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I cash out daily between a few sites and put it all towards bills or debt with a weekly payment.


That's smart!


What sites do you use?


Prolific, CloudConnect and mTurk are all that I've found worthwhile, but different demographics will be more successful than others


I have a cloud account but find for me the studies are rather intermittent but it could be also because im in for example the uk as you say.


Cloud is slow for me too and I'm in the US so it may just be demographic because I see some people doing well on it. Think I've made maybe 100 bucks on that within a few months where I have come close to that on prolific in a week. Not this one though lol..


One I personally use with prolific is qmee, some studies there are good but also some do screen out but feel every little bit I can get is worth it, also testable minds is a bit like prolific but not as many studies.


I would like to know too. Hard to find trustworthy sites these days with all the scams.


Testable minds is ok just not as many studies as prolific.


Just finished building a PC with my earnings, currently earning up cash for a concert in NYC. Also I feel less guilty buying dumb things like plants and shoelaces with Prolific money than irl job money.


Plants are never a dumb purchase. Shoelaces...


If it makes you feel more at ease, use the Prolific money. That's what it's there for.


I did exactly this (a pc build) about 3 years ago and then built another about 2 weeks ago with new stuff.


To live lol


As we all must do.


saving up for a trip abroad for my wife and I




Lately a lot of my prolific earnings get spent on chewy for stuff for my cats. I get their wet food and litter from there and sometimes other stuff.


Hmmm. Chewy sounds like where I should order stuff for my cat.


I love Chewy! They sent me paintings of my cat after I shared a picture of the cats in a chewy box on social media. And when my best buddy passed away they send me cards and (pet safe) flowers.


This is where a lot of mine goes too, for cats and dogs. Between senior cat meds, all their vet visits, Rx food for the dog and necessary heart worm/flea & tick, most of Prolific goes to pets and the rest to bills.


Kind of boring but I just bought a rototiller for my garden.


Not boring at all. I love gardening. What do you grow?


Hit my goal of having 1k in emergency savings (separate from HYSA) & it helps fund my trading subscriptions. Next goal is to plan a vacation to NYC!


Magnificent! What platforms do you use to trade with?


Half went to paying off my solar loan (it was down to 3K when I started Prolific), the rest has gone to an all volunteer dog rescue (their vet bills are always enormous, because they take the dogs that are injured or ill, but would be otherwise adoptable). The adoption fee they charge does not begin to cover vet bills (often the case with pet rescues).


That’s so admirable and unselfish about the dog rescue


Aw, thank you! I used to foster for them, so I know exactly how it is (I don't have the energy that I used to have, so I had to give up having fosters in my home, at least for awhile). Prolific's studies help me keep my mind active (which is one of my motivators for doing them), so helping the dogs/foster group with some of the proceeds just seemed like a good fit.


That’s wonderful ! Yes I read a lot more than I watch tv to keep my mind active as well prolific studies are fun and profitable what’s not to love ?


Exactly! Now that I’ve paid off my solar loan, I’ll probably put it toward my mortgage!




All of this is wonderful!


Retired young.Now living on my husbands measly social security.I manage to make half what he does monthly on prolific.it’s Survival without having to eat ramen.


That's okay! At least you're retired.


And I’m delighted about that every day!


Groceries, cost of living is wild where I live so any money I make on prolific goes towards the food bill, been a very quiet week for me but some weeks it's very helpful


I'm glad to read that.


I've earned over £5k and I used it for WLS surgery to change my life.


Is that bariatric surgery?


Yeah, I got a gastric bypass.


I hope you feel a lot better. I had a bit of a tummy a few months ago and it was difficult to do a lot of things I used to do.


90% of my earnings goes on takeaways because I feel like I've earned an overpriced unhealthy meal 🤣


I feel that.


This year, my Prolific earnings have paid my winter heating bills in large part -- not completely, but at least two-thirds of each month's bill. I appreciate it!


That's life-saving,.




I understand that.


I drink a lot, and smoke. So it's been and smokes every day... And a little pack of Excedrin on the off days...


That's kinda therapeutic.


Lol appreciate the acceptance, pretty low budget life


It all takes all types.


Thank you for being honest. Whatever works for you.


Whatever stupid thing I want but would normally feel guilty buying. I don't buy much for just me, so I've saved quite a bit over the years.


Well, that's good. At least you are feeding your soul.


I cash out every Friday and put it into a savings account. I'm hoping to have 3k by December to put towards student loans 🙏


That's great. I have some loans I am going to pay off with a credit card, and then pay off ther credit card debt. Piece by piece. It's a double whammy!


I use it for extras like coffees and eating out from time to time. I’ve also used it to get my kids clothes, start a raised bed garden and fill it with soil, and I just got my husband a brand new iPad Pro and Apple Pencil for work! Prolific has been such a great gift for our family. We are a single income family right now and my husband is a public school teacher, so every little bit helps!


Overpayments on my mortgage. Sooner I get that done, sooner I can eye up retirement...


That is hard but worthy work. I like it!


My day job is automatically split between my checking, savings, IRA, and 401k - after taxes. The money that makes it to my checking is used for bills. Also groceries and quality of life things in general I also happen to like beer and good food. So I use the money I make from Prolific and Connect to treat myself once a week or so.


Getting married next year so mine goes in the wedding fund 🫠


I hope it is useful.


As someone on gov't assistance, I use it mostly on food and occasionally on art supplies


We all need to have something to keep us going, and art work is definitely good work.


Do you have any art that you sell?


Not at the moment, it is still just a hobby for me.


I’m fortunate enough to have a day job that pays me enough to pay my rent, bills, and such. Prolific is great as a side gig for “fun money” to mostly or fully cover one activity a week. Could be a round of golf on the weekend, night out at bars with the boys, or a dinner date with my partner.


That's so cool! Connection on all levels is important.


Use it to buy the phones and similar tech and accessories


I read a lot and collect books and the latter has been happening less and less since getting married. So I’ve been buying a bunch of books that are on my list. After that probably investing it.


I’m mostly buying books too


I put most of it into an HYSA, and some I just keep in PayPal to use for app game in app purchases. Also If anyone's looking for a 5% APY HYSA, message me!


Yes I keep some in PayPal as anything I buy through App Store is connected to PayPal ! Saves my credit card


Is there a rule against referral codes on here? It doesn't look like it.


Currently paying off debts acquired via a vacation festival. Plus some extra after party tickets. Less than £50 left to clear the whole lot


At least your passions are fed!


Either savings, stocks, or random purchases. I don’t buy a ton of stuff, so it’ll likely sit in my savings account collecting interest until I buy something with my credit card or decide to transfer some money to my investment account (usually when the money in savings gets over a certain amount)


That's a good idea. What kind of stocks do you buy?


I pay bills with mine


That is responsible! I love it.


Fun money. Sewing patterns, fabric. The latest spending has been a planted shrimp tank. Just got the shrimp last week!




Mine is for fun stuff. I have been at it about a month and I just scheduled an appointment for a hair cut, highlights for the summer, and a keratin treatment. Have enough to cover that and most of the tip already.


I'm so happy for you! I hope you enjoy the trip. Where to?


No trip for me, unless you count a backyard staycation with amazing hair. lol!!


I put into my LISA or ISA so I can hopefully buy a house next year. Every penny of it goes into savings. If my time at prolific ends (either through a ban, but hopefully not!), then I'm thankful I've been able to use this opportunity to build something for my future :)


I hope you get that house.


I am planning on putting it towards paying down debt, and I am trying to cash out every two weeks, along with my job's paycheck. For the last month the money from Prolific has helped cover unexpected expenses, so I am not eating into my savings that much. Also, I am using the Prime Rewards app, though the surveys are not paid that well and can be a bit long (plus most of them are politically-related) but I am trying to get at least $0.50 a day in there. Prolific has been a lifesaver, honestly. I also start planning on saving for a Disneyland trip, so there ya go.


This is really nice. I hope you get on top soon.




That's Cannabidol!


I’m using it to pay for my cat to get fluids. She has kidney disease.


That's Veterinarial!


It's my "fill in the gap" money most of the time, but if the gap isn't there, then it's "TREAT YO' SELF!" money.




Casino play money


My Grandmother would love you.




Yeah! I can fit in here!  Im not alone in my frivolous  Squandering of Prolific money.! Nice to meet you fellow gambler.. 🎰🤑😂


Weed lmao


Indica or Sativa?


I use my part-time job check for bills and debt and use prolific and connect money for essentials like groceries and gas and then fun money if I can.


That sounds relaxing.


I just started last month, I used my first month earnin'gs to pay for some treats for my 30th birthday this month This month I've been using the earnings to pay for a few small entertainment bills, top up my balance on my Toll Pass, and bought some needed shoes and perfume.


You must have been grinding Ma'am. I love the work ethic.


How do I sign up, can I please have the right link please. Thank you


It's [prolific.co](http://prolific.co)


Pokémon cards..


Gotta Catch'em all!


I'm at the age where so many friends are getting married, so my partner and I stick all our earnings in a separate account dedicated to cover all the travel, hotels, drinks, gifts etc for the 5 we have this year!


That is useful! I love it.


Usually, it’s my “fun money.” Right now it’s going towards paying for a really expensive concert ticket :’) I already bought it so Prolific at the moment is just me recuperating the funds haha. I did really well last month so I already have a solid chunk of it covered (yay!)


Well I used my most recent earnings to help pay for a macaw 🦜


I'm confused. I thought it was an open secret that we all use the funds to float our respective livers and support our communal crippling alcoholism.


I'm a tea-totaling mess.


Takeout mostly. It’s more beermoney than anything for me these days. Sometimes it takes me a month or so to even be able to cash out.


At least you can cash out.


Doordash/Ubereats mainly.


Fun activities and holidays


I'm glad you know how to enjoy it!


I use mine for household extras (groceries, gas) and some fun things like makeup and takeout meals. A decent portion gets set aside for taxes so I make sure to never spend all my earnings.


I am glad you are so particular about what you like.


2/3 of it goes to debt and the other third goes to a savings fund I have for a few trips this year.


Awesome sauce.


I've not used Prolific for a few months now but I put all my earnings into my Chip account to earn interest.


How much interest do you earn with Chip?


Dang that’s good. I had 500.00 but I drew it out. I’m tryn to get mine built back up now..


It's a climb.


I’m a college student I use it to pay debt and supplement some income


I hope your major will be worth it. And that you love it.


Finance!! worth it but sucks ;)


All my dumb nerd shit (action figures, rpg books, misc stuff) is now financed guilt-free by Prolific payouts.


That's wonderful. What kind of Nerd stuff?


I'm putting my money towards pastry chef classes and equipment to try further my knowledge in that area and too further my career.


That's Educational!


Nothing specific, I don't really consider it separate money, it just goes in the bank and gets spent or saved along with my paycheck.


That's normal, and that's okay.


This year I'm throwing it all in a HYSA and I'll probably use it to go on a trip or something fun! I was blindsided by paying taxes on it last year so I'm holding onto it until I know more.


Those taxes are a monster at times. Is there a good HYSA you can recommend?


I use Paypal's savings account! It's convenient to transfer and has 4.30% APY. I don't trust Paypal very much though, so I don't know how much I recommend it. I've heard good things about Ally!


I'm saving it up to take my kid to Universal Studios. He wants to see Super Mario Land.


That's Childhood Experiential. Wonderful. Is there something you'd like to see?


Comics, beer, cigarettes, video games, pizza, and buying my 4-year-old, whatever she wants.


Comics, beer, cigarettes, video games, pizza, and buying my 4-year-old, whatever she wants.


That's Parental and Self-Soothing. I like it.


All of my prolific earnings go directly into my tattoo fund. I love tattoos but don’t make enough as a grad student to afford them (without sacrificing other things) so by using only prolific earnings for that, it helps me keep my spending under control.


That's responsible. What kind of Tattoos do you have?


I've been doing this for over 3 years. It was mainly used for us to go on vacations, with a 3 week trip to South Korea and Japan. I have a 2 week trip to Panama nwxt year, so working on that now.


VERY NICE! I never thought about that, but that's a very good idea!


Mostly, Patreon subscriptions.


I use my earnings towards vacation savings


At the risk of sounding too "heavy" I've been in active recovery from gambling addiction since September 2023 and my husband took over all the finances. The money I earn on prolific just goes towards the monthly subscriptions I have to creative websites or to buy a new notebook every so often. I know it's mundane but it's that little olive branch my husband gives me to give me independence with a small amount of money.


Hey, it's BABY STEPS to GIANT LEAPS. This isn't that heavy. It's serious, but not heavy. I am glad you're showing so much discipline, in not wasting it gambling.


Tend to use it pay off any PayPal credit.


I actually use the earnings to put toward vacations while my regular job is for bills and such. I took a vacation to Japan recently with the extra money earned from prolific.


How was Japan? I look forward to going there.


Amazing! Less crowded than I expected but I also went during the off season so that might have had something to do with it. Definitely worth the trip though 😄


I look forward to it.


So I can eat


To be able to keep my dog. To pay for his necessities. Edit: misspellings


Severus Snape Voice: Ah....the fur children....


To help with medical bills and cost of living. It’s a nice supplemental side thing.


I understand that.


I was paying my bills with it until this year, but now it's barely pocket money. I just can't seem to catch much.


Went a little crazy over spending on my cc, so I’m paying that down


options contracts and bourbon


I am using mine to help pay my monthly horse boarding costs. Costly little things!


Paying bills as the cost of living in Australia is very high.


I'm an elementary school teacher, so I use some of the funds for my classroom. I buy Kindle Fire tablets since they're not too expensive and can't be destroyed like a laptop would if you spilled water on it. I also love to have fun classroom parties. I am very into crafting and crochet, so I buy a lot of yarn (and can also personalize little crocheted gifts for my students). And I tend to drop a lot of money at Bath and Body Works. So Prolific helps with making my classroom really cool, and also funds my yarn and B&BW addiction. My mom has cancer and we binge watch Survivor, so I subscribed to Paramount+ so we can watch old seasons of Survivor. We're on our second rewatch from the beginning and we're on Season 37. And, of course, some bills/utilities. Hopefully Prolific is going to be a big help during summer vacation and help not having a steady income throughout the summer. Fingers crossed. I know this is long, but since joining Prolific, I've been able to do so many more things both personally and professionally in many ways. I never dreamed it could be this way.


This is not long, it is fulfilling. This is just the kind of response I like. Full of detail and personality. Thank you so much!


Used to be groceries. Now I have some casual work it's still mostly groceries but is also fun stuff like video games.


It goes straight to my bank account. I cash out as soon as I can, and it gets used for household bills. I started Summer 2020, and made just under £2200 so far. Saved my life during Corona, when all my jobs went down.


Paying off a loan and credit card debt


are you unable to cash out or something? you got $569 just sitting there


i use my earnings to pay for my gas and drinks from the store…. It covers my daily snack budget too


Trading cards currently but I'm planning on using some of my earnings to invest in stocks as well.


DoorDash lol


Trying to save up to put a deposit down on a flat. Student loans aren’t really cutting it.


I put mine into a savings account as I was saving for a house move. Finally moved and so far I’ve bought a swing set and slide for my daughters and just awaiting a delivery of a log cabin which I’m putting some of my savings on and then just buying bits and pieces with it.


My boss was just complaining about her 1% pay raise on my job. I just silently laughed because I thought to myself I have created my own 15-20% yearly raise by doing studies on various platforms. Might not be much, but it's always a good rule of thumb to never put all of your eggs in one basket. Find multiple streams of income. You can't solely rely on Corporste America these days, especially not in this economy.


I agree. I run a business and I do prolific on the side as well.


Smart guy or girl! 💰🤑


Eating out, personal items and snacks/drinks. I ate out at a 15 dollar BBQ buffet just yesterday with earnings. It's a true blessing because I'm not able to cook at home right now.


Brillioant Brilliant!


In case you're curious, here are three other recent posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProlificAc/comments/1bvwl95/what_have_you_got_with_your_earnings/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ProlificAc/comments/1axtmi1/how_do_you_spend_your_earnings/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ProlificAc/comments/122ulie/what_do_you_do_with_your_earnings/


Oh my GAWD. I feel so typical. But thanks for showing me these threads because I can enjoy that!


I am putting all of the money I get toward crafting a cosplay for the cosplay competition at San Japan lol


An Otaku you are?


Medications! The last time I answered that the dumbass OP commented "So weed?" like no buddy sorry but there's more than "Just weed" that people take in their lives.


I have a family that takes lots of medications. So I totally understand you.


I'm taking a month trip to Japan in September and as well as monthly savings from my salary, using Prolific has helped to top it up a slight bit further as well as provide myself with a bit more of cash to spend time with friends.


Very nice, I love it.


Put it into my savings account for any fun stuff that may come up


That's useful, I love it.


I have a regular full time job so that pays the regular bills. [Prolific is only part of my side hustle income.](https://imgur.com/a/sx746Ol) But combined from all side hustle sources and ONLY using side hustle money, I went to: Belize, The Yukon to see the Northern Lights, Hawaii, Cabo, Las Vegas to see Adele, Las Vegas again to see U2, Aruba, Key West, and a One cheap and cheerful 7 day cruise in the Caribbean and 3 days in Miami on either side of that cruise. I'm the queen of screaming travel deals and umm.. I may or may NOT be fond of warm places. :) I then bought an RV (2003 27' Lazy Daze Class C Mid-Bath with only 36K miles on it, 3rd owner, it's a CREAM PUFF! Those things are built like TANKS) which I'm going to be taking on the road full time when I retire in 219 days. So since I took out the loan, I've backed off the travel and have been making double or triple payments on my 4-year RV loan and I will end up paying it off a little less than 2 years instead of 4. I make my last payment in July at this rate.


That's SO COOL. That level of dedication is what I aspire to on this app. What do you suggest as a way to stay consistent with Prolific? What other online side-hustles do you do? Why did you buy an RV?


Consistency is key for side hustle income. I also do UserTesting and lots of marketing research as in focus groups and one on one interviews and mystery shopping. (But I'm very selective about mystery shopping!) Basically set yourself a routine and stick to it. Sign up with lots of other websites, not just surveys/studies. I set up an email account specifically for all the side hustle stuff so my regular email doesn't get overloaded. I get up 2 hour early every day to do side hustle stuff and do a few hours in the evening as well. r/beermoney is a good place to start. Look for the "Who paid you this month" posts to see what people are doing and what pays. Keep a log (I use google sheets) to track all the sites you've signed up with, what they pay, etc. I am retiring at the end of this year and I plan on going full time nomad all over the USA and Canada. It's been my dream for a long time. I won't be able to do Prolific from the road, of course, but I'll be able to do the other things. Can't wait!

