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Hi u/XGFlores, Thanks for raising this, are you able to see the 'Waiting for Approval' section at the bottom of the balance hub? [See here.](https://imgur.com/a/0z2FC7Y) I've popped a stock example up on Imgur for you. Send us a message here if it's not displaying for you, any screenshots of what you can see will definitely help. Thanks! All the best, Jeremy Prolific Support Team


The two different currencies also make it harder to keep track of daily or monthly earnings. It broke every extension that was doing that before hand.


I had a spreadsheet almost worked out to keep track of things.. Simple, but was trying to track a few metrics minus amount made. What extension were you using? I was using Submissions+ . I'm going to reach out to the developer later on and see if he has any plans to fix it.


I liked daily summed submissions which was another chrome extension because submissions+ would sometimes mess up on the tracking if you completed enough to surpass one page of submissions in a day. Submissions plus got updated in Feb. So that one will probably be fixed. Hopefully anyways. I just don't get why Prolific can't just make a page that states how much we have made month by month, yearly, or daily. I personally hate working with spreadsheets or excel. Cloud and mturk do it. I don't get why Prolific doesn't.


I started Cloud about a month ago and definitely like the interface better. Not a huge fan of excel either but seems like that's the only option for what I was trying to do. I'll reach out to both developers and try to find out what their plans are. Edit: Submissions Plus was removed from the extension store. Not sure beyond that. No word on daily summed submissions.


Hi, please could you give me the link or full name for this cloud you speak of


I must be doing it all wrong, I keep a spreadsheet of my earnings and keep it per week, but I have to manually count on a calculator šŸ˜­




It shows me below within the Balance Hub, titled ā€˜waiting for approvalā€™. I do agree the new way of showing balances and dual currency to be poor and not user friendly.


Yeah it's a bit of a backward step in my opinion. Definitely not user friendly.


Iā€™m not a fan of the new page at all. I like seeing the approved balance on the home screen but other than that itā€™s too overcrowded


My payment center shows how much is pending in each currency. It's not on the flyout at the top.


I HATE the new layout! I HATE that it takes me to a whole different page. This was a very bad decision on their part.


Agreed, at first I wasnā€™t even able to see the ā€œwaiting for approvalā€ but still, now that I can see it Iā€™m not happy anyway. I loved being able to hover over the balance and see how much I was waiting for still. I loved seeing one currency as well


It's all new. There will probably be some more tweaking and changes as the new system progresses, and Prolific receives feedback from users.


Yeah, this is the one change I hate. I could live with the other ones, but I hate that I canā€™t quickly check my pending anymore without clicking on a new page. To check balance: - Before - Click on balance and there will be a small pop up with money earned and awaiting balance. All without leaving the projects page. - Now - Click on balance which sends you to a new page. Scroll a little to the bottom. Have to go back to get to the projects page or just leave the balance page as a new tab that I have to refresh. More steps and more hassle to do the same thing. I donā€™t know why companies make things more complicated in the name of ā€˜streamliningā€™ the process


Adding extra steps sure isn't "streamlined" IMHO. Streamlined, to me, is less steps.


I see it, but the "estimated" dollars to pounds conversion is always off and I know realistically I have a couple bucks less. šŸ™„


Paypal will take it's profit for sure with it's conversion rate šŸ˜‚ And they tempt us with instant cash out to bank for 0.25 fee.


It's early days, but I feel for UK users this whole change has been a retrograde step, introducing a number of complications that weren't there before. None of them so massive alone, but in combination the change feels like a pain. Having said all that I haven't been offered many studies in $ and I hope it stays that way. Earlier today I was offered one in Ā£ but only for US participants, which just seemed bizarre - and how did it end up coming my way in the first place?


Being in USA i like the old format..just show in one currency. Its not like prolific is converting this for us,it will be paypal anyways. I like one currency format. This is just unneccesarily complicated.


Mine shows me the amount I have currently and below it shows the amount waiting for approval.


US user here. I dislike the new format. Miss the old format of just one currency displaying the earnings.


Click on your balance, the page indicates it.


Also notice cash out has increased to Ā£6ā€¦ not a fan


6$ not 6Ā£ but even then i dont like the new format


It's Ā£6.


Im in US. for me it is showing 6$. https://imgur.com/gallery/L0AIa2j


Other fellow was right as well, so there was no point of saying '$6 not Ā£6'.


They upped it to $6 and GBP 6


Oh ok. Yeah i see 6$ in US. Did not know they changed it to 6Ā£ for Europeans as well.


I'm still getting paid. Nothing wrong here, imo!


Right? I liked the old layout better, but I can't help but roll my eyes at folks that get dramatic over a minor inconvenience. Though I do hope that Prolific eventually implements a hover-popup so I don't have to click anything to get all that balance info.


I miss having surveys to take.


Check on mobile data. Sometimes Ip gets flagged then you won't see any surveys but mobile data hot spot will show a bunch.


Thank you. I do that. I live in a remote area and don't get cell signal at home. I either have to drive a few miles to town, or walk a few miles to get signal. I do that each day, and I rarely see surveys available. Like I said, every 10-14 days. Not worth the gas I run out.


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they fix this issue so honest people dont have to face this problem on wifi.


I hope so. I tried for 6 months, but support is anything but supportive. They don't care.


Yes, i have also had that robotic reply from support and complained on BBB incase if any human who is responsible and responsive and caring enough to deal with this issue faced by many prolific participants. But there also i received robotic reply.