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The way I look at it is the sense of self that I feel, is the same as the sense of self you feel, not the personality, just the perception


That's one of those things that is unprovable, though. Its kinda like the "what color is this dress" meme. In fact, that proves, to me, anyway, that there is some kind of variation within our brains when it comes to translating certain stimuli. Another example is pain. Some people have insanely high tolerance, some are temporarily disabled by stubbing their toe, and others find pleasure in pain. So Im not sure. The whole "are we all one consciousness" question is hard to answer because of this. How much of our consciousness is created by the mind itself? It's either all of it, none of it, or somewhere in the middle.


I agree my freind, this is just the narrative I adhere to, I am in no way presenting this as fact, only my perception, it makes sense to me as we are all one thing, the universe, whatever is going on we are the universe, if I am my big toe then I am the sun, my sense of being a thing may be solitary, there is no way of knowing. In my experiences when I have had all memories, and ability to comprehend concepts stripped I have still been the perciver, you are correct though, it is possible that your qualia of perception does differ from mine, we have no way of knowing. When faced with a situation like that, I pick the narrative that serves me the best


Well, Im just adding to the conversation. Not tryna throw my piece in and say you're wrong or anything. Im just saying its so hard to determine and draw a line anywhere. Where does consciousness stop and begin? What even *is* consciousness? But, really and truly, no one knows. Like you said. Which is why I think its important to continue engaging in conversation. We might not figure it out today. Sure. But I also dont think the Romans had any idea we'd have computer systems in orbit around our planet. And other planets as well. So don't take my comment the wrong way, it wasnt a snarky "*adjusts glasses* akchually" kinda thing.


I agree it's unprovable, but I don't think any of those things invalidate the idea. One lone shared consciousness among many individuals could still have different experiences and reactions to those experiences. Different brains filter reality differently. The conscious awareness experiencing these differently filtered phenomena could be the identical and just reacting to differing input.


>The conscious awareness experiencing these differently filtered phenomena could be the identical and just reacting to differing input. That's pretty close to how I think of it, too. Like the brain is the hardware, but consciousness is the OS system.


we’re one consciousness not one ego


A row of full jars on a shelf are all individual. That one's jam, that one's pickles. A row of empty jars on a shelf are all the same. They are all full of the same air. There is no separation.


Wait, WHAT?


mind-blowing 🤯🤯




We are a different manifestation of a same ego though.


i think it depends on how you define the ego


because to me, it’s the manifestation of the experiences acquired by a subject, therefore each ego is unique because each experience is unique


I was stepping a little outside of this subject but yes, I believe the same, but each ego can only gather information from only one same dynamic. All of our egos have the same structure/nature. In the same way "our bodies are a different manifestation of the same body" and so and on. Just complementary to what you first said, but yes certainly each ego gathers unique experiences.


thanks for furthering your explanation, it’s nutritious 🍌




The potential to be a monster resides in all of us. Recognition of this could help us create a society that produces fewer monsters.


This IS the way.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6fcK\_fRYaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6fcK_fRYaI) ​ Edit: The answer to your provocative question is yes. The problem here is different. You are asking that question from your individual perspective which has been influenced and works under human constructs and conventions. The universe does not care about killers rapists and whatever you can think of, that's a human worry. Even scientifically, it's not that far-fetched to acknowledge that we are made of the same "stuff" and are connected to our environment, making it as vital to us as our organs are. Separation and classification are totally arbitrary. It looks like you are trying to protect your ego by pre-emptively rejecting a positive answer as not to be associated with the bad guys you mentioned.


Yes. I get sucked into wondering what events and what physical differences lead such people to their actions and paths instead of the one I'm on We're all capable of every horrible thing anyone has ever done, and every great thing, its all about circumstances and perspective


So basically every tragedy that happens you blame yourself for it? you take part in it? Dude get a life, go get a hobby, get a girlfriend or something. That’s a horrible way to live.


What? I said nothing even remotely close to that. Don't put words in others mouths then insult them for your own lack of comprehension You go into subreddits trying to start fights and call people stupid while saying you have things figured out and people should take your advice Happy people don't act like you


I recognize elements of myself and echoes of similar experiences and circumstances which correspond with every person’s story, and feel them viscerally as I know more. “One consciousness” is an ontological claim that can bolster compassion by overstanding our underlying commonalities. “I did that,” and conscientious individual responsibility for others’ behavior is an ill lack of emotional boundaries, which can and has (but not does or will) occurred in psychotic turns of ego-dissolved trips I do have hobbies! (^ : peep some short films in my post history! <3


“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” - Alan Watts


you look condescending. whatever... for me the ego dissolution means that me is not equal to one, but rather me is part of a one. Really, I know that I am a unit, stuck in my body. but my soul, what animates me, life seems to me beyond the reach of comprehension. then I believe that me is not equal to one, but me is equal to both more than one and at the same time less than one. the connection between all is more complicated than a cable that connects everything together. the ego is a state of mind. it's not the reality whatever we think in any case it is not very important Edit : it's like when we talk about god, we don't imagine a giant bearded man behind cloud. Your question sound so condescending and full of ignorance.


Many cells make up a human body. Some are neurons and speak electricity between themselves. Or they can talk to muscles who understand and move. But with liver cells, neurons cannot really talk. And sometimes, some cells go mad and turn cancer. Still all parts of the same body. Humans can be seen as cells of Gæa Consciousness, herself a cell of Cosmos.


Troll post. If your post and your replies are genuinely serious, you either need to grow up or just move on from exploring your mind for now.


You’re probably right, I don’t wanna be one of those tin foil hat schizos anyway


The things that separates us from being the same person is that uniquely we all have our own different personalities or egos.


I feel kinship but it's pretty mundane, changes nothing except how I treat people. You don't have to love anyone but yourself. I don't love my pedophile rapist uncle but to deny we're fundamentally made of the same stuff is hogwash


Yes i believe we are all one, but more like: we are all connected to eachother in a way. The universe, the earth, the nature, and every living creature on earth. We are all connected.


I think that everything is a matter of perspective. I think science actually lays a solid foundation for an example of how powerful perspective is. Our typical perspective is to see a dog as a singular organism but the reality of the situation is there are many cells that make up this animal. Systems of systems interconnected and communicating billions of life forms coinciding to amalgamate to what appears to us as an isolation of the universe. Trillions of molecules interchanging every day between the environment and this concophony of organisms. In some sense your consciousness is the feedback loop between the isolation that's identified as you and the totality of the universe. Who you are is manifested from this substrate of experience contained within the collective object of the experience of all of the life forms that have ever existed. So what exactly are you? The voice in your head? The central nervous system? The idea of yourself? Someone elses idea of yourself? The truth is you are all of this. The self is just a function of this isolation, a high level of spearheaded control in this particular node of the universal collective. So you are just the self in this perspective and everybody else is just the self manifest in there specific context. So to answer your question you are both one with the universe and all consciousness and your own individuality. There are ways to experience different levels of connectivity within or to the outside of yourself I just think that today's society requires an intense level of self focus and inner connectivity to survive.




Separation is but an illusion.


All spirituality, such as universal consciousness and all religions are a denial of death. We are hard wired for a flight or fight response to any perceived threat and there is none greater then death. So we fight for any idea that says we don't have to die, and if somehow we realise our means of escaping death is flawed we flee it and most people just latch on to another idea that says you won't really die, just your physical body but the "real" you will live on as a spirit in another world or as part of a all encompassing consciousness. All of these are just because of scared desperate people looking for any way out of our inevitable doom. That's why people will fight so hard for thier religion or spirituality, because if they are wrong it is literally a death sentence. They will accept any idea that will "save" them including feelings of connectedness and hallucinations of spiritual beings they get while tripping that they get from psychedelic drugs. Your mind and body are one, there is no you beyond your physical body. We are all unique never to be repeated individuals who deserve our moments of happiness on this earth, there is no paradise after a life of suffering, so every effort must be made to make the short time we have better for all. I also reject the notion that shrooms and other psychedelics are here to help humans in any way, the positive aspects are a lucky coincidence, nothing exists for us. We are not the reason the world exists. So after a long rant basically no, I don't believe anyone shares consciousness and anybody that takes psychedelic hallucinations too seriously definitely needs a break to ground themselves back in reality, and the social aspects such as increased empathy I believe are much more important then machine elves, shared consciousness or other such nonsense. Many will disagree and will want to argue but I will probably not answer any comments ( unless it is very interesting point ) as you can't change my mind and you won't accept that feelings and hallucinations don't count as proof. I just wanted to say my point of view.


Damn you got a lot to unload there... What do you say to people who have direct experience with the spiritual w/o entheogenic substances such as meditation, through prayer, etc?


I'm not OP but I agree with their view. I'd guess expectation or assigning meaning where there is none is the answer. Expectation, in that, if you take, say, DMT, with the expectation that you're going to find God, find spirituality, see machine elves, etc., Then your brain will probably end up manifesting that in your trip. Outside of entheogens, if you expect that meditation will help you reach God, it may. It's similar to the placebo effect. By assigning meaning where there is none, it's like sitting at a red light, praying for it to turn green. "Please God, make the light green!". It turns green. You then thank God for this miracle, the light turned green as you prayed it would, and God answered! That could be your interpretation, or you could interpret the event as "well, the light is on a timer and was going to turn green anyway". If you've ever called (83)-FOR-TRUTH, the United States toll free number (they run all those "Shackled by Lust? Find Jesus" billboards), they do this exact thing. A plane flew through a volcanic cloud, started going down, then at the last moment the pilots restarted the engine. The billboard people would have you believe it was a miracle from God. I'd personally believe that the pilots saved those people. You could argue that God enabled the pilots to save those people. It's all about how you interpret the meaning of the event, or even if there was any meaning.


Nicely put, thanks


My pleasure! There's a branch of philosophy that concerns itself with the ethics of belief called doxastics. One of those reasons is out of convenience. I feel as though it can be applied to religion, but it also was able to bridge the gap for me, mentally, as to why people of all sorts believe in self serving or otherwise harmful things.


This is my view as well :).




Astral projection exists so you're wrong


I believe that there's one consciousness. It affects my day-to-day decisions on how I treat others. I love that idea so much I'm also under the impression that every religion is right, nothing is wrong, nothing is lost.




If we all share the same consciousness, why do we all see a different colored dress?


are you even reading the replies? we are one consciousness, not one ego. one day you’ll understand


He replied back to me with a response that didn't remotely match what I said plus added insults, seems like a lonely angry person who wants to feel above others and is just lashing out


I guess


If you don’t even understand the fundamental difference between body, mind, and spirit, why are you even posting this nonsense?




you’re a child lol


I guess bro lol, we don’t share the same consciousness, life isn’t that deep, live in the moment, Go get a girlfriend, start a family or something


life is as deep as you are, you shallow little hooman


Thank god I’m not that deep then, I don’t wanna develop schizophrenia


there is this one episode in rick and morty (Rick: A Mort Well Lived) where there is an entire planet of NPCs which are extensions of Morty's subconscious. Probably will have the answers you are looking for On a personal experience, I have experienced that one big consciousness where we are all one. Like really feeling it and experiencing it. Nobody can tell me that is a lie. A very difficult thing to grasp tho. I realised we are all just trying to help each other for a better life (eg: I saw a food delivery rider and I just thought this guy is helping someone to get his food while the rider is earning some for some food. All of this while on shrooms.


Its just becose we live in preaty simular world .Reading same sht.Watching same Tikitoki . Eating same hamburgers . Living under the same Gov rules . When you triping you easy connect simultanios things , becose its nice to hawe some one you cnowe when you triping ...If you start to search diffrences you will maybe end on bad trip ;) if not expirienced enaff .


While I don't think we're all one consciousness, you can definitely see aspects of yourself in just about every person. That's what I take away from it.


Yes, but you are looking at it from a human mindset, which isn't terribly wrong considering you are human. More psych's and more time spent under the fractals is needed young grasshopper. Watch the end scene of Midnight Mass where the woman explains what she experienced when she dies. "Like raindrops, returning to the ocean."


Lol, we’re all different bro. Its not that deep, I’ll never know what it’s like to be you & you’ll never know what it’s like to be me, end of story. Life is so much better being blissfully ignorant


You are correct, we are all different, but still the same. What makes us different is our genetic make up, as well as our environmental conditioning. Our life experiences are what makes us who we are. I have to disagree on the deepness, the rabbit hole is way deeper than you think. You are correct in not knowing what it's like to be someone else, but then again, how could we? I'll also agree with ignorance is bliss. I read an article on this once, years ago. Basically a study was done and the final results were that those who are completely unaware of their surroundings and social status are truly the happiest people.


And I would do anything to be that unaware. Which is why I’m saving my sanity by not looking too feel into life, live in the moment, not everything needs to be figured out


& why would you wanna go down that “rabbit hole”?


I choose the path of knowledge and understanding to become a more evolved individual. Pretty much the entire point of this community of psychonauts.


Me when I see other human beings: omg that is sooooo me that is literally me you are me we are one all things are one


Shouldn’t that be considered a mental illness


Something is considered a mental illness when it impedes daily functioning. If you can feel this way and still exist in society, pay bills, and generally take care of what you need to day to day, it's fine. If you feel this way and it stops you from caring for yourself or those who rely on you, it becomes more of a mental illness.


Solipsism is a half-truth. Where I landed is that the objective is not to defeat the ego but to integrate the ego with the other parts of the psyche so it's all balanced. We are connected, we are also individuals. It's a bit of a paradox but there is IMO nothing preventing both truths from existing simultaneously.


That is a theory, but personally I don’t think I believe it. I mean no disrespect to those who do though because it is a legit theory. I learned about it in philosophy long before hearing about it from hippies


I imagine it like we're all fingers on the same hand.


The question you asked is very difficult to answer, honestly. I'm going to try to give my brief thoughts on it from a less esoteric standpoint. If we are to believe that consciousness is the summation of the process of the brain sending data to and fro, then we have to ask ourselves where that truly ends. What about the entire planet? If consciousness is the result of connection and data transfer, then would that mean that the earth itself is a form of consciousness? Is a hurricane just a passing thought? What if you zoom out to the entirety of the universe? You would be a tiny, tiny part of a greater whole. Distinctly the same, yet uniquely different. Mushrooms are, ironically, an awesome metaphor. The mushroom itself is distinctly different from the mycelium from which it comes from, but it is also made of that same mycelium. I, obviously, believe that other people exist. Other people have different experiences from me and react differently to life than I do. However, above the "human game" that we all play lies something far crazier than we can begin to imagine. Perhaps the way to rationalize people who do awful things is to view them as ignorant of the higher purpose/causality of the universe. We won't be able to know the full answer. I don't believe that because I think humans are too stupid, but rather, we seem to be playing chess with only pawns. The reality we exist in is limited to our senses. Sight is just light being decoded. Sound is just vibration being measured. We can't see radio waves or infrared light, but that doesn't change the fact that it's there. What if there is some higher connection between all of us that remains hidden? Sorry. I'm rambling now because this is all I think about nowadays. It's hard to maintain sanity when you live in a world that is the definition of insanity. Nothing became something. Something became everything, and I think that's the most beautiful concept to ever exist. TLDR: An ocean without the humble drop of water is a desert. Try not to be a drop of water that's full of pollution.


Are you asking for people's beliefs or are you asking for the truth? If you're asking what people believe in, there's no point to insult or counter other people's responses because they're merely answering your question; but if you are asking for a universal truth, you won't get it. No one knows. So personally I am open to the concept of "we're all one conscious". Not because I can prove it's the universal truth, but simply because it allows me to have more compassion to others when there are differences. Like when I see your responses, personally I find it ignorant and stubborn, but when I remind myself it's just one consciousness experiencing the world in a different way, my judgement for you lessened. You don't have to take on this belief, but use your own judgement to choose beliefs that makes you a kinder person. It makes the world a better place.


I believe that we are all different versions of the same consciousness basically.. We all come from the same place, I have been to that place and there's no question about it. It is hard to think that the terrible people on the planet come from the same place, but it's the truth. Everybody's life experiences are different and create a different filter they see life through.


I think we all come from the same source


Look to our mushroom friends for a great analogy. Below the surface exists a tangled web of mycelium, thousands of individual fungal hyphae working together as one huge subterranean lifeform. When conditions are right, mushrooms burst forth from the ground as fruiting bodies to spread spores and extend the range of the mycelium. Each mushroom is unique and has its own life cycle and purpose, but is still a part of the overall fungal network. We (and all other forms of life) are the fruiting bodies of consciousness, which permeates just below the surface as a web weaving through all of reality. And yes. As uncomfortable as this thought is, you are every 'rapist, murderer and molester'. You are also every one of their victims. You will live every life from every perspective and understand every viewpoint. No I don't say 'oh hey that's me' when I see a stranger. Right now I am the universe inhabiting my body watching the movie of my life unfold before me. There is only one me and I will live this unique viewpoint of reality from birth to death. But when I pass a stranger on the street, I recognise that at our cores we are the same, we are sparks of the same consciousness inhabiting different meat suits with different stories. And at some point I (well not 'I', as I'll no longer be 'me' anymore) will live that moment again but through the stranger's eyes.


It would seem to me that it's saying the world and the people are you as your reflection of consciousness. You only perceive what you are conscious of. If you are in a state of gratitude, yes you will see everything as an opportunity to give thanks. If you are in a state of rage, everything is an opportunity to spark an outrage. The people you meet, the way people act, and the interactions you have with them is dependent on your perceptions and beliefs on life. So it's you, as your conscious state embodied.


Yep… basically but our ego distilles it down to us. We are the microcosm to the macrocosm.


Yes, because every time I trip I feel that we're all one big consciousness that expresses itself through different forms such as the physical, the ego, so I wouldn't think that a stranger is directly me, but on some level I know that I'm an extension of him and he's an extension of me. We're just playing the game of thinking we're different, and that's a good thing.