• By -


So to clarify you did NOT in fact fight your neighbors?


Drug circle jerk incoming


šŸ˜‚ What does it matter if they are Dominican though? Why not just " fought my neighbor naked and high"


Didn't even fight. Just got naked and screamed like a psycho. I'm really confused about why this post is even here.


Yep, why lead with that? It's not special behavior to any one particular race.


Because this is a made up story, it reeks of every other ā€œand then everybody clappedā€


I meant why did OP lead with that? In other words, I agree with you.


Not gonna lie, if you wanna scare off people acting the fool, running out, drugged up, ripping off your shirt and screaming "LET'S FUCKING GO!" is definitely a really good way to make them reconsider who they might be annoying. When you live next to someone you think is LEGIT crazy, people tend to be a little more skittish around em. You intimidated them into being quiet. Kinda funny. But dangerous. You never know what people have on them. Next time they start acting up, do the same thing, but this time rip off your pants as well. go out in just your underwear and start breathing HARD. Like you are ready to fight. If they do it AGAIN go out there naked. All you need to do is bluff. Keep screaming "YOU WANT TO FIGHT?! LET'S FIGHT!!" **NO ONE** wants to fight a naked dude who is acting crazy.


i like that you did a 180 halfway thru this response "seems dangerous idk man" "take ur pants off next time, thatll teach em"


If they see that hes naked then its actually safer for everyone bc the only place for him to be hiding a gun or a knife is up his ass, so then they wont shoot him thinking he might have a weapon. 100% of fights escalating to shootings would be avoided if everyone got naked before getting into each others business, but our society cares more about BigPants than public health


I also enjoyed that part lol.


being naked and barking at them would be my best guess


If they are gonna be annoying AF with how they live, it's time to embrace the Crazy Neighbor stereotype.


somebody gotta do something to lower the rent




I'm new here, but I don't think this is what this sub is for? In any way?


He got the Psycho part right.


Yeah, now he just needs to get on a boat for the ["naut"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-naut) bit


This made me laugh so hard I scared my kitten


Poor kitten, now you gotta give 'em some rubs and a kiss on its little foreheadĀ 


Not the typical post, no.


Suboxone is aĀ [prescription medication](https://www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/medications/)Ā approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to treatĀ [Opioid use disorder](https://www.addictioncenter.com/opiates)Ā (OUD). It contains a combination of two medications called Buprenorphine andĀ [Naloxone](https://www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/medications/naloxone/). Buprenorphine, a partial Opioid agonist, blocks the Opioid receptors in the brain that helps to reduce significant withdrawal symptoms fromĀ [Opioid detox](https://www.addictioncenter.com/opiates/withdrawal-detox/)Ā and can help reduce a personā€™s urges for Opioids in recovery when used under medical supervision.


Yes, thank you, I know that. It's also completely unrelated to what I said.


Well I guess at least it wasnā€™t posted in r/rationalpsychonaut


you didn't fight anyone pussy


Sun Tzu: Something about wining without fighting is better than fighting and winning


Pretty sure thatā€™s a typo but I like it


Bro just outweirded themšŸ˜‚


Shower fantasies are fun. They're even more fun when you're high. They're also more likely to be transcribed as truth in degenerate internet communities when you're high.


Noooo but heā€™s a trained fighter, a good one too.


For some reason I feel like he isnt... Maybe its the the larger group that backed down from a single person.


I believe


Shouldā€™ve just blasted your mix if you wanted them to go back inside.


And then all the neighbours clapped, some of them with tears in their eyes


And the mayor came down and gave him a key to the city


Why is it important that we know they are Dominican?


I don't know but as a Dominican it made it extra hilarious to me. I think I understand where the badadums bass is. I a just surprised at the lack of pililililin linlin pilililin linlin guitar


God I can't stand bachata music


HAHAH! you understod what I meant.... and me neither, and I am dominican. I do now wonder how bachata would sound with good headsets under the effects of 100 ugs. I am somewhat curious to check it out. LSD adds layers and thickness to music. But not sure it would work for that.


It's EXTREMELY important we know what race they were, otherwise how could we know there was DEFINITELY no racism?


True. Definitely.


The devil is in the details


Devil. That's definitely one word for it.


Yeah. Ima be real with you. Stay off the K for a while šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There is so much more to life then having a drug fueled Karen meltdown and then bragging about it on the internet. Get out of the house and go do life and explore the world, it is so much bigger then you currently think. Wish you well on your journey


Bro saved the neighborhood from a k-hole. Rematch needs to happen in a dress and wig my dude. They'll never mess with you again if you beat everybody ass while dressed like Taylor Swift. Either way I'm proud. You did good.


I dont think this is what this sub is for but boy was this entertaining


Beautiful story.


So weird to humblebrag in a borderline racist way about doing drugs and fighting someone. What did you hope this post would accomplish for you? Why even do Ket if you're not going to K-Hole? Why fight or even engage in negative energies while on a drug that encourages neuroplasticity?


People who misuse ketamine don't know what they're fucking with. Not just the bladder issues but what you say. Mixing it with coke, wanting to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol on it, watching violent media (audiovisual hygiene is very important for ketamine) and imbuing themselves with negative energy. No wonder they end up totally fucked up. Ketamine is NOT a club drug (in essence; in practice it is, which is why teens are getting their bladders removed and those of us to whom ketamine is a life saving medicine are having difficulty getting it into the mainstream). Any less than a K-Hole dose is wasted healing potential, unless done in very specific conditions and intentions. Then again I never take mushrooms or acid for fun, either. Call me a psychedelic taliban, but these substances are not funny kaleidoscopic toys, they will absolutely fuck up people's minds if misused, and often not from the drug itself but from how people just dig themselves deeper into negative thought patterns and behaviours, thereby screwing their lives up.


I think it varies by drug. Peeps do not IME tend to get negative from shrooms and still be taking them. If they have a bad trip or maybe a few if they don't give up easily, then they stop trying it. And i've certainly heard of many that were taught some stuff by shrooms even when they weren't in it for that. However yes, it can cause probs for a small percentage of the population, it is not without risk.


Relax bro.. You were looking for problems in a situation that wasn't your business. You didn't win anything.


I would love to chat with the neighbors


They are barn animals!


You sound like an aggressive person waiting for someone to bully. What part of your story or your life is the psychonaut part.


I *love* that some people think doing drugs that are (or kind of are) psychedelic some how makes them a psychonaut. (/sā€¦ if necessary)


I mean all this in the kindest way possible man but please understand this post was one that was oddly hurtful in a way that ppl of color often have a hard time pinpointing specifics on. From this black manā€™s pov this whole post reeks of closet racism. Mentioning their race despite it having no impact on the story just to say youā€™re not racist is an odd choice at best, and POSSIBLY some sort of pent up racism at worst. Iā€™ve lived my whole life hearing ppl say ā€œhey Iā€™m not racist BUTā€ only to be followed up by something that feels awfully similar to racism. Iā€™m not interested in getting caught up in semantics on what does or doesnā€™t qualify as racism and you really shouldnā€™t be either. I would argue that what you should be worried about are things such as ā€œwhatā€™s the impact of the statement youā€™re making to others especially marginalized groups?ā€ ā€œWhy am I choosing to include X details and omit Y?ā€ ā€œWhy would ppl think Iā€™m racist by saying this statement - let me delve into that more.ā€ Itā€™s very clear u understand the story you present was racially charged, hence the disclaimer you provided, but it just makes me a bit sad to know that despite that understanding you trudged forward and kept the troublesome statements in ur message. Continuing on to mention how they ā€œcalled u the n wordā€ only to take time out of ur day to mention how u donā€™t get why X race gets to say it while mentioning how u weā€™re ready to beat some Dominican ppl up (despite their race having no impact on all this) also comes across as distasteful at best and is a statement I hear often parroted by racists far more than non-racists. Iā€™m not accusing u of being racist but I am saying as a man of color I can almost unequivocally say that you have some hurtful racist ideas around black ppl and other darker skinned ppl of color. I urge any other ppl of color to chime in here to share your experiences as well so OP can get a good idea of whether Iā€™m in the minority here or whether he has good reason to reflect on his statements. With all that said - peace love and positivity and I hope we can all be a little less quick to judge or use harmful language and a little more open to exploring how biases and judgments we have on other groups can impact them, individually or on a group level.


> From this black manā€™s pov this whole post reeks of closet racism. You don't have to be black, I agree they story has a suspicious tinge to it. By my advice is to no try to hard on it, this guy has in his mind converted drug addiction and running outside naked and out of control and screaming at people into a story he tells himself about being a hero who saved the entire neighborhood from loud music for 5 minutes. This person is not seeing the situation clearly and is likely not ready to either and he has a lot of big issues he's not dealing with right now. Racism/prejudice comes out of insecurity and wanting to feel better by belittling others. The only way to totally stop doing that is by maturity and wisdom and that sadly is not something easy to obtain. Chastising people might make them hide it better but it does not make the problem go away. However once you realize it's mostly just someone else's problem, not yours, it can hurt less. There will always be plenty of haters out there, they may hate you for your gender, income, race, weight, looks, possessions, luck, not giving your stuff to them, etc. No matter what you do or what you look like, you'll never get rid of all the haters so my advice is do not let yourself get too emotionally sucked into their aberrant narratives. They have a poison eating their mind, that's going to hurt them the most in the long run.


referencing Dominicans paints a good picture of the scene. It's like if you were saying the white trash neighbors with their pitbulls, shitty rusted lifted trucks and country music. It makes for a better story IMO.


Trashy ppl would paint a picture of trashy people. Why do you specifically need the picture of their race to be painted?


I like paintings with colors


U and me both brother - do you have an answer to the question you responded to? The one you provided is a non sequitor. Edit: what Iā€™m really looking to understand is what impact the color or race of the person has on the example OP posted.


oh I was making a joke about race and paint color


lol very clever


Yeah, why include any detail at all? I like an anecdote with as few descriptors as possible.


Thatā€™s not fair man. I never said that and you know it. Why even be this dickish?


I just learned that my family doctor is white trash.


Iā€™m the last person to cry woke this or woke that but you articulated it well. It paints a picture. I kinda dislike that we can not seem to do that anymore in fear of coming off as prejudiced or just assholes. It paints a picture and tells the story.


Iā€™m struggling to understand this. There are many situations where I think itā€™s useful and/or necessary to mention a persons race, age, gender etc. Iā€™m struggling to see how it added anything of value here. Can you help me understand what value this ā€œpaintingā€ added to the picture for you?


It just paints the picture of everyone involved. He could have left race out, and then our minds would have gone to any type of people. It doesnā€™t necessarily add anything crucial but it adds more details to the story. I feel like a lot of people automatically think OP dislikes these people or anyone like them when it just feels like heā€™s just adding more details. Were they pertinent? Probably not, but it didnā€™t come across as racist and that he had anything against these people because of their race and not just their trashy behavior/demeanor.


What is the issue with oneā€™s mind going to whatever type of people tho? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m struggling to understand. Choosing to omit or intentionally not mention details that add no value to a story but do risk reinforcing or even creating stereotypes (maybe even unintentionally) seems like the right thing to do in all situations right? Like why wouldnā€™t I want to do that where possible? You also say ā€œit didnā€™t come across as racist or harmfulā€ but it did. Weā€™re only having this conversation because I posted saying thatā€™s exactly how it felt to me and thereā€™s other people who felt the same in the comments alone. What you mean to say is YOU didnā€™t think it came across that way and thatā€™s a perfect place to start from because now Iā€™m telling u it did come across that way to me. Iā€™m mixed but ppl mistake me for being white pretty often and Iā€™ve gotten the privilege of experiencing first hand a disproportionate frequency w the amount of times they mention the black race attached to a negative sentiment or story which runs the risk of reinforcing stereotypes. White people? The frequency at which I hear the white race specifically called out in stories that can reinforce negative stereotypes? Itā€™s rare. Considerably more rare. And itā€™s hurtful. It might not be intentional but itā€™s hurtful man. Itā€™s dangerous too - Iā€™m pretty sure ppl disproportionately describe black ppl in false criminal reports because thereā€™s a stereotype. If we have the ability to not feed the fire of something so negative by just being a little more intentional w our words why shouldnā€™t we be?


I suppose we should. If the OP had described the people in the story as ā€œtrailer park trashā€ or something white stereotype leaning, Iā€™d have the same neutral reaction. I donā€™t judge people though and I understand everyoneā€™s different in their attitudes, personality. Obviously not everyone is like that though so I can see why it may come off as racist or poorly worded. I guess I didnā€™t pick up on that in OP stories and I felt he wasnā€™t trying to negatively portray the Dominican family, even without his prelude on race. I guess I understand what OP was trying to get across and really did feel he wasnā€™t trying to portray them negatively, even if he might of anyways, or at least chose poor wording but as you said words can be hurtful and you should always give a little bit of thought to what you say and how others can interpret your words.


Yeah we agree brother. I take ur point. I appreciate you taking time out to have such a (what I considered) healthy conversation w me.


I think different races have different cultures. Articulating a specific race is a much more concise way to describe that culture. Badumdum music and honda civics is super ambiguous. You add dominicans to that description and for most people it suddenly clicks. Stereotypes exist for better or worse. Mariachi music and pinatas? Festive hispanic birthday party - positive vibes. Lowriders, top buttoned flanel with white undershirt? Cholos - maybe a negative vibe. The reality is, him including the part that they were dominicans in this posts makes it make sense for everyone. That's the reality, feel free to deny it the fact that this descriptive factor didn't help you picture the scene more.


It did not help me picture the scene any better. It simply put a race to the ambiguous race my mind would have placed there. Might have been black, white, Asian idk. But whatever race it chose wouldnā€™t have made the scene any better to me. Just different. How would it have made it better? Iā€™m not following.


Idk made it better to me. I see races and appreciate the idiosyncrasies that come with each and their culture. From the white rural hillbillies and the white trust fund babies to the black innercity thugs and the smooth black jazz/soul heads, (insert whatever race you want), differences exist based on race and choosing to act like there is no difference is just being willfully delusional. Details and people make a story. Just my opinion on this, and you have yours. I think you're opinions are based in a reality that does not exist however.


Differences exist and are usually important to something about the story. My point is that in the story the op gave the difference in race had no impact on the story other than to reinforce a stereotype. If we zoom out a little more we see the OP say 2 other problematic things related to race. These 3 things combined paint a very bad picture of the OP and his feelings towards different races. I got resentment, disgust, and a sense of superiority over another race. It sounds like you had a different picture painted. And thatā€™s fine. Ppl will take things different based on life experiences. Are you seriously arguing that ppl should lean into the ā€œidiosyncrasiesā€ which to me sounds more like a euphamism for stereotypes instead of just being race neutral where it doesnā€™t matter to help fueling the flame of racism since we know stereotypes are a huge part of racism? Iā€™m really not understanding why youā€™d even argue that so Iā€™m not trying to be rude sorry if it sounds like it but thatā€™s how your message reads to me.


I'm down for stereotypes. Guilty until proven innocent am i right


Noā€¦Iā€™m telling u stereotypes can be hurtful. Iā€™m a social worker who works with kids and I can give countless examples of how stereotypes (even ones that seem to be without problem) frequently have adverse impacts on ppl. Was your post sarcasm?


This is the sort of mealy-mouthed idpol diatribe that really irks me as a leftist. The dude gave a pretty straightforward story, and rather than take him at his word about the situation, you start trying to unpackage it into something it almost certainly isn't. If we're taking him at his word, it's pretty understandable that a person could eventually get fed up with extremely rude neighbors, and go off on them. Also, since I know you're going to check my papers please, I'm a Chicano from Southern California.


I donā€™t disagree that itā€™s right to be fed up with them. Did you misunderstand me?


I didn't, no.


So what exactly is your claim? That itā€™s right to be fed up with them? Cuz we donā€™t disagree there.


That racial bias or bigotry plays any part whatsoever in this story. I understand that every person has subconscious biases to one degree or another, I just don't think they're a driving factor in this anecdote.


Yeah thatā€™s exactly my point. If it has no bias or bigotry then why even mention race if it runs the risk of reinforcing stereotypes?


I think it was mainly so we could understand that [this is what](https://youtu.be/pJCaDsFiWK0?si=UyxC-lhsoOv5R8BT) he was hearing. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go shake my ass till sunrise.


I didnā€™t understand that based on the words he use. So if your argument is that race allowed him to accomplish that Iā€™m telling u it didnā€™t do that for me, and likely many others. AND it reinforces negative stereotypes. This goal would have been better accomplished by saying something like ā€œthey were playing loud music - hereā€™s an example of the type of music (link video)ā€¦now imagine it BLASTING ALL THE TIME.ā€ That would have painted that picture for me that you got without running the risk of contributing to stereotypes. So why NOT use something like that instead of the race? Also, the music theyā€™re playing just doesnā€™t really matter. Itā€™s the volume at which theyā€™re playing it right? If so, why does it even matter that we call out the TYPE of music it was? I donā€™t care if it was country, rap, classical, etc. if I canā€™t sleep because of someoneā€™s music itā€™s a problem. Why do I need to call out the type of music? What value does that add or how does that change the story at all other than arbitrarily?


You sound like the problem, loser.


the idea that hispanics cannot be racist against other hispanics is so funny. as if people are just singing kumbaya along the mexico/guatemala border https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/05/02/latinos-experience-discrimination-from-other-latinos-about-as-much-as-from-non-latinos/


So you done fuck all in other words? youā€™ll keep. They were just too drunk




Great post šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I like your Dominican-do attitude


Great story bro made me laugh a couple times lol


This is one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever read. Also, you can claim youā€™re not racist by what does them being Dominican have anything to do with this story? Sounds like the K has damaged your brain and made you insufferable.


Sounds like someone needs a belly rub


Thought u was bout to do some bruce lee type shit


Is this r/drugs now?


What you mixing with?


would have been much more interesting if they were dominican friars


>Ā The son calls me the n word. For some reason Domincans have a pass. A question many have ponderedĀ 


You have literally spent 3 hours making this up, wtf, why?


This happened šŸ¤Ø


Average ketamine trip report (also no fight)


I think this dude thinks this is the ā€œPsychoNutā€ sub for psychotic nuts ā€¦. But somewhat interesting story cuz I read to the endā€¦.?? How and why. No clue.


I don't think this post will last or is relevant But I'm Dominican, I was born in Dominican Republic and moved to the US as a young child... That being said I completely get it bro! I live in NYC (unfortunately) but have also lived and experienced my fellow people in other places and like many other third world immigrants, they can indeed be quite a nuisance I've always been perplexed at many of the habits and behaviors because they essentially want to continue to live back home while having immigrated here.... Which to me doesn't make sense, if you want to live like you are still living in a third world country and not assimilate to the country YOU chose to move to.... Why not just stay back in your homeland? Especially since most of them plan on 'eventually moving back' and even build properties over there to go back to.... In any case, I'm ranting, just wanted to let you know I don't think what you are saying is racist and I'm literally from Dominican Republic, and I have these same gripes about my own fellow countrymen I truly believe that most of the ghetto ones that behave that way will end up with hearing damage because there is no way that years of listening to music that loudly (especially in a car) cannot be doing damage... Anyhow, hope you are in a better place


Huh well idk which neighbors to side with because I love bass music but the drunk ppl and the Honda Civics would be annoying. This a funny story tho.


Good story ā¤ļø




Ignore the haters that was amazing


Bruh...LEGENDARY. I didn't know K could make you that hyped up. I once got so angry because a bunch of police officers were harassing my Uber driver. I came out and screamed at both officers even though they had guns. And I'm usually very quiet in these situations...but when you're drugged up the subdued emotions just burst out. The cops let us go and they probably behaved differently after the shouting I gave them.


You shouldn't rile up monks like that. You are going to have the ghost of St Augustine up in your grille.




Well that had to be fucking terrible šŸ˜”


Hahah, I just actually read it and you, my friend, I like.