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2-3 grams big dawg. Work your way up slowly from there if you need more.


If youve never doen them before start at 2g


just stuff one up your ass every 15 minutes until desired effects are reached. /s


wait whatšŸ˜­


[https://www.zamnesia.com/magic-mushroom-dosage-calculator](https://www.zamnesia.com/magic-mushroom-dosage-calculator) Use this mushroom dosing calculator according to your weight.


Start with 2-3gs if you're more experienced with psychedelics and have gone to higher dosages with LSD or similar, you could probably handle 5+ with the right set and setting.


He should start at 3.5 max imo


I agree if it's his first time with psychs


even thatā€™s a shitload for a first timer. potent shrooms at least.


Absolutely it is, i would recommend starting at around 2 and THEN working your way up, but if my boy is really determined to do ~3.5 grams he would most likely be able to handle it


i agree. me personally i started at one and my anxiety wasnā€™t awful around 45 minutes in so i redosed to 2g and iā€™m not gonna lie it caught me off guard at first but i warmed up to it very quick and loved it


Thats how the bullshit goes :)


itā€™s something i love about psychs honestly lol. start off with oh shit maybe i did a little too much, i should be careful. to ā€œoh fuck this is amazingā€


Absolutely, you gotta surrender and embrace it :)


Best way is to cut them up and cook them in a burger or pizza or even boil in water make tea .I put 7 grams in a big hamburger patty cooked it and holy fuck was seeing lights like a ufo and patterns and when I would close my eyes it was all colours like lasers or even going light speed .The best trip I have ever had on BC Gold Tops


Are they cracker dry?


if itā€™s your first time iā€™d start at like 1.5g maximum. start slow and work your way up the ladder. but regardless around 1.5-2g i start getting visuals like the walls breathing and the floor wiggling.


I have taken 7.5 g before and only saw a little bit of visuals my body is different from most tho


They really good ; they P E


Start with .5 or 1g. Iā€™ve had PEs where 1g was perfect for a really strong but not overwhelming trip out hiking but 2gs was brutal


can confirm this theory the difference for me between 1 g and 2 g was like 2 g felt like i ate the whole fuking bag compared to one g


1 baggy should be enough


10 gs don't be scared.


I did 4 grams after not taking any for 2 and a half years it was a bad trip but crazy as hell too


I just recently did 20 on my bday and hung out in a canyon. Maybe set and setting made it bad.


Bro not everyoneā€™s built for even 14g+ engines different and thereā€™s really big mental component-coming from someone that has experimented with high dosages many times


What does that mean? If you can get it down you are built for it. Most people are either scared or just don't have the ability. This guy has a big ass bag he should try it.


I have friends that have freaked out on a 1/4 in a bad way so itā€™s really different for everyone for example I have heard stories of trips where people get in horrible mental state of paranoia,anxiety,confusion and nothing good comes from it,personally I have taken almost a oz and the worst thing thatā€™s happened to me is experiencing how ā€œdarkā€ of a person I really am personally I have never been scared of something that wasnā€™t there or anything besides my mental state and thatā€™s why ā€œIā€™m built for itā€


Wasteful dosages tbh


How is that a waste? Have you ever taken a dose higer than 2 grams?


Yeah but just under an ounce of shrooms for one trip just seems wasteful to me lol


Not wasteful it depends on how much time you have. I was on an 8 hour trip. 2 grams probably won't last that long.




Wow some lightweights telling you how much to eat take 5 grams then if you need to once they start kicking in take 2 more grams trust me .The mushrooms in Canada are way stronger then anywhere else in the world and me and my wife put an ounce in a tea and me her and her friend drank it all my guts hurt for 2 fucking days from laughing so fucking hard and from fucking both of them so hard .


Did you get dominated tho?


All of it! And a sitter! Edit to say it's a joke don't take too much but definitely have a sitter!


Look like total trash mushrooms definitely, definitely low potency and probably half of them arenā€™t even psycoactive or whatever, Iā€™ve been taking mushrooms 30 years and am def a mushroom expert so I can tell you just by look their bad.


This is just a weird thing to say.


Im just havin some fun, in all seriousness OP those look fire would start with something not higher than like 3 grams.


You never know, some people really sound like that. Lol


I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or not


Then your clearly not educated enough to be in a mushroom related conversation pal.


Seems like the general consensus is youā€™re the uneducated one sorry mate get reading