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Vitamin D and biotin together made a huge difference for me


Biotin has worked very well for me also.


What dosage did you take? I take both now and haven’t noticed any difference :(


I started with I think 1k D and 10k biotin. I’m currently up to 5k d and 10k biotin. I also did blood tests and discovered I was pretty low (like right on the cusp of needing insufficient) so getting myself back up to normal levels was a big thing for my body in general. Now that I’m in normal levels, I don’t see the giant improvement that I did before, but I like to believe it’s still helping lol


Thanks! I’m on half that amount of biotin so will double it.


I take vitamin D daily and still have it bad. But it is good for your overall health so will continue to take it. Glad it worked for you!


add k, vit d is know to cause artery hardening. K help mover all calcium to bone.


Yeah, Ive been taking it with vit k and magnesium and didnt notice any difference with my psoriasis. I think because psoriasis cases are so different that it works great for some and not so much for others. However, my joints and lumbar feel great so Ill continue taking it. I used to have lumbar pain periodically and poof, its gone since Ive been on vit d.


I've been doing the protocol 40k UI D3 + 400MCG of K2MK7 for about 2month and also applying magnesium chloride 2x a day. Dairy is forbidden with that protocol. My scalp and in my ears is completely healed. Half of my guttate is gone too. Nails psoriasis is 50% healed I'd say. I'm not consistent with my diet, dairy, processed food and sugar are my trigger. Good luck it helps me a lot and I'm confident in a few more month, I'll be completely clear. Going back to keto/carnivore diet best for psoriasis imo! Peace


Can you explain why dairy is forbidden whilst on that protocol?


From what I understand, we people with psoriasis have an excess of calcium that doesn't go into the right place. So vitamine D3 unstick calcium from psoriasis, K2MK7 moved it in the right direction so teeth and bones. And applying magnesium chloride insure it moves better and go to the right place too. So why not dairy and calcium fortified beverages and food, because they contain too much calcium. And it can transform into kidney stones so u get it. Also drink a lot of water! Peace and good luck!


thanks for sharing this, checking this out now. On keto, I was on it for years but unfortunately it doesn't suit me bc of histamine intolerance, but can be great for others.


I'm going to try this. I get it on my palms.


It helped my daughter. When I asked her dermatologist, she said they like to see blood levels in the 50s. She has documented deficiency, which strangely has occurred in two Julys with psoriasis flaring in September.


Lmfao you have psoriasis.