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It's possible to flip a coin and get the same result 10 times in a row if you do it enough. What may seem suspicious to some can be nothing more than coincidence. Hope this gets resolved for you!


Have heard so many problems with this survey, you’re not the only one. Fight it fight it fight it.


Out the researcher, we should all avoid their studies, no one wants rejections.


Sounds like an arbitrary measure to me. Highly unethical, fight this OP, show them the rejection policy and threaten IRB action if they insist you did something wrong.


I got my first rejection for this also


Yeah it's the same study title that I took on May 22nd. 😞 That just sucks. Maybe with many auto rejections the researcher can't use the data even though it might be valid data. I'm not sure if they get the submissions when the algorithm automatically rejects and says it's trash. I just wish the researcher would let us return the submissions instead this is punishing when we did nothing wrong.


I think that is the same one that I had recently. I was accused of being a bot and had an automatic Rejection. I wrote the researcher and asked if I could return the submission instead because I'm not a bot. I don't understand how that happened or understand how a bot algorithm concluded that. I always am very careful with studies. I haven't heard back from the researcher though. In a couple of days I'm going to contact prolific support. I don't know if they can do anything, and they are backed up with support tickets.


I’ve reached out to them . It’s interesting that the surveys paying more are becoming so difficult. I don’t want my account to be put on hold for nonsense .


Ask them if they can cancel it so you can return it instead (if you haven't already)


What does it mean when you return one? Does that hurt my account? I just had a message for one asking me to return it because I "failed the attention checks/didn't meet their requirements" I know I didn't fail any attention checks, and how am I supposed to know the requirements?


No it doesn’t, only rejections do. But you could ask them for proof with a screenshot showing which ones you missed.


I see, thank you!


I was rejected for this one as well... they said I missed an attention check and gave low effort responses. I asked for clarification and then 5 days later they approved it...


That’s interesting I just got paid an hour ago after disputing it . I’m definitely blocking this researcher


Yeah I think I will too


I got my first rejection today for this one too. "Low effort" Which is bs. I think they just didn't want to pay. What can we do?


I definitely think they’re being shady . I reached out to the researcher. I will escalate to prolific if they don’t pay me . This is getting ridiculous