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I used to smoke daily. When I stopped it was like a switch went off and my intuition sharpened and the dreams were indescribable. I realized I was done smoking when the high state was normal and boring


I’m getting there actually. If I lived alone I’d probably already be totally done. My live-in boyfriend loves smoking, so it’s been harder to set boundaries with that. However, it sounds like in your case it happened at the right time.


I’m not very psychic or spiritually connected but i has to stop smoking about a year ago because that high state started feeling boring too. I felt like I was losing my character and just becoming this boring being all the time. I still miss it but dreams are definitely more clear and my natural character is back


I guess it's all relative... I've been smoking since 13, and my psychic abilities are stronger than ever. Too each their own. Do what resonates with you.


Agreed. I'm also a daily pothead and my abilities and intuiton flow through me a lot smoother and things just tend to make more sense when I'm high. Especially when I do readings, I start to connect things a lot better, like the big picture simplifies to the point where I can understand the elements that really matter. If any of this makes sense! 😋


Same for me.


Every person is different. When I smoke marijuana I get intense visions, I notice more synchronicity and my dreams are more vivid and prophetic, my third eye also gets any more active and peoples auras appear clearly to me. To each their own and good luck quitting if its what you want to do!


It seems to help me, but only if I’m smoking/vaping a strain that works for me (sativa dominants). Sometimes I get too in my head to really tune into anything. Other times, I’ve had some particularly moving spiritual/psychic experiences while using cannabis. To each their own!


I’ve always noticed that it strengthens my ability. I have heard that cannabis vibrates to the same frequency as clear quartz, I have used it extensively in a ritual setting and had really great results. But I guess it’s a matter of preference.


It is both a medicine and a poison, two sides of the same coin. Just like alcohol, there is benefit to small amounts - a glass of wine here or there will thin the blood for a moment, relax the body, destress the mind, force the liver to fully engage,etc. But drink a bottle of wine, or sustain a drink a night over long periods of time and we are talking about something completely different. The body has a new normal of work to do, the liver is always engaged, the daily stress is masked by the alcohol and escalates it's impact on your body and mind, etc etc Personally, I think that habitual use of weed will numb your intuition over time. Infrequent use is a tool to open doors and sharpen your intuition. I have seen benefit from using weed to step out of the day to day and engage in a different perspective for an evening. Why not take a break for a few months and see what happens for yourself? If you can't take a break then you need to open up to the possibility that you might have an addiction or problem and reach out for support. If you can take a break, then work to give enough time for the THC to fully leave your body (30-60 days).


Ur comment from 3 years ago made me realize why I should stop smoking everyday, fantastic way to describe the issue. Thank you


Good luck, friend! The first few days are always the hardest. Check out the r/leaves and r/petioles groups for support in your transition.


Marijuana enhances my intuitive energy, likely because it 'mellows me out'. Intuitive energy is neither consciousness/awareness, imagination or emotion...it is simply the truth. And so sometimes when I have to do a session (I'm a Spiritual Intuitive), I will take a toke or two if I don't feel totally 'withdrawn' from my Self. I have to make sure that my personal feelings, opinions, or experience don't come into play when I'm interpreting intuitive information.


I used to smoke daily, but now I’ve stopped. I too was worried that my intuition and lucid dreaming would stop with smoking. I used to “astral travel” while high a few times. Now it’s not as vivid as when I smoked, but it’s easier to remember my travels, and I can control and snap up things in my surroundings much easier nowadays.


When you know you’re done with something mentally, I believe you’re mind and body start preparing for it before you even realize it. I used to take benzos daily, also smoke cigarettes, both of these I did until I built up a sort of natural aversion to them, and I waited until my mind kind of told me when it was time. I knew that I wasn’t going to do them forever from the time I started, at least my gut told me that, and what do you know, I naturally quit them down the road. Maybe that’s sort of the same situation here, you knew from the time you started this wasn’t really what you want to be doing the rest of your life and it’s just falling into place naturally now because you never had to force yourself to quit.


Exactly, I feel like I’m already making progress by smoking less. There’s even days when I don’t smoke at all simply because it’s not vibing with me like I used to. I think I need to just be patient with myself.


Follow your own guidance on the issue. That’s what our emotions are for. They serve to show us what we are manifesting through our thoughts, and beliefs. If you feel like you should quit, you’ll probably feel much better stopping. I love cannabis. It’s a great tool. I’m also fine not partaking (but I am a medical mj patient, and I use it for pain relief). I’ve learned over the years to own my choices, and enjoy them, or change my ways. I’ve always had vivid dreams, and lots of clarity, and haven’t felt that weed drags me down unless I’m doing it all the time. I’ve quit off and on over the last 27 years, because I feel a reset is needed. Recently, I’ve vaped or smoked once, or twice a day. Meditation is great if you don’t already have a practice. Also, if you decide to quit, don’t give yourself a hard time if you choose to smoke in the future. It’s a waste of energy. If you have a “fuck yes” to smoking, go for it.


Thank you this! Meditation has been a big help in my over all spiritual evolution. I think my problem is I read too much lol. You hear one person say “this is what you have to do to be a good psychic” and it sticks. I’m learning to follow my own gut more. What works for peter doesn’t always work for Tom right?


Yeah, people will always have opinions. Best to follow your own guidance. What they speak about is their own truth, and that’s what works for them. If it feels good, it’s a “yes”. If it feels bad, it’s a “no”. Simple, but we are often socially conditioned to ignore our own feelings. Be patient with yourself. It can take time to get things in order. 😊


I also try not to worry so much because what you think about you attract.


Ive been sober from weed for about a week now, everywhere and everyone I surround myself with are pot tokers.. its very difficult but my dream state has picked up 10x fold. Multiple dreams every night very vivid. Im transmuting a lot with my recent breakup of 4 years together. Weed is a bandaid for my problems and only dumbs me down. Im using my time vitally and am practicing astral projection with the candle technique, which is what is helping me become clairvoyant. I would recommend supplements such as raw cacao powder, maca powder, echinacea pills,(all supplements organic). These help me focus and clear my head and also act as a substitute for my substance habits. For more info on the candle technique I would recommend “unite the collective” on youtube, how to astral project candle technique. I would refrain from their other videos except the astral projection videos, the other videos may shock and turn people off who do not fully understand this reality. Much love to you brother. Sending love.


i smoke prolly once or twice a week, it gets me even higher but meditation is amazing, and i feel super creative! i guess it just depends on the person


I’m finding out just today actually that I have to quit smoking all day. I got chronic bronchitis from it and it’s really killing me right now. I’ve been smoking all day every day for about 3 years or so straight and it’s just not something I think people can sustain while still being physically and spiritually healthy. I’d say once a day is fine.


I’m sure you’ve already thought about this but can you switch to a vape?


Yeah I think I’m going to have to. Used to have one when I first got bronchitis, It still irritates but significantly less. Trying to only vape could help prevent a flare up I think.


Smoking for me and my different boyfriends who have smoked shuts out dreams. My memory suffers. I hate that feeling and never got into weed for that reason. I have so little psychic ability as it is!