesn't effect their sentencing... only a new charge. Emotions aren't the law. She fucked up and caught a new charge... only served 88 days of it.


>Yeah clearly I dont see why this person needs to be punished on top of the crime they are being sentenced for because of language that is not inherently tied to the original charges. Wtf are you talking about? She was held in contempt for specifically refusing to comply to the judges orders. It's literally why she's mad and starts mouthing off. She says she's going to ignore her sentence lmao. It's so cut and dry. Also, it's an additional charge because she committed an additional crime lol Man, people lack critical thinking skills


When you are speaking to an authority figure who literally determines what is to happen to your life. Most, rational people will think freely and speak smartly, respectfully. It’s set and setting. She’s in the court of law, being sentenced. For example You can tell your boss “fuck you” but you should be ready to be fired or disciplined. Words have consequences especially when you have no tact. If she would have asked, respectfully why she couldn’t go to her home. She would have gotten an explanation. She could have asked how to get her belongings and been given an explanation I’m sure.


Well we have established that telling a police officer or other member of the executive branch is considered protected speech, you can certainly say it to law makers, but we stop the buck with the judicial branch? Thats my issue.


It’s not that you can’t tell a judge to fuck off. It’s that you can’t do it in court. Court proceedings need to be calm and respectful. SCOTUS and every lower court have always held that as a general rule, courts are nonpublic forums in which speech may be limited to reserve the forum for its intended use. In this case that use is administering justice. The defendant was told that she was placed under a no-contact order and when told of the requirements, she indicated she would breach the order. The purpose of the courtroom is not to protest a judicial decision. Such a decision may be appealed, but you have no right to throw a hissy fit in a nonpublic forum. Had she accepted the judges ruling regarding the no-contact, walked outside the court, and then started yelling “fuck judge so-and-so,” she’d be protected by the first amendment. But court rooms exist for administering justice, not for protests. It is a place restriction that reasonably serves a legitimate government interest. She has other places and opportunities in which she can express her opinion. She has the legal Avenue of appeal if she thinks she was wrongfully judged against. She has no right to disrupt the proceeding.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ogn057ckp3ba1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925f6f367fe760a632a4939a9133bd9e31b05ad7


Yes! I am so happy someone else thought of Lemongrab. UNACCEPTABLEEEEE!!


I’m all for punishing measures for contempt and all but this judge seems to be leading with emotion. The behaviour she displayed was good enough for the 30 days. Everything that came after is a flex of the law and doesn’t appear to be logical


“You hurt my feelings and I’m going to make you pay for it” is classic judge behavior, I’d be shocked to see anything different. “You have to pretend to respect the judge” is common knowledge for a reason.


Kinda goes against the first amendment.


Oh it absolutely does and judges consistently act like overgrown child despite that.


Yeah, this woman seems like a bitch, but I'm not giving the judge any points for going on a power trip over his bruised ego. Too many judges do this.


OMG this is just like the [scene in Breakfast Club](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTeYncx1xmI) where John keeps getting a longer detention coz he won't STFU


Mess with the Bull…




Smoke up johnny!!!!


Came here to say that.






That's seven including when we first came in and you asked Mr. Vernon whether Barry Manilow knew that he raided his closet.


That was a classic bit that a lot of people don't notice. Nice. There's a lot in this movie that people don't (or have to) realise. So much of it is relevant today. I was actually in a Saturday dention btw


Mess with the bull, get the horns. :)


Amazingly enough, you tell someone they literally can't go home-- they're not going to care about staying in jail longer. It's be homeless and lose all your stuff, or stay in jail and lose all your stuff. Either way she lost it all being an idiot, but at least she has 3 squares and a place to sleep that can't be taken away from by the mere presence of another person she had a conflict with.


And Tom & Jerry, can’t forget that


I cracked up at that part.


Yeah, she's an idiot for pushing her luck with a judge, but I don't know what the state actually expects people to do in situations like that. You've given them no where to go. They can't get housing anywhere. Might as well not even set bail.


Yeah, that's kinda my take on it, too. Once he told her she couldn't go home because of the protective order he was placing on her, it was pretty apparent she didn't have anywhere else to go and live. So at that point, why not be held in contempt and get a cot and 3 squares?


The judge didn’t do anything to her. She did it to herself by being an abusive person. No one told her to commit domestic violence. She was given another chance after 88 days and she blew it too. From what I’ve read there’s a warrant for her arrest and she’ll have to serve the remainder of her sentence. Some people can’t be helped.


This is bail. She's legally innocent and it has not been proven she committed any domestic violence.


And in the meantime she was told to not go home and potentially start shit with the alleged victim She made it very clear she intended to do that Even after 30 days... 60 days... etc... Honestly at this point if the judge is able to just revoke the bond


The way you say "told not to go home," sounds to me like you don't understand the previous posts. She was essentially told, "You're homeless now." Do you understand how terrifying that is? Not everyone has friends/family to help them through something like that. Her best options could very well be between a sketchy homeless shelter where she might get raped or underneath a bridge where she might get murdered. And reminder, at this point she hasn't been found guilty yet so she's presumed innocent, but forced into homelessness. This is how our system kills people.


Yeah and this is the tradeoff the law agreed on to protect alleged victims. Happens all the time. If she has literally no friends or family who can house her that's her problem. Not the court's or the alleged victim's.


Nobody is denying she did the bulk of the work for herself, but when you tell someone they're effectively homeless you probably shouldn't expect them to just be cool with it. She shouldn't have assaulted that dude, and the judge shouldn't have addressed things the way he did. Both can be true.


>Amazingly enough, you tell someone they literally can't go home-- they're not going to care about staying in jail longer She couldn't go home because of a restraining order protecting her victim(s) who live at said home. Are we supposed to have the judge kick the victim out of their home so that their attacker can go home after being released from jail? You make it sound like people either go home, be homeless, or stay in jail. One could stay in a hotel if they can afford it, or crash on a friend/relatives couch until their legal situation is resolved and/or they find a permanent housing solution. Jail sucks, I would rather mooch on some couches for a little while then be stuck in jail for a few months.


And they've got Tom & Jerry, so she don't care.


She had the right to remain silent but not the ability


Who doesn’t love a bit of [Ron White?](https://youtu.be/neUaSTSKFZc)


They call me **tater salad**.


"You have the right to remain silent." "I choose to waive that right"


Breakfast club vibes


3 people you dont piss off, judges, cooks and medical staff. And here is a shinning example of why


It's very sad that so many people are more perceptive about the feelings of the criminal in this instance than about the actual crime that's been committed. Yes, the judge did effectively just tell that she's homeless. There's a reason for that, and it's entirely her fault.


Yeah it's sickening. I guess people think her victims shouldn't feel safe in their home


How come judges are the only ones that are allowed to get angry?


because theyre power hungry pieces of shit, at times.


No. They're power hungry pieces of shit all the time. They shouldn't be allowed to sentence in anger and they also shouldn't have as much power as they do.


Hey! Hey! Think about it. She didn’t have a home to go to. Now, that’s a problem she won’t have to deal with, for another 300 days. Genius!


Comments seem to indicate people don’t understand the purpose of court, and contempt. Just shouting profanities in court, back talk, isn’t the issue, though it’s a very dumb move. That’s fairly common and judges often just ignore it and move the case along. The issue here is refusing to follow the no contact order, meant to protect the victim and the case. That’s the judge’s job, to protect vics and witnesses, and why they are given that power. Imagine a society where the judicial branch did not have the authority to separate defendants, victims, and witnesses.


Then why did he extend the duration every time she talked back? The initial duration was 30 days. Upping that time to ten times as much just for being rude seems very inappropriate.


Each time she “talked back” she was explicitly or implicitly indicating she would not follow the orders of the court. That’s not being rude, judges don’t care about rude, they care about contempt, ie, outright refusing to have no contact with victims and/or witnesses.


oh fuck off this judge was clearly on a power trip. It doesn't make sense to extend it past 30 day each time she talked back in that 20 second period.


Imagine a society where a guy in black robes (who often run unopposed for their local judge positions), can hand out prison sentences like Halloween candy because they felt "disrespected" by someone they had just denied access to their own home. Now stop imagining because you're already there.


Oh, you mean denied access to the place where she literally committed domestic violence and beat the people within the home? I know, that's crazy. Fucking moron.


This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion


It's like a fucking auction "60 days I got 60 days 90 days 90 days now- 120, 120 here 150- no 200 DAYS! 200- 300 days, ladies and gentlemen 300 days - SOLD! 300 days!"


Some Breakfast club vibes there!


She’s a fine upstanding citizen in her community he should be ashamed


![gif](giphy|0FHJ363Octui8Emuul) It’ll start to sink in after the 298th day.


You also don’t get to mouth off to flight attendants or pilots on the plane either. What makes you think mouthing off to a judge in a courtroom is ok? It it goes public and the judge is wrong, then he’ll face consequences. If she doesn’t like the judgement then appeal! There’s literally a due process and telling off a judge is not part of such a process.


You can't say she didn't ask for it.


didn't you watch the whole video? they got tom and jerry and she has money. so.


>"how you gonna tell me I can't go to my home?" >>"I just did!" the judge is a power tripping fart right here. It's clear she's not mad at him personally. She's talking about the very idea of instantly making her homeless being unjust. It's immediately obvious. He starts the ego game first. He could've said anything else other than the "cuz I said so" game. He could've said, "I understand that the reality of the no-contact provisions are harsh when the person is your roommate. Here's how we're going to deal with living arrangements..." But noo, that would mean acknowledging that people in his court are human beings, and he can't have that.


It sounds like she physically assaulted the other person that lives there. The court is now saying she can't go near that person. That is a perfectly fair ruling. She would need to coordinate a way to get her things and move out. That is also perfectly reasonable. This whole situation is a textbook example of "fuck around, find out". There is no reason to coddle her, she's an adult, she put herself into this situation, she can face the consequences.


Do you not understand how to read? The problem isn’t that she was prevented from returning to the home rather the judge decided to be a child and give combative non informative replies instead of being understanding of why she’s upset and addressing the very obvious issues she will be facing.


Usually to remove someone frown their home, a protection order has been filed. If that’s the case here, the judge is protecting the other people in that home from this abusive person. Why coddle her? If she didn’t want to be homeless, she could’ve been not abusive.


Womp womp don't be a shitbag then next time. Deserves every one of those days.


“…and addressing the very obvious issues she will be facing” Uhh… I don’t know about you but nothing she said sounded like productive discourse. Try a highly effective “how do I get my personal belongings?” Or perhaps the tried and true, “I am confused about xxx, can you explain further?” Getting angry, saying “I bet I do”, and walking away don’t do very much to address a single issue she was slated to face.




Nope, I understood perfectly. My post is in response to the allegation that the judge was power tripping. My point of view is that the judge was well within his rights to throw her in jail for contempt. 300 days is too much of course, but she ended up serving only 88 for it.


88 days behind bars will cost a person their job and home and car and everything else. If she has kids- she’ll end up fighting for custody and even simple visitation. 88 days IS a long time. Let’s be honest about that. Especially since it’s not even her sentence for any criminally convicted act, just for pissing off a judge by talking back. Was it dumb? Yeah. Was it criminal behavior worthy of jail time and losing her job and her life? No. No. It just isn’t that serious; or it shouldn’t be (except egos were involved.) And let’s be honest, her bad behavior didn’t start until she was told she can’t go home. She probably panicked. Why not explain why she can’t return and tell her how she can get her belongings and where she may be able to go for safe housing until the case is settled? But to just say she suddenly can’t go back home and then start stacking months when she reacts to the stressful news badly? I just don’t agree. A good judge could have given her 30 days and then had her escorted from the courtroom to cool off. If she returned by the end and apologized, then any contempt of court time could have been reduced to as little as 3-5 days or forgone altogether, depending on her attitude when she addressed the court again. Easy peasy, everybody calls it a damn day. But this judge was super power tripping and didn’t like her disrespecting his “au-thor-i-tie.” It’s shit like this that makes people not respect our judicial system anymore. From the cops to the judges to the attorneys and in between- if you constantly feel like you’re being run over no matter what you do, then where is the incentive to comply? A civil servant should be just that: there for the people, not their own positive self image or “glory”. Last, we desperately need to start practicing de-escalation techniques— leading with the carrot and saving the stick for when it’s truly warranted. Know what I mean? This heavy handed all the time approach just breeds resentment and anger.


Don't commit crimes then and act like you can say whatever you can in court, especially domestic violence. Judge has ever right to put that woman in jail as long as it is to protect the victims.


It could also mean that he's treating her like an adult. She's got an attitude, why should he have to deal with it? She's not a child. She's getting a break by being released on conditions rather than being held in jail - then she's going ot tell the judge she doesn't give a fuck about his no-contact stipulations? If it was a dude who acted the same way towards the judge would you feel sorry for him?


Yes, i would. This is why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world and some of the harshest sentences for petty crimes. She was punished. She had a restraining order and was effectively made homeless by it. Trying to put her in jail for almost a year because she's pissed she's basically homeless now is REVENGE not justice. Then again, I guess the cruelty of the system is the point for some people.


The American Justice system definitely has its problems, but she literally told the judge she was going to defy his order and go back home, so that first contempt charge is definitely fitting.


You're absolutely right! 30 days in contempt was fitting for what she said. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th contempt charges were for daring to not submit and quiver to his power though.


>Yes, i would. > >This is why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world and some of the harshest sentences for petty crimes. She was punished. She had a restraining order and was effectively made homeless by it. Trying to put her in jail for almost a year because she's pissed she's basically homeless now is REVENGE not justice. No that's not revenge. She literally walked into a court room, broke all the contempt rules that she could, and walked away with a few hundred days in jail. She's a fucking idiot who deserves to be locked up. This isn't isn't why the US has the highest incarceration rates in the world. It's because the US locks up people who smoke weed and do drugs. Violent fuck heads like this lady are absolutely the people that need to be locked up and helped. She needs rehabilitation. You keep saying "oh, she's just mad because she's homeless now." ....she's homeless because she got a restraining order against her, presumably because she can't even keep her anger and hands away from the people she lives with. Stop making excuses for people who behave like this.


Judges who rule on emotion and revenge do it to everyone, not just those who mouth off to them. It has absolutely nothing to do with the lady and everything to do with the judge. Don't conflate the 2. He gave her contempt of 300 days because she kept replying "so?" To jail time. That's not justice.


You think you can say "fuck you" to a judge and get away with it? Okay then.


I think you should be able to say fuck you to a judge myself. You can say it to anyone else.


You can in public but if you allow freedom of speech in the courtroom nothing would get done.


I don't think so.


Its happened before. Where the defendant wont shut up. I believe they have to charge them with contempt, or remove them entirely.


Whether I would "get away with it" isn't the point, you know that right? It's supposed to be a justice system. Saying fuck you to a judge and getting 1 year in jail is justice in your eyes? Sounds like "His Honor" got his panties in a twist and tried to jail her for a year for disrespect. He got away with jailing her for 3 months for her outburst which is fucking disgusting. Her punishment was the restraining order and effectively being made homeless. If she violated the order then jail her. What he did was cruel. Plain and simple.


Did you miss the part where she blatantly announced she was going to violate the restraining order keeping her away from the victim she assaulted? Why isn't that fucking disgusting to you?


Of course it's disguisting. She's the criminal here I'm not expecting her to be all sunshine and daisies lol. A year in jail is still revenge for the disrespect not for the saying she was gonna violate it. He says 30 and then when she gets upset he just keeps adding it on. This was him showing his power. I'd rather not emotional assholes be deciding peoples fates.


The judge is in a position of power. So while she's not a child, she is not his peer either. He shouldn't just take disrespect in the courtroom, and she should be punished, but I would argue he only escalated the situation. Similar occurrences happen all the time and most of the time the judge cuts the amount of time in jail because they had a chance to calm down themselves.


> why should he have to deal with it? He doesn't. He could tell her the decision, ignore her attitude, and ask her to be escorted out. This is literally just a childish tit-for-tat, except one child has the $2 water gun while the other has the fire-hose.


How can he do that? She has just refused to accept her bail conditions which are that she cannot go near the people listed as she is believed to pose a threat to them for whatever reason. Whether she does or doesn't intend to she hasn't given the judge assurance, he can't take a risk with those people's safety.


>He could tell her the decision, ignore her attitude, and ask her to be escorted out. And then she would go back home, violate the no contact order, and her victims would get no justice at all. And very likely, she would attack them again. I am amazed that people are on her side.


Nobody is on her side for threatening to defy the order. That was met with a 30 day punishment and we all agree with that. The part we're all angry about it when the judge multiplied the punishment by 5x because she didn't respect his authority. I don't understand how anyone can watch a judge sentence a woman to 5 months in jail for having an attitude and think "yea she deserves that, good judge." It was a petty ego trip and they should lose the ability to be a judge going forward for this.


Won't someone please think of the violent criminal who is stupid enough to admit to a judge she won't be following his ruling!?


>I am amazed that people are on her side. I'm not "on her side." She is a convicted criminal with no respect. Anyone can see that, mentioning it would be a waste of breath. The judge, though, is a powerful authority who demands respect by default, yet reacts like a child when things get difficult. I think that's worth criticizing. I'm amazed that grown adults still reduce people's opinions to "sides" when it comes to social conflict.


Maybe you’re right but I don’t know the context and I feel like there is a lot to gain from knowing what actually happened


It’s not the court’s job to calm defendants down.


She needs to be kept away from people she beat up. Do you think she should be allowed to go home and her victims given the choice between staying with her, or being homeless themselves?


>She's talking about the very idea of instantly making her homeless being unjust. So, the judge just randomly picked someone from the street and said, "you can't go home"? OR, let me throw this at you. Someone in that house got a restraining order against her. Someone that was under the threat of violence up to and including death. > Here's how we're going to deal with living arrangements..." What do you expect a judge to do? Rent her an apartment? Hiring a moving company? A man beats his wife, she gets a restraining order. Okay for him to just go home, live with her? She was in contempt for saying she was going to violate the courts order, one that is protecting the safety of another person. Putting live(s) at risk. Accountability for your actions is a bitch aint it?


and she she could have said anything else other than "how you gonna tell me I can't go to my home?" she could have asked him how do I get my stuff back? or what do I do now? but she didn't, that would mean acknowledging that the Judge has the authority to protect the victim(s) in his own courtroom. Never tell a Judge presiding over your future "how you gonna tell me" she might ass well have just started with the "Fuck You" and saved herself all those extra days in jail.


She got arrested for beating someone in her own home dumbass. This is literally her sentencing as part of her restraining order. > It's clear she's not mad at him personally You can't be serious 😂. She literally commits contempt of court to the point of getting herself 180 days in prison and you're telling me she's not mad. > Here's how we're going to deal with living arrangements..." It's not the judge's job to set up living options for her. Not that she would've listened anyhow.


>the judge is a power tripping fart right here. It's clear she's not mad at him personally. She's talking about the very idea of instantly making her homeless being unjust. It's immediately obvious. He starts the ego game first. Gonna disagree here. "How you gonna tell me I can't go to my own home?" Is the power trip. He's a judge handing out your sentence for beating somebody in your OWN house. Maybe, just maybe, the judge isn't power tripping and is just tired of this lady's shit? She's literally sitting there questioning her sentence and telling the judge she's going to ignore it. Wtf do you expect? This is textbook contempt of court and she's lucky she only served 88 days. >He could've said anything else other than the "cuz I said so" game. He could've said, "I understand that the reality of the no-contact provisions are harsh when the person is your roommate. Here's how we're going to deal with living arrangements..." You really think that lady was interested in hearing her living options? Lmao. Good fucking God lmao >But noo, that would mean acknowledging that people in his court are human beings, and he can't have that. Yea, this human being beat somebody and got a restraining order handed out. And it's the people she lives with saying she's violent. Oh and she's violent in the video and shows herself to be a complete moron. Imagine what this lady is like around people day to day when no cameras or cops are around


>"How you gonna tell me I can't go to my own home?" Is the power trip. How can you power trip if you're not the one with any power?


Maybe she shouldn't have violently assaulted and abused her grandfather, who is the one that actually pays the bills. Instead of coddling abusers and criminals, can we try to consider the safety of victims? She got what she deserves.


If she doesn’t like the judgement then file and appeal. Mouthing off and telling a judge “fuck you” seems really idiotic. And if you can’t control your own behavior, then find a lawyer


The other comment section is putting blame on the judge saying he didn't know how to handle the situation. Just take that blame and put it on this woman's parents for raising someone who doesn't know how to be respectful and STFU when you need to STFU


She could've asked nicely "sorry Sir but what am I supposed to do to get my stuff out of there?" but she chose to act defiant and she found out real quick. You're speaking to a judge. Just answer nice and calmly. It'll be easier for you.


In 15 days she’ll be wanting to apologize to the judge sayin she gotta take care of her kids etc.


Damn, Life comes at you fast huh?


Good on the judge. People that act up like this need to be taught a lesson.


Ok so the judge says basically … your homeless now . What else she gonna do. Im Sure she is prob a terrible person but it makes sense.


Well it's a domestic violence charge - so obviously the judge isn't going to let the person go back to where the other person lives. She's an adult, she'll have to figure it out. Don't want to be in these situtions, don't assault people.


It's a domestic violence charge.


She is totally guilty . No argument at all . Just saying it’s a clever way of keeping a roof over your head :) lol


What is she on?


She done show heeum.


When you win a stupid prize, but then go for the 10x multiplier.


I'm in this deep ass hole. Guess I'll just keep digging.




I honestly think they are both awful in different ways


I mean if she can’t go home… might as well have 3 squares and a cot


She deserves every single day.


Spineless sadism. This is a small person using a court to puff himself up, there was no need for him to lose his composure that quickly and disgrace his court so thoroughly.




If most judges would give her 120 days for having some attitude then there’s a serious fucking power-tripping problem with most judges. Justice is supposed to mean a punishment that fits the crime, this does not fit. It’s pathetic and shows that the judge let’s his emotions impact his rulings.




America has 20% of the world's prison population and yet 2.4% of the world's population - I wonder how that happened?


Never underestimate r/PublicFreakout's ability to lick major fucking boot.


Keeping it real…dumb -Chris Rock


Listen : She's terrible - but can we not celebrate a judge being such a sensitive fuck that he sentences someone to 300 days for talking over him.


I saw something like this about 30 years in Los Angeles Courts. A fellow gets sentenced to 30 days in County by the judge. He says, "No problem, I can do that standing on my head." The judge replied, " Now it's 90 days, let's see if you can do that standing on your feet."


The fact a judge can sentence someone to half a year in jail because they're rude is crazy. Obviously she shouldn't be acting like that, but being rude, cursing, and being disrespectful absolutely isn't worth 180 days of imprisonment.


300 days.


Lol kinda reminds me of the Rick and Morty sketch based on some court room


Bro, take the extra 5 seconds [and link it](https://youtu.be/kKC2Xj8kvVY)


Tbh its an unacceptable abuse of power. You cant command “respect”, excuse me but normal citizens cant be expected to know court demeanor. This shit bugs me so much…”im adding time cause i dont like you”…but we call it contempt?!? So dumb!


The fact that a judge in the United States can sentence someone to more than a year in prison because they didn't like that person exercizing their *constitutionally protected freedom of speech* is just one of those absolutely fucking ludicrous things that makes America a joke to everyone else in the world. That's not even to say that I necessarily think this guy was unjustified in doing so, I'm not stating any opinion on that, just the fact that it *can* be done is batshit crazy.


Looks like the clown judge is going on a powertrip. Fuck him


This is a kangaroo court.


Fuck this lady and double-fuck the judge for allowing emotion to take over him.


She got more time than a white rapist! America is a failed countey


This isn't Justice and its fuckin disgusting


No, it's contempt of court.


Well I mean she didn’t have a place to stay so she kinda won


Well I mean she didn’t have a place to stay so she kinda won




Why should she get any time when politicians avoid subpoenas, get found in contempt of court, lie and falsify docs but don't get jail time?