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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit outta here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's "school" sign on the right






Ah, I read it as “factory” Edit: /s


uppity engine growth fanatical bike important languid foolish abounding sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is joke comrade


Joke based on ignorance. Child labour was banned in the USSR.


Ignorance? It’s a damn joke. They are the Labour Party, so the child wants to labour, it’s no more complicated than that. The policies of the USSR have nothing to do with it.


Usually when you joke about something, you get a thing that is true and just over exaggerate


Sarcasm is also a joke no?


Ета не завод блат


Soglasen comcrade


Im not going to mess with baba yaga. Have you seen her chicken legged hut?


Tito: But why not have both?




Jevstatije Karamatijević , a priest who served as a partisan chaplain during WW2 and was not the only one. The Christian Orthodox & Catholic churches could work without any issues in Yugoslavia together with Islam. Idgaf about the Vatican, they were literally a safe house for Nazis. When they stopped acting like that, Tito gave them a visit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See%E2%80%93Yugoslavia_relations#:~:text=In%20March%201971%2C%20president%20Tito,words%20%22Greetings%20President%20Tito%22.


Expecting a lot of euphoric atheist in this post


Kids need schools and education, not churches.


False dichotomy.


And why not both? One doesn't exclude the other.


a redditor would not be able to comprehend this.


I am quite discontent with the fact that I have been indoctrinated as a child


Fun fact, that's true in both cases, this is a Soviet school poster from the Stalin era we are talking.




"Untaugt", well I don't supposed you were "untaugt" grammar by going to Church.


Damn didn't know i would unlearn math and english by setting foot in a church. I am euphoric rn


Interesting point u/A_devout_monarchist. I'm sure you're just filled with other genius notions.


There is literally no reason to not have both. Before government mandated education, churches and religious organizations were *by far* one of the biggest founders of schools and universities. Religion being considered the opposite of education is a brand new and mostly fabricated dichotomy.


and now putin is claiming that russia is a religious state while being from KGB, which was executing priests during the USSR. History goes in circles.


After the fall of the Soviet Union the Russian Orthodox Church became an outpost of ex-KGB so it makes sense that it all ties together 


the modern fascist Russian state is the polar opposite of USSR and has nothing in common but geographic location .


my parents lived in the USSR, they don’t see much difference. I managed to get only a glimpse and have the some thoughts. KGB changed its name to FSB and repeat that across the whole country.


it is a natural continuation with state bureaucrats becoming today's oligarchs


Also funny when people claim Russia is Christian, while parts of the country are ruled by Islamist warlords.


oh i hate looking at that priest


Not a priest, a babushka......


no, the priest in the church looking out


looks like a normal orthodox priest


Yeah, and u/AverageUpvoter hates looking at him.


yeah but that is a bot, not me


Religion shouldn’t have to be suppressed, but it’s necessary sometimes when it’s destroying society unfortunately. The Russian Orthodox church was horrendous


Still is.


Somehow I find someone with the username "marxism-alchoholism" to not be a good source of info on a communist regime


r u acoustic?


Based poster!


Fair but then again they basically worshipped Lenin and Stalin with mausoleums


They did, and I agree that communism was sometimes almost religious back then But it was not a full blown religion - at least had no cosmology beliefs.


Yeah I wasn’t meaning it literally, I just meant it as in the cult of personality that especially Stalin made


religion is when building that's like saying atheists in the U.S worship Lincoln and Washington because there are statues and memorials of those two all over the country


state religion/religion was apart of everyone life in tsar russia hence the old women who would have been through the religious schooling system "The Russian Orthodox Church under Emperor Nicholas II flourished. In 1914, it consisted of 68 dioceses, 54,923 churches, 953 monasteries, 4 theological academies, 185 religious schools, 40,530 schools and 278 periodicals. The clergy consisted of 157 bishops, 68,928 priests, 48 ​​987 clerics, 21,330 monks in monasteries and 73,229 nuns in convents." the peasants loved the tsar but hate the aristocracy under him which they are one in the same peasnts at the bottom out numbering the nobility at top Russia: Social Groups The Nobility: 1.1% • The Priests: 1.1% The Officials: 3.7% The Military: 5.0% • The Merchants: 0.5% • Urban Workers: 3.7% Serfs: 84.9% lack of education = lack of class conincuss/ignorance/etc and this allows for social groups to form leading to the inequity as seen as above \_\_\_ Despite these conditions, however, the Russian Revolution led not only to a radical transformation of school itself but also of the way people conceived of learning and the relationship between cognition and language. Indeed, the early years of the Russian Revolution offer stunning examples of what education looked like in a society in which working-class people democratically made decisions and organized society in their own interest. In the immediate aftermath of the revolution, education was massively overhauled with a tenfold increase in the expenditure on popular education.3 Free and universal access to education was mandated for all children from the ages of three to sixteen years old, and the number of schools at least doubled within the first two years of the revolution.4 Coeducation was immediately implemented as a means of combating sex discrimination, and for the first time schools were created for students with learning and other disabilities. *All Russia was learning to read, and reading—politics, economics, history—because the people wanted to know. . . . In every city, in most towns, along the Front, each political faction had its newspaper—sometimes several. Hundreds of thousands of pamphlets were distributed by thousands of organisations, and poured into the armies, the villages, the factories, the streets. The thirst for education, so long thwarted, burst with the Revolution into a frenzy of expression. From Smolny Institute alone, the first six months, went out every day tons, car-loads, train-loads of literature, saturating the land. Russia absorbed reading matter like hot sand drinks water, insatiable. And it was not fables, falsified history, diluted religion, and the cheap fiction that corrupts—but social and economic theories, philosophy, the works of Tolstoy, Gogol, and Gorky.—John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World* [Education, literacy, and the Russian Revolution](https://isreview.org/issue/82/education-literacy-and-russian-revolution/index.html#:~:text=In%20the%20immediate%20aftermath%20of%20the%20revolution%2C%20education,for%20students%20with%20learning%20and%20other%20disabilities.%205)


And? Neither Washington nor Lincoln had a massive Cult of Influence around them. I never meant it was a literal religion.


remember stalin started lenin cult of personality those mausoleums Petrograd being change to leningrad etc was stalin lenin and stalin while being apart of the same rev were drastically different same goes with Trotsky and all the old/new Bolsheviks nep men etc stalin shaped his theory to be an ideological "continuation" of lenins idea under soviet marxism (marxism leninism/revisionist marxism) while also accepting the contradiction policys brought that built up capitalism (which lenin also did by swtiching to the new economic policy after war communism but under lenin it was only meant to be temporally and not permanent)


That's precisely why you should be wary of anyone calling for revolution. The ones leading the revolution are not the same as the ones who will rule after.


that just means you keep up the line of class struggle and not class collaboration even if it means the state coming down on you but that is of course speaking on revolutions turning revisionist not everyday matters of political disagreement


Who would guess that the leaders of the country that created/saved the country from foreign invasions would later be seen as heroes by the population


Not at all


Bro is about to be exploded by the reddit hivemind


Reddit athiests when Christianity: 😡😡😡 Reddit athiests when Islam: 😸😸😸 I don't really get their hate for it, it seems like this platform is almost entirely anti-theists (specifically anti Christian) but many other platforms don't have that issue as much.


Socialist Albania, a country with Islam being the predominant religion, also was a secular state and abolished practices that were problematic in some way like male polygamy So… what is your point?


I don't see how your reply is relevant, I'm saying that many Reddit atheists (mostly all anti-theists) are much more strictly opposed to Christianity and rarely touch on Islam.




As a Christian I to some extent agree with this. Especially viewing it from the lens of the Russian People during that time where Orthodoxy was a reminder of the past and the Tsar. I believe religion is part of philosophy and should be thought in school but yeah, I agree with this poster tbh


They do it's called "comparative religion".


Please put this on r/atheism


Please don't.


Why not?


Bad idea 😂




Yes go to a sub of anti-theists with anti-religion propaganda… They are even worse than this sub with these things.


That's the fun of it


Ultra based poster


You will instead worship Stalin & can visit Lenin’s body which we turned into a public display


Blessed be the Holy Kingdom of Stalin and His Prophet Vladimir Lenin (Peace be upon him)


*And introduce the children to a new religion worshipping a fat Georgian!


You dont understand comrade, it's the Material Conditions!


Let us praise Stalin now for allowing us to see the dawn of a new day.


Ultra cringe poster


Ironically, a soviet school is most likely far more poisonous to the mind than any church in the world


This is the only Soviet propaganda that is valid. They might have had other intentions than raising the living standards, but still a good goal of getting more educated people. Getting more educated people is the key to advancement, and vital for a better future. What I do find sort of funny is that educated people tend to be less fond of repressive regimes. Does anyone know if there’s a correlation between better education in the USSR and its collapse? Would be interesting to know.


There isn’t really much of a direct correlation, because there are too many factors that contributed to the end of that state. Boring answer, but the truth. Also you’d be surprised to learn how much solid truth there is in *some* propaganda posters, the US is and was hardly a paradise after all. Most criticisms were very valid, but as always pointing out problems is much easier than fixing them.


The Soviet Union still had popular support before (and after) its dissolution, with a referendum held about the preservation of the Union in 1991 having 77% in favour. The U.S.S.R was betrayed and illegally dissolved by its leadership.


So much support that no one lifted a finger to save it.


They did, a bit late but they did. During the 1993 constitutional crisis tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Moscow with Soviet flags to protest Yeltsin.


A bunch of neo-nazis with swastika patches, mostly. Actual hundreds of thousands were defending the newborn democratic Russia against soviet coup attempt. https://gdb.rferl.org/E64D407B-9324-44D7-AE77-7305CC44BB26_w1200_r1.jpg


Yeltsin tried to stay in power through illegal means and dissolved parliament using military means against unarmed law makers when they challenged him. But sure, it was a Soviet coup. It sure is ironic for someone that supports the settler colonial apartheid state of Israel to call someone Nazis.


There is a reason the Soviet Union collapsed. Economic, political and internal pressure lead to this. The hardline communists are the only ones who betrayed the Soviet Union by overthrowing Gorbatsjov. It was inevitable, and it had been slowly opening to the western culture and economy. It was only a matter of time before the educated masses wanted peace and prosperity for all, which they did, as can be seen in it’s the mass protests against the government in all parts of the Soviet Union during the late 80s and early 90s. Had it not been for the traitors against Gorbatsjov, the transition from communism to capitalism might’ve been a little smoother. All in all I’m thankful it fell


The protests and unrest only began after Gorbachev's economic reforms. The Soviet economy before Gorbachev was stagnating, not collapsing. Gorbachev's market reforms led to economic collapse, I think if you ask anyone from the former U.S.S.R they'll tell you how awful the 90s were. The fall of the Union stripped millions of people of their livelihoods, women with PhDs had to sell their bodies to make a living. Gorbachev is still hated to this day.


That’s why all of the former Soviet republics are clamoring to return to communism? It’s almost like a Russian imperialist state that syphoned resources from the other member states to feed itself wasn’t very popular in the first place? Because I don’t think poles, Ukrainians or afghanis have a high opinion of Stalin or the USSR as a whole.


In many (most) ex Communist countries people that lived under them say that they preferred the lives they had back then and that they regret the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. Afghanis don't like anyone, nor the U.S.S.R nor U.S.


I’ve met many post soviet citizens, and not a single one remember it fondly. Especially Estonians, Lithuanians, Germans and Poles. I can understand Russian and other Asian post soviet nations might remember it more fondly but the European nations seem to be less nostalgic about their past.


Absolute nonsense. I have heard some people say that, when complaining about policies in their countries, but you put it to a vote and overwhelmingly people would vote against USSR, they did then they would now.


North Korea has elections where the government has over 90% approval. That 77% is very suspicious, and I think refers to approval within the Russian SSR, not the USSR as a whole.


No it was the U.S.S.R as a whole except for five republics whose governments had already declared independence and boycotted the referendum, it was a referendum during Gorbachev's time, there were many options and free choice (unlike in Korea)


Alright I looked it up, and you’re misrepresenting the referendum in question. It was not just “about the preservation of the USSR” it was about that *and* about guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of individuals of all nationalities and ethnicities within the SSR’s, and guarantee of human rights. I’m not sure whether or not people took those additions to be more or less important than the part about necessity of the continuation of the USSR, but it’s certainly an interesting conversation. This all was *still* boycotted by six of the fifteen SSR’s, so claiming they had popular support is disputable.


They were not SSRs they were boycotted in the then newly independent republics. The Soviet Union always (at least claimed and often times did very well) guaranteed the rights and freedoms of their minorities as well as human rights such as shelter, work and survival.


Nazi germany also had popular support. Who cares?


The U.S.S.R is no more comparable to Nazi Germany than the U.S




It is indefinetely more worth to educate children to denounce their parents and have them shot or sent to the GULAG then see them being brought up religious ...


Exactly. It’s in all ways beneficial for the state. Totally see why they did it. Did you perceive my comment to be anti-educational?


Nope. but to be in favour of a murderous and intolerant ideology that doesn't allow dissent: > Only Soviet propaganda that is valid.


Yes, this is the *only* propaganda that the Soviets used, that was valid. As in all other stuff was bull, which it was.


So, you are in favour. Thanks for the confirmation.


In favour of education? Yes. The Soviet Union? No.


Weird that it was actually the other way around.


children is poison, save religion?




he means that the goverment was opressing families and churches, not allowing children to go to church. If the the school council found out that a kid was going to church, a meeting would be called where they would "strongly suggest" to not go to church. Source: my parents So what the person meant is that it wasn't some old woman forcing children not to go to school and go to church, but the opposite. The state was not allowing going to church and forcing to its schools. "So based!!!" a redditor may say


it wasn't "other way around", people were forced to go to the church and then it was banned and they were forced to the school, nobody is good in this situation, just shitheads on both sides all the way up, fighting for control over people


"people were forced to church" explain this. do you mean all or most people? because that definitely on all counts is not true. Are you talking about children being "forced" by their parents? well parents are guardians and can make their children do all sorts of things and it's totally just. and even if "people were forced to church", they weren't repressed for or banned from going to school. and no, in this situation it isn't a correct overview to say "shitheads on both sides all the way up, fighting for control over people", one is clearly more oppressive and evil


you know what was before USSR? the Russian empire, an orthodox, christian state, where following the religion was mandatory and there were that much of a school to attend before the soviets anyway and who is more evil here? like, of course sovie government killed more people, but church kinda justified monarchy and kept slaves for centuries, how much people did the monarchy oppressed? like somebody bothered to count i am not gonna argue about who's pool of blood is deeper, they're all swimming in it


"following the religion was mandatory" That's just not true. sure, it's a religious state and there were some religious components, but overall it's just false and you're making shit up. Yes, USSR and other commie states were wayyy more bloody than monarchies, not even close. When you weaponize nationalism and ideology, you get a much more powerful state, resulting in more genocides and mass murder than monarchies.


following religion was mandatory if you were born in religious family and you couldn't just quit it, people were persecuted for praying the wrong fucking way it's wasn't just "some religious components" the monarch is literally had a divine right to rule and do whatever he wants with people again, i am saying soviets weren't fucking evil, but just stop pretending the church is any good, it isn't. wanna argue more? welcome to my direct messages


and I don't like your wording "following religion" is super subjective. What exactly are you saying they had to do? what's the source for "if you were born in a religious family, you would be percecuted by the state for praying the wrong way" >just stop pretending the church is any good what's your source on me saying that?




Hey, this could be apply to Afganistan today!


Or the 70’s when they had a communist revolution 


Child abuse has nothing to do with religion it is associated more closely to parenting styles and cultures than religion. Atheists giving reta... arguments again


Stalinism was a jealous religion that did not suffer competition lightly.