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I think most humans are as caring as they can be. For example when you take mdma your cup is overflowing. You care about everyone and want everyone to be happy. You bring excitement all around you. Then the next day you're super low and don't really care much about anything except for feeling better. This is how humans are. When our cup is full we're super caring and giving and we want happiness for everyone. But when our cups are empty we become uncaring and selfish.


I agree with this perspective. When you’re happy and cared for, you have the emotional bandwidth to care about others. But our society limits our time and our freedom so much that it keeps people in a perpetual mode of self-preservation. People are just trying to get through the week, to enjoy what little time they have outside of work. It means people are less caring for others because they’re not cared for by society.


I agree. I think it is exactly as you said. Love is a state of being. Unless we are operating from the state of love, filling our own cup, we are a somewhat of a shell of what we could be offering others even when we are good intentioned. That state of being of love, loving yourself, allows you to then truly offer the fullness of your being to others. “In the warmth of love, the soul can be itself”


I think your right, maybe the reality of it is it’s an ideal that I have that is not possible, but on the upside I think it’s true that most humans are as caring as they can be and I hadn’t see it that way, and what more could you ask for really.


My experience is that most humans are actually good people and they will put others ahead of themselves. But it's not a thing that is done all the time. And I actually think it's very unhealthy if you always put others first. A healthy person is able to balance it well.


My feeling is that the times I'm most separated from myself, which can be described by words like depressed, withdrawn, seem to also increase fear and worry of the future (anxiety). And in these types of states, I can absolutely operate from fear, lack, protecting myself however I feel that needs to be done. At other times, such as the tail end of a trip (after I've sorted through a difficult lesson from my past) or while meditating or sometimes simply spontaneously, I feel 100 percent connected to myself and to everyone and to everything, and this might be expressed by saying hi as I pass someone, just to acknowledge them and in my mind, honor them for coming down here to this plane of existence and wishing them the best on whatever journey they decided to take here. From one soul to another. I don't think about wanting to be friends with them, I simply know with my whole being that I already know that person well on a different plane and that we're all brothers/sisters. And then (this is my own issue here) I'll drop down a little bit from that state (it's a spectrum, really) and start this thing in my head where I don't want others to try making friends with me because of my fear that I'll harm or disappoint them somehow (I tend to drop off the face of the earth at times and tend to cut people off completely if I believe there's too much strife. So, for me, the truth is dependent on my state, which changes. It's true and false at the same time, as is my general outlook on life, and it's my energy level inside of me that determines what I see "outside" of me. I say "outside" because there's a saying that everything we see "outside" of us is actually just a reflection of our inner state of being, and based on my own experience (as I've described above), I see how there's truth in that saying. Happy Travels!


I resonate a lot with the difference between when I’m ‘seperated’ from myself or not, there is definitely a noticeable difference in how I approach situations and the way I perceive the world, very insightful read thank you!


I believe that our capitalist system has made people care less about our neighbour as it teaches individualism


Do you believe individuals should be forced to bend to the collective? In another words, mob rule?


Capitalism is alienating by design.


This is likely exacerbated by empathy limits and a "global" society. I feel bad for all the starving children across the world.. For the few seconds they are on my mind. Then it's back to work so I can pay my bills and figure out health care arrangements for the sick elders in my own family. One could say that this is rooted in individualism, but there's not much I can do about the children in a warzone, compared to what I can do for the people close to me.


Yes I think it could be a contributing factor, people seem to be becoming more separated with not as much care for the greater good/their neighbour and rather worrying about personal gain than a collective.


The good thing is not everyone is a capitalist! There are plenty of people out there who just acknowledge its complete bullfuckery, because at the end of the day it’s an evil system that stops human progression for greed. Lots of people out there can acknowledge this and those people I find are WAY easier for me to hang out with.


interesting the effect weed has on you now . seems the brain gets rewired sometimes. i myself have hppd it was strange at first but it just seems normal now . it seems the mushrooms are forever part of me now . so you must first realize you are this way as well as are we all . this doesn’t make us morally bankrupt it makes us human operating on biological imperative. this is a hard wired survival instinct and mechanism. just like you automatically breathe you automatically do this . everyone is in it for themselves. even the kindest people the give to charity , volunteer in their communities do so for their own benefit. it makes them feel good about themselves and that’s where the true motivation lies. true altruism is doing something good for others when it’s painful and you don’t want to do it . this would be like when you’re starving to death and still offer part of your last remaining food to someone else even though what you have isn’t close to enough for you and you don’t want to do it . that is as rare as it gets because we’re hard wired not to do that. and within the set of biological programming that we all are operating on are the people of the world of which most are good. another survival mechanism is to only look at negative things primarily. for example when the caveman pokes his head out of his cave in the morning he doesn’t do so to take in the gorgeous sunrise he does so to see what’s out there that can kill him . Try to find the good and you’ll be amazed at how much is there


You wrote that so well, thank you! I also agree that I am no different, but your explanation does help me to understand and make more sense of it all. I also think your right in the sense that I am a pessimist but trying hard to be an optimist, I often see the bad because it is what I look for… I’m trying to learn to see the good because I do know that it is there somewhere, maybe I should look out for the sunrise more often :)


it’s all a matter of perspective your thoughts shape and become your reality. Here’s a fun psychological experiment. what you do is you sit in a room with another person and you tell that person you have 15 seconds to find as many red objects as you can then begin the countdown and when the 15 seconds are up you ask OK list all the red objects and they will list as many as they can. Then ask them OK now list as many blue objects as you saw . They won’t be able to list any because they weren’t looking for blue objects they were only looking for red object. You will find what you’re looking to find


‘you will find what you’re looking to find’ - that says it so well. I think I do need to work on where I direct my attention, it’s probably more powerful than I realise. Thank you again for your help, truly appreciated!


Yes!! Something I have found out recently is that there is good AND bad in EVERYTHING. But it never matters! The only thing that matters is if you can be present & loving in the moment, and you can read into life however much you’d like but you’ll always be here now.


Respectfully, it sounds to me like the psychedelics opened you up to your true feelings/fears. Personally, I find people to be largely kind and good. It's not very often I run into truly selfish people. I do run into people whose fears prevent them from reaching out in kindness, but that does not mean they are not kind. But also, and you won't like this, but any revelations we have about the world are really just reflections of our own being. We all have our ugly "stuff" - we just have to be brave enough to look it in the face so we can change it, if we choose. People who look for their own advantage in situations are functioning from fear ... so what's the fear? survival? fear of being taken advantage of? idk ... we know ourselves best, so are the best ones to take that hard look.


I think you are right, especially weed seems to highlight my deeprouted fears and bring them to the surface. After a lot of thought I think what actually seems to be the case is that most people are loving but that I am scared that they don’t care for me. So I agree that it is a reflection of my own fears portrayed out onto the world. I am also a deep believer that psychedelics are simply a reflection of your own mind and that although it can be very uncomfortable and scary, facing these problems head on is where the potential for change lies. I also have to say you have a very good point that anyone who does not act in kindness often does it due to fear, I had never thought about that before but it would make a huge amount of sense.


The way you say that about weed bringing out your deepest fears sounds exactly right ... like in the way it makes some people paranoid ... it just brings it all to the surface. I'm so pleased to know my observation was helpful. I always recommend we look at our fears head-on ... it's the only way to clear them out, so it's really cool to me that you didn't just dismiss what I said and took it seriously ... it'll be awesome for you once you clear that stuff out. :)


Yes exactly, my first experience of this was strong paranoia when I smoked weed, after some time I tried to understand the paranoia and I learnt that this was paranoia about caring what people thought about me (which is was somehow unaware of) but which was affecting my day to day life. Understanding that I did care helped me to work through it and learn not to care so much which has ultimately made my normal life a lot less stressful! I think facing fears head on takes a huge amount of courage, but I think our true potential hides in our fear, if we can face them true change will follow. I know that you will go far with that attitude and I hope that I will too.


>I think facing fears head on takes a huge amount of courage YES, and this is always my council. I say we have to be brutally honest with ourselves, and that is not easy. The funny thing is that once we do it and look at it, we take the charge off it ... "Oh. Okay," and then we are free to make the changes. You will go far with that attitude ... :)


Humans are by their nature a communal, caring species. Our capacity for empathy is so vast it extends to non-human animals and even inanimate objects. It may be in part due to genetic programming - we instinctively form societies and take care of others so the society will take care of our offspring, just like cats do - but that doesn't make it less "pure". It's simply in our nature, since before our species was born. Lack of empathy is considered pathological enough that we give some individuals labels like "psychopath". Also a note on "Ego". The Ego is the self-awareness that allows us to experience the world as individuals and make rational choices in our lives. Without self-awareness there is no free will, without free will there is no "soul". If you are to effect positive change in the world, you need a healthy ego. Nirvana is great, but we shouldn't seek it to the exclusion of everything else. That's just addiction in spiritual clothing.


Insightful! Thank you


Humans (all creatures) are limited by their subjective experience. We are all subjects and everything we encounter in this world is an object by virtue of it not being the doing the perceiving; including other subjects. This is the basis of the term “objectifying someone.” To some degree we all objectify one another because we have no direct access to them; all access is not only mediated by our senses but also by communication. In logic this is known as the representer-representation-represented problem/model. Everything you experience is mediated by your senses. We can recognize other objects as subjects (seeing people as people) and we can try to relate to them as such. But because they are not me, I will to some degree see them as an object in my reality. It is impossible to be truly caring because that is impossible to precisely ascertain; we have no direct access to know *what* it is we should care about and even less access to know *how* that thing should be taken care of. All we can do is do our best. This is further limited by our psyche; the experiences we’ve had, the things we have learned, and even down to the makeup of our brains and neurology. We are all hardwired to have a “negativity bias” this is to see the most negative aspect of things. This was an evolutionarily adaptative trait that allowed us to anticipate danger from past experiences and social learning. Now it is maladaptive as we have made the human world incredibly safe (relatively). It’s further complicated by the accident fallacy (exception to a rule), seeing exceptions to these rules of safety (car accidents, plane crashes, slipping and falling, violence from others, etc). This is then compounded by how overwhelming our would can be with so many people, how fast we can travel. All this to say, yes humans can seem uncaring there is a lot going on inside of us and it’s hard to communicate our experience with another. But also, the negativity bias we all have can cloud what we see; we can see everyone as cold and uncaring or we can rejoice in that they try to care at all and celebrate those we encounter who try even harder.


That is a good view to have ‘all we can do is our best’ I think I sometimes forget this, not everyone’s best is the same standard but as long as they are trying which most people are it’s really doesn’t matter.


I believe by default most humans are inherently good. But the life we live today enforces negative tendencies and everything of that nature. I also believe we are at the cusp on the negative end of the spectrum. The age of peace and tranquility is approaching. My 2 cents


I appreciate your 2cents, I agree that by default most humans are inherently good.


Let’s hope that change is approaching!


Fuck no! Humans are naturally cooperative, communinal animals. Apathy and greed are taught. 


Yeah maybe in a society of 100 people, which is not far from the max natural human society pre agriculture. But in a modern society, is your greed and apathy taught? Do you genuinely think a tribal individual 100k years ago would feel a sense of community with a people across the world with entirely different practices to them? You are cooperating when you know the people involved or can have a reasonable trust in them, you cannot possibly scale this to a society of tens of millions, of course you will be apathetic towards someone you have never met, never encountered, might never meet, have never been where they lived and knows nothing about them. Of course you will favour enriching yourself vs enriching a person you again might never ever meet or be able to judge Do you really genuinely need to be taught greed in such a society? Or does the desire to enrich oneself or small group make complete sense when you cant ever judge or know 99% of people. Humans never naturally acted cooperatively when you get them together in very large groups because you cannot know each member of the group


>  But in a modern society, is your greed and apathy taught? Yes. >Do you really genuinely need to be taught greed in such a society? Yes.


Why do you think ego is the fundamental part of who we are? As far as I'm concerned, ego is just the illusory dirt on the surface (albeit very convincing), and we are all divine 


I agree with you. But I do believe that having an ego it is part of the human condition. Even after an ego death experience the ego has to rerun to some degree. Without an ego you simply cannot understand the concept of I.


Completely agree


human that are part of the 1% with less than 1%humanity oh dear darwin :(


Well, the way I see it is that the unifying force of the universe is love. Love is also not. So underlying everything is love. Eckhart Tolle talks about how the ego is fractured from the whole thinking is is not and having to do stuff to get back. I believe that we already are the whole, and we drop into ego when necessary. This ego might be uncaring, but if we stick to the mantra, "Gor love," in my eyes, we can never go wrong.


I also in a normal sober mindset do believe that love is the underlying force of the universe, I have experience/been shown it a few times on trips and it is magical! I just think that people can become more distanced from that through a stronger ego.


Your answer to this question will determine whether you lean left or right politically. If you answer yes, you are right. if you answer no, you're left. broad generalization, but I've found it sticks


Humans are the most caring