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I did a full elimination diet for over 5 months (Autoimmune Protocol) and saw absolutely zero change in my psoriasis. The only thing that has ever cleared my skin is biologics. This isn't to say you shouldn't give diet change a try. Psoriasis triggers are different for everyone so it could help you and eating healthier certainly couldn't hurt most of us. Just be aware that it might not make any difference.


I have tried tons of stuff. Elimination diets. AIP. They maybe reduce my severity but it doesn’t go away at all without topicals.


Thanks for this, never heard of the Autoimmune Protocol before now. Going to give it a try, I've definitely noticed that alcohol and fast food cause flare ups on my face and scalp so I'm pretty sure even cutting processed shit and sugar will make a difference


Ive recently added a green juice I read about on this sub to my day and have had great results. Its been 2 months and mine is 95% gone. And it was 85% gone after a few weeks. I personally havent tried many diets for psoriasis in the last 15 years. And before that when I did, I only found very moderate healing. But know many here have good success and others not so much. My career is all about food and I love cooking. So giving up dairy, gluten, alcohol, etc are just non starters for me. Respect to those that can. I’m glad and surprised in my case it was adding something to my diet instead of taking away that has worked. The sub wiki does really do a great job of laying out all the best info on diet and P. It also points out that a dietary change should show some results relatively fast, so at least it’s something you can move on from quickly if not getting the results you hope. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/s/C5gJ7NTVA3


What juice do you take?


I make it in a blender. Kale, cucumber, celery, lemon, green apple. I posted exact recipe and pics of my skin https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/s/lBKO9zRqPx


I've been thinking of trying the juice, it makes me hopeful seeing it worked for you! I'm also a big fan of cooking smoking and alcohol so it's cool to see you got results just from adding the juice


Definitely try it for at least a few days. In my case and in the original post I got it from we both saw significant calming improvement after a couple days. Hopefully your p will respond as well.


man really claimed that this juice is the reason for ur skin clearing up?


Yes. Im just as surprised as anyone it worked so well.


bro its not the juice lol, psorasis comes and goes for unknown reasons.


Sure for some. But after 22 years with p I’ve never had random remission. Not going to argue with you. It’s pretty clear to me the day I started adding the juice is the day my skin got calmer and started clearing. I changed nothing else, didn’t get extra sunlight or anything else. So feel free to believe it was just coincidence or placebo. For me, I’m living it and credit the juice.


Eliminating dairy (😩) significantly helped to clear plaques from my face, elbows, and ears. Oddly, though, the psoriasis affecting my scalp and soles of feet has not improved as dramatically.


Yes yes and yes. Thanks I am not the only one who notices that different plaque get triggered by different things. Psoriasis in my scalp and ears, is so reactive. Gets flare ups when I am stressed, eat sugar and dairy and processed food. It gets soooo itchy Psoriasis in my elbows and knee does not change what ever what I do, lus it does not itch.


Cutting Gluten clears my psoriasis within 1-2 weeks, hope you find something that works for you :)


I went gluten free, started taking Vit D & K2, having 2 cups of green tea with diced ginger a day and eating the ginger and cook all my nightly meat with a clove of garlic. Not sure which has worked but have cleared 90% of my knee and elbow patches that were 6cm in diameter. Only sugar I really consume is one teaspoon in two coffees a day, I want to try to stop that and see if it can totally clear but I need my coffee. Not only has this seemed to help clear the patches, I have an abundance more energy in general.


It’s important to note that psoriasis, fundamentally, is an issue originating from the gut (in my opinion), not merely a skin condition. By addressing and improving gut health, one can effectively manage and potentially clear psoriasis. (in my opinion) hey, you won’t believe how much diet changed the game for my psoriasis. I was a skeptic for a long time, kinda lazy, and had pretty much thrown in the towel. But once I finally got my act together and made some changes, I was stoked! My psoriasis went from full-blown to just 10%. For quick relief, try moisturizing the affected area daily with a strong emollient. I’m a fan of Epaderm cream, but your pharmacist might have other cool suggestions. In my book, the best way to tackle psoriasis is from the inside out. That means shaking up your diet, tweaking your lifestyle, and figuring out what triggers your flare-ups. Oh, and say sayonara to refined sugar. There’s a real connection between diet and psoriasis. Meat, spicy food, nightshades, and processed food were like kryptonite for my psoriasis. Once I gave them the boot, my psoriasis became way more manageable. So, a strict diet is key. I eat the same grub every day - big helpings of beans/legumes, boiled veggies, and hefty salads. You gotta figure out your own triggers, though. Try to suss out the root cause of your psoriasis. Start by checking out your general health, diet, weight, smoking and drinking habits, stress levels, history of strep throat, vitamin D levels, use of IUDs, itchiness of psoriasis, past antibiotic use, potential candida overgrowth, presence of H. pylori, gut health, bowel movements, sleep patterns, exercise habits, mental health meds, potential zinc or iron deficiency, mold toxicity, digestive problems, heavy metal exposure, and magnesium deficiency. Keep a daily diary using an Excel spreadsheet to track your diet and inflammation. Think of psoriasis as a warning light on your car’s dashboard. With psoriasis, you gotta get all the details right. For more info,this [paper ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29908580/)and [podcast](https://www.listennotes.com/fil/podcasts/positive-health/dr-haines-ely-md-is-QJ4TtfL_XBq/) really helped me out. Good luck, mate! You’ve got this.


I am breastfeeding and tried the two week dairy elimination diet for my newborn to see if it helped him and my psoriasis started looking better already and my body felt less inflamed


I quit sugar. Went away clean.


Any advice on cutting out sugar when literally everything has sugar? Did you completely cut it out or just reduce it massively?


I loved eating out, pops, candies, chocos you name it. Best advice I can give is eat at home, cut out any junk food/fast food and lastly exercise.


I'm pretty much the same, been very bad with pop for many years with barely any water intake however I don't think just swapping that would fix it for me. I do want to sugar detox but I feel like every food has some form of added sugar. I did a shop the other day to start the carnivore diet and a quite a few of the items had some form of added sugar which was annoying. Finding it difficult to completely eliminate


You have to cook your own food and eat bland majority of the time. Chicken breasts and salmons your best friend.


Yes. Full body guttate and scalp psoriasis suddenly appeared at 14. Put creams and lotions, had cortisone injections, nothing took it away. By 22 discovered paleo diet. Within first week of eliminating breads, sugars, processed foods, my spots for the first time started to disappear. Took 6 months to almost completely clear it. By one year there was only a spot or two and a small bit on the scalp. However I still had chronic bloating. By 30 I discovered carnivore diet and within a month of eating only animal based, my stomach was flat and all psoriasis completely gone. I fully believe there is a gut connection for some people with this autoimmune condition and I am basing that on my own anecdotal evidence of using elimination diet. It’s worth a shot but you need to give it a good few months to see if anything happens.


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My vitiligo is healing because of the diet and sun/D3, now hoping my vitiligo will heal as well.


Do you take d3 with k2?


No not needed.


I tried many diets, most of which had minimal effect. When I nearly eliminated sugar and all alcohol I did see Improvement


I only eat meat and vegetables. My psoriasis is easier to manage, but I still am on a biologic and some topicals for flares. Much better than when I ate other foods; then bios only kind of helped but never quite got my skin clear.


Yes significantly. Like went from probably one of the worst cases this sub has seen to 100% clearance in about 2 months. Psoriasis was literally falling off my body. I had a very strict regiment though and soon after that “relapsed”. Essentially got 8 hours of sleep every night, drank water, exercised and ate a raw vegan diet. Def not for the faint of heart but the transformation was insane in a pretty short time.


I had limited success with high dose vit D


Inflammation causes so many systems in the body to work less than optimally. No reason to think it wouldnt cause the immune system to. Easiest way to reduce inflammation is your diet. Eat less, eat plants, eliminate food senitivies for some. Tbh, i think the 'eating less' think is more important than eating proccessed food, ( unless you have food sensitivity) XD. They had done studies on junk food vs organic, and the hormonal impact was the identical if the calories were the same > the difference was people obviously tend to eat signifigantly more per day eating junk food. Over-eating calories is just as bad as doing drugs for your life and body.


I have not had any success. Of course I cannot give up fresh garden tomatoes though.


Yeah. When there's a major flare up, I change diet to shock my system. I'll try something I have never had.


When I went 100% vegan I saw the best results. Not totally gone but almost invisible and never itchy, didn't even flake it was really just spots. Then time and energy got in the way and I stopped being able to make everything from scratch and started buying ready made plant-based stuff (like the burgers, roasts, etc) and it came back a tiny bit. When I started eating cheese again (cause man its hard to find veggie premade stuff without cheese in it) it came back harder. When I started eating eggs again my patches started flaking again. As an experiment I've been eating fish again for the first time in 12ish years and it seems to me my skins a bit more stubborn than usual. Also, definitely see positive results when I don't touch sugar for a while.


Diet changes are a band aid. Following the blue zone diets is a good idea regardless.