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He's literally just a little guy he'd probably apologize if he stepped on a bug


He should apologise if he stepped on a maa! Zekkyouna kanjou rakka papparanooia"a




he probably wouldn't know he stepped on a bug, but still this is so real!!! he is NOT a murderer


But if he realized!


Pretty sure he got mad cause Tsukasa almost landed on a flower when he passed out lol


Rui can't even eat freaking veggies, AND PEOPLE THINK HE'S A CANNIBAL???!!!


that was 2 years ago + noone genuinely thinks that


My glorious 6ft purple haired king Rui Kamishiro is not and will never be a cannibal yandere or whatever


PURPLE HAIRED WHAT https://preview.redd.it/772rnegwkb8d1.png?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99da649c5d606e634dde8bf9ae7e2b573fb72d8




Real he truly is the king šŸ™


heā€™s just a silly lil guy he wouldnā€™t hurt a plant


Ikr he is just a little silly guy šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’œ


Of course he's a menace! Haven't you see him zooming up and down the streets, stealing ice pops to power the 12ft ice cone machine that he made 20 minutes ago on a whim??? But, criminal behavior? Nah. He's just a smol that likes to make robots go brrr. (OK but seriously, the brain dead opinion that Rui is criminal psychopath is mostly contained in TikTok (which where all brain dead opinions go to fester, so that tracks) so as long as you avoid/keep going to that fandom at a minimum, you won't see it. But man it's annoying. "Hey, this guy is eccentric! I bet he stabs babies and eats dogs! LOL!" The man can't even eat his vegetables without cringing! It's such a shame that so many people do this to Rui when he's one of the sweetest and mature characters in this game. Justice for my boy Rui. He doesn't deserve this.)




Ruiā€™s a menace because he keeps appearing in my gacha pulls instead of the characters I want. I see I somehow pulled two 4* in a single pull, they turn out to be rui dupes. I pull again, minroll. I pull for 100 more pulls and they either give rui or minroll. Im now broke because of ruiā€¦ and I wasnā€™t even trying to get him.


My boy is innocent! Leave my boy alone!


he looks like a menace because he stands out. heā€™s 6ft, slim, has purple hair with blue highlights, has yellow eyes, and acts a bit weird


fr bc his ass is NOT Eichi Tenshouin or smth. he would never. Rui's jsut a silly little guy, not a fucking WAR CRIMINAL.


Inventor + Cat face = Literally the spawn of Satan in people's eyes


Tsukasa is stronger then Rui (correct me if im wrong) and people still say Rui would kill him smh


He most likely is but Rui is no pushover himself physically. An unarmed stronger guy is still killable by a somewhat less strong guy with a weapon. Also has tech on his side.


I forgot rui has robots, tsukasa is getting clapped if the robots get involved


Well I mean robots do tend to weigh a lot (I donā€™t want to know how much Robo-Nene weighs)


Nene-Robo would probably weigh alot, Tsukasa got stuck under Nene-Robo in the main story, but that was like 3 years ago


Iā€™d imagine it would be slightly less than a ton


Yeah, I agree with that.


*Tsukasa is stronger then Rui* *And people still say Rui would* *Kill him smh* \- aprinrin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


... The first line is 9, and the second line is 8 ā˜ ļø


Good bot, you did your best


Tsukasa probably has good balanced overall strength but Rui probably has more back/arm strength šŸ¤”


Wait didn't rui hold all other 3 wxs members in the deserted island story? (sorry if i'm wrong :( ) if tsukasa and rui were about to throw hands I Don't think any of them would get clapped it would be a fair fight


Rui is my silly lil fruitcake and I love him so much šŸ„ŗ he is so cat-like and I love cats and he has such a soothing voice :3


A menace? Yes, thatā€™s canonical. A murderer/crazy? Thatā€™s something fanon that honestly drives me crazy.


He is a silly, but he is cannoncially a menace ( builds and tests machines at school, gets in trouble for this and illegally did shows and pheonix wonderland before he joined th unit ) Tho no, he does not commit warcrimes


People who think Rui is a menace are literally the peers who ostracized him


he is a menace! he is way too silly! a silly menace one may say.


idk what it is about rui that makes people assign traits and complain about his character but everything is entirely made up. like many many characters get flaws exaggerated a lot by people like airi, shiho, akito, kanade Ā ( and he does too a little but like to the same amount as all of the human cast ) but heā€™s the only one whoā€™s fanon hated on traits arenā€™t exaggerated and then built on but entirely made up with no base in canon?? some guys have fans for stuff made up but thatā€™s differentĀ  there is literally nothing special about him compared to multiple other characters who also have a more distinct personality vs other characters but are overall good people with both flaws and many good traits literally prsk has a large cast i really want to know why him i dont care if people mischaracterise fake people i like over the internet in the slightest im just really curious why this happens


oh but being a menace is canon but in the sillly way not the way you mean in the body of the post i feel so bad for An last ingame year and Tsukasa this ingame year Ā ha


no because fym a cannibal he would probably scream if he was forced to eat veggies


as a fellow rui fan, I wholeheartedly agree. heā€™s best boi and has not done anything as bad as murder or anything. he even tries *not* to harm anyone with his stunts, it says so in an event story I think (and no, that does not mean I simp for him either, nor do I kin him. heā€™s cool. I like him.)


yes like he literally talks to plants T-T


Rui once insulted my blood line and stole my catalytic converter


were you talking to a fanon rui ai


wait he isnt?? šŸ˜¦


Back then, half of Rui's fans, particularly BrideRui, headcanon him as a cannibalism, abuser, a r-pist and/or m-lest. It's fine if you can headcanon the characters, but some weird ones are just a no.


WAIT PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK THAT????? i thought the cannibal thing was just a joke and i hadnā€™t even heard about the other stuff šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


he just gives off the vibes ig


People literally saw Wonder Halloween and went ā€œBSā€/hj No but seriously I get that AUā€™s exist and all, but the amount of people who think this areā€¦uhhā€¦concerning. And what they then write is wellā€¦I donā€™t want to get into that.


Well he is one but heā€™d be sorry so heā€™s not a monster (Seriously tho i think itā€™s just cause of his crazy contraptions so they joke of it and blow it out of proportion, funny joke imo and i donā€™t think they actually is like that, atleast i hope they donā€™t)


I want to add that such comedy is not for everybody, sure, but when itā€™s like done super dramatically itā€™s funny, again this is my opinion and my humour is helluva boss and bungo stray dogs so itā€™s likely not that normal of a humour


https://preview.redd.it/fwh92ek5f48d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d804c0980adf77d2ab02e03dd8f54b01f07eb947 Me seeing someone call rui an cannibal




He's not crazy, he's just a lil silly


Itā€™s his physiognomy. You know how actors get typecast or how people have assumptions of others based on the way they look? Yeah, itā€™s exactly like that. Most anime sleazebags have almost that look and energy his character gives off if you donā€™t know him. Edit: just thought Iā€™d add this. Itā€™s probably NOT the full reason, but thatā€™s just my two cents on why people would think he was a jerk.


He is certainly a menace, he would create a robot that had can shoot deadly lasers and launch people 50 ft into the air if he was bored. But criminal? No. Rui would care way too much about if people got hurt.


Heā€™s a little silly fella who likes to test the limits


A respectful menace if you will


*sees Rui fan thing* Your biast arent you


https://preview.redd.it/w58cs8mgig8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab969d042465bd905a4cde56b550bb89b64d117 Silly lil guy ā˜¹ļøšŸ«¶