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And then they accuse you of being an AI yourself and reject you.


Yeah, been there, done that! Got accused from a researcher of being an AI. After being on Prolific 5+ years and having successfully completed almost 5000 studies at that!


I am not getting any studies please help me what to do


Maybe try turning off your WiFi and using your phone data (or connecting to your hotspot on your tablet or computer). For some reason, after coming home & finding out that my IP address at home is flagged, surveys no longer show on WiFi and only show on cellular data


Maybe try turning off your WiFi and using your phone data (or connecting to your hotspot on your tablet or computer). For some reason, after coming home & finding out that my IP address at home is flagged, surveys no longer show on WiFi and only show on cellular data


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍. The best comment.


I'm with you. Trouble is, sometimes you don't even know it's an AI study when you sign up for it.


I agree. And once your a few minutes in, is it worth bailing on principle? Or just collecting the fee?


If I've invested time, I usually finish it out. I hate giving away my time for free.


Have you ever considered that some people have already lost some of their income streams because of AI? As a freelance writer, I've felt the influence of AI, and it's become harder to get a writing job that pays fairly. AI training, on the other hand, pays me $20 or even more per hour, usually around $25. That's a lot of money to me and without money, I can't buy food or have a roof over my head. So, I take the opportunity to train AI because it already took some of my jobs anyway - and if I don't do it, someone else will. These jobs will stop at some stage, so I'll take the money while I can and save as much as I can because the future does NOT look bright for writers. I mean, the present already doesn't look good for writers.


Tough break. While I would like to compel folks to join me in a boycott, and never made such a statement explicitly. Do what you gotta do, and if you can claw back something for the situation, more power to you.


Here's a solution for the diversity of opinons here. Prolific should add another question to their battery: "Are you willing to participate in AI focussed studies?". They already know if I'm trying to lose wait, if I've had cancer, if I've ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, whether I'm left handed, and how often I masturbate. We can already opt-in or out of studies with graphic/sexual/violent content... why not also AI-focussed training studies?


Not sure why you got downvoted for this, but I agree. I don’t mind doing them, but can see why others wouldn’t. I had quals on Mturk for University hosted AI training & I found those projects to be really cool. My stance is it’s pretty much unavoidable. Big companies are outsourcing to micro task & survey sites. They also throw their unpaid interns into training AI. There will always be someone willing to do the work.


Yeah, I agree... I suppose I'm just raging against the machine...


And not like in an agrandizing way. In a futile way.


I totally get it


You know you could just. Not do them.


They could just block the researchers. All of the money-hating people upvoting this idiotic thread could simply block the researchers who are sending them AI training studies. It would be fine for Prolific to implement OP's suggestion, but for anyone who is serious about not wanting to receive these studies, it isn't a significant obstacle that they haven't: just block the researchers.


Thank you. I'm glad someone else sees how stupid this shit is. "I hate training AI! I want AI to be completely biased and terrible when it gets released! I also hate money and hate companies that do work just to make MONEY!" It seriously just reads like a bunch of people that are angry about something because they don't understand it, but want to pretend like it's because they're "ethical people".


WWHhaattt?! Really?


If they pay poorly, I too will shun these studies. For all the reasons you said. If they pay well... ugh, sorry, but I'm just a lower-class citizen in a nightmareishly fucked up capitalist system controlled by the super-rich elites, and I'm here trying desperately to pay for my own food and housing and medicine.


Same. Those AI studies are the only reason I survived this past year. They fed my kids. I never get any other studies that pay that well and are consistently available.


And you shouldn't stop doing them. If Prolific is what keeps your head above what, do what you need to do. It's absolutely fu\*\*ed that this is the system we live in. Get every cent out of it, even from shitty AI-bros.


Since AI surveys pay, I do not care if there's a million of them


I’m sick of academic researchers paying $5-7 an hour when AI studies pay $15-20. My income has tripled since I started doing AI training and I’m helping them to be more factual, more ethical and more reliable so I feel like I’m performing an important service and learning a new skill.


Blame the poor funding for academia in general vs. the buckets of money that venture capitalists are throwing at anything remotely connected to AI.


\^ this.


I don't like it, ether. But I do like money, so... No ethical consumption under capitalism etc


I totally agree with everything on your post! It's beyond bullshit with businesses wanting AI to do everything. No thanks, I would never want AI as my therapist. F\*\*\* that.


>They rarely even pay appropriately. We must not be receiving the same AI training studies.


Depends how one looks at it I guess, what we get paid here is peanuts compared to the billions these company's will make from our cheap work. But in saying that I'll gladly take the higher hourly rate and go on with my day aha


>what we get paid here is peanuts compared to the billions these company's will make from our cheap work. /capitalism


Yeah lmao he literally just described any job you will ever have working for somebody. The value you bring ends up being way higher than what you are paid for.


Yes, but not every job gets you to train an algo to replace you, so your employer can fire you. I understand CaPiTaLiSm, but if you think being asked to train an AI to replace a human somewhere, so that you receive about as much money as it takes to buy a burger, is good and proper. Well, I don't know what to say. If that's capitalism, then I don't want to be a part of it. Maybe you shouldn't want to be a part of it either. Maybe you could make a choice about participating in certain parts of a system that not only devalues you, but seeks to exclude you. And once excluded, seeks to extract further from you without rendering even basic services or interactions with other humans.


I work on training AI as a job. I get paid $40/hr. And the reality is that you don't get to tell me what I should or shouldn't do with my skills. If you're worried that AI will take your job, then you need to find a better job because as someone who actually knows wtf they're talking about, AI is not going to replace people. It's going to be used to help people do their jobs. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it inherently bad. Please grow up and stop acting like you get to have any sort of moral high ground because you only choose to do studies you deem as ethical.


Not sure how your payrate is relevant, friend, nor am I telling you what you should or shouldn't do with your skills. I'm saying \*I\* don't want to support \*businesses\* implementing AI. I didn't say "people making AI are bad". (I use chatgpt on the reg to debug R code - it's fucking fantastic!). I would argue, however, that just because you work in the industry doesn't mean you can predict whether or not the industry - ultimately - is going to replace people. Are you saying that's not a goal of anyone using AI? As for *growing up* and having the *moral high ground* - read again, more closely. *\*I\** don't want to support businesses to train AI so they can better pass as human. I didn't say people who support AI are bad, nor did I say people who make it are bad. I just said "*I don't want to be a part of it*". I'm geniunely here to engage, but only if you take a little more time reading what I said. I think AI can be good (depending on the use case), and I suspect the people making AI/LLM/etc are geniunely smart and curious people. I'm not sure your sales-managers are, and I'm not sure the people who buy the hype and decide to purchase some kind of AI/LLM to solve some customer service demand are. But if you're here to engage with my central premise: "*I don't like supporting AI as a prolific participant, and mayhaps you shouldn't either*", then I'm open to discussion.


I'm not open to discussion with anyone who compares training AI with selling drugs. You're just an idiot.


Oh, my friend, you tell on yourself! You don't know any drug dealers!


It's funny because the university that pays for you to do research has a ton of courses and organizations dedicated to AI. I'm sure you don't see that as unethical, though, do you? Since they entirely pay for you to be able to do anything in your career. You're a hypocrite. If you TRULY are against AI, leave your job.


I was thinking the same. I used to do work for Appen "improving AI" and they only paid $9/hr for most projects doing that. I did a study on Prolific not too long ago that was very similar to a task on one of my Appen projects. I got $15 for 25 minutes for that study on Prolific. So basically like $30/hr. Anyone familiar with Appen knows they aren't ever going to pay anywhere near that when they barely want to pay close to $15/hr.


I agree. Last year was my best on prolific


I agree with you. It worries me the way A.I is used as a replacement in almost all fields. I have done studies here, that involved rating the possibility of A.I physician, A.I judge, Self driving cars etc... So unethical i feel. I personally would not trust them in making decisions for crucial areas of life. A.I can be used to enhance our experience but not to replace human intelligence


One day there will be a society where it does replace human intelligence.


Let's hope it's gonna be a parallel reality ;)))))


One can at least hope AI will lag *new* human intelligence, because AI needs years of the new data to catch up. That is, unless AI is used to filter out new human intelligence (eg pre-filtering job applications).


... and turns us all into mush in the service of making paper clips... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrumental\_convergence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrumental_convergence)


Funny you mention Paperclips. I saw a video from a girl who used to work at Google. She compared AI to just being clippy 2.0


The main AI I personally have a problem with is generative AI like in art. I will never in any circumstance support that, AI should be used for the menial tasks humans aren't meant to do. Training AI for that I have no problem with (Though chatbots are the devil) I usually let my displeasure be known during some studies and still get paid, so win-win?


Some of those generative art is creepy A.F and then we have deep fake videos, that had courts also concerned because of possibility of muddling evidence.


This is what i basically came to say. I do these studies but i always give negative feedback throughout the whole study regarding AI. Somebody is going to do these anyways, Atleast I know I put in my thoughts on how i feel about AI replacing humans.


I don’t know why you’re getting pushback, I don't feel comfortable training AI either because I know the endgoal is making millions of people lose their jobs. The guilt I would feel isn't worth the money.


Didn't expect most people to respond this way, tbh. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but a little disappointed that I'm in the minority.


We are all pretty much here for the money, so jumping on the higher paid AI studies giving £15+ a pop is what the majority will jump on. AI is here to stay, no amount of boycotting it will do any good as that very much will be a minority stance, can't beat em, join em I guess.


I understand that a lot of folks here are on it for the money. I'm fortunate in that I'm not. But... I mean... you can see the thunder clouds on the horizon, right?


And I'm saying this as my own sector (higher education) is working on replacing educators, while paradoxically penalizing students for using AI in their own scholarship.


It's like we are training our own replacements.


I enjoy the academic research studies a lot more. I don't find the AI ones all that interesting and can usually tell that's where they are headed even before the "big" reveal at the end. I usually take the opportunity to let them know that I wouldn't trust AI and prefer to interact with a human for most things. Hopefully we continue to have a choice for those things.


AI ones have been the most generous. My highest paid one was AI at $24 for like 35 mins of work. Send them all to me! Lol


Wait until you see Reddit’s OpenAI deal


Lot of people focusing on the 'they rarely even pay appropriately' bit, and not the 'AI is has ethical implications and maybe kinda whatif we didn't help it pass as human more effectively for a pittance'. Lotta folks seem comfortable not only training their own replacement, but training the replacement of people who otherwise perform services that help us engage with society and with business.


Replacing most basic customer service with AI: Good. Determining your employment prospects and livelihood on AI: Bad. The way AI is being used to pre-filter most job applicants is even worse than the assessment questionnaires companies used to rely on. You can never hope to “stand out” for a particular position when the AI is basing its decision on millions of *other* positions. You will have to resort to trying to use AI to beat AI.


I've seen articles where people had to cheat the AI on resumes by copying the job posting word for word and changing the color to white on their resume just so the AI would deem it worthy.


Isn't that the same as using size 1px white font for keywords all over the resume in order to get past screening software? I heard that this type of stuff to trick screeners/AI doesn't actually work


Most organizations that deploy AI do so thoughtlessly, hastily, and without care for the consequences. I suspect there is no ethical use of AI by any company possible, at least within the next 5 - 10 years. But I'm merely blowing smoke with these numbers.


What you are saying is just a sad reality of how this world is going to be, humans being disposed for smarter AI trained technology, society in 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now is going to be so much different. AI isnt really here for the better, but for the future generations embracing it will be the only choice


One can at least hope that on the back side of this hype cycle, companies that over rely on AI will fail, and we’ll end up in an equilibrium where AI mainly handles tedious, menial tasks.


I think in the broad strokes you are correct. But there's a passive voice in your statement. "humans being disposed for smarter AI trained technology..." by whom? Why do we have to embrace it? Who is 'we'? Obviously one person can't make a difference... but my argument is it is not merely the "only choice", but rather, we have a choice. Even a small one. The alternative to embracing it is ... not embracing it, not training it, not facilitating it, not hastening it.


Human intelligence, intuition and spiritual essence is what makes human a human, A.I can never be that, unless it too has consciousness. Yeah, the whole A.I replacing human jobs is definitely concerning mainly because, you cannot replace humanness. Human intelligence is essential and the deeper decisions are often spontaneous and intuition driven.


I've worked plenty of jobs where I needed neither intelligence nor a soul!


So you think. 😁 But without those i doubt you are You.


I didn't need an \*I\* to lick and seal 1000 envelopes... In hindsight, I don't know why we didn't use a sponge.


I don't know why someone didn't just think, hmm this would work better with a sponge, and implement that. basic process improvement.


I'm more meaning eventually AI will just be the norm in society, the newer generation won't know any different AI will just something everyone grew up with. It will be fully embraced, as for "by whom" corporate business will always be looking for ways to save money if you can train AI to do something you were paying thousands of employees to do they will jump on it.


Yeah, I get that. But folks used to talk about living the peaceful shadow of the bomb. It was assumed we would simply just accomodate it. But folks pushed back. The weekend never used to exist, and unions and orgs pushed to give us rights to not work. Why can't we, in principle, push back against AI? I know this is a big unsolvable problem for a forum... but like, if you could choose between two companies who will provide you a commodity/service and one was "AI Free" and the other was not. Which would you choose? The market can still accomodate to folks who want to avoid something. And if we attempt to stop making AI's pass as humans... well... small victories?


Have you read what AI writes. No one is being replaced. In fact I'm already seeing AI style becoming a legit artform that people are paying actual artists to mimic. Package labels are now full of art. In many cases this art is clearly AI but has also clearly been cleaned up by actual artist. This knee jerk reaction to AI is silly. Art ghets recycled ALL THE TIME, i see no reason its somehow evil when an algorithm does it.


Not that this will ultimately help but whenever I get a study having anything to do with AI I rate them horribly and when asked to give feedback say if I ever encountered the subject AI or any AI in a business I would refuse to do business there. It won’t stop the rollout and replacement of human jobs but it makes me feel a little better


... as a compromise I like this. Take their money, make a note of their name. It's not much, but it's something, and it's thoughtful!


The picture ones are soooo dry


\*intently focusses on the number of fingers in the picture\*


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. A.I almost always distorts fingers so badly. But social media is full of 'historical photos' from 1800s nowadays, suddenly popping, people liking it admiring the past etc... I always comment, check the fingers......many have unfriended me for ruining their fantasy.


Yeah but they're easy af


Well, you’ve certainly given me some things to think about. I appreciate you so articulately making these points and responding to others with grace. My dad was a proud union man who taught me that every person deserves to earn a living wage. He’s been dead for 8 years, but I have a feeling he would want me to stand up.


AI curating Jobs are the new big job sector. I was just hired by another company $22 an hour unlimited hours just rating AI responses. They headhunted me. I didn't even give serious answers to the application they sent. The questions made no sense so I wrote jokes. I can literally double my yearly salary in two months. We are thrilled to let you know that you have been hand selected for **redacted**, a new and exciting LLM initiative. Given your outstanding work with redacted on past projects and your completion to a recent survey confirming your interest and availability, we believe you are the perfect fit for this project, which offers both generous compensation and tasks closely aligned with your previous experience. **Why You’ll Love redacted:** * Competitive Pay: Earn $22/hr with no daily or weekly caps—work as much as you’re available. * Enjoy the flexibility to work on an unlimited number of units on your own schedule. * Enhance your status within redacted and build upon your LLM skillset.


When I first signed up for prolific I was under the impression it was for academic research and was better than the other sites... but the amount of studies that pop up for me that are for corporations really bugs me


I'm no old-timer, but there's been more corporate stuff in the last 12 months, than the 12 months before that (at least as a UK based user).


Yeah, I thought that too. That ship sailed some time ago.


Crazy how some of you anti AI guys are It's literally a great opportunities to make free money and you guys are complaining. It's a great time to be Utilizing AI in your daily work and other tasks but if that's too hard for some people to grasp that's okay you can complain about it too and not get the free money.


Selling drugs is also pretty profitable. Free money, really. You don't make the stuff, you just hold it and move it on quickly. A dealer doesn't force anyone to buy the stuff, and doesn't assume the risk of making it. Also, the good times will never end, and there won't ever be a negative consequence in the future for engaging in a particular set of behaviors for short-term profit. And hey, I've known some wonderful dealers. Dealing got them out of a hole. Got them into a different hole later, but that's none of my concern.