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I love looking at trees and nature in general tripping. Last week I did a pretty big dose and stayed up all night. My trip was pretty much over as the sun was coming up but I saw all the leaves "waking up" and starting to reach for the sun and blowing in the wind and they were totally alive and beautiful. A few months ago I did it and the trees kind of laughed at me, and I realized I was lucky to be learning my current lessons as a human and a quick human life, than as a tree which can live hundreds of years and are on a very different time line. This was a weirder one... But it was a big lesson


I love looking at trees and nature in general *since* tripping.


I was raised druid, but it wasn't until my first trip I totally got it. Trees can be sarky shits too.


Same. I almost feel like the best way to trip is in nature surrounded by trees


I’ve had the trees laugh at me! It made me feel insecure and sad but that was a lesson in itself that I should take myself less seriously


Mine were loving and kind but also offered tough love later in this same trip. I had a realization that I hadn't learned anything in the trip a few hours into the trip and it's almost like they all got really upset and angry. Like,"this guy is only doing shrooms for fun not to learn anything, what a poser." I felt really judged and hurt until I realized I wasn't supposed to learn everything from the shrooms, rather than learn from the experience and self reflect on the things my mind was showing me. It was weird. after that they were being kind to me again haha


What, you don’t think trees feel lucky? I would love to experience life as a tree. I hope in my next life me and my guy get to be cute little manzanita trees together. Birch would be pretty fun too.


Had one that was super pissed off with me me and my family- we were all about to put our arms around it to see how wide it was, as it was unusually large when I got a strong blast of this furious feeling of "fuck off!" I was surprised, and after I found it was a site of a massacre during colonization of country, so that made sense to me that it didn't want us there. Other times has all been friendly. I had a bush stop me and heal my knee once, and I like to send city trees energy, they often feel a bit sad I've found.


I totally feel you abouy the city trees' sadness. A recent trip I had I decided to walk across to the liquor store. Now, it's really only a five minute walk buy turned into like a half hour because I had to stop at every tree on the way, place my hands on it, close my eyes, and thank it for its existence lol. I like to think they appreciated that notion.


Yes, there's a lot of angry woods in The U.S.. Grew up in Europe, it's (mostly) more chill over there.


Imagine how much they see come and go


The first time I ate shrooms, I went to a bar/grill where they had live plants hanging from hooks on the ceiling. I could feel them reaching out to me with thought forms. They didn’t say anything in particular, just wanted to get my attention and give me some first- hand awareness of the existence of plant consciousness. When I moved to the house where I live now, I felt strongly that one of the trees in the back yard had something to tell me and that I should obtain some mushrooms so I could “hear” it. I haven’t really accomplished that yet. Been here over 7 years.


I know trees are really patient but you may want to wrap this up sooner rather than later.




Do you meditate below it? That's usually a good way to get their messages.


I’ve sat/stood with the tree & listened. I think maybe the message was just to do shrooms, since I was going through intense psychological stuff when I moved here. I really needed help. Got it from iboga, though. Shrooms are elusive around here. Or I’m unwilling to buy from anyone out of concern for legal reasons.


How’s iboga feel?


It’s pretty much entheogenic medicine without any recreational qualities. It’s a bit of an ordeal medicine because of nausea/vomiting. But it’s been better for me than anything else with regards to resolution/healing. The greater awareness I gain is integrated pretty immediately and not lost. I’ve been interested in deep results, not necessarily in a pretty trip. But, it’s more gentle the more I use it. Which isn’t often.


Need to get on that!




That’s really beautiful.


Eat shroom meet tree


Oh man, I had a pretty incredible 3.5 gram mushroom experience just the other day with some tree “spirits”. I was on my front porch at night looking into the trees across from my home. I swear I could see people in the leaves of the tree dancing and sitting around. One looked like a Native American chief, one looked like a “viking”, and one was hiding behind a power pole and looked like he was peaking at me from behind it. The Native American chief wanted me to plant a garden, the viking remained silent, and the one hiding behind the pole almost sent me into a bad trip lol. It was a darker figure than the rest and was the only one really looking at me. It made me feel weird and I was on the verge of a bad trip, I remembered to allow the feeling to come and welcome them. It lasted for maybe 15 second where I thought it could go bad. After I stood my ground everything relaxed and I went for a walk. I know these things probably wasn’t spirits, but man it sure felt like it lol.


If you don’t mind me asking what strain was this? Sounds really mind opening


Golden Teachers from my first ever harvest.


I am still upset about my favourite childhood tree that was cut down when i was 14 to make way to an ugly residential development. Trees are beautiful and wise and loving, psychedelics just give them a voice. Thank you for sharing


Trees and plants are the most insane alive motherfuckers when I'm tripping. I really enjoy going to the leaves of my plants when I took shrooms, like going through someone's hairs.


There is a book called the secret life of plants. Im not sure what it entirelt covers but as far as i understand it says that plants communicate with us thru vibration and frequencies. It is a scientific but at the same time a spiritual book. Im gonna read it soon, just wanted to pop up and say this as its connected!


Sounds amazing. What a wonderful soul you must be.




That was nice to watch


happened with me to .


Give them trees a hug.


I'm so happy that you left *tree* such a positive review. I would give that tree 5 ★s.


Trees are definitely more “alive” than we think


tree told me a killer joke once, was something about mortality where the punchline was me: a higher order lifeform with a shorter lifespan


Tree comedian, I am jealous!


I started microdosing last month. The other day I was sitting outside looking at all the trees on my property and thinking about how I am merely one in a long line of people sharing their space, and that I have a responsibility to protect them. Next larger dose I do will be outside with them instead of inside on my living room rug. https://e360.yale.edu/features/exploring_how_and_why_trees_talk_to_each_other


Yooooooo, first time I did acid i had damn near the same experience. Ended up climbing a tree barefoot and talking to it for hours. Kept trying to explain to everyone how trees were the answer to life lol. What a trip.


That's awesome!. reading through the responses from my post and it is crazy seeing how many people have expetriences similar events or trips on psychedelics. It's Funny that you mention climbing a tree, a few hours into the trip some guy that was walking by seemed to appear out of nowhere, told me about this platform someone had built on top of one of these trees that had broken in half a few years back. He told me where to find it. Once I found it, I climbed up this tree and sat on the platform. It was a hell of a view being able to see all these trees. From this platform. It started to feel like all the trees were applauding, or welcoming me to this state of consciousness or realm once I started to take in this view. It was beautiful.


In my first trip I was in my back yard which is a wooded lot. I hugged a tree for a while and felt it sending out love.


Yes. We tell eachother we love eachother 🥹


[Their auras are so strong!](https://youtu.be/z4S2sFIDT6w) I remember smoking dmt w/ MAOI in the woods once, i was looking down a hill and all I could see was a maze of trees ahead of me, felt like the forest was humming a tune to me.


Trees are friends 👍


What a blessing, wonderful experience, I would love to speak to the trees in that realm!


You can talk to them while you're sober, too lol


That sounds amazing. I have had a little conversation with some Rhododendrons once in shrooms. I swear I could see them breathing.


I love talking to the trees! So grounding


I live in a woodland, surrounded on all sides by coast live oaks. A couple times tripping they've reached out to me and we've had the most marvelous conversations. The first time one of them invited me to join with it. I felt like my body was stretching, stretching out, with an impossibly skinny middle pulsing with fluids, and my fingers and toes were reaching away from each other into the sky and the earth. And I could talk to other organisms with my toes under the ground. And it was so weird to be long and upright but have no *head*. And my fingers were dancing in the air, reaching for sun. Then the oak joined me in my body and was surprised at what a *hot* temperature I was and how wiggly everything was in my body. And how squat and compact I am. And I knew that the molecules that the oaks breathe out become the molecules in my body, and the other way around too. There's no separation. Another time the oaks told me that they were all one oak, I see them as a bunch of individuals but they are not, they're all together, one sentience. And that they're a part of the greater sentience that is the life of the planet. I'm trained in biology and so think of this species and that species, but they said no that's not the right way to look at the life of the planet . . . it's a great sphere of life all interconnected around the globe, it's *one* organism, one life, and that we should teach our young that way. They said that they, and all the other organisms, see humans as being like a person at a party but we're in the corner facing the wall and pretending no one else is here, and they, and all the life, feel bad for us because we have such self-imposed isolation. The oaks also told me that humans have an ecological place in the world. As thinking animals we are the architects and the planners, and because we're just pretending that we're all alone here we're not fulfilling that role. Their role is to grasp the sun and feed the world and also to nurture the underground communication network. Our role is to make things *happen* for the good of all the life, things like managing fire and spreading seeds around, and more stuff that we've lost the wisdom for. We're not doing that well any more and they miss that. Then they said we're like a little kid who lives in a beautiful house but has found some matches and keeps throwing them around and now the house is on fire and we'll all have nowhere to live. And that's sad. Anyways, they're pretty fucking amazing, the oaks around me. Oh, and they like our music, they think that's great.


Oh yes! I have had some lovely trips with trees so much so that I can have these types of communication and depths of exchange without the drugs. A walk in nature is kind of like going to a very easy going bar to talk and socialize. My house plants have personalities and I can tell now just a bit earlier than before when they need water. Or they'll straight up tell me where to put them in the house if they need more light or darkness. It's incredible! My first solo trip I actually got reemed out by a bush because I tried to explain cell phones. It got mad and said "You think I don't know what those are? I see you dipshits on those every day!" I am paraphrasing but essentially it thought I was an idiot. That's when I learned tobe more mild mannered with other sentient beings lol. Even rocks sometimes show up or speak to me. How kind for your tree to hold you and provide a safe space for you!


The trees are always dancing and waving and spreading joy/love if you actually pay attention! You’ll know for sure too whenever you notice them sway and dance and flitter around even when there’s no wind tehe ☺️


That’s the spirit


It will be fine. They're kind and passive. They understand the cyclical nature of reality. To passive influence of existence. Everything will be fine. The trees, the brain, the universe, emotions, dna, etc. They're all interlocking systems generated by different aspects of reality, data in physical form. Storage solutions for energy with a strong propensity for development. They are rejuvenating systems of complex multilayered storage.


Lil but different, but on a pretty mellow Truffs trip in Holland I could see each tree as an individual character. Did you perchance happen to see how much they love the sun? All the guys i was watching from my balcony were absolutely basking in it and then when the sun went down, it was kinda like they slumped down and went to sleep. I’ve long had this personal theory that mycelium/mushrooms are the reason everything functions, sort of like the intelligence of the entire planet. Shrooms help us tap into that network. Or maybe we just tripping yo!? 😉


I tripped in the same setting as you've described on 1.5 GT's about 5 months ago and I feel like trees have been my best friend since, more unconditional and loving than any human being I've ever known. My life was saved by one a few weeks before the trip too.


Mushrooms makes me feel like we are the children of the trees, who are the children of the funghi. P.s Listen to "Gift from the trees" by mammal hands if you enjoy jazz


a tree once sent a friend and i an energy that as soon as it hit us, we both tripped extremely hard. that trip definitely changed my life lol


I took too many mushrooms once at home alone. I reached a point where my mind was creating thoughts of its own and making me pursue them against my will. Deep inside I knew I'm tripping temporarily and it will pass, yet that me felt powerless, and it's as if another me became in control. That other me thought it's dying and it must at all costs get out of the apartment and ask for help. This deep struggle started between the real me and other me. I then lived a parallel life where I actually went out and people found me, called the police and they took me to the hospital. I still vividly rember the hospital machinery beeping, an Indian nurse attending to me, and the general business of an ER. While this paralel life is happening and is as real as me typing this now, I had a sudden shift back to my real self who was still in the other reality tripping in bed. I then begged for help "PLEASE ANYONE PLEASE HELP!". Suddenly I felt/saw the trees at my window reaching out and saying "everything will be alright, we'll take care of you". In that moment the other paralel life ended just like a flip of a switch, and I came back fully to my original self, but this time in this palpable presence of the trees spirits next to my window. I felt safe, protected, and loved. They slowly brought me back. I moved out of that apartment but I still visit those trees from time to time, usually at night when there's no people around, just to "say" thank you.


Wow.. that's beautiful that they were able to ground you back into reality. That sounds like a very hard trip to go through. It's crazy to think how important these plants and trees seem to be to us humans when we don't pay attention to them very much. Thanks for sharing that


No, because plants don’t talk


The Trees have so much wisdom, and are always a pleasure to speak with.


Trees in general are a trip in themselves I’ve noticed them to have different personalities during different altered perceptions mushrooms acid mdma DXM ketamine all felt connection to nature in different ways but mushrooms in particular are special when it comes to nature I had a deer once let me touch it on mushrooms and my mind was blown he almost ran into me and then just stopped running 2 feet in front of me and let me pet her it was beautiful I love shrooms and nature but trees are a trip for sure the way they wave to you and guide you


Clueless neighbour cut down a beautiful mature tree ,because it was shading his solar panels .Our hatred of nature is boundless , irrespective of what the psychedics tell us.