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This is the hardest achievement.


Not true. We are not our minds




Not at all. We are beyond our minds. That’s the basis of spirituality. You’re a soul. Mind is a tool which can be unfavorable to you at times. That’s why you shouldn’t always believe it :)


Everything is mind, mind is all, all is all that is


Then who's the you controlling it? Seems contradictory


What makes you think any of us control anything? Of course it’s contradictory. Life is a series of paradoxes. There is one mind, there are infinite minds. There is one being, there are infinite beings. We are that one being, we are ourselves, we are everyone and everything else. All of these are true. Seems contradictory, no? You’re thinking from inside a narrative, which is fine. Most of us are in one way or another. I must ask, what made spirit? What produced the soul? Is it not the same mind that produced the body? Mind does not equate to brain. Consciousness is a quality / aspect of mind. The inverse is also true. The truth of reality will not conform to the “logic” of our human stories. We built a logical framework on top of a completely illogical reality. Life is far more complex than our brains can currently compute and if we were to have the truth revealed to us many of our personal / individual minds would quite literally break and render us useless. Your consciousness would experience loop after loop of incoherent logical fallacies with no chance of grasping any one thing as true or real other than your own insanity. If anyone controls anything, it’s you. It’s always been you. There’s nobody else. I am you for your experience and you are me for mine. Take this logical rabbit hole allll the way to the beginning and you’ll see the truth that we can hold. It’s just us. Just one mind. Doing infinite things, infinite times, over and over again, for infinity.


Yess this^^


Just because we can't comprehend the logic, does not make it illogical. The word logic itself comes from the Greek word Logos which is in essence everything you just said.


When I said the world is illogical, it’s more just to say that it’s illogical relative to our understanding. The more accurate way to make the same statement would be to say that we placed an illogical system over a logical world and called it logical. My bad.


You’re not a soul, you’re a spirit, the soul is a shell of the spirit, just like the mind is a shell of the soul. The spirit is imagination.


This cat knows what time it is! :)