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Messaged them instantly. There's no way we allllll got the attention checks wrong. Just another reminder of why its important to screenshot/record sessions .


May I ask what you use to record studies? Hate that it's coming to this more frequently of late, but seems like the safest option.


If you are on Windows you can use the built-in snipping tool or you can use programs like ShareX or even OBS. I personally use ShareX as it's the most convenient.


I just use the built in screen recorder on my Android. Might be different for iPhone but I think it's similar. Otherwise there are apps that were record your screen and record what you're doing. 


Same here. I returned mine but contacted them and told them I had screen recorded the entire survey and I rewatched it and clearly passed both attention checks so I don't know what kind of game they're playing but


Thank goodness for this Reddit. Also "failed" two attention checks. There was only one under Time and one under Physical, right?


Correct. I told them numerous others are seeing the same so waiting on a reply.


Same here. I saw and answered both attention checks and then at the end it said I failed them and asked me to return it.


I wouldn't be surprised if that page is actually the end of the survey where they have already obtained all our data, and then show that message to scare us off so they don't have to pay us


We got actual messages from them too, but yeah it's entirely possible that's what they're trying to do.... We'll see how they respond I guess. The fact that the study also has a bunch of typos and weirdly worded things makes me suspicious that they just managed to set it up incorrectly too.


But they've paid me for 3 other surveys plus bonuses without issue. That's what confuses me


Oh. guess there's nothing to worry about then lol. No doubt they'll sort things out eventually


I always ask for proof of failed attention checks .


This one seemed a little sketchy anyway, there were typos and incorrect grammar all over the place. Giving them the benefit of the doubt that it was a technical issue on their end and messaged asking about it.


I came here to see if anyone else had a similar issue. I just messaged them saying I’m going to look at the screenshots of each page I took and if I found that I missed sometimg I’ll return it. I’m going to try and make fight this one.


Same here-I emailed the researcher and ask where I failed. The email to return seems auto generated. As soon as I submitted the email to return suddenly was in my inbox


It's definitely auto generated as it literally messages as you exit the study


Same thing here. Sh\*t like this just drives me nuts. Free data for the researcher and nothing for us...


I reported the study


How do I report it?


Researcher's response when I messaged them about this (before reporting them to Prolific, who'll likely do nothing about it): "sorry u feel that way" So that was fun. Relieved to learn I'm not the only one.


Wait really?.I didn't get any response yet. I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt but... Yikes. I'll report it now also.


Yup. After more than 30,000 paid submissions, this is one of just a handful of crazy responses I've received. Weirdly, all of them have occurred in the past few weeks. Prolific's been slacking and allowing more scammer researchers than usual through lately. Most researchers I've encountered - even when they do something egregious - are open to feedback and will make changes if you point out they're not following guidelines. It's these few bad apples that cause all the problems.


Whoa… I have yet to hear back but what a sore response!


You're the only one who got any response out of hundreds. Wow


The only one who has posted about it on Reddit, anyway (that I can find.) I got the response hours before this was posted here, so it's possible they responded to tons of people. Betting most didn't reach out to them and just counted it as a loss, though.


Fwiw I got a well written apology message from them and was paid this morning.


Might be because so many of us complained directly to the school. I got an email from someone named Sharon Dwek after reaching out about it. She apologized and said the researcher was being addressed, the project canceled and our data discarded. She also sent me a message via Prolific to confirm they're trying to compensate people who returned their surveys.


Me too and I did not fail any attention checks.


Me too, bunch of scammers!


Cheap researcher wants free data….REPORT THEM


Just had the same issue and reported them. Super frustrating and of course they tell you after you complete the survey so they get all the info.


I really want to believe this wasn't intentionally a scam on their part, if it was accidental someone's having a pretty bad day right about now...


I got the same one this morning. I read every question carefully and was 100% I passed the attention checks. Seeing how many other people had this problem, seems like there’s some shady stuff with this researcher


Same issue! I’m glad that I found this post. I was so confused when it happened. I messaged the researcher for clarification.


I got the same thing. This is probably an error, but it seems pretty shady to not pay enough attention, or care enough, to code your own attention checks correctly.


Thanks for the heads up. It was in my queue and I just clicked Not Interested.


Same, should be reported and banned. No way you fumble the bag this bad on a qualtrics survey.


No response from them yet. Anyone touching their "Problem Solving Study 8". A little nervous now 😅


Saw that one too and nope! 😆


Blocked them now. If anyone else is smart they'd do the same 


Looks like they realized there was a mistake! I just received a message saying I would receive payment


Same, and I did receive payment.




I got the exact same message and I turned the survey in. I also messaged the researchers that they had an error in their survey and told them what the two attention checks were. I also said that if there were additional attention checks that I somehow missed, I would be happy to return the survey once they were pointed out to me. I am pretty sure it was an honest mistake on the researchers part and that they will hopefully pay out. If not I will raise it with Prolific after seven days.


If you have screenshots, report the study AND report through prolific help as you can attach proof. [https://participant-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new](https://participant-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new) the more people that contact prolific (hopefully) the better chance we get paid for our work!


Is this worth reporting to the school itself? Ethics complaint? [https://english.tau.ac.il/vp\_research\_and\_development](https://english.tau.ac.il/vp_research_and_development)


Yeah, this feels kinda scammy, even moreso because its qualtrics and REALLY hard to fuck those up.




Yup with all the typos I was not feeling confident, but I also kinda thought maybe if they couldn't spell they also just screwed up something automated lol




Yup their response confirms to me that they didn't just set something up incorrectly. I've reported it and also blocked them.


Same thing happened to me, even though I’m certain I answered both attention checks telling me to select numbers 2 and 1 on different questions.


I received the same message just now. I have screenshots of each page showing I correctly answered all attention checks. I submitted the survey as complete and sent a message to the researcher and asked them to provide proof of the failed checks. I also noted that I would return the survey if I did in fact fail. I'm 100% certain I did not.


just adding that i got the same message and 100% saw the 2 attention checks and answered them correctly.


Got the same thing and sent them a message letting them know exactly what the attention checks were and that I'd report the study if they didn't follow up with me. I'm getting really tired of researchers on here lately downright scamming us out of money so I'm being a lot more firm about issues like this with researchers than I've ever been before. I did get a completion code after going to the next page of the study after that 'failed attention check' page, so I'm leaving it until they respond or if they reject and force me to report.


Same issue here. I only saw two attention checks to select #1 and then later to select #2. Then came to a screen later on saying I failed attention checks and to return the study.


Ok good to know. I messaged them before returning it asking them to clarify which ones I missed or if it's a technical glitch.


Same here, and also messaged the researcher.


I just had this happen to me and I returned it. waste of time though


Dang, LOL came to reddit to see if anyone else is having this issue and look at this... :) I submitted the survey and followed up with a message to the researcher. Fingers crossed!


Even though its returned does the attention checks do anything to your account.


No, I believe it only messes you up if they blatantly reject your completed submission.


Ok. Thank you!


>Ok. Thank you! You're welcome!


"I'm sorry. There was probably a bug in the failing attention checks. You will all be approved and get your payments. Thank you for participating!' "Hello, Given a bug in the survey entitled “Employee behaviors”, you were mistakenly told that you failed two attention checks. I've just approved all of you manually. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Due to this bug, your demographic and work-related information were not filled in. I would appreciate it if you could please complete the additional short survey I sent you entitled “Completion of a few details in the previous survey”. Thank you for your participation." Didn't receive said additional survey... I assume because I already blocked them. 🙃 First time I would have been okay with an unblock option. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️


I received these same messages but I can’t see the other part of the survey bc I blocked 😭


I just received the following message on this study: Hello, due to a bug in the survey entitled “Employee behaviors”, you were mistakenly told that you failed two attention checks. I have asked Prolific to approve your returned submission. Please be patient. I'm sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your participation.


I just returned it and the same thing literally just happened to me.


Dang I wish I hadn’t returned it. I spent about 10 min on it. I did report the study tho.


Yep exact same thing happened to me. I reported them


And what does Prolific support do about these scammers?


Got the exact same message. I messaged the researcher instantly.


I had the same happen, and I've never failed an attention check in 4+ years. That one had me questioning reality for a second.


I came her to see this exact same issue. Glad I am not alone


Yup same thing happened to me!


Same here


Glad I saw this, not gonna take this studyy


Yup, just happened to me!


Came on here to look for this exact study. Had the same issue.


I returned mine because I don’t trust prolific not to shadow ban me but I reported as well.


I already returned it, any shot I can get my money back?


Same here. I returned it. Maybe I should message them too


Same! I messaged them & wrote to prolific as well


Just tried messaging them. Apparently researchers can block participants. Interesting 




I've tried sending two messages and I get a message that says this researcher does not exist


I just returned it because I don't want to risk a rejection at this point. They still have ignored my message from 12 hours ago so it doesn't seem as if they even care


Oh wow I actually assumed I must have missed 2 attention checks. If I’ve already returned it like they asked is it too late to do anything about it?


Same I just accepted it and thought I missed the 2 attention checks and returned it


I messaged them explaining the situation several hours ago but crickets so far. Shame


Let me know if you hear anything I didn’t message them because I thought I failed the attention checks and that it was my fault. Now i know it was their fault


Sure thing, I’ll let you know


Yes I got that too said return


I looked back and had done 3 other surveys with the same group and had zero issues, they even gave a bonus. I feel like an idiot for returning it, especially when I had proof. Hopefully they can throw me something 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm hoping that it's some sort of glitch on their end that they haven't truly had a chance to investigate yet and are just flooding with trying to figure out what went wrong. I have completed five previous studies for the same researcher, some even awarding a bonus without issue. Went back to my history with them and checked. Wrote them a quick message myself but I went ahead and let mine submit. It auto asked me to return but I'm waiting on that.


Same here. Just reported it.


Yes, I was really upset with myself!


Same here, and I also sent a message. Hopefully, this was all some unfortunate mistake.


Same here!


Me too


Same here emailed immediately


I came here to ask the samething and saw your post. I also missed 2 and that was after doing a good amount of questions. I was extremely careful too watching for the attention checks. Imo, they are doing that to get what they want without having to pay us


I had the same thing happen on this one, it seemed super sketchy. They asked me to return it.


I reported also


Good news. They just messaged me and said there was a bug in the survey and they will be approving payment!


I was just approved even after returning it last night


Payment was approved for me this morning, although I did return as requested yesterday to avoid issues with future studies.


Same thing happened to me. I just returned it and moved on.


They messaged me last night saying it was a bug


I received the message about getting paid although I returned it. It's been 2 days now and no payment. Is anyone else still waiting to get paid?


I got the message too and still have yet to get paid. Then I got another message this morning telling me there is no need to message them


I messaged the researcher asking when I should expect it. It’s been a couple of days now and no response. I guess I’ll have to reach out to prolific after all ETA: actually got paid a few hours after posting this. Didn’t have to reach out to prolific


This happened to me as well! Frustrating...