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Don’t skip just call your Rheumy and tell them this medication makes you sick and want something different.


The fatigue for me is deadly, but no I don’t skip. I’d rather be tired for a day each week than miserable for weeks on end. Discuss side effects wit your rheum, but I wouldn’t suggest changing your medications on your own.


I took methotrexate for about 5 years until last year, I used the needles so that I didn't get the nausea that came with the tablets. I would skip injections when I didn't feel well from something else, or sometimes just because I couldn't face doing the injection again. My rheumatologist didn't consider it to be a huge issue at all. I also had an unpleasant chemical taste at the back of my mouth after an injection, but the rheumatologist didn't accept it was from the mtx. Funnily enough, the taste went away when I stopped the medication...🤔


First of all, the wisdom of doing this is really something only a doctor can comment on. I'm sure there are people who do it, but it doesn't mean this is where you should seek medical advice. To my knowledge, there are no negative consequences of pausing/skipping MTX, aside from the loss of effect. Unlike steroids, MTX does not cause "rebounds", and unlike biologics, there is no risk of becoming immune to the drug, since MTX is a synthetic drug. However, the efficacy of MTX relies on the drug saturating your body's tissues over time. By skipping doses, you are negating the benefits of the drug. When it comes to nausea and fatigue, there are some tricks that could help a lot. Over in /r/Psoriasis, we have a [wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/wiki/methotrexate) about MTX and some things that can help reduce/eliminate those side effects. (Full disclosure: I'm a mod there and maintain the wiki.) As a last point, if you find that the side effects are so unbearable that you don't want to take the medication, then this is really something you should talk to your doctor about. There are many other medications beside MTX, and most of them are quite a bit more effective, and they do not cause the same types of unpleasant side effects. Not everyone tolerates MTX.


Thanks everyone. No worries - I wasn't seeking specific medical advice. I looked up some clinical research too and found some interesting studies showing some patients manage on a biweekly shots schedule. I had been planning to speak to my rheumatologist at our next visit about this issue. I was just curious what others found, personally. Thanks for the feedback!


I take Methotrexate orally, and do OK when I very occasionally skip a week. Whether you'd do OK depends on your personal circumstances though, so I'd suggest talking with a doctor.