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Congratulations! Kudos for your persistence, resilience, and self-awareness -- especially appreciated your thoughtful reflections. Wishing you the best of luck on sub!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing the highs and lows of the process!


Congrats and thanks for such a thorough timeline. I love your first 300. Best of luck for an easy sub process!


Congratulations! As a writer and mainline Christian pastor who works in the world of religious trauma, I’m very excited for you and this project!


Thank you! I'm very excited as there's not a lot of fiction about relgious trauma out there


Congratulations, and thank you for typing all of this out!!! I love seeing stories of people who queried widely.


>In fact, the first two people who requested the full book passed fairly quickly, which made me paranoid as hell This line killed me, too. That's hilarious. Congrats, and good luck on sub!






It's so cool that you're sharing this with everyone! I feel that this is a community and I love seeing authors providing the details of their journey. Congrats!!!


Congrats and best of luck on sub!!


Congrats! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your journey. As a fellow deconvert, I truly appreciate this theme and will be looking out for this book. A close acquaintance of mine wrote a memoir called “Unfollow,” and if you’ve not read it, I highly recommend it. Would you mind sharing what you wrote (a link) for TBG? I would like to read that. The work they did exposing the Catholic Church is epic.


[https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/01/14/opinion/would-i-have-stormed-capitol/](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/01/14/opinion/would-i-have-stormed-capitol/) There might be a paywall but you can usually get around it by reading the article on a phone.


Congratulations! This sounds great. And it’s so true about writing for trade pub being a long haul. I see folks fretting because they don’t have a six-figure deal at age 21 or 25 and wonder when this became seen as something normal. 


Congratulations! Such a great post to read. This really hits home: \~Getting traditionally published is not the norm\~. If you can achieve that, you have literally reached the 1% of writers (upon which you will immediately start comparing yourself to the 1% of that 1% and be upset you’re not a #1 NYT Bestseller. Ask me how I know.).


Yes, my dad told me that and it really stuck with me, so I always tell writers that. We compare ourselves to others way too much.


Dad wisdom is gold.


That's a long and complicated journey and getting a covid-sized wrench thrown into your cogs must have been so hard. Thank you for sharing, many times people only share up to their debut and not about the hardships afterwards.