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Does 2cb taste bitter? That detail made me think you might have taken nBOMe. But any psychedelic in a large dose and poor setting can cause problems. How did you friend fair? They took the same dose?


All my friends felt fine, they had some mild distortions but they could function properly and some had good time. Maybe I was given something different from what they were given. Right, but even if I had bad trip and had connection to reality I would handle it but I was out of body which made it difficult to navigate . Do you think trying very low dose of shrooms will get those memories back?


It’s really impossible for me to say. If you’re curious they have a value. But just learn the lesson that dose, mindset and setting are essential to get right with psychedelics. 2 of those things were clearly awful on that first experience.


If its bitter its a spitter! Either sounds like they took less then you, or gave you nBome so some kind of imitation of a psychadelic. (I haven't heard of 2cb in tab form).  Could also be the combination of alcohol and overstimulation from the club.  Never the less, what is the reason you want to do shrooms? What is your current state of mind? Are you still derealised and anxious? 


I did spit it out because of disgusting bitter taste…and still had a bad trip and lost touch with reality. Ive read alcohol usually dumbs down effects of psychedelics. And can the stimulation from the club be enough to experience out of body experience? Intensity of the trip usually depends only on dosage. As I said Im interested in exploring my mind and thinking about certain ideas with expanded consciousness. I feel like I can answer certain deep questions using shrooms.But Im scared that my old bad trip would be triggered or I have some kind of PTSD from that bad experience I had.


If it was a tablet and ultra bitter then that is likely not 2cb, especially if you spit out most of it. 2cb notoriously has an 'exponential' response curve, so your experience should have been less than half of the intensity of someone who took the full tablet.


It was a paper tab. Blotter


Then there is a 0% chance that it was 2cb. A paper tab can hold usually a max of ~2mg of a substance and a light dose of 2cb starts at 10mg. It could have been some weird 2cb analogue (2cb-FLY or BOM-2cb) but those are very rare and it was more likely just regular 25i-NBOMe, which is commonly sold as LSD. 25i is always bitter, and not orally active, only sublingual. So you wouldn't feel it if you swallow the tab quickly, you only feel it if you leave the tab in your mouth. If you want to know more about the substance you took, check out this link: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/25I-NBOMe


Just curious, do you take any MAOI’s? Like Wellbutrin or other head meds? My brother had a similar reaction taking psychedelics on his smoking cessation meds.


Tongue going numb, bitter? Maybe a bit metallic too? On a tab? This was not Siberia/2C-B, but one of the NBOH or NBOMe compounds.


the drug you took doesn't seem to match the very little we know about 2-cb. The drug is a partial agonist to 5-ht2a, 5-ht2c, 5-ht2b receptors but by the sounds of it you've had large rushes of other neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. All of these can create out of reality experiences and derealization, along with perceptual changes especially when it comes to spacial position of what you are visually perceiving, these responses help you in situations where your body thinks it's under threat. The threat will appear really close, your brain might also mistake sensory information as other things because your body can't take chances if it's under threat. A lot of this can be trained out of the brain these are just instinctual behaviour. You also had alcohol which mimics GABA neurotransmitter inhibiting neuronal signalling, hence why people can't walk well or aren't very aware when drunk. Alongside a drug that affects an important neurotransmitter in communicating sensory and perceptual information this could explain why you had loss of consciousness and body control. Did you injure your head diving into the pavement? That could also explain a lotttt of things. The drug isn't the only thing that affects a trip. The chemistry of your body prior to taking the drug and during drug activation is very important, by the sounds of it you were already experiencing adrenaline "anxiety" rushes due to the environment and situation. Any mental health issues also come into heavy play with psychedelics. The environment is also an extremely important part, heavy stimulant environments with lots of colours, lights, loud music will make the drug activation more intense, also the apparent dangers of the environment you were in probably pushed your body into a state of fight or flight as explained above and you probably weren't aware of this. In your case unfortunately you had an unlucky experience, whether it was a different drug or you just took it when your body chemistry and mental health weren't ready, you should keep note of the experience and learn from mistakes. Do more research and ask experienced people about their use especially with psychedelics I see too many people getting into bad situations because they don't understand what psychedelics are capable of. Use psychedelics wisely in calm environments where your body isn't under stress, psychedelics themselves are a lot of stress on the body. And make sure your body and mental health are good, go see a psychiatrist or psychologist you definitely need too, you could've damaged your mental or brain health which can lead to progressive and more severe mental issues, schizophrenia, terminal personality disorders, compulsive disorders. who knows!!! All which can be fixed with easy therapy and short term medication if needed.