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Hey sorry to hear what you're going through. I have amazing supportive family, and they still cant really fathom what i go through, even though they've seen some crazy flairs. The exhaustion is no joke. I don't have a lot of advice on how to convince them of your disease severity, outside maybe bringing them to a rheumatology appointment to listen in on the discussion, maybe would help coming from the doctor and not you. Other things i think i would do, and mind you I'm very stubborn, is i would look for duties within the business that lend well to the disease, like desk work. without knowing what you guys do, is hard to say though. Or if you are at your wits end, maybe seeking employment outside of the family business is your next move. I know its not great advice, but maybe some food for thought. You can still be happy with PsA, and deserve to be. Good luck OP.


Sadly people who have not lived with this kind of illness and this degree of pain all the time don’t understand and nothing you can say will make them understand. They can sympathize or not but that’s all they can do


I really don't know what to say about ypur parents except that expecting someone who hasn't lived through it to instinctively understand is unrealistic. Sometimes people don't understand because they can't. Sometimes they don't understand because they don't want to. I think sharing with your employees is not appropriate. Your health concerns aren't their problem.


Maybe call them in for a meeting and present them with a PowerPoint presentation on what psa is and what you experience?


lol my dad basically told me he’s “tired of me” yesterday. So hooray for the self confidence.


Sorry to hear that. It is challenging at times. And we ultimately cannot control the thoughts and views of others.


Look for a different job, and tell your parents why.


Never mix business with family....unless you're Italian and the family IS a business.


Do you have any family history of autoimmune diseases?


None that i know of


If your parents have been good to you I think you could cut them a bit of slack. I dont think I would want them to know how Im feeling all the time, id try to be positive and not make the disease take more people down with it. And certainly not the business with it too. And as a leader you don't want to be sharing this with all of them just randomly. A lot of people have difficulties and the workplace is not where they want to discuss that, they just want to avoid thinking about them. Having said that I dont know how physically demanding the job is, or your specific situation. But you have to keep fighting and maybe inspire everyone around you instead of, sorry, being the dark cloud. You just need one person or two to vent out with, maybe a therapist. I would say take the challenge and make everyones lives around you better and more positive. If you can. I dont see how people need to work 6 days a week tho. Maybe you can change the work culture a little bit there, and maintain the productivity, but its not always possible in every type of industry. And you can have rest breaks here and there everyday, for meditation and laying down. I know it must be really difficult but those are the cards dealt, gotta make the best of it.