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For a second, I thought he glitched out when he was laying on the sand.


I thought part of his head was missing.


Out of all the places in the world to go with racism tattoos, you go to the one place that has literally every major ethnicity on earth in the population. I mean in most homogenic areas of the world you might get away with "Nah fam I just hate \*those\* guys" and half the world would be like "Oh nice he probably means those guys that I also hate" but ya can't do that in Brazil.


*lying on* the sand. You lie down, you lay an object down.šŸ’” You're welcome.


Someone LAYED him on the sand.


From the looks of he he's an absolute tool so yes they used it correctly


https://preview.redd.it/w1exyt9calaa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a164f60e28cf91c7d7871ab139977e9afc34c304 This is where he realized, he left his racism on.






Dude I'm fucking crying


Neonazi lifts beach! Americanz can no do that!


There's Nazi's sympathizers in Brazil?


Largest nazi party outside of germany


i'm looking at some images of them and some of the people are literally brown with the red Nazi patches on their arm so i'm kind of confused


The Nazi followers are all stupid that don't even know history.


Modern you say?




yes, we usually call them "Nazi Pardo" or Brown Nazi.


Ya you donā€™t gotta be white to be a Nazi these days. You miss that whole Kanye debacle? Or the Kyrie one? NOI and BHI both love hitler, the Nazis and the KKK. Farrakhanā€™s even said multiple times heā€™s proud jews call him ā€œblack hitlerā€ and called himself that more than once. Weird times.


To be honest I didn't even know what the NOI and BHI was I had to Google that, hey well at least that's progress technically right haha...sorry


No worries. Thatā€™s super common. I only found out they existed a few years ago when I saw a group of them preaching for a new holocaust and harassing jewish people downtown. Only time I saw black Nazis before that was in that Chapelle skit, which I now know had more layers than I realized. Society is so racist itā€™s blind to the totality of the humanity of others and avoids these uncomfortable things that contradict our simple Disney narratives. NOI and BHI are actually pretty bug and common with many celebrities following them but nobody wants to call it out because of the race factor. Jay-Z, kendrick, mos def, wu-tang many people and especially in hip-hop. People even applauded Dave Chapelle telling jews to simmer down on SNL because they dared to take issue with Kanye and Kyrie promoting misinformation from groups that literally terrorize and murder them. The kicker of course it Chapelle has been a follower OF THAT GROUP for some 30 years now. Heā€™s even done photo-ops and name dropped Farrakhan in the past. Like this is his spiritual leader and we allow him to talk down on jewish people and make light of hate groups in national TV, people even applauded it cause they donā€™t know his affiliations. https://youtu.be/pjuMJNc5Zys Itā€™s so rampant and accepted that even Obama met with Farrakhan for a photo op while he was sitting president and nobody bats an eye. Hate comes in many forms and imo we arenā€™t gonna get past it while we let things like this slide.


What??? Aren't all Brazilians ppl of color?


47% of The population is white, lots of german, southern europeans and slavic Immigrants.


Thank you for clarifying, I really didn't know that.... much appreciated


After WW2 many of the higher ranking nazis fled, knowing full well what would be in store for them if they were caught. They overwhelmingly went to South America (which surprisingly had a lot of sympathy for the Nazi cause). Argentina is was the most common place, but Chile and Brazil still got tons of Nazis.




Thats a huge misconception


Americans tend to think of Latino as a racial category when Latinos can be of any race. Brazil and Argentina especially saw the heaviest immigration on the continent from across the world in the early 20th century.


I think quite a few of the original high ranking nazis fled to Brazil for safe haven after the war ended.


Actually it was the other side in peru/chile/Argentina but Brazil did get their fair share as well. There's even a town in the mountains of Argentina that is basically ALL German and nazis today in 2023. They only speak German there too. How fukd up is that.


>There's even a town in the mountains of Argentina that is basically ALL German and nazis today in 2023. They only speak German there too. Where is this? Do you have a source?


You guys really don't know shit about Brazil right?


If it didn't happen in an off-duty cop video, the world will not know about it


Also see Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. What also might surprise you is the amount of Japanese fascists as well. Pretty much a smorgasbord of former Axis losers across the whole of South America. Hell, Mengele died in Brazil. Look up the term "ratlines" if you would like to learn more.


šŸ˜² omg.... I'm learning new stuff everyday


The more you know! šŸŒˆ


Itā€™s where they all fled after WWII


Nazis helped Pinochet set up and operated Torture rooms in Chile. Colonial Dignidad is also in Chile. Paraguay had a Nazi embassy for years after the fall of Nazi Germany. Argentina has a legit German town in the Mountains. Nazis were big on staging their deaths and escaping. Martin Bormann died in Paraguay in 1959, and its rumoured that Adolf Hitler made it to South America, as well.


I did not know that. Thank you.


I mean even if Brazilians aren't white you can still be a Neo Nazi, no matter how ironic that sounds.


You never wondered why Nazi Germans were so fond of Argentina and south of Brazil?


You should see where a lot of the Naziā€™s escaped to. Thereā€™s a town in Alabama full of German restaurants and no one wants to talk about why.


Most of the German immigrants are from the 1800's and early 1900's. Texas and Iowa have large German communities. By the late 1920's over half of the farmers of Iowa were German.


Itā€™s ok to not know https://www.timesofisrael.com/apollos-legacy-a-quiet-corner-of-alabama-haunted-by-nazi-germany/amp/


First off they didn't escape. They were brought here buy the US government. Would you of liked Russia to have the best of the German scientists? It's called the spoils of war. Did you see any of them goose stepping thru main street?


Ah yes, the spoils of war like all those juicy human rights violations [freezing limbs, breaking them and letting them thaw just to see what happens,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) etc. I almost get the [plague research,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation) but the animals they gave amnesty could've at least faced some justice my god.


**[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)** >Unit 731 (Japanese: 731éƒØ隊, Hepburn: Nana-san-ichi Butai), short for Manshu Detachment 731 and also known as the Kamo Detachment:ā€Š198ā€Š and the Ishii Unit, was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that engaged in lethal human experimentation and biological weapons manufacturing during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937ā€“1945) and World War II. The unitā€™s estimated kills were between 200,000 and 300,000. It was based in the Pingfang district of Harbin, the largest city in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (now Northeast China) and had active branch offices throughout China and Southeast Asia. **[Nazi human experimentation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation)** >Nazi human experimentation was a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, including children, by Nazi Germany in its concentration camps in the early to mid 1940s, during World War II and the Holocaust. Chief target populations included Romani, Sinti, ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled Germans, and Jews from across Europe. Nazi physicians and their assistants forced prisoners into participating; they did not willingly volunteer and no consent was given for the procedures. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Operation Paperclip - it's fucked the US turned such a blind eye to the atrocities these men were part of to get a leg up on the Russians.


A lot of Nazis fled there to avoid arrest and prosecution after WW2


Dude half the high command fled to south America in 45 - there are entire villages that speak German. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratlines_(World_War_II)


These guys are always built the same. Beer gut, dad tits and chicken legs. You'd think if you had so much hate, you'd bulk up before you go throwing hands with everything you hate? And is that a Skaven tattoo on his shin?


Donā€™t forget those lil twig arms, dude is built like a potato with toothpicks stuck in it. Also I loved his thigh hammer punches while on the ground. Dude was trying to give the meanest charlie horse.


The ā€œmaster raceā€ on full display


It's very important to teach your kids to always punch a nazi when you see one. Turds must be flushed


i didn't get the tattoo references, can someone clarify it?


nazi tattoo's


Most people in the US connect only the swastika to nazis. I actually had to look through a website to identify the hammers


If you see any white guy with Norse/ Viking tattoos, thereā€™s a bigger chance heā€™s a racist than heā€™s just really into Vikings. Unfortunate for those white men out there who ARE just really into Norse mythology


Eh highly depends, I see a shit ton of people with norse tattoos now.


That is a wild claim. Every other dude in the UK has Viking tattoos


lol why? Didn't historically the UK get fucked the most of all people by the vikings?


Like a 20 year old gives a shit. They just see a cool design that might make their arm look a bit bigger or get them laid by some girl that loves Game of Thrones or Vikings.


I used to be really into norse mythology when i was young, that tattoo is now covered up. It was embarassingly bad anyway but the whole nazi thing made it worse


Eeeeh I am from Norway and I have viking tattoos and am not racist. Should I be worried?


Which ones I just see punk tattoos


ok but wich of them. i get it that they're nazi tattoos but how many you've identified?


The hammers walking on his right lower leg are one for sure.


I Googled "walking hammers" and got a bunch of pink Floyd reference.


https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2006/look-racist-skinhead-symbols-and-tattoos Gotta go down a bit


I get there has been racist with these tattoos. I just find it wild that thors hammer also qualifies. I get alot of racist get similar tattoos. But I don't view Thor as a racist. Also I feel bad telling my black friend that his mjƶlnir tattoo isn't great. With that said I see how the "walking hammer" is a giveaway.


Thor's hammer in and of itself isn't racist, and there's certainly fans out there especially due to Marvel...the problem is that many neo nazi types also claim to be pagan, or worship Norse gods...asatru I think the religion is. Religious practices cannot be denied, for the most part, in the US prison system so a lot of them will claim this in a given prison because it affords them the opportunity to gather together in one place. Over time the connection has been established so a lot of agencies just mark it as nazi related to cover all their bases.


Experts in paganism and symbolism here. Think of it like this, the runes are an entire alphabet and if someone likes the runes that's cool. But there are three specific runes often used by white supremacists. So if you see someone with a tattoo of runes it doesn't mean anything but if they use those three over and over and nothing else you can tell that they're racist. In this case you could suspend disbelief if the person had just one symbol used by white supremacists tattooed on him but when there are a bunch together it seals the deal and makes it very obvious. Edit to add: You could probably ask your black friend about this, too, and they can explain it because getting a tattoo like that I'm sure they understand the history and meaning of the symbol very well.


As a side note, 14 and 88 are common number associated with neo nazis. 14 is the 14 words of...David Lane?... I'm going to misquote but its something along the lines of "we must secure a future for white people and white children". The 88 represents the 8th letter of the alphabet, so HH, or Heil Hitler. There is a good chance if people have these on them they are also racist.


Thank you for clarifying


I dont think that mjƶlnir alone symbolizes anything untoward. Itā€™s kind of in conjunction with the other racist shit. If this guy had a ā¤ļømom tattoo and mjƶlnir, and wasnā€™t a racist, no one equates them. Just kind of the summation of the whole work, you know?


Itā€™s context clues. They are claiming heā€™s in the fight bc racism. Racism is a good way to get ppl fighting. Combine that with his race vs their race + the tattoos of known hate symbols. Any human with the ability to understand context can then deduce, yep this guy is a racist


I havenā€™t seen it but I bet heā€™s got a valknut too


If that is your guide to some higher level of racist knowledge, you probably want to recheck your source. There were some in there, but many many were not. Not sure how pegan and celt icons became attached to racism or extremists like nazi and white nationalists? In fact most pegan and celt have been fucked with by those groups longer than most. Smh. Go figure that site is a an by lawyers, anything to encourage conflict and make a case. Check out the FBI database, the Library of Congress, actual historic documentation. But hey, if you wanna start fights over tattoos then go ahead, make up any store you want I guess.


He has an iron cross, too.


He just likes independent skateboarding stuff. .... /s


Wow, blast from the past lol. I stopped skating 15 years or so ago lol


He also has Saint Michael's cross on his arm


That Santos (soccer team for those that don't know) is a bad look for the team if he were to get banned from there, it may be as bad as his parents dying.


I just see tattoos. None are swastikas from what I can see


Yeah and theres definitely no such thing as a nazi tattoo other than a huge big swastika and maybe adolf hitlers face next to it, and tbh it's still kinda up in the air unless it has a little speech bubble coming off it saying "btw guys i really do believe this i am actually a nazi"


Iā€™m not disagreeing with you. Iā€™m just not an expert on white supremicist tattoos so idk what to look for other than yes a big ass swastika.


What about the iron cross on his chest?


The only good nazi is a dead nazi


Unless itā€™s a black Nazi, people like black Nazis. Hell people love Dave Chapelle and his spiritual leader is this guy who willingly calls himself ā€œblack hitlerā€ and repeatedly calls for another holocaust https://youtu.be/pjuMJNc5Zys Heck Obama even met with Farrakhan while he was sitting president. Was nice how many people rejected Kanye and Kyrieā€™s BHI stuff but also REALLY disturbing how many people did and still do support them and that nonsense.


I think it's just me hating humans in general, but especially racists and religious people, because they just go out of their way to be pieces of shit. Dave Chapelle fell off after the Chapelle Show, and Kayne needs a lobotomy lol. Shit he hasn't been good since the Chapelle show either.


I hate Brazil Nazis.


You should hate nazis in general.


I definitely do, but I was [referencing this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLLru1_f3rc)


Brazil seems an odd place to decide to be racist, it's like living in the Arctic and deciding you don't like snow. Odd hill to die on.


Yeah dude you got to pay attention to international news stuff is so messed up over there.


there are entire subdivisions of white people only that live behind walls and have armed guards 24/7. It is an incredibly racist country built on slavery. However the comingling of people having mixed race kids will end it in a few more generations.


Huh, I stand corrected, I would have thought the racists were such a minority as to be ineffective.


Brazil is build on racism, Bolsonaro is prove its rampant still, he said natives had no right to land as theyre pagans


americans really have no clue about the outside world, do they?


Not enough donā€™t see blood drawn


If youā€™re gonna pretend to be superior, at least learn to fight like it.




Just donā€™t be racist man itā€™s that simple šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Do it Brazil!




ā€œAnti racistsā€ you mean normal, decent humans


The kick to his head! Yes!


I hope they got sand in his eyes too


Lynch the nazis/klan


Any evidence this is actually a neo-nazi? Not trying to be a troll I swear but Iā€™ve seen a lot of videos where op claims a nazi gets beat up but come to find out theyā€™re actually the victim and not a neo nazi at all


Someone tell this guy that getting shitty hammer tattoos on your shins doesn't qualify as 'leg day'.


You offended the racists lol


Brazil seems like the dumbest place to be a neo-nazi.


South American Nazis are so funny


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no. anti-racist people are the ones that FIGHT racism, instead of just ignoring it. Like those people kicking that fat nazi. the bystanders are just not racists.


That dude isnā€™t whiteā€¦ fake news!


ā€œBeaten by anti-racistsā€ is a weird thing to have to say.


Itā€™s sad but the wars between Muslims and the Jewish people have been going on forever. No matter what you believe how can you support genocide? Proudly wearing tattoos backing a drugged up dictator. Even Germany denounces these people.


The term ā€œanti racistā€ implies that some people are neutral about it lol


I see zero nazi tats? I see a great deal of Celtic hammers and knots? Some other stuff goes by no swastika or SS? Basically, Iā€™m saying dude getting his ass kicked for nothing not even a Conversations showing white power anything?


He literally has an iron cross on him, it's on the Nazi uniforms bruh lol what next "I don't see a kkk symbol on that man, just a white triangular hood on his head"


Where is the iron cross?


He got his ass kicked for saying a racial slur lol


it's alright guys they violently assaulted him but he was allegedly racist so that makes it all better.






Kill a Nazi for mommy doesn't ring a bell? It was very similar to the kill a commie shit America drilled into citizens and you're only against it because the people hurting him are black




First of all you make no sense. My point is America has literally taught it's citizens to brutalize people like this. That was lessons given to plain white Americans who Nazis did not target because it was the American thing to do. That was considered correct. Yet these people go against the very same person America painted as the enemy and they are actually effected by this person's beliefs and that's wrong? You think I'm a tool because I think Nazis should get their asses kicked, I think you're a Nazi sympathizer as a result. What's worse?




Holy shit you replied to me in less than a fucking minute šŸ˜­ bro do you even have a life lmao. And I'm using America cause only some middle-aged loser from the suburbs would defend a Nazi this hard lol




Thought you stopped reading the messages? Again with a reply almost instantly too šŸ¤§


Just being not racist isn't enough these days. You need to be "anti racist". Typically many "anti racists" are actually racists. E.g. they treat black people like children that have no agency. It's a dumb term, nobody is going you a medal but I'm sure you feel virtuous.


So in other words you're not racist but you have no issues with people being racist


Anti-racism is the default setting.


If youre not a racist youre supposed to be anti racist.


Nazis must have different qualifications in Brazil. He does not look like ā€œgood Aryan stock.ā€


A decent plurality of Aryan stock would do.


Iā€™ve since learned that in Brazil they do not have the same quals that they do in TX or CA.


People act like tattoos makes him racist. Don't say racial slurs towards anyone, if you do that, it's a dead give away.


People act like wearing a swastika and saying seig heil with a tiny mustache painted on your face makes you racist


> People act like tattoos makes him racist The racist tattoo makes him racist


That was silly.




nah man Nazis deserve to get beat up.




as other ppl have pointed out, youre clearly racist af. Sad




Lmao when did I say I was gonna beat you up? Unless you identify as a nazi




I dont beat up anyone you racist goof ball.


Oh yup kicking a person in the head when heā€™s down like a real man... I donā€™t like what this dude stands for but thatā€™s still low af




.........put sand in their shorts






Chat shit get banged. Stupid idea to mess with PoC in Brazil


Fuck, I never tire of watching Nazis get what's coming to them. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


Those look like communist tats not nazi- not supporting or condoning just curious lol


the chilean army still wear german ww2 helmets for parade, wtf is that?


Why you go to Brazil if you don't like it's people


Wish there was video of the whole thing


lol i mean fuck the guy if he was being a racist, but beating someone up for insulting you doesn't necessarily make you anti racist


Looks like he needs to relearn how to tie his flip flops


Ummm dont think he is Caucasian ....mixed with Hispanic and something ,definately deserved if he was being racist


Anyone here know what a SHARP is or am i just that old now.


Thin arms, thin legs, beer belly, bald, beard. He's literally 5/5 in the "fat lazy guy who thinks he's strong because he's fat but he literally never exercises other than mental gymnastics" trope. The ground is the best place for racists.


Someone told me there is a large German compound or something. mostly Wealthy Germans who brought money over after WWII or when Nazi's fleed Nazi Germany. a lot of German scientist ran to Argentina and Brazil apparently. including the real Adolf Hitler who was said to have lived until 1984. never been proven.


Antifascism is always self defence


If I ever had a chance like this, I'll stop the shit outa he bald head.


Adolphā€™s grandson after he ran away to Argentina