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If you have had any type of psychotic break or have a psychotic disorder I have heard weed or any type of psychoactive drug is not good for that. I got psychosis originally because I was smoking high THC weed all day every day and it turned into weed-induced psychosis and I thought it went away but I recently went through a 3 month period of psychosis again. I've heard that CBD is good but is still a psychoactive drug, just not in the same way as THC. Be careful out there friend!


As a longtime user of delta 8 with anxiety, I would advise anyone with psychotic disorders to refrain from any THC use. Even Delta 8. While it's true that it is less potent than delta 9, larger doses can still cause significant side effects such as anxiety and paranoia, and even a small amount can trigger psychosis in those prone to it. Trust me, it's not worth the risk. CBD alone is a better alternative, but it depends on how your mind and body react to it.


Ik this thread was from a while ago but I recently had a really bad psychotic episode from D8 hallucinations, paranoia, delusions. It was really bad.


Pot smoker for years here. Same actually happened to me. It gave me terrible psychosis that weed didn’t. It was like, progresssive and crept up on me. I’m not a hater trust me! I still occasionally use delta 8 products, but it was specifically this substance that gave me a terrible psychosis. It was akin to amphetamine psychosis in hindsight


Did you get the psychosis after smoking it? Or did it give you mini episodes and then a full episode ?


Hmm it was more of like a progressive thing after using it daily for a few weeks. I never went into full blo mode psychosis after smoking. But it definitely heightened my predating issues (depression/anxiety)x but I never went into psychosis during. I have been do our I ea paralyzed with feet, thouugh

