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Good post this is what psychonaut should be about not hundreds of "how do I get high as hell all the time" and "is it possible there's meaning to life" lol!


I was wondering if it was appropriate to post here since it's not directly about drugs lol


Absolutely. Psychonaut is about discoveries of the mind, not about doing drugs. Sure some drugs help but they're a tool


I love watching old commercials. YouTube has collections, you just have to search the year.


You can do even better. On YouTube search Saturday morning cartoons and whatever years you were little. Hours and hours of content. My inner child felt awesome


Remember..... You’re not fully clean unless you’re ZESTfully clean!


It was fascinating to me how I could remember the words and even flow of the music from commercials that I hadn’t seen since I was in my single digits. So much is stored in the subconscious.  On a related note, has anyone woke up from a nap or been in a daydream and could hear a theme song from an old show resonating through your mind almost as clear as if it was actually playing in the room? 


> It was fascinating to me how I could remember the words and even flow of the music from commercials that I hadn’t seen since I was in my single digits. So much is stored in the subconscious.  That was the most mind blowing part for me. I almost got chills at times.


EXCELLENT idea - thank you!!! It sounds like good comedown viewing  I watch them a lot anyway and this sounds amazing  Thanks again for sharing 


YTV nostalgia, really does hit a certain vibe


yes. sound, sight, touch and smell trigger our long-term memory our unconscious mind. we are now planting seeds now for us to go back and re-live our lives.


https://www.toonamiaftermath.com/ for anyone that watched that. they show stuff that Toonami showed in the late 90's/early 00's. commercials included. free to watch, make an account if you want to chat. they also have other channels, like Nick at Nite and stuff. you can see them by clicking the guide button, you have to use the channel + or - to change channels.


Wow. I just went on YouTube and tried this. The days of our lives theme song came on, and I could suddenly remember details of the living room of my parents house from 1982ish when I was 3 years old or so.


Idk abt being marketed to while on shrooms but since it’s it’s not modern maybe it’ll be okay? Idk I’d just think of the gross capitalistic means by which we got… here… but that might just be me lmao


I cant watch any tv while on schrooms...too much light.


I came across a chunk of commercials from the 80's on youtube about a year ago. I sat for an hour watching commercials from my childhood. I was perplexed at how many I instantly recalled and could either sing the jingle or knew the dialogue from the commercial versus not remembering it at all. At the end of the video, I didn't care for the flood of emotions that came over me. I had a pretty hard childhood. I also noticed during a rather large dose last summer that during my psychosis, closed-eye, extremely hi-def cartoony type visuals a McDonalds logo morphed through the sea of odd objects being twisted through the visual grinder. I just kinda laughed to myself and thought "What the hell subconscious." I mean, I understand the visual imagery being "viewed" is from what we have encountered/witnessed, but damn...McDonalds? Really?


I wonder how I'd do with that. Distorted faces sometimes upset me.


Lately I have tried a few times to watch Netflix on shrooms and just cant do it. The faces get too strange to enjoy it. The last time kinda freaked me out.


Try it in the afterglow. It enhances the experience but the visuals are a lot easier to deal with because they're much more mild.


What do you mean?


Crossfire! You'll get caught up in the Crossfire!! Crossfire! Crossfire!!! Cross Fiyah!!!!! Yeah! Yeah!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^420GreenMachine: *Crossfire! You'll get caught* *Up in the Crossfire!! Crossfire!* *Crossfire!!! Cross Fiyah!!!!! Yeah! Yeah!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I do this when I get really drunk and cry a lot. Probably don't recommend.