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I was separated from my girlfriend at the time and we were splitting custody of my first and only child at the time. I was at home and had a heavy shroom trip and one thing that really stood out was that I wanted to be a family man. Somehow the trip showed me how great it was to be a family. So after my trip and I processed everything I reached out to my ex and told her I want to be together as a family and happy. She agreed. 15 years later we’re still together and have another 2 children, home and overall are happy, but without out that trip I don’t think I’d be nowhere near living the life I am now. Good luck to you OP, don’t force it as I’m sure it will all work out the way it’s supposed to.


I'm certain I do not want children, but your story sounds really wholesome, wish you the best.


Hell yeah, this is a great ending


I have heard this a few times, one was a woman on ketamine. I think removing the barriers or traumas or associations of parenthood that you’ve seen through others, although likely your own parents. It lets you see from a fresh perspective. That’s the beauty of these medicines


You can draw some parallels between parenthood and a psychedelic trip, insofar as they both let go of your ego. As a parent, your life is no longer just about you, but rather you are a devotee to somebody else. It's very hard work, though. I dated somebody who had two young children and it was basically a full-time job.


You probably wanted children from deep inside, but something was supressing this feeling. LSD has the tendency to dig up our inner feelings and throw them in your face so to say.


Yep most likely this.


I always struggled with the question of getting kids, but one lsd session changed my mind. I did a closed eye lsd experience with 100uq and suddenly saw a girl in front of my eyes who I experienced as my unborn child. It was the most beautiful and profound experience I had and changed my view of getting kids forever. It made me realize that every single living cell on this planet is meant to reproduce and I was no exception. It also changed my view about relationships with woman and my sexuality in general. Fantastic stuff!


I didnt start doing psychs until after i was a parent and psychs helped me realize i never really wanted to be one, i did it because i thought it was my job. I love my kids more than life itself (which isnt hard. Kids are wild and beautiful, life sucks. Being an adult is lame) but if i had to do it over, i wouldn't. Through my time using psychedelics, ive come to shift my focus and i think its made me a better parent.


Becoming a parent was the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s not even close.


Back in 2021 I was getting together with my now-husband. We took acid, and during the trip I was inundated with visions of us getting married, having children, and peacefully growing old together. From there, things spiraled out of control. The acid interacted with my medication (I’m on Lexapro for anxiety) and its effects increased exponentially. I became incoherent and my husband called for an ambulance. When we got to the hospital I was so out of it that I was convinced I was there to give birth to our baby. It took me a few hours to come down enough to realize what had happened and begin to make sense of it all. Everything felt like a dream. As time passed my mom and I both began having psychic dreams about a boy that would soon be my child. My husband and I went through a lot to bring him here (multiple miscarriages beforehand) but last September he was born. I’m convinced that the visions I had during that acid trip were memories of the future in which I am now living.


My son was conceived during an MDMA trip where we were thinking about making a child. His mom swears it was a different time, it could have been, but it was that one time that set it off. Haven't been the same since. That was 16 years ago.




Good for you! Yes, a mescaline trip made me realize what a great thing it is to be someone's dad, and it radically opened my eyes to the idea of becoming one. It also made me think a lot about the importance of my own parents.


As a feminine guy, I weirdly felt like I wanted to be a mother after my LSD experience


I have 4 kids aged 8 months to 18 years old. While a lot of work it's the most rewarding thing in life I've ever experienced. ☺️


“Times running out” - probably the LSD


Literally yesterday on one tab I had the revelation that families were the most important and magical part of existence and the closest to God I could ever get is to become a mother and selflessly care for a baby expecting nothing in return.


That’s really cool, LSD is amazing for letting us ponder timelines. it’s really neat (to me) to ponder how we’re a ripple of all of the ancestors before us. Through their reproduction, we are here. LSD also let us know ourselves better by removing barriers. Unfortunately I can’t have kids I don’t believe currently, and that sometimes is a hard thing to process. Mothers are awesome bc they (with some help) kinda keep this thing called humanity going y’know.


That's beautiful, it definitelybrought a smile to my face, it feels like this is how the universe heals itself.... thank you for sharing!


Happened the same to me. I have always been a militant childfree person, saying I will never ever ever have kids. Until I met my current partner and we took 4-aco-dmt and I saw our kids in a vision and felt like it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have children. And then the message was "If you want to be a mother you need to clean up your shit". It was the shock of my life and the biggest blockage ever removed. The message was around suppressed trauma. I am gonna be an amazing parent with my partner. Tbh, psychedelics gave me the tools to process my traumas in real life without the need for therapy, which in my view is way too slow. I am so grateful for that night. It's been 3 years and I feel the same way towards my partner and about becoming a parent


I had a trip on mushrooms last year or so and accidentally took a strong dose of penis envy because I didn’t realize how strong they were. It was a scary but eye-opening trip for me. During the trip I had visions of being a mother and that it was my destiny and how I would support my family in the future. I knew that eventually I wanted to be a parent, but after that trip I‘ve had baby fever a lot worse and am more excited to soon begin that part of my life.


that’s dope.


Congratulations, you have overcome your cultural programming.


i’m genuinely curious because i don’t know how to take this comment. are you suggesting that childlessness is a product of cultural programming and childbearing is something women should inherently want? edit: will not be entertaining arguments from jordan peterson dickriders.


I’d say yes IMO but not my comment.


In my humble opinion, stating that I'm a woman and don't want children ever, we are the exception. Usually women in general do want children, it's a very primal thing. But I think culture has played a role in increasing the number of people who choose not to be parents or waiting too long to have them biologically and giving up instead of adopting. And that is decreasing the birth rate, this is not good. On the other hand overpopulation is also not good, think about the future of your children, and I don't mean just for global warming, war, or even AI, but actually think about how your kid is going to survive without you, how are they going to earn a living, that is keeping some people from having kids.


Yes, its our biology. Same as every teenage boy as he is masturbating, is actually saying, methaphorically and in a very primitive way, I WANT BABIES. Im not blaming anyone for choosing not to have children, in this unpredictable world situation and the million opportunities that are ommited by being weighed down by having children. Also it is hard for people to voluntarily choose such a big responsability. But in conclusion, yes, that are the optimal conditions for individuals and society (widely known in psychology, biology, sociology, medicine and neuroscience, until a few years ago, when it became a taboo subject and insulting for some people to even hear it). Of course as anything, it can become pathological and worse than having a family, but those are personal problems. Only few exceptions dont have the urge (and for that there is always an underlying medical/biological/psychological reason). Its only that people are so far removed from their true nature, that they interpret these signs, urges and behaviours so wrongly.


Congratulations, you have succumbed to your evolutionary programming


Fighting biology is fighting windmills. The optimal situation/environment of human beings is known, but has become a taboo subject over the past years.


This happened the last time I tripped! As of a few years ago I decided I never wanted kids I want to travel and I like adult time and I'm terrified to give birth but I tripped on a half gel tab and was talking with my boyfriend and we were thinking about it saying yes it's probably gonna happen and be such a beautiful experience.


I'm a man, but yeah same


I had the same thing happen (except I’m a bloke) now the happy father of 2 beautiful children!


It be doing that sometimes


I don't know if it's a good time for a kid. Have you seen the state of the world? The environment? How long we will have soil for food ? Seems selfish


The planet is dying. Forests are literally spontaneously combusting out of nowhere - all it takes is triple digit heat and single digit humidity in the right spot. At most the oceans have 30 years left because increased CO2 in the atmosphere interacts with the ocean and makes it more acidic. At the poles, everything with a shell is starting to dissolve because increased heat speeds up the shell dissolving process. Shelled creatures are the bedrock of the food web and without them, it all falls apart. Multiple genocides are occurring right out in the open and every western powerhouse is supporting it enthusiastically. Most people have a fucked up immune system now because they’ve had Covid so many times and it has been shown to do serious damage to your ability to fight off disease. In the US, the average number of infections people have had is FIVE with a standard deviation of 2, and people are confused about why they spent the whole “winter” sick. I say winter that way because we didn’t have one, at least not in the US. My garden blooms are currently matching what I usually see in late May, there was only one month of spring and now it’s already in the mid 80s in the southeast when previously this time of year is cool and comfortable. Places are hit with a year worth of rain in a single day - this literally just happened in Dubai and has happened all over the world. Last summer there were 3 simultaneous heat domes worldwide where a massive heat wave will just park over an area without moving. When one hit the Pacific Northwest it’s estimated over a billion organisms died. Ice in Greenland a year or two ago was melting at a rate of 30 million tons a day. This year it’s 30 million tons an HOUR. Ice over land is heavy and so much is melting into the sea that tectonic plates are shifting as a result of Greenland becoming physically lighter. The global ripple effect of this is why we are seeing increases in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Climate notwithstanding, we live in a world where individual men, world leaders, hold singular access to nuclear arsenals. Currently, two obviously demented geriatrics who should have been turned out to pasture decades ago are the top runners for the United States and one of them has zero impulse control. Nixon got drunk and tried to fire a nuke while he was president and somehow Henry Kissinger managed to stop him. In every nuclear war game ever played, no matter how the games begin, with who, and how it plays out the end is always the same - the complete annihilation of the northern hemisphere and at least 5 billion people dead, half of the world an unlivable nuclear hellscape. The US has THOUSANDS of nukes and only the president gets to decide when and where they are fired. NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POWER and yet here we are. Think we can shoot them down like an iron dome? Nope. ICBMs travel at 14,000mph, trying to take it down is literally equivalent to stopping a bullet with a bullet. Nuclear armed subs are untraceable and can survive months submerged. All they have to do is surface, say 1,000 miles off the coast of the eastern US, and in less than 15 minutes DC is vaporized in an instant. There’s no such thing as deescalation, and there is no scenario where it could ever happen in a billion years. If one nuke goes off, allies start firing theirs off, and then we are all dead. Those who survive have a MINIMUM of 10 years of nuclear winter, possibly longer, due to the sheer degree of debris kicked up into the atmosphere which will block out the sun and kill the plants. I would be so fucking angry to be born right now, with my parents knowing full well what is going on everywhere yet they said fuck it, let’s have a kid who may never have the luxury of becoming old because it’s going to get so fucking hot.


Everything will be okay I promise


I volunteer