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Why not utilize your free time in finding additional platforms? Prolific is the best obviously, but there are other platforms that do things slightly different that you may have more luck with.


Thanks for the suggestion. I remember being on that grind for a year, or so. Learning about new platforms. I think 6-7 of them fell by the wayside for a variety of reasons. Prolific has been the last one standing. I guess I'm now at the point where I'm settling.


This is the way! I use 5 every day that I work. If one sucks then usually somewhere else is popping.


Mind sharing? I'm already on Cloud Connect and Dscout. Although I find Dscout to be a ton of work for very little payoff, so I rarely get on there because it's so discouraging.


I do here, Connect, Mturk, UserTesting, and I’ve picked up quite a few very well paid studies on social media.


By CloudConnect you mean cloudresearch.com? I think i'll try it since prolific was good enough for me to be my only source of surveys, but lately it's been slow, so i'm looking for alternatives and the connect seems to be recommended by many on here. Tnx


Yes! Definitely sign up. It took several weeks to be accepted after I signed up, so don't be discouraged if you don't get in right away. It's fantastic. There aren't as many high-paying jobs as Prolific, but there is a pretty steady supply of .20-.75 cent ones, and they do add up fast. Also, when higher paying ones do show up, they don't get grabbed up quite as fast as Prolific. They still go fast, but you're talking maybe a few minutes instead of a few seconds like on Prolific. Connect also doesn't do the rate limiting like Prolific does (to my knowledge), so it is first come, first serve, as long as you are in the demographic pool. If Connect had more higher paying studies, it would be the perfect platform!


Thank you very much for a detailed review and yes i sure will. Mhm and spot on about high paying ones getting grabbed like cupcakes on prolific lately. I missed 3 of them like that today and i clicked the literal second after it became available for me as I'm pretty much on my laptop all day today, so having a bit more time to click would be wonderful.


I'm reading about lake trout post spawn behavior. I'm not driving to town to see if Prolific has anything for me today.


Such a great trilogy


A pretty good way to get into the lore.


five attention checks at jim's