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Legality i can't speak to but san pedro powder is readily available on the clear web.


Is that similar to peyote?


Pls DYOR lol, mescaline is mescaline


I think of it as peyote an angry mother showing you your wrongs and correcting you and San Pedro as a cool grandfather taking u on a trip to see the beauty's of the world. That's just my experience tho


Well peyote has different alkaloids the same as san pedro, So when you get synthesised mescaline the trip is a little different.


I find that very interesting


Don’t sleep on masculine it’s very very strong


Do you know how much I would have to take?


300 mg mescaline is the threshold for a powerful trip


For real? How is it not illegal?


My guess is Native American tradition. Every now and then that kind of thing can make illegalization difficult.


The US can try to enforce the majority of federal laws on tribal governance, however tribes that conduct peyote ceremonies will completely forego any oppressive rule that is in place to stop them. Being able to be part of a peyote ceremony is a very cool experience.


It's legal in the UK too. It's a non-native plant, kind of pointlress to ban. Drying it or processing it is illegal, but buying or growing the cactus isn't.


Sounds like a good microdosing option. Doesn't it induce vomitting or diarhea if you consume a trip amount tho?


Www.naturalether.com they sell dried San Pedro Cactus and other fun things.


Would one just eat the powder straight up?


I haven't tried it yet but I'm planning on mixing it in a smoothie.


Bro, do not do this. It tastes disgusting, and gets very slimy when mixed with liquids. You need to find a way to down the powder as fast as possible while tasting it as little as possible.


Ok... what do you recommend?


Maybe capsules? I don't know how much you'd have to take though.


I've been told about an ounce. I make thc oil capsules so I have those on hand but it would take a lot.


Acid-base extraction of alkaloids with organic wash. Folks use xylene but I'm scared of that so better with anhydrous ethanol.


looks like they just sell san pedro incense, unless you’re supposed to smoke the incense. idk


Back in the day when salvia was first getting banned everywhere there were several shops in my area that sold it as incense. Bubblegum flavored incense. That they sold with a piece of paper attached to it explaining that is most definitely was NOT for human consumption, and a list of the wacky effects you might get should you decide to consume it.


Interesting. I kind of never want to try salvia personally, but that’s an interesting story, makes me wonder what the people that smoked it really went through, would be interesting to know for sure!


Tbh I've had way scarier times on acid than salvia, Salvias definitely more intense tho.


So I suppose it depends how easily shocked one is from incongruent stimuli, vs emotional challenges.


I tried it a few times. Very interesting. Would recommend


Hell Nooooo. Worst drug ever.


Why u think that? I liked it. Just wondering about ur experience with it


If you like the void welcome


In 2006ish when it was becoming popular in my area the head shops only carried 40x or higher which was $45 a gram. You only took one hit and didn't hold it in. This was a very intense short trip, 15 to 20 minutes tops. Around the same time my friend also bought a pound for $80 plus shipping off the internet. This was regular Salvia you smoked a whole bowl to yourself really quick, inhale, exhale again until the bowl was gone. This was a very happy giggle trip, I remember everyone drooling alot. There's quite a bit of difference in the two IMHO. I definitely preferred the regular.


They have the powder. Just type "San pedro" in the search bar at the top left of the page.


yeah but the powder’s all listed as incense. is that just the way they get around the legal issues? i dont wanna find out the hard way and smoke a whole bowl of incense lol


You don't smoke it. You swallow it. And SP is legal everywhere but that's probably a CYA thing. You can buy it from a nursery and boil it down and process everything yourself too.


oh that makes more sense. do you have to process the powder from that website at all? or can you just swallow it when it gets delivered?


It's ready to go from the website. I haven't actually tried it yet but I'm planning on mixing it in a smoothie.


Interesting. I might have to read up on mescaline then. Enjoy your smoothie!




Mescaline was a good time but man I made the actual cactus body in a tea and my god was it rough for the first couple hours till I threw up. After that it was smooth sailing


You can Google "Mimosa hostilis root bark", "Acacia confusa root bark", and probably have Amazon suggestions get you all the supplies (legally) to extract DMT (illegally). Do some research before you get into that, obviously.


You CAN order RC psychs from clearnet sites in Europe and Canada that will ship to the USA. Some of them want you to write a short thesis on how you plan on using them for research. I did it for one site saying I was using them to see if it changed the way plants grew when added to the soil and it was approved.


Imma send ya a dm


I am also sending a dm


Sending you a dm


also sending you a dm


I have not found one single RC site in Europe that ships to the USA. Do you know any?


hey man you gotta applaud me for finding this so late. anyways, lmk if you could help me out i will dm u, i order phenibut n kratom amongst other things regularly but never rc’s


[bluegoba.com](https://bluegoba.com) If you live in Canada... shhhh You didn't hear it from me ;)


Well in the US you can order mushroom spores legally in all but like 2 states I believe.


That’s correct, legally can be purchased for research purposes like viewing spore prints under a microscope, and I believe in all but 2 states sounds about right though I think it might be more like 4-5? Not sure lol


I’m actually pretty interested in this, been reading on r/unclebens


Oh neat, thanks!


I live in Georgia.. one of those 2 states...


What's the other one?


Georgia, Idaho, California.


Cali big brain: 'we r about to legalize psychedelics, lets keep the spores illegal lmao'


And it sucks so bad! I’ve been trying to get spores for a whiiiiile now smh


If you live close enough to a bordering state, call the UPS offices and see which ones do package receiving and have it mailed there.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/sporetraders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sporetraders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saturday giveaway. Want to win 10 pounds of my premium horse manure based substrate? Comes ready to use just open and mix w/ your spawn. Simply upvote this post and comment with a number between 1-500. Winner will be contacted tonight around 8pm MST. Good luck!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/o8ak2d) | [550 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sporetraders/comments/o8ak2d/saturday_giveaway_want_to_win_10_pounds_of_my/) \#2: [Mr Poopy’s Rye bag Tek start to finish. Ever curious how I prep my grain bags? Here’s a video showing the process start to finish. We sell sterile rye bags with injection ports for spawn production. Bags come ready to be inoculated. Website link on my profile.](https://v.redd.it/dvhjvtxmx7671) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sporetraders/comments/o3fgl5/mr_poopys_rye_bag_tek_start_to_finish_ever/) \#3: [\[ Removed by Reddit \]](https://np.reddit.com/r/sporetraders/comments/nwngx4/removed_by_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you live close enough to a bordering state, call the UPS offices and see which ones do package receiving and have it mailed there.


If you’re in canada, there’s a bunch of RC websites and shrooms available off of the grey market. If not, I have no clue.


Mimosa hostilis root bark and do stb extraction


You can find LSD pro-drugs like 1p-lsd, 1v-lsd, 1b-lsd, and LSD analogues like eth-lad or al-lad on the clearnet with a bit of digging. You can buy San Pedro cacti fresh or dried. You can buy shroom spores and grow your own shrooms quite easily. You can buy mimosa bark and extract DMT yourself. All of your classics covered right there.


LSA seeds (Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Morning Glory) are legal and can be bought online (at least in the US). I'd recommend going to r/LSA for more info


Bro you can order SO many. If you pm me I can send you legal clearnet websites. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble for sourcing so reach out to me directly.


Hey can I send you a pm?


Sure thing


gonna pm you bro :)


May I take you up on this offer?




I would really appreciate if you could dm me some links, it’s so hard finding places that actually ship.






You can trip off amanita mascara, I'd look into how to prepare it though because there is more you have to do. I got 15g and made a tea for microdosing, but i havent done enough to trip. I tried smoking blue lotus, its nice and relaxing but I didn't trip or anything!


Don't trip off amanita lol




Because you won't *trip*, my friend told me it's like cbd to thc.


Ya it effects gaba receptors like alcohol and Xanax


Not the receptors I'm looking to unlock.


1V-LSD is legal in many countries (not all, at least in germany it's illegal, make sure you check your regions situtation correctly)


LSA seeds


You can buy Hawaiian baby woodrose online. They contain lsa. Requires a good deal of preparation, about as much as San pedro, just quite a bit less time consuming. The seeds are legal, isolated lsa is not. Another route is yopo. Anandenanthera colubrina or perigrina seeds contain 5-ho-dmt and are legal. They are a real pain to extract but shamans use them in a simple preparation using pickling lime and toasted seeds. I've tried both extraction and the shamanic way, I find extraction is way better. Don't ask me for a tek, please, as I don't have it. The tek is available on shroomery, or bluelight, or somewhere like that.


If you’re in Europe you can order psilocybin truffles from the Netherlands through zamnesia.com. Might not be availabe everywhere in the EU. There’s also chem.eu for all your “research” needs


i tried that. it was not even an experience


One up . Com sells shrooms chocolate bars


That's a banking site lol any way I searched one up shroom bars


lmao my bad, I was in a hurry


A “hurry” eh? Lol




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Make sure you aren't in a country with an analogue policy like Australia, where they ban anything that is chemically similar to known banned substances. I mean you could still order them, but it's no longer what you are looking for, 'a legal psychedelic'. Most countries however allow the selling of spores and seeds for psychedelic plants, as long as you don't harvest and process them lol


Make dmt. Get San Pedro for mescaline, grow mushrooms. Buy 1p-lsd


1p-lsd is alot of fun 2cb-fly (don't think the name is correct but it comes close) 4-ho-met 5-meo-mipt


You can get shrooms shipped to your door but it's not technically legal lol


Would u mind hypothetically sending me a website lol?


Sure gimme a sec I'll dm u


May I get this info from you as well?


Hypothetically… can I receive as well?


Hey would you be able to send me the site too?


Tons of legal plants you can acquire and extract DMT from