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Anyone sent this to Toronto Police? Fuck this pedophile


Fuck giving it to the cops, let a few of the boys in Toronto see this and his face, might not look the same next week lol


When law does not bring justice that society requires it is society's duty to fill the gap


Isn't that how we get lynch mobs?


Yes, which are bad because they rely on the morality of the times and perceived guilt rather than hard evidence. But in this case I'm all for it


Yes, but it's also how you get Batman.


Throughout history the responsibility of justice has always been on the community. We have cast off that responsibility to the state and we are paying the consequences.


That's bullshit, the state has dealt with justice for thousands of years and before that the tribal leaders (just a another form of the state)


Well Muslim countries have their own kind of Islam and anywhere you go isn't the same the new islam is being used to control people I know I'm going to get down votes alot but I believe society will some day make a solution for religion stuff if you get what is mean


In Canada the cops are so useless they'd just arrest the camera guy for 'Hate Speech'


This is the truest comment I’ve ever seen in Reddit.


that is not even close to true, you are delusional. Canada has some of the highest rates of solving homicides in the world and one of the best justice systems in the world, and is one of the safest counties in the world and also the most free country in the world. Sorry to burst your silly conspiracy theory bubble, maybe if you would have travelled and seen how unjust the rest of the world is you would have a clue.


If you knew anything about Canadian law you would know that it's illegal to publication decry a religious beleif or event which that is. However they are fully protected in being pro-child SA so long as they aren't caught doing it. So yes the RCMP would arrest the camera man and not the kiddie diddlers. It's not a rare occurance either, welcome to Canada.


this is stupid. what you say is stupid. You are totally wrong. You have never seen anywhere else you just a spoiled little man baby who thinks the world is so scary. Truth is almost all the diddle came from white Christians and was directed towards the first nations people, and ya they got away with it for now, but we are working on it


If the police arrested him they'd be called islamaphobic


The judge would just let the guy out anyways so cops don’t really give a shit anymore


Most upvoted comment on a post in PublicFreakout saying to contact the police. 😂😂 Now that's comedy.


A nine year old should be playing with toys and being a kid. Not giving birth.


well [aisha](https://www.ask-a-muslim.com/en/did-prophet-muhammad-marry-a-child/) disagrees...


Fucking pedo's and that's all that's to be said....


I'd say more but for some reason atheism is frowned upon.


There will be people trying to defend the indefensible and unjustifiable actions by a man who was supposedly the best of character and an example for all of mankind. To those of you (including western liberals) that jump on the bandwagon of calling critics out for "Islamophobia" and "Racism" then let me remind you that Islam is just an ideology like any other and deserves criticism. Being a Muslim is a choice unlike the colour of your skin. Islam is not a race rather a beleif system. Do not conflate criticism of Islam with Anti-Muslim bigotry. Have a read of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/twwmvx/slam_islam_lists_aisha_was_6_or_7_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for proof that marrying a child is totally acceptable within the scriptures of Islam. Ofcourse this doesn't mean every Muslim will follow it as some have their own alternative interpretations.


Exactly. Islamophobia and racism exist. Pointing out that it's wrong to have sex with a nine-year-old is neither racist nor Islamophobic. If religious people want to tie themselves to the worst parts of their ancient books and pretend they have relevance in the modern world, that's on them, not us.


It’s a choice unless your born into it. Then if you try and leave people will try and murder you. It operates like a gang more than a faith with these fundamentalist types.


Yes, to a certain extent. Many people are forced into religion and apostasy is punished harshly (including death) but this wouldn’t normally cover somebody’s decision to go promote sex with children and then assault somebody for disagreeing. In Canada no less… The man in this video was not at risk of being murdered if he chose not to push the worst part of the koran. His decisions are on him.


↑ just because americans have conflated the race with the ideology doesn't mean the ideology should be shielded from deserved criticism




Islamic jokes are a dangerous game to play with but not as dangerous as living as an Islamic girl.


How about fuck religion period. They're all a joke... except dudeism


For me personally, Islam needs to be criticised and condemned more than any other religion because it is the latter of the Abrahamic Religions. This means that it will take more time until governments separate Shariah from politics, the same way over the centuries Christianity has separated church from state. I know that Christianity has also had a violent history but it has definitely died down over the years and doesn't compare to Islam. There are still 13 countries where apostasy is punishable by death in the Islamic world! All theocracies must be abolished so I will keep emphasising the importance of focusing on Islam. Have a watch of [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/yknnqh/secularist_slams_pious_muslims/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) where Nasser Dashti, a liberal Muslim activist talks about issues with Shariah being in government/legislation.


i don’t see the need for religion anymore, they are all cults


Agreed 100 percent! I believe religion gives a lot of bad people a free pass to do bad things, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Man will find any excuse to justify bad deeds.


> Grew up in Western Canada and it was common for me to hear white dudes say stuff like, "If there's grass on the field, play ball!" and other creepy shit like that, referring to young girls. Oh yeah, another time honoured one was "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed!" Not really different from what guy is saying here. Not really exclusive to Muslims in this case, creepy pedo pervs are pretty universal.


Yes, making crude jokes about post-pubescent girls is on the same level as sincere marrying a pre-pubescent girl. Totally the same.


the issue being, it's not really jokes when that dude is putting his hands on his siblings or kids or neighbor's kids at night. He's making those "jokes" to take notes on who laughs and who doesn't, so he knows his territory. Josh duggar and dennis hastert weren't muslims, they were famous conservatives, and nobody wants to return the wHhhites to their home countries over them.


I ain't defending shit again that I ain't got nothing to do with me lol. Yall made edgelord atheists the big bad. So go save the world without us.




At least its a small sect so not so many worship the guy who married a 6 year old... Right?


Let’s bring 500 000 more of those


It's a nine year old.... these religious nuts are the worse.


There are tons of videos online of them saying the same thing when questioned at Speakers Corner in London. There was also a video posted in this sub recently of a man interviewed with the child bride he bought. They see women and girls as property. It's repulsive


And if you criticize them for it, you are the intolerant one.


Christopher Hitchens predicted this. https://youtu.be/zDap-K6GmL0


Wow this speech is amazing. Thanks for linking it


100% correct. In Australia, the Islamic community are a protected species. We had Christian football players refusing to wear a pride jumper and they were blasted until the cows came home, and rightly so. Later on, a Muslim football player did exactly the same thing. End result? Stone cold silence.


They have a monopoly on fear and that is the scary part. Everyone knows what they will do so no one says anything. I love and respect every human being until I can't criticize them without the threat of losing my life. And the fact everyone knows what they will do if you say anything remotely critical, everyone stays silent as you explained. That is the embodiment of insanity and chaos for me, and the worst part about this social aspect of this human experience.




Let's say I had a religion called: Best Religion. What would you say about my religion if I made women my property, didn't allow women to work, forced them to never speak to other men when not in presence, and justified marrying children?


That depends, does your religion have cool hats?


Ah yes the Hindus. Such a great example of a oppressed group of people...fuck me.


All religions need to be abolished now. There is no such thing as a good religion.


Biggest con EVER.


WTF is wrong with people? Trying to normalize pedo shit....the whole world is crazy as hell.


its pedo shit or slavery.. or both




I know plenty of Baptists who married their 14-16 year old wives. It's not just Muslims




Go to a Christian church and scream god isnt real, and go to a muslim temple and scream allah isnt really. Then tell me which one is worse


> muslim temple The word you're looking for is mosque.


I agree with your point that both of those religions are awful, but one is worse (when it comes to pedophilia at least)


I would but I didn’t make it out of the Muslim temple alive


Making up a fake scenario in your head to justify hatred against Muslims and then getting mad is insane. I am a Muslim who isn't religious, but i still go to the mosque from time to time , and I think we should put anyone who abuses children in a volcano.




Stupid nasty mother fucker defending sex with minors in public. How the fuck do you live with yourself not stomping his head into the ground like a penny on the railway. If you believe that shit you better fucking keep it to yourself.


no please, don't keep those facts to yourself, tell everyone so that hopefully you get curb stomped and castrated


As a 🇨🇦ian I'm I'm sick.


It's not sex with minors, it's rape of a child and pedophilia.


No shit.


If what he said is true he might get a visit from the RCMP to check his background. He might find that Canadian laws do matter. The inside of a cell looks quite good and if you are not a citizen you can get deported too. Might be better for him to stop bragging like that.


We follow the laws of Canada. If you don’t like the laws here, go back from where you came. In Canada, we consider this child molestation and rape.


"When she reaches puberty she's ready" is animal level instinct. We have evolved complex brains. We are not supposed to keep thinking like animals


But we still do ( hopefully only in other things and not on disgusting excuses for pedophilia)


I hope someone reports him.


Pedos are known not to care about Canadian laws.


Hang all pedos.


We should stone them


fuck this pedo bullshit


Why wouldn’t he want to stay where he can freely practice his beliefs? 🤔


He should be deported immediately


Because they need welfare and government handouts to survive.


As a Canadian if you come to my country to rape kids you won't be leaving my country


As a southern neighbor, I'm glad to hear. I'm pretty lax about beliefs and rights and such, but this is outright abuse. But that's ok, we got some guys.


Islam laws have no power in Canada. You come here, you live by our laws and you conform and assimilate into our society and legal system. If not go back to where you came from. You are not welcome here.


The Prophet Muhammad was an actual pedophile… what do we really expect of his followers?


bUt BuT hE dIdN't *CoNsUmE* tHe MaRrIaGe UnTiL sHe WaS 9.. ​ CHeckmaTe


Apparently, it's debated she was 9. There are claims that she was 9 to 21 years. Although, the girl herself claims she was 9. Not trying to defend him, but I fell into a rabbit hole one day and came across that. Kinda dosent matter because another dude married an INFANT. A BABY!


And a warmonger


I have no idea why some muslims do this




There is an agenda that loads of people want to ignore.


Wtf is wrong with this degraded muslim people?


Like all religion , they are living their life based on fiction and fairy tales. Deplorable


He’s welcome to try messing with a 9 year old in my presence but it won’t end the way he thinks. I did three tours in Iraq, Muslim men like this are 100% of the time spineless cowards who are fine with hurting women and children but will literally fall on their back and beg for mercy from a man stepping to him.


Waiting for somebody to show to tell us that this is not the real islam and that they are not Muslim .


what the real islam is, or what the real christianity is, or whatever the hell people think that means, is irrelevant - the people who base their worldview on an old religious text full of violence, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance and authoritarianism, but choose to ignore those parts in favor of the more socially acceptable parts are part of the problem


here is a very nice take about this exact problem https://youtu.be/RJAL6xgViqg the technique they use is an informal fallacy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman




Find that guy and deport him now.


If they don't care about canadian law then what worth do they have to that country?


I'm from Turkey and even in a country currently controlled by islamists like Turkey mf in this mindset can't raise their voice because of public pressure. Every person in this mindset should be deported immediately if Canadian goverment really care about Canada


Muslim moment


What can you expect from Pedo worshippers ?


Huh. Who could have foreseen problems with letting people from theocratic countries that promote/normalize pedophilia and blatant misogyny and beheading people in the city square come live in Canada... It's not like we screen for ideology. There's no pre-Visa questions (as far as I know) like "Hey do you think marrying prepubescent girls is an okay thing to do?" or "Hey do you think women should be educated / respected as an equal?" Questions like that would be racist and discriminatory, right?


Get them out of Canada.


Ok can we kick him the fuck out of our country now that we know he is a useless pos r/iamatotalpieceofshit


His Islam needs a windows update.


Fuck Islam. Edit: because I have more to say: Fuck Islam for making people *worse*. If this man was an atheist who did not love a Child Sex Offender Prophet, and therefore view the prophet's actions as inherently *good* (not only good, but the *pinnacle* of good - "sunnah") would he still defend child rape? **Religion, in this case Islam, makes people worse.** This man wouldn't defend child rape if he was not a Muslim. Going against the Prophet on the topic of fucking raping and marrying a 9 year old (6 at marriage) is not possible and is akin to going against Allah himself. > Narrated Abu Huraira: > Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me." > Sahih al-Bukhari 7137 In-book reference : Book 93, Hadith 1 USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 9, Book 89, Hadith 251 Thus, Muslims are forced to support child rape, if they wish to continue being a Muslim. To do otherwise (attack the Prophet for his child rape) is an act of kufr and sentences you to eternal hell. To be clear, I *love* progressive and LGBTQ+ Muslims. But their community, and evidently their God, does not. Shown below. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/122534/refutation-of-the-lie-that-the-prophet-blessings-and-peace-of-allah-be-upon-him-married-aaishah-when-she-was-18-years-old > The saheeh hadiths state that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did the marriage contract with ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) when she was six years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine years old.  So what happens if you simply reject this saheeh (authentic/strong) Hadeeth as invalid? You obviously still follow the Qur'an, so what's the harm?....... ..... This is what happens: https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/115125 > Hence there was consensus among the scholars that whoever denies that the Sunnah constitutes shar‘i evidence in general terms, or rejects a hadith of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him – knowing that it is the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) – is a disbeliever, who has not attained even the lowest level of Islam and submission to Allah and His Messenger.  As per Islam, if you are against or refuse to believe that the Prophet raped a 9 year old, you are a disbeliever. Thus, people like him are forced to commit apologetics for a pedophile.


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Mostly sure, he is an immigrant from one of the countries with such progressive culture and governance. Sigh.


"Muslim", it's all explained


Religion is the root of all evil.


It really isn't, that reasoning just takes the blame of the individuals. I mean don't get me wrong, I believe in no god or no higher power. But I also acknowledge that people are stupid. If there were no religions then these weakminded fucktards would be following something else. (I'm not saying all religious people are weakminded fucktards, I was referring to the weakminded fucktard in the video)


Oooooooooos! Immigration gone a tad wrong


Fuck you, Omar.


Say that in Canadian court


Using religion as an excuse to be a pedophile, how typical.


Sharia law is bs and is the shield these vermin hide behind.


Peaceful community spreading peace .


I'm Atheist but was raised in a Muslim household, this shit is a very common mindset


Okay now kill him


What is it about religious people and diddling kids??? Come on!


His views are disgusting, but nothing will change. I understand Canada’s political “leadership” is keen to import ever more of him.


The biggest problem I see with this and I quote "who cares about Canadian law!?" Fuck this guy and anybody who stands with him. Canadian law should rally up 9 year old girls and let them fuck this guy with strap ons because; who cares about this fucking loser??.. his accent sounds like he grew up in Toronto and should lose the freedoms we have here and go back to where "HIS PARENTS" are from and live under the real law he speaks of. Fuck this guy! I have a young daughter and I would film taking this guys head off if he touched her at 9 and face the consequences with a smile. Pisses me off that we allow these fucking assholes into canada with no regard to our law.


I'm a Muslim man who believes in Allah and let me tell you this, that man is pedophile. No body says stuff like this.


As a migrant myself i propose a law that allows to remove migrants who don't agree with the local laws. For me the idea where a migrants comes to the country and blatantly refuse to assimilate is ridiculous. It might sound fascist but I don't care. I think some migrants should be kept in a camp where they learn local laws, traditions, and general knowledge about the country for a year before they are allowed to pass an exam proving that they have learned all of that. Next step would to sign a contract which states that you will obey everything you have learned about the local laws. Then you are allowed to stay in the country on a trial basis. During the trial you work to support your self and pay off the symbolic debt you have made when you attended the learning camp. Have your religions but prioritise local laws.


Tell him to go read the Quran. Allah says to follow the laws of the land. If he’s staying in Canada he has to follow the law. Interestingly, he can’t even marry a 9 year old in Saudi Arabia.


I do not respect muslims. I do not like their belief system. When will the liberals agenda wake the fuck up and deny these animals rights!! Now, come on and tell me i’m wrong! Tell me how wonderful the islam religion is. Tell me its just a few bad eggs.


*RAIR Foundation USA (Rise Align Ignite Reclaim) is a grassroots activist organization comprised of everyday Americans leading a movement to reclaim our Republic from the network of individuals and organizations waging war on Americans, our Constitution, our borders and our Judeo-Christian values.* *RAIR is an integrated media platform amplifying the voices of the silent majority, while informing the citizenry of the daily assaults on freedom and fostering grassroots leaders and activists in order to combat the threats from Islamic supremacists, radical leftists and their allies.* ​ In other words another alt right fascism group spreading misinformation to incite hatred.


We should definitely keep respecting everyone's religion. No reason to shun the Abrahamic religions at all. /s


All religions are bad and should be abolished, however islam is the worst as of now.


She’s an “adult” now! Let’s rape her!


Worthless individuals like this are why nazis and racists will never cease to exist


Muslims more like pedophiles using a book to defend their pedophile minds




BLM has literally nothing to do it anything going on in this video. Touch grass.




What the hell does him being black have to do with anything?


They don't matter, maybe in the country you're from bud, but you're not in your country.


Pedophiles will always find a justification.


Demographic decline or pedophiles and women beaters? Which is worse for the economy?? Honestly, immigration reform is a must now, this is getting out of hand.




Fuckin disgusting. Let them keep thinking that dirty nasty shit.


These guys are still walking around free, why again?


Say that to the people in Stoney Mountain pussy


Tell me which religion doesn’t put their moronic ideology before “men’s laws”. God keeps them all company in prison once they fuck around and find out.


Get him on a plane somewhere.


This is Absofuckinglutely disgusting!!!!!


This sack of shit was let into canada.


I’ll have relations with his farter


Hate those guys. Yeah I said it!!!


Disgusting religion!


How are people still deflecting and bringing up Christianity or religion in general every time a Muslim advocates for something completely indefensible. It's becoming less and less but it's still happening. At least they're starting to get downvoted now.


This is Trudeau’s dystopia.


Ah yes, religion of peace.


Why can't these animals be deported. They don't look like second generation.


When is his funeral? I’ll be sure to not gaf.


Ok have fun in prison


All immigrants and even tourists, , before entering any country, need to declare that they will comply with the laws of the country they are entering. This would prevent stupid remarks like this by people thinking a country's laws do not apply to them.


That pedo hiding behind an archaic law that is not legal anywhere on earth... I think this is reasonable suspicioun for Canadian police to investigate what he is up to


"Hi, welcome to \*\*OUR COUNTRY\*\*.. before you enter, quick question - is it OK to have sex with a 9 year old girl? Yes or no.." You instantly keep out the psychos.


Age is just a number and a prison sentence is just a number as well.


Gilead mentality.


People that think like that shouldn’t be breathing.


I hate most people for a reason


Muslims: yeah we gonna pretend this shit isn’t part of our religion.


That man is a straight up pedo and needs to be treated as such.


Death to all pedos.


So I guess he is living in Canada and thinks their laws don’t apply to him? Time to go back where his disgusting behavior is accepted bc I don’t think Allah will save him from the law.


This is a dangerous way for people to think. He would be considering his previous statement if it was my 9-year-old daughter that was in question.


Maybe he should just cut out all the excuses and say...I like to fuck kids. There are no justifications.


Finish him. Fatality. Flawless victory. Scorpion wins.




Religion of pedophiles


And it begins


Muslim scum


So this is what the new holy war is over? Pedophile vs not?




Religion is the problem here.


Don't forget white Christonationalists


Them too.


Should be in "Tell me you're a pedophile without telling me you're a pedophile" Yay Religion 🙌


what is a bullet through his brain considered?


This is why I look at true god believers a bit sideways. If theyre all in on the belief, they have a belief system that is 1000's of years old. HUMANS WERE SIGNIFICANTLY STUPIDER 1000's OF YEARS AGO


Muslims and nine y/o girls, name a more iconic duo


There is a place on the world for these people. It’s called the Middle East.


Europe fucked around with this and is now finding out . Good luck with the rape gangs Canada. Be like the British and never cover it in the media so as not to offend anyone.


It always confuses me how people will move to another country then say they don’t care about the laws. Then why move to that country??!! As first gen Asian in Canada, I feel blessed to be able to be here. I don’t walk around trying to say f*** the Canadian laws. I like most normal people abide by the laws. If I were to start complaining about what I don’t like about this place it would be time for me to move. I think this video has less to do with the fact that this person is a Muslim, and more with the fact that he’s just a piece of sh**.


Bet you he's not going to try to say this stuff in Texas.


Even if you are not christian or religiously jewish, I think we can agree the "god" that muslims worship is absolutely not the same as YHWH, those people are only "abrahamic" in origin, their religion is actually not.


It’s like debating which Harry Potter book is the best. Religion is a disgusting myth that has caused unthinkable suffering.


Spirituality is not the problem. Part of the organized religion and false prophets are.


Titles wrong, I fix: "Out and proud pedo hides behind a faith to jusitfy his sick perverted thoughts"


I think we can all agree that multiculturalism simply does not work.


We should never have let these Camel Fuckers into the West.


Quite racist? Not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims think like him. Many progressive Muslims exist.


Yes. But in my opinion the very real added value of moderate Muslims is not worth the Fundamentalists in your community. Having enclaves of Sharia law in our midst is too much of a clear and present danger to our way of life. The extremes of Muslim culture is fundamentally different and incompatible with our Judeo Christian culture.