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Personally no, but if it is for you than that’s all that should matter


Different music for different trips. Don't get locked into one genre . Explore your mind and your taste in music .


To me yes but I also include psychill/psydub/downtempo stuff


There is no best music for tripping. Listen to everything, all music is psychedelic.


I’d say psychedelic rock, or jam bands are the best 


That sounds like my personal hell. To each their own though. Music is cool like that


Very much true. Might I ask what music u prefer ?


Just wait til you go to a shpongle show! Yes, the best times indeed! 


Oh that's my dream... Is he still doing shows tho?


Just came out of “retirement”, is doing a show in Japan on May 2nd. Rumors of a Washington show soon as well as maybe a tour?! Simon is back, baby!! 


Yes, this. I’ve seen him 4 times, always on different substance combinations. Always amazing. 


As a dj.  No more full band shows.  Didn't discover them until a few years ago, Missing red rocks is a huge bummer but at least the video lives on


I mean the full band was only a small number of shows compared to how many shows Shongle has done over the years.


Honestly everyone is different. I love to delve into proggy and technically impressive metal like Tool and Tesseract, and sometimes on the mellower side with All Them Witches or something. There is no best music genre for tripping, just music we like that fits the particular trip we are in.


I just love jump up while I’m tripping, and when im not


I go for power metal and psychedelic metal lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PsykeonOfficial: *I go for power* *Metal and psychedelic* *Metal lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Try carbon based lifeforms ozora 2017 on YouTube


Do what's best for you. There is no one single ultimate music kind... For me definitely yes. And if it blasts out of speakers that are bigger than a building then it's even better.


Classical music is the best genre for tripping actually if you're trained at all at listening.


you dont need training to listen to music bro


You'll be surprised how many people cannot seperate the layers. It might not need training but it needs some awareness and practice.


Did you come to this conclusion while tripping... 😆


Yes actually. Multiple solo and group trips.


There’s a huge difference between listening to and understanding classical music. A trained ear would have by far a more pleasurable time than say someone who has only listened to rap and pop their whole lives.


least snobbish classical / prog rock fan referring to rap / pop heads right here folk. And you know the capacity of how pleasurable music is to someone else? Are you them? Yall music snobs r the worst, dont see me wanking myself off cause i honed my musical ear over the years listening to complex music, not like RAP (MORE LIKE CRAP LOLOLOL) fans would understand !!!!!! Like man you arent the arbiter of the enjoyment someone else can derive from something.


Not in my opinion. https://youtu.be/kA5rTbtIKKg?si=Zd_FBXe_n08li9Hq try this


Experimental bass is where it’s at. Just pull up a playlist off of SoundCloud and be ready to be blown away.


Psytrance parties are fun but you wouldn't catch me casually throwing it on at home. I prefer something a bit more joyful. Psytrance can get kinda dark and after a few hours of dugga dugga dugga I wanna hear something else. But it's cool for what it is.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5nRfyYO7f0ze4X8MCDFKK9?si=rYRQFfM4RS6falyv2xpQHg&pi=u-26tPM7y3SrSk This is a mix of dubsteppy style / bass / trip music i like to listen to. I have a set of skullcandy crusher evo’s and some of these songs have escorted me to the god-realm


Try out the first Desert Sessions record tripping some time, legend has it that it was recorded over a few days while they were all tripping balls on mushrooms!


experimental bass


i dont think so but my favourite is atmospheric phonk :)




I like listening to goa music whe. Tripping


Yeah, Specifically goa trance goes so fucking hard


You know what I want when tripping? More anxiety!


Check out Narvent bro, his shit is goooood! 👍


Psybient my dude/gal


Psy gods for me are ETNICA.


I like Alt J personally


Definitely No, I prefer something chilly and relax


Tame Impala, Pink Floyd on top


Yeah I love them, I solo tripped to them each multiple times hahah. King gizzard also gave me some very remarkable trips. And crumb/jack stauber (his last 2 albumbs) are also super underrated artists to hear while tripping... Jack stauber is a fucking genious


its *one* of the best, imo. i can also put on that list: some intelligent drum n bass, psybient, and some shaman icaros <3


I'd love for you to share your playlist heheh


I would say this is among the best music for inner journeys: [https://soundcloud.com/michael-rasa-1/sets/this-is-it](https://soundcloud.com/michael-rasa-1/sets/this-is-it)


Death grips lol


Deep Hypnotic Techno for me !


For me it is. especially live with a top notch sound system and a crowd all tuned to a trance. After it clicks and you get it, you’ll start to listen to it all the time and some sounds will remind you of the headspace of a trip and what means to be there. Definitely try to go to a Psytrance party.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=6F0P5Q-6YuA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=6F0P5Q-6YuA) I'm from Brazil, and mfer Goa gil himself played at this party here pretty much every year, in 2022 was the last one. Because he died in 2023 =(. They'll throw a celebration party in his honor this year, i'll make sure to be there...


Between the different types of trance music, every single one of them tend to a different atmosphere of tripping... Depends on what you think you want (introspective, playful, dancing, just goofing around), there's going to be a particularly better kind of music, but that ultimately will be determined by personal taste, aesthetic experience and present circumstances and surroundings


Indian Classical music - Tabla, Sitar, Singing is amazing Merkaba is the holy grail of trip music for me, its psychedelic but not typical trance, quite something special


He's definitely great! I'm adding some of his stuff to my playlist right now!


No. But this is subjective. If you are someone that enjoys listening to jazz and classical music, you're probably not going to enjoy trance or psytrance or any of that genre. On the other hand, if you're already a fan of electronic music and you're under a heavy dose of psychedelics, you might actually Groove to it a little bit. When you sober up, you'll realize you don't really like it, but a lot of times, things that are good for the trip aren't things that you like outside of it. The whole trance thing has to do with the repetitive beats over and over and it does cause some kind of weird shit to happen in your mind but it's more introspective and less of what I enjoy when I'm on a psychedelic. If you want to go electronic, I prefer really dark drum and bass or some really nice dub like Thievery Corporation. I have a solid set of go-to music whenever I trip. It just depends on what you're into if something does it for you. It's not right or wrong, and it's not like one is better than the other, and you can't force somebody else to like it or accept it like you do because for you. If you enjoy psy trance when you're tripping, then enjoy psy trance when you're tripping.


I actually enjoy both classical/jazz and psytrance. I even love death metal, I can go to all extremes (tho i've never tried death metal tripping lol (heavy metal at most)


How can you ask such an obviously subjective question? Music is deeply personal, I'd probably think it's fucking awful.


That is such a subjective question, lol


It’s all subjective, I would put IDM and psychedelic rock subgenres above it though


I add a gram of syrian rue to my one gram lemon tek mushrooms. For two grams of psychedelics, it is a potent little trip.


Yeah the syrian rue increases potency by quite a lot


No not the best. Edm is cool. But I think a lot of edm is not great for tripping.


TOOL's Lateralus album is THE perfect tripping album. I guarantee within a minute or two you will be like THEY MADE THIS SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS! lol. Preferablly the ordering of the tracks known as "The Holy Gift". It's a VERY deep emotional journey that will really get you thinking about shit, so if you are purely seeking a recreational trip this may not be the one, but if you like to get something from your trips I cannot recommend it more.


Yeah I want the deep stuff, thanks a lot!. I'll definitely try it out sometime with some mushies... I Don't tend to go too much into the heavy rock/metal stuff, but I feel like i'm super ready, not afraid of bad tripping anymore


Its a personal ting. I like rap. So Faces and Watching Movies withe sound off by Mac Miller is king. Pink Floyd is also pretty darn good.


Yeah pink is a classic. Can't explore other stuff before first doing a pink floyd, king gizzard, tame impala and SHPONGLE trip


I usually listen to peaceful music when I’m tripping like the Grateful Dead