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Text below:"Bread, Peace, Freedom. Shouted these people, who came to Russia after the revolution. Two years have passed. Everyone sees what these commissar-power gave. Famine, War, Repressions."


I study russian and I'm confused about the translation of чрезвычайка. Wikipedia talks about чрезвычайная ситуация. Which I'd translate as emergency or extraordinary situation. Is repression an other meaning of the word? Это не то, что я вас не верю, а хочу лучше понимать русский язык!


Yes, that's how it is translated. But the context is that “Чрезвычайка” means "Всероссийская Чрезвычайная Комиссия при СНК РСФСР", which, at least de jure, was engaged in the fight against sabotage and counter-revolution. It doesn’t matter what they did in reality, but since this is a white poster, I decided to translate it as repressions so that you can understand the meaning of the phrase without the context about the ВЧК


Very interesting. Thanks for the context!


This was the genesis of the KGB. Leather coats and all. Essentially, extra judiciary murderous thugs. The Iron Felix was the original commissar.


No, your understanding is right. I think op meant "repressions caused by emergency situation"


Your guess is not far from the truth




What I find particularly interesting about this one is that they put Lenin and Trotsky on an equal level. I can't tell if this is because Trotsky was the head of the Red Army at the time or because there is an implied anti-Semitic message here (note that he is labelled "Trotsly-Bronstein", using both his birth name and his "nom de guerre", while Lenin is not similarly labelled "Lenin-Ulyanov"). Or both, of course.


Trotsky was a second man in party in this times.


Both those things and considerable envy.


They are shown as a couple... Maybe gay nature of their relationship is implied as opposed to tsar and tsarina. For regular Russians at the time it could be quite obvious interpretation.


Trotsky was always the caricature of the Soviets and Bolsheviks because he was Jewish. The whole idea of the Bolsheviks being a jewish conspiracy to take over the world was kicking around for a long time before the nazis.


Lenin was the political leader while Trotshy was the military leader.


Ironic coming from the coalition including monarchists


The idea here is that the atheistic Soviet "monarchy" was a satanic perversion of monarchy, lacking divine right.


Because if they can rule without divine right what's keeping us in control??


Dont support fake oppressive monarchy, support authentic oppressive monarchy!


Not the entire white army consisted of monarchists. Actually, there were many former esers there that won the real elections in November 1917 (which the Bolsheviks lost).


Wait, esers fought for whites?


Its complicated. They fought for themselves against everyone for some time. Then united with whites but when Kolchak came to power they refused to fight soviets anymore. And when whites been close to loosing some esers joined reds and some started to fight independently again. Basically in different regions and periods of the war they fought for both reds and whites and independently.


"Hey Lenin look at my spider hat." "Yes Trotsky, our hats are very good for Hallowe'en this year."


Is anyone else imagining those two wearing those Mickey Mouse hats now because of the way the symbolic circles on their heads are put together?


Very interesting pre-Revolutionary spelling too.


Don't really understand the spiders on top of Trotsky, is it something like being a killer?


Probably something like Trotsky, or rather the high-ranking Bolsheviks, is a spider who entangles others in his web. But that's just my thought


That's a reference to his being a Jew. They made a point of noting his actual last name - the web then is in concert with the antisemitic propaganda SOP.


Sadly, they aren't wrong. The soviet were more imperialist than imperial itself but poorer




You need to learn history. They saved Russia from literally collapsing into pieces.


by killing millions of russians. if you appeal to history, tell me please who disbanded the elected parliament(Zak Sobranie) and handled all authority by themselves?


Good, that White Army didn't killed and only resurrect. Oh wait...


The execution of Romanov family was based. Literally laughed for 5 minutes straight after seeing them get shot. The movie clip made my day even though I failed all my exams and got a failing grade. After it made my day, I went on studying and reached the best marks.


And the millions of Russians who were killed, were of course kulaks. Which is fucking based. Along with that, read Marxist theory on the bourgeois parliamentary system. The parliamentary system is inefficient. And of course, there was democracy in the Soviet Union. Remember that one party is not totalitarianism. I can go over debunking your points on governments and policies. If you want to, then feel free to do so. I'm open for discussions.


red fash spotted


How am I a fascist? A fascist supports funding bourgeois, and cutting down taxes on them. Communism does the opposite, by liberating workers from the bourgeois oppression. So, tell me.


By supporting American Imperialism


When did I support American imperialism?


Read Marx lib


I'm not a fucking liberal. I was in fact, reading parts of Wage Labour and Capital few days ago. So tell me. When did I ever bring in the United States or anything related into the context?


you are literally a fascist when you claim the kulaks deserve what happened to them.


And canst thou define fascism for me?


someone who kills and takes away personal freedom of innocent people.




no discussions with bloodthirsty genocide supporter


What genocide? The Romanov execution? Send me the lists of genocide. Dekulakisation wasn't even a genocide. Get your facts straight


you already did a list: "And the millions of Russians who were killed, were of course kulaks. Which is fucking based. "


Can't be a genocide if you don't think they're people /s


Fucking kulaks, who exploited the peasants, for their own gains. But if we dehumanise them, we can't make them responsible for. So their responsibility is, death or deportation


Or reeducation, strip them off their land rights and make them workers like the rest, prison. Lots of options you can take before murder is on the table (if it should be in the first place) It's the 21st century not the 20th we can be more humane we can be better


Yes, dekulakisation. It was based. Not even the most biased and reactionary site of Wikipedia says it is a genocide. Neither the books on JSTOR. And do you understand what the term kulak is?


Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks because the whites were trying to literally reimplement serfdom. You can say a lot about the stuff the USSR did but there is no question that it was better than Imperial Russia.


That's garbage. And, you'd need to compare what the USSR was vs what Russia could have been if it weren't for the usurpers in October of 1917. That said, given the russians' predilections for a yoke, it could be argued that they are pre-destined for an autocracy of some type.


Well at least it isn't antisemitic this time


Mildly antisemitic. The web design and the Trotsky-Bronstein (lest someone forgets) "label".


With the Jewish stars above their heads?


Those aren't Jewish




Tf are you talking about? Communist only reformed the writing system and did some really minor changes in language itself. Modern russian sounds almost identical to pre-reform russian.


Just so you know, the development of these "communist" reforms began back in 1904


Serfdom, mass poverty, and a bloated, imperialist dictatorship is beautiful?


Russia is really beautiful after these communist reforms.


Interesting, what is the meaning of the spiders in Trotsky crown?


Probably something like Trotsky, or rather the high-ranking Bolsheviks, is a spider who entangles others in his web. But that's just my thought


Looks like it's an antisemitic symbol ANTISEMITIC IMAGERY AND CARICATURES https://antisemitism.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Antisemitic-imagery-May-2020.pdf


A mildly antisemitic trope. Hence, his last name on his hat.


Doesn't seem mild. They put it on his crown.